GamerGate Critic Brianna Wu To Run For Congress (cnn.com) 511
"If you look at what our Congress is doing for tech, it's failing. It's putting all of us in danger," game developer Brianna Wu told CNN, adding "It's so imperative that people of my generation, native to technology, that we step up and make our voices known." An anonymous reader quotes CNN's report:
Wu says she is running for Congress in 2018. The co-founder and head of development at games firm Giant Spacekat hasn't announced which district she wants to represent in the U.S. House of Representatives to prevent alerting her potential opponent while she prepares. Wu, a Massachusetts Democrat, told CNNMoney she's building up a team of advisers and figuring out campaign logistics before announcing her candidacy next month... She said the election of President-elect Donald Trump spurred her to consider entering politics...
Wu "says her extensive technical knowledge and experience fighting the alt-right and harassment and will be advantageous for a Congressional representative."
Wu "says her extensive technical knowledge and experience fighting the alt-right and harassment and will be advantageous for a Congressional representative."
You mean something awful victim? (Score:4, Informative)
It turns out, anti-gamergate affiliated goons from somethingawful were associated with actual hate directed at her, per the FBI. Most of the anti-gamergate crowd hate her guts, too. It's just that she takes the hate she receives from them and associates it with Gamergate, for reasons.
Another professional victim like Zoe Quinn? (Score:2, Insightful)
It seems all these women that make noise don't do anything but parade victimhood. The women I know in the field that put their head down to the grindstone (like the rest of us) don't have these persistent (manufactured) problems.
I used to love the video game world until the Anita Sarkeesians started seeing mysogyny everywhere and made everything about themselves rather than the gaming. And fools keep on rushing to give them a platform even though they produce next-to-nothing but drama.
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Re: Another professional victim like Zoe Quinn? (Score:4, Insightful)
This woman is simply doing what religious leaders have been doing for centuries: Milking the "outrage" of people to get rich. Why do you hate capitalism?
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My uncle works for the FBI and says that's not true.
Re:You mean something awful victim? (Score:5, Informative)
Here, have some info. You're welcome. [oneangrygamer.net]
For some reason the media that badly covered Gamergate chose not to cover the FBI releasing its files about Gamergate.
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Also that feminist is a dude. 'Brianna' is as much a woman as I am 'Sheldon the turtle'. Just because you have a strong feeling about something doesn't make it real. A pox on the the evils within us all this Holiday season. May the new year ring in objective truth over teh feels.
Re:You mean something awful victim? (Score:5, Insightful)
I'd like to know when "alt-right" became synonymous with GamerGate.
Oh, I get it. "GamerGate" is dead news, and outside of the gaming community and tech journalists, no one knows what the hell it is. "Alt-right" is a hot topic, though. Nevermind that the two have jack-all to do with each other.
She kinda sounds like a politician already.
Re:You mean something awful victim? (Score:4, Insightful)
You can't possibly subscribe to that logic. Fact: there happen to be many felons that vote Democrat. Therefore, I'm going to substitute Democrats wherever I see the world felons from now on, because Democrats are currently more news-worthy. You see how silly and dishonest that is, right?
GamerGate was an unholy mess that encompassed gaming media, personal vengeance, sexism, and feminism in ways that I still don't pretend to understand (there are two VERY different accounts, with no solid proof of either). At the very least, no matter what else, I've felt that Wu and others like Sarkeesian didn't deserve the nasty harassment they got. I mean, damn, it's only videogames, and this is me as a gamer and game developer saying this. But I haven't heard of anyone politicizing it before now.
Well, I suppose it's my bad for thinking GamerGate couldn't get any uglier. Just remember who dragged politics into this festering fail-stew.
Re:You mean something awful victim? (Score:5, Interesting)
At the very least, no matter what else, I've felt that Wu and others like Sarkeesian didn't deserve the nasty harassment they got.
First of, Brianna "Stayed Home" Wu injected themselves into the mix by making fun of GamerGaters. They then used the predictable backlash to claim they were fleeing for their lives... by going to a scheduled convention and tweeting exactly where they would be at the convention. They then gave interview after interview about how they had to flee their home... from their home.
But that's just one of the ridiculous sagas within GamerGate, and something never reported by the mainstream press, who were all too happy to present GamerGate as a harassment movement to drive women out of gaming.
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Don't misunderstand, I'm not a fan of Wu. It's pretty obvious she's using this experience as a publicity springboard (now for political purposes), like she's done since the beginning. Even with all that, nope, still no excuse for death threats or other hateful messages. Same with Sarkeesian, who I disagree with in many cases, but found some of the points in her videos interesting. I've never understood the rage directed at her, other than that she was a convenient target.
Even if GamerGate were originall
Re:GAYmergate (Score:4, Informative)
Gamergate started with the public outcry over game developers, companies & publishers colluding with game review magazines & sites to fix reviews in exchange for money (and sex allegedly). The review sites & magazines (along with their parent publications & owners) changed this into a "women are victimized in gaming" issue to deflect the issue.
These are two separate and serious issues but one got buried under the vitriol, attention seeking and underhandedness from most of the parties involved.
Re:GAYmergate (Score:5, Insightful)
I refuse to read your petty articles if you're going to write them like a bunch of proud, cocky seventh graders.
Says the person whose comment is headed "GAYmergate".
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TIRED of all these retards ending anything that they disagree with with a "-gate."
I agree. We should name this sentiment disagreement-gate or gate-gate so that we can all organize our disagreement with something catchy that the laymen will understand while being easily searchable.
Oh Please No!!!
Someone somewhere will decide that this is some sort of conspiracy and then you KNOW what happens...
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Just until the gate-gate-gate-gate controversy...
it's gates all the way down .
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Then it fits perfectly. People still think that Democrats is the opposite of the Republicans, despite being the same group of fuckups by a different name.
Race to the bottom (Score:5, Interesting)
What exactly is she going to do for tech, other than force companies to hire more women and minorities, and pay them all equal regardless of talent?
Re: Race to the bottom (Score:2, Insightful)
She's going to encourage women to be as angsty as possible, and then berate men for asking women to be less angsty.
Let's all be real for a minute here. There are differences between the genders, and this "let's pretend we're all identical" social model is a dismal failure.
Why can't we recognise the differences and work with them, rather than pretend they don't exist?
Oh that's right, because it'll rob professional feminist whiners of their careers.
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I guess for some of you, "concept" is the best you can hope for.
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Here's a tip. men also respond better when you take their concerns seriously, rather than assuming they are just being angsty because clearly they have nothing to complain about.
Re: Race to the bottom (Score:5, Insightful)
Re: Race to the bottom (Score:4, Insightful)
Do you understand the difference between caricaturing a group you're part of versus pointing the finger at a group you are not part of?
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Here's a tip. Women respond better when you take their concerns seriously, rather than assuming they are just being angsty because clearly they have nothing to complain about.
Tip: This is true regardless of the person's gender.
It is, however, important to note that we've lately been socializing girls to complain--and I've run into some examples where they will raise concerns simply to keep your attention on them, because their concerns are the most important things in the world...no matter how astoundingly low-priority & insensitive to others' problems they might be. We're now having a not-insignificant number of people getting angry for daring to try to break that socializ
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That's not girls, that's Americans in general.
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What exactly is she going to do for tech, other than force companies to hire more women and minorities, and pay them all equal regardless of talent?
I guess we'll just have to wait and hear what her platform is. You, on the other had, appear to have decided what it is already.
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Let me rephrase it for him. What exactly can she do for tech other than what he thinks she might do?
and in preparation (Score:5, Interesting)
She's been mass deleting tweets
She's done this because she's an absolutely abhorrent person, a hypocrite and a narcissist, and hopes the 99% of the population who've never heard of her remain blissfully unaware of this fact until after she's won.
So it sounds to me like she's ideally suited to be a politician.
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She's been mass deleting tweets
Citation? I tried googling "brianna wu deleting tweets" and mostly I get a deluge of sites devoted to hating her.
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Re:and in preparation (Score:5, Insightful)
"If one would give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest man, I would find something in them to have him hanged." - Cardinal Richelieu
I think it's perfectly expected for any potential candidate to minimize the amount of material that can be dug up and used, fairly or unfairly, against them.
Grievance politics (Score:5, Insightful)
Will this person have anything to offer anyone other than complaining about whatever the latest grievance obsession is? People used to look for leaders who had accomplished something.
Also, some random person is talking in vague terms about running for congress somewhere, sometime? This is news?
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Maybe Frexit or mass Muslim deportation. I am being serious.
Brianna Wu, and more importantly the media's promotion of her, basically move Gamergate past the point of no return and into the rolling snowball of mass online revolution against the system that became Brexit, Trump, and a general rejection of post-war media driven consensus. Never in my life could I have imagined that a scandal o
Re:Grievance politics (Score:4, Insightful)
"War in Iraq": bipartisan support at the time. In hindsight, insufficiently forceful. Obama pulled out unilaterally and left the door for ISIS.
"8 years of Opposition to progress in Congress during the Obama administration": well that's the point of being the opposition, isn't it. Whose fault is it that Obama tried dictating terms and refused to even try to negotiate. The man's term has been characterized by complaints, executive orders, and zero attempt at reaching across the aisle. Maybe he believed his own propaganda so much that he thought he didn't have to, maybe he's just that arrogant in general, but whatever the situation, his excuse was always to blame Congress and never take any responsibility for his failings. Remind you of any other recent candidate?
"Keystone pipeline": Oh you mean trying to build critical infrastructure instead of tying it up in red tape at every turn? What's you're argument again?
"Years of climate change denial," Yep. Eight or more years please. Back in my day we referred to that 'denial' as level-headed skepticism of extraordinary claims. The extraordinary claim here being not global warming but the assertion that the science is so settled that we should give up control of our thermostats and our living arrangements to a bunch of central planners who are definitely qualified and totally not a bunch of academics with inflated senses of self-importance.
"Under the table promotion of the KKK and racist groups in the US,": As a Jewish immigrant to the US, the only people who've ever told me I wasn't truly American are--wait for it--liberals trying to scare me into voting Democratic. And reading through the supposedly unbiased mainstream media, that's a recurring theme. Whenever some ethnic or religious or cultural group is called out as being less than American, it's coming from a leftist trying to scare up a voting bloc bound by fear. Look in the mirror dude. It won't be that hard to find a reflecting surface somewhere in that glass house of yours.
"Fox News,": HuffPo, DailyKos, MSNBC, NYT, NPR, Slate, and more
"Accusing every network except Fox News.. to be some sort of biased "Fake news",": Jayson Blair, same recurring set of names for 'man in the street' interviews in NYT articles not written by Jayson Blair, Sitting on the story of John Edwards's mistress, rumor-mongering about supposed Trump-related hate crimes against Muslims, which all turned out to be
"Promoting Economic slavery": By wanting to crack down on the black market for cheap labor and refusing to inflate the minimum wage to a point where more people would become unemployed at the low end or have their hours and/or base wage cut if converted from salaried to hourly under new overtime rules? OK. Someone needs remedial arithmetic and economics, in that order.
"Allowing money to rule politics.": Like how Hillary out-spent Trump by $600M to $300M and still lost? See above, remedial arithmetic.
Re:Grievance politics (Score:5, Insightful)
You can't blame Obama for not doing enough to work with the Republicans. When they didn't get their way they shut down the fucking government. You can't reach any kind of sane deal or consensus with people willing to see the country burn just to get their way.
And as for Fox News, he did actually accuse them of being biased as well. The only source Trump really trusts is Breitbart. We know this because it's the one he quotes and links to on Twitter far, far more than any other. If you want to influence POTUS, take out advertising over there. I hear they could use the business.
Re:Grievance politics (Score:5, Insightful)
>"You can't blame Obama for not doing enough to work with the Republicans. When they didn't get their way they shut down the fucking government. You can't reach any kind of sane deal or consensus with people willing to see the country burn just to get their way."
Wow, it sounds a lot like the Democrats running around screaming that Trump didn't get the popular vote (even though it doesn't matter because that isn't the game) or "is not my president" (even though he will be). Or who launched a filibuster to end all filibusters, shutting down the Senate, trying to force irrational gun control down everyone's throats when it was/is clear the vast, vast majority don't want it. Who seemingly control most of the mass media and wield it as a weapon of distorted information throughout the last year and even still.
I guess when they don't get their way they spur hatred, riots, and looting and try to shut down the government. You can't reach any kind of sane deal or consensus with people willing to see the country burn just to get their way. Wow, doesn't that sound familiar?
At the risk of being modded -5 Troll (Score:3)
Multiple members of their party were caught saying that they were opposing Obama because they wanted him to fail and the country to be hurt so that the Democrats would be damaged politically when the American people blamed the Dems. This happened repeatedly during his presidency. Meanwhile there were no repercussions or even denouncements from the Republican party leadership.
The goal was to spread fear amo
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What _else_ do you call somebody who uses fear to achieve political ends besides a Terrorist?
Fearmongering is not terrorism. Not even close.
It's not terrorism when the Republicans say the Democrats will bankrupt the country, just like it's not terrorism if Microsoft reps claim Linux use will hurt your company, the GPL is a "viral" license, etcetc. It's FUD. FUD is not terrorism.
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Do Democratic Party leaders think Americans want to be governed by angry, grievance-obsessed second-rate game developers? Shouldn't they have learned a lesson about telling everyone they have to vote for the designated candidate despite that person having few accomplishments and being generally unappealing?
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Do Democratic Party leaders think Americans want to be governed by angry, grievance-obsessed second-rate game developers? Shouldn't they have learned a lesson about telling everyone they have to vote for the designated candidate despite that person having few accomplishments and being generally unappealing?
Second? You do her too much credit. The only reason that festering pile of shit is on iOS / Steam / what have you is a complete and UTTER lack of quality control.
Want to know why Greenlight was a huge mistake? Revolution 60 and Depression Quest (which bypassed Steam Greenlight due to Quinn having a SJW friend at Valve).
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Republicans running in races across the country can say "See? We told you Democrats don't care about helping you."
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I didn't want to distract from the point. The point is "why Brianna Wu?", not "Brianna Wu is a terrible game designer" -- because who cares?
All about herself... (Score:3, Informative)
Scott Greenfield from simplejustice gives his take [simplejustice.us] on Ms. Wu's whole-hearted attempt to represent *HER* desires and *HER* feelz and not anyone else in her failure run for Congress.
It's a good read. Scott is a lawyer who blogs daily... and he doesn't pull any punches. Unlike Ms. Wu he is able to view things objectively.
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That guy comes off as a real douche bro. If you don't agree with a candidates views then don't vote for them. Simple as that.
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She should be popular with Democrats on Slashdot. Supported Sanders, support net neutrality, actually understand technical issues...
By the way, this lawyer doesn't seem very neutral or objective:
The goal is to champion her personal self-serving cause and vindicate her personal self-serving butthurt
Very professional. Doesn't actually explain what specifically lead him to this conclusion. He then goes off on a rant about Super Mario Run.
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For the sake of argument, let's say Trump is a self-obsessed jerk. Should we elect more self-obsessed jerks to counter him?
Who? What? (Score:4, Insightful)
I have never heard of Giant Spacekat until now. Looking at their first game, it looks pretty terrible. But it is a first game, so I'll give them that.
I don't know much about this particular person's role in Gamergate, but I think the whole thing was asinine. It failed to understand market demand and the industry surrounding gaming and entertainment in general.
Also, it's interesting all these people are deciding it's now time to do something since Trump was elected. Were the eight years of predator drone bombing not enough? Was the ten plus years of warrant-less spying not enough? Was the endless war not enough? Keep in mind everything that is happening now, is happening under the Obama administration.
Clinton and Trump were equally corrupt. Basing your decision to participate in the system now shows you've totally ignored the reality of what America does on a daily basis to destroy other nations to give the west our current standard of living.
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Were the eight years of predator drone bombing not enough? Was the ten plus years of warrant-less spying not enough? Was the endless war not enough?
You clearly don't understand the culture of empty, shallow virtue-signaling.
Re:Who? What? (Score:5, Insightful)
I've yet to work out what Gamergate actually is. As far as I can tell it started out with an incident involving a games reviewer giving a glowing review to a game that happened to be written by his partner, even though by all other accounts the game was terrible, and from there escalated into a flamewar of epic proportions that engulfed a hundred other subjects into one big ball of confusing anger involving a lot of death threats, rape accusations, accusations of fabricated death threats and false rape accusations, ridiculously easily-offended people, people who set out to offend them for amusement, and generally all the things we love to hate about online political culture.
Re:Who? What? (Score:4, Informative)
GamerGate started when her ex-boyfriend put up a blog post making various allegations about her infidelity, including the false claim about the review
This is blatantly false. The zoepost makes no such allegation about a review, and the author clarified that he does not believe there was any conflict of interest in the comments. The post was not about conflicts of interest; it was about emotional abuse.
If you insist on claiming otherwise, please show where the author accuses Grayson(?) of writing a favourable review of Depression Quest in exchange for sex. (This is a rhetorical request, for the reader's benefit more than yours or mine; I know you won't supply any cites, because you never back up your bullshit.)
Re:Who? What? (Score:5, Informative)
My apologies, you are correct. The allegation about a positive review was note made in the blog post by her ex. It was fabricated later by people supporting him as a way to justify the harassment.
And to be completely clear, once again, the review does not exist. The allegation is entirely false.
It wasn't a review. It was coverage. The head editor of Kotaku strawmanned the argument into "review" in order to make it more specific and false, which allowed them to deny it. Everyone knows this, except certain trolls that support Gawker's disgusting behavior intentionally muddy the waters to give themselves some cover.
Nathan Greyson absolutely COVERED Quinn's scams and "projects" without announcing he was friends and later dating her. That should have got him fired. Kotaku instead doubled down, and we got GamerGate.
Then we had the Gamers Are Dead scandal and the discovery of GameJournoPros, a secret mailing list where people like Greyson and the Kotaku editor were discussing how to break NDAs, fix review scores, and blacklist topics and people, which fanned the flames of GamerGate and ensured it wouldn't go away.
And hey, while we're speaking of harassment, wanna talk about how Quinn sent a flood of sexist and racist hate mail to Candance Owens to an email address that only Quinn knew, claiming it was by "gamers?"
Or the huge leaks of her "advocacy organization," Crash Override Network -- aka, "CON," proving that they were doxing, harassing, gaslighting, and generally being monsters to everyone who pissed Quinn off that week?
Or how Quinn openly bragged about being part of the Helldump board of SomethingAwful that was dedicated to doxing and harassing people into suicide?
No? Yeah, didn't think so. Zoe Quinn is a serial abuser, rapist, and sociopath. If there's only one more thing GamerGate could succeed at doing, it would be ensuring that nutjob never hurts another person.
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There was a review by his/her sock puppet accounts. He/She flamed him/herself on steam, to play the victim card.
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Here you go [deepfreeze.it]
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Were the eight years of predator drone bombing not enough? Was the ten plus years of warrant-less spying not enough? Was the endless war not enough?
You have to keep in mind that things were getting better in people's everyday lives during that time, and really that counts for a lot. LGBT rights advanced a lot under Obama, for example. Obamacare helped a lot of people too. Even just having a black guy in that job was a big step for a lot of people.
So while there was criticism, people weren't thinking "my friend might die if her medical insurance is cut off" or "is my marriage going to be annulled?" It sucks that people aren't so concerned with the other
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Also, it's interesting all these people are deciding it's now time to do something since Trump was elected. Were the eight years of predator drone bombing not enough? Was the ten plus years of warrant-less spying not enough? Was the endless war not enough?
There's a saying, "All politics is local." In other words, people vote based on what is most relevant to them.
For a lot of people, sexual assault is more relevant (that is, they can relate to it more easily) than drones in a distant land. So that is what makes them activists.
twitter feed (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:twitter feed (Score:5, Funny)
I noticed her Twitter feed is limited only to her latest non-violent and nice posts. I wonder why that is? During the gamergate fiasco, she posted some of the most abhorrent, violent, and childish things I've ever seen. Especially against men. I would hope her political opponents will bring this up and destroy her. She is not mentally fit or mature enough to run a small gaming company, let alone a district.
If only posting abhorrent and childish things on Twitter were enough to disqualify one from seeking political office...
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Awww sounds like she triggered you
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'Gaters and the alt-right have had a pretty bad few years with movies. First Star Wars VII didn't bomb, despite being a feminist nightmare. Then Ghostbusters just did sort of okay, in a year when every summer film under-performed, and by failing to be terrible didn't deliver the proof that women just aren't funny they were hoping for. And now Rogue One, another female lead, and it's good.
Would that not be where she lives? (Score:2)
The co-founder and head of development at games firm Giant Spacekat hasn't announced which district she wants to represent in the U.S. House of Representatives to prevent alerting her potential opponent while she prepares.
Would that district not happen to be the one where she lives? I thought it was the law in every state that you had have residence in the constituency if you run for elected office in that constituency? Or, does she intend to carpetbag, like Clinton did when she moved to New York?
Bad place for a liberal insurgent candidate. (Score:5, Informative)
Exactly who does she intend to take down?
The place she'd have the biggest impact if she won would be Stephen Lynch's 8th, which encompasses the Boston neighborhoods of Southie Roslindale, and Dorchester, the cities of Brockton, Braintree, Norwood, and Quincy. Lynch is an old-time union Democrat. He's also the least liberal congressman from Massachusetts, which in his own analogy is like being the slowest Kenyan in the Boston Marathon. But she'd have almost zero chance of winning the working class voters in this district especially against a longtime incumbent.
In American politics, incumbents are at there most vulnerable in their first re-election campaign. So Wu's best bet would have been to run this year against Katherine Clarke, who has just been re-elected to the relatively new 5th. But that ship has sailed, and now Clarke is fully familiar to her constituents in her sprawling suburban district.
The place where Wu's tech background and politics would be most advantageous would be long-time liberal lion Mike Capuano's 7th district, which includes Cambridge and Somerville. But he's been winning elections in those communities since he was elected Mayor of Somerville in 1990. He also made it past the first re-election benchmark in the new district boundaries this year.
So basically this is like her announcing her candidacy to become a liberal feminist for Emperor of the Moon -- if the incumbent Emperor were a popular liberal feminist. It's not likely to come to anything, and if it did win it wouldn't make much of a difference. She should move to North Carolina and run there.
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Yeah, I don't get it. She hasn't done anything else in local politics / public service, either right?
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She should move to North Carolina and run there.
Because North Carolinians want to be represented by someone who doesn't care about North Carolinians? Are there districts where voters always vote for who they're told they have to vote for in North Carolina? And if there are, why would party leaders choose Brianna Wu for that office?
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Well, it's up to them, isn't it? The point is when you run you're offering people an alternative.
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I suspect it does not matter. From the summary:
Uh huh. That's what politicians say about their plan, when they don't actually have a plan. "I can't tell you my idea, because I don't want to give it to my opponent."
Who says she has to stay there (Score:2)
I predict she moves somewhere she thinks she can win. Worked for Hillary...
She will be absolutely destroyed by whatever Democrat she runs against though in the primaries when they find her vast trove on online hatred.
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She should move to North Carolina and run there.
I saw what you did there.
She'd have to go to the bathroom in South Carolina.
good luck! (Score:3)
May she be as successful running as a Congresscritter as she has been as a game designer. And if, in a paroxysm of insanity, the good people of Massachusetts elect her to Congress, they get the representation they deserve.
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May she be as successful running as a Congresscritter as she has been as a game designer.
If Trump can do it, so can anyone.
By the way, Revolution 60 sold reasonably well. Well enough for a special edition.
I wouldn't vote for her (Score:2)
Way too sensitive and reactionary.
As much as I hate her (Score:2)
"If you look at what our Congress is doing for tech, it's failing. It's putting all of us in danger,"
As much as I hate Brianna Wu, I can't disagree with her on this. Almost every other thing she's said, yes, but not this.
We're putting utter incompetents and creation-apologists in charge of critical administration positions dealing with technology (as well as just about everything else, for that matter) and if you think this won't come back to bite us in the ass, you're mistaken.
Sad! (Score:3, Insightful)
Brianna Wu just realized that you can make it to the highest office in the land just by being a self-promoting internet troll and she wants to get in on that action.
Can someone delete Wu, Anita, Zoe... (Score:3)
And replace everything for references to someone that actually deserve it like Roberta Williams?
In terms of real impact on the gaming industry as a whole, a day of work of Ms.Williams was more influential than the whole life of those three combined.
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"Anything ending in gate is rarely worth reading."
StarGate was OK
Anyway if she is answering questions, the first would be
"are you related to Lois Wu?"
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I'm sure Clinton or her people had no idea about fighting the "alt-right".
Otherwise I have no idea who Brianna Wu or gamergate is. Anything ending in gate is rarely worth reading.
John Walker Wu, aka "Brianna" Wu, is a trust fund kid who spent 10 years at one of the more expensive schools in the nation to not graduate. He accomplished nothing of merit there other than infamously calling the people running the newspaper a bunch of "sand ni**ers" for refusing to let him publish his increasingly unhinged, unibomber-like screeds and god awful comic, "Socially Unconscious." This resulted in $150,000 or so being spent on an attempt to turn his shitty comic into a radio drama, a restraini
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It's a working model (you'll see what I did there).
Trump has whore [gq-magazine.co.uk] support.
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Microwave popcorn = BAD!
loads of chemicals
I'm firing up my hot-air popper.
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You can buy plain popping corn and microwave it just fine, by the way.
Re:Aaannd they're off (Score:5, Informative)
Must inform that you are loaded with chemicals.
In fact, you're nothing but chemicals.
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You can get a hot-air popper for less than $20 that will last for years.
I don't care if you buy store brand or 'expensive" kernels you get a LOT more popcorn per dollar, with less chance of burning the popcorn (which smells horrible BTW).
Also - I don't even have a microwave and sort of prefer it that way.
If you eat "one bag" of popcorn per day you'll break even within a month and have save a lot by the end of a year.
I'm poor. I still have a CRT TV, my latest game console is a used PS3.
You sir, are an idiot
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You can get a hot-air popper for less than $20 that will last for years.
USB-powered, FTW.
'Course, at 2.5 W, it takes a while to heat up.
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Plus if you make your own you can omit the 3kg of salt and 8 litres of butter that the microwave versions come with.
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Eh, if you're going to do that you might as well leave out the corn, too.
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Can we please have a telethon for pecosdave? I hate to hear a story like this on Christmas Eve.
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Telethon? I make good money but I don't get to keep it. What I really need is a few unfair laws fixed, it will help me and many others.
Re: Good (Score:2, Insightful)
We sure do, but she is not intelligent.
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Victimhood identity won't work in politics.
Yes. There is no way anyone who played the victim card, for example by claiming that the election was rigged against him, could possibly become president. That would be crazy and I just don't see it happening.
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In case anyone is curious about the questions the Stupid Juvenile Whiner ignored ...
* https://interviews.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=7723721&cid=50163683 [slashdot.org]
Re:Turning point (Score:4)
Seeing the ignored question--yeah, if she's going to insist that only trans people get a voice in trans issues, she needs to answer when asked if she's coming out about it or not. It'd be an entirely different issue if she was insisting that it should never matter if somebody is or is not trans--that this should not get those who are or aren't any different treatment aside from what might be medically necessary.
Re:Turning point (Score:4, Insightful)
Looking back at the original article where the questions were asked, I asked 3 times that it be addressed. Those questions have been deleted. So were others.
I have skin in the game, and wanted to know why anyone would continue to deny the truth when it's so well documented, right down to the voter registration card name change. I also asked why her characters were hypersexualized on her revolution60 pages, right down to camels toe. Why draw characters that are an early adolescent male's wet dreams and then criticize other games for objectifying women?
Being a transsexual is nothing to be ashamed of. I was outed here a decade ago, no big deal. Acting like you're ashamed of it, and expecting it to stay hidden while running for office, when the truth is so easily found, is whacko.
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Are transgendered persons persecuted? Sure.
Are they the most persecuted people on the planet? Hell no. There are full-on ethnic cleansings going on this very day.