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North Korea Launches Two Midrange Missiles, Both Tests Fail ( 73

An anonymous reader writes: According to South Korean Defense Ministry officials, North Korea fired two midrange Musudan missiles Thursday, and both missiles appear to have failed. The military cannot confirm exactly when the missile exploded but said it "crashed shortly after it was launched," a Defense Ministry official said. U.S. military officials said the missiles traveled an estimated 200 meters from the launchpad. This past weekend, North Korea launched a ballistic missile from a submarine off the east cost of the Korean peninsula. It only traveled about 30 km, well short of the 300 km range that would be considered a successful test. A little more than a week prior to that launch, North Korea failed to launch an intermediate-range missile on the 104th anniversary of the birthday of the country's 'eternal president,' Kim II Sung.
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North Korea Launches Two Midrange Missiles, Both Tests Fail

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  • by gurps_npc ( 621217 ) on Thursday April 28, 2016 @05:40PM (#52009365) Homepage

    The Great Leader does not fall short - not when in comes to missiles, height, hair size, stomache size, or any other kind of size. His hands are big too.

    Ignore the lies, Great Leader will make North Korea the WINNIGEST country every. They will win so much, you will ask him to stop winning that much. His missiles will fly furthest, his walles will be the biggest.

    Wait - am I still making fun of Kim, or Donald? I forget which.

  • We laugh, but... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by ZorinLynx ( 31751 ) on Thursday April 28, 2016 @05:42PM (#52009379) Homepage

    We laugh, but failures are how one learns how to do things; we had many dozens of rockets fail before we perfected the technology.

    Eventually they'll figure it out. Then what? I don't trust that crazy government with ICBMs.

    • You learn from mistakes and try again, unless you are summarily executed for failing.

      I have no doubt that's the case here.

      "here top scientist, take these marbles a rubber band and a corkscrew and make super death missile"
      "You failed, *bang*"

      • I think an even bigger problem is how the decision makers are chosen. I seriously doubt the best minds and organizers end up controlling these critical military programs. I can tell you from experience that sycophants are normally not very effective at anything other than empire building.
    • We laugh, but failures are how one learns how to do things; we had many dozens of rockets fail before we perfected the technology.

      Eventually they'll figure it out. Then what? I don't trust that crazy government with ICBMs.

      I dunno. When our tests failed von Braun and crew figured out the issue, fixed it, had another iteration. In NK I would imagine each failure adds 20+ people to the labor camps, hard to say if a scientist gets a second chance.

    • Then what? China will not accept any intervention in NK, especially from the US. So, everyone is waiting for an NK mistake as an excuse to intervene: for instance, either a working or non working NK missile that causes damage somewhere in a country nearby. But Russia would not like much (either) a reunited US-South and North Korea. Russia said "we'll invade NK if they keep provoking..." ; so they're also waiting for the mistake, to be there, first...
    • by dj245 ( 732906 )

      We laugh, but failures are how one learns how to do things; we had many dozens of rockets fail before we perfected the technology.

      Eventually they'll figure it out. Then what? I don't trust that crazy government with ICBMs.

      Back up a little and ask why they are doing this. Is it because they want to invade the South? No. They aren't stupid or suicidal. When we vilify these people, it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that way. But they want to continue their way of life the same as everyone else.

      So why are they really doing this? Because they fear that the USA will invade THEM. That isn't an unreasonable assumption; the US has invade Iraq, Afghanistan, bombed Libya, and meddled in many other countries and topp

  • .... so that if they were to actually try and do anything that actually posed a danger, nobody would take it seriously until it was too late?
    • .... so that if they were to actually try and do anything that actually posed a danger, nobody would take it seriously until it was too late?

      Define "Deliberate"? As far as a country with limited funds and resources intentionally destroying missiles in an attempt make the rest of the world roll our eyes at them, I highly doubt it. Rushing the launches, without properly evaluating what caused the previous failures and making the necessary adjustments in order to ensure success, just to look like they're doing something fearsome? More likely. Same goes for their nuke tests. I doubt they're wasting fissile material on super low-yield detonations ju

    • by Trongy ( 64652 )

      I think they are no more deliberate than the SpaceX failures. What they are attempting is not easy. The fact that North Korea is testing these missiles in earnest is of concern.

    • by slazzy ( 864185 )
      No, if they really wanted to keep their activity quiet, there would be a lot better ways to do it.
  • We seem to have our priorities confused. We can find the energy to go to war in the Middle East, apparently, time and time again.

    We meddle in the affairs of other sovereign nations, often to our own detriment.

    Yet, we have seemingly no interest in freeing the North Korean people (and the world) from this attention-seeking child.

    • by PPH ( 736903 ) on Thursday April 28, 2016 @07:12PM (#52009897)

      Yet, we have seemingly no interest in freeing the North Korean people

      More an issue between South and North Korea. Of course, we'd help our ally. China, on the other hand, doesn't want the regime to collapse. Millions of refugees crossing the border to deal with. Plus, having a mad dog in the back yard might come in handy.

      The thing that I think will bring China around is: When the NORKs get a warhead working and manage to fit it onto a missile, Beijing will be a much easier shot than the USA. And Kim Jong-un is crazy enough to try and blackmail China for aid.

      • Yeah, but China is an ally, the US is the enemy (and by extension South Korea). Kim might be a bit nuts but he is not going to fire a missile at China becuase it would be "easier", or blackmail his only fucking ally.
    • by wbr1 ( 2538558 )
      We do not want to upset trade with China. If China asked us we would. China will not ask though.
    • Well, part of the problem with resuming the Korean War is the fact that Seoul, a place we happen to like, is within artillery range of NK. Unless the first strike took out the vast majority of the NK artillery, lots of innocents would die in Seoul. Would it be nice if North Korea had a better government and some measure of freedom and prosperity? Of course. But getting there will not be easy, and a lot of people are going to die.
  • by serbanp ( 139486 ) on Thursday April 28, 2016 @07:29PM (#52010007)

    Given the way this "country" operates, I'm pretty sure that after each failure heads are rolling, literally. A few more such failures and NK will run out of rocket scientists and missile commanders...

    • by dangle ( 1381879 )

      One wonders if this is true, but beyond the internal and external DPRK propaganda, it seems like there must be enough men and women of reason in their government and research facilities to make the case for and maintain these complex weapons/energy programs in a relatively protected environment, knowing that failures and quality improvement are necessary and inherent to the process.

      That sentence was a lot longer than I planned, sorry.

  • He succeeded in inducing more fear into the cowardly neo-cons in the US so he can derive power from their hysterics. Lets face it, he also lost a sub within the last 6 weeks, and before that was that "nuclear bomb" test that actually wasn't.... but the Pavlovian response from the cowards here in the US will still be the same.... "he's the end of the world!!11!1!1!1"

    Seriously you have complete cowards even on this site arguing that the US needs to piss away billions of dollars ever year on military pro
  • They are going to run out of rocket scientists. Maybe they can use rocket scientologists - they'll never know the difference.
  • You'd never think there'd be such a thing as an orwellian 1984 nightmare nation - but North Korea pretty much is it.
    What an utterly bizar spectacle.
    I hope this fatso dies painfully of an heart-attack whilst shitting on the toilet and that the people of North Korea can finally have a peaceful and halfway decent republic of their own. After burning all the images and idols of him and his kin.

  • Well, it's not like US missle tests have been a success all the time, that's why it's a test.. Look at the failures NASA had and still has, look at the failures other rocket companies have.. It's nothing special if a missle test fails.. comeon, this isn't news.. What's news is the fact US is telling NK and Iran not to build nuclear weapons, but are still the building them themselves.. before you go pointing a finger at others, dispose of your own nuclear weapons.

The price one pays for pursuing any profession, or calling, is an intimate knowledge of its ugly side. -- James Baldwin
