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Snoop Dogg Gets Out the Vote 52

Moe Napoli writes "Using footage from the PC game True Crime: Streets of LA, a small collective of artists created a 'Vote or Don't Bitch' Machinima PSA with True Crime star Snoop Dogg as the center of the minute long spot. Premiering last evening at the start of New York Law School's State of Play II conference, the PSA is highly critical of the Bush Administration and even has Snoop run-over by a Bush-Cheney van at the end. While everyone may not agree with its message, I feel it's another clever use of machinima for creative expression."
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Snoop Dogg Gets Out the Vote

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  • by mbourgon ( 186257 ) on Friday October 29, 2004 @05:40PM (#10668362) Homepage
    Vote or die, bitch! []

    Giant Douche [] or Turd Sandwich []
  • Comma ? (Score:5, Funny)

    by secolactico ( 519805 ) * on Friday October 29, 2004 @05:41PM (#10668367) Journal
    With a single comma, you can get a much more apathetic motto:

    "Vote or don't, bitch!"

    Sadly, that's the attitude of a lot young ones today.
    • Sadly, that's the attitude of a lot young ones today.

      What's sad is that some people still think voting can make a difference.

    • Wasn't he convicted of a felony? This whole "get out the vote" campaign he's on seems a little odd. He looks to me like the poster boy for the "to indifferent to vote" crew or the "to stupid to edumacate myself about nothin'" at least. This is sadly all to common nowadays.
      • Snoop didn't make this video. This is just a few morans using a 3D model of him and some clips from his songs.
      • Even if he was convicted of a felony, he may still have the right to vote. A felony conviction does not represent an automatic across the board loss of voting rights, but rather it is determined on a state by state basis.

        If it were me, I would move to a marginal state where I had no criminal record, and make my vote count.

        From the DOJ website:

        "The right to vote is an important civil right in a democracy as well as a civic responsibility, and yet many persons who have been convicted of a crime do not know
  • by Pluvius ( 734915 ) < minus bsd> on Friday October 29, 2004 @05:45PM (#10668412) Journal
    I always thought that that dilemma was unconvincing. If I don't vote, I can still bitch about everyone else screwing the country up. Hell, in some cases I'd have more of a right to bitch than someone who did vote.

    Rob (Apologies to George Carlin)
    • by demi ( 17616 )

      Sure you can, but your complaints are mere petulance.

      "Where do you want to eat?"

      "I don't care."

      "Seriously, man, where do you want to eat. The guys are thinking Chinese or Mexican."

      "I don't care."

      "Okay. Guys? Looks like... Chinese."

      "Chinese?! That sucks!"

      • You are overlooking the fact that Bush and Kerry are almost mirror clones of each other.

        Look at ACTIONS, not words.
        • That wasn't the argument the OP was making. He was saying he has a right to bitch even if he didn't offer an opinion when asked--and sure he does, but it has no credibility.

          The idea that there's no difference between the candidates (which I disagree with) is a separate point.

  • by The-Bus ( 138060 ) on Friday October 29, 2004 @05:48PM (#10668438)
    I mean there's some stringing together of scenes, but it's not as expansive as, say, Red vs. Blue. It's a little bit more like Warthog jump, where it's just scenes from a game used to convey a different message. That's not to say I didn't like it, I just expected it to be a lot different.

    OK, ok, a bonus Snoop Dogg joke.

    Q. What does Snoop Dogg use to keep his clothes bright and white?
    A. Bleeoch!!


  • I'd pay five bucks to see that. Hell, even seeing Bush with attitude crossed arms and his posse behind would be cool. Not that I'm going to be voting or anything.
  • by Pave Low ( 566880 ) on Friday October 29, 2004 @05:59PM (#10668515) Journal
    This PSA is hardly a 'Get out the Vote' commercial. It's a single-minded attack on the Bush Adminstration. I have no problem with this type of juvenile, unfunny material, but the writeup deliberately misleads and deceives on what this is.

    It's not just "highly critical", it's just a minute long blame-Bush screed.

    A better title would have been "Vote out Bush or Don't Bitch".

  • by mc_barron ( 546164 ) on Friday October 29, 2004 @06:23PM (#10668689) Homepage
    Horrible, horrible, horrible. Hardly machinima - it's utter crap. And I AGREE with the message!
    <Comic-Book-Store-Guy>Worst Slashdot Post...ever</Comic-Book-Store-Guy>
  • Except for maybe the Bush-Cheney van at the end, the rest are just clips from the game with voice overs... might as well be watching XPlay...

    If you want a nice ad, try this one... it's a "get out the vote ad" too, it's a PSA that's highly critical of Kerry. []

  • zerg (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Lord Omlette ( 124579 ) on Friday October 29, 2004 @06:40PM (#10668809) Homepage
    I'm amused that this got an FPP, but Eminem's Mosh [] didn't. MTV wasn't going to play it, but counterterrorists [] flooded the request page and forced them to play it.

    Same site also has a pretty good analysis of the video [].

    If you haven't seen the video, then please watch it. Regardless of what you think of Eminem (in fact, the video probably assumes you know who he is and have already formed your preconceptions), the climax is pretty damn amazing.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    ..Snoop Dogg Gets Out the Vizzote?

    Fo' shizzle!
  • by Rallion ( 711805 ) on Friday October 29, 2004 @07:03PM (#10668957) Journal
    I hear 'vote or don't bitch' and similar a lot. But I voted already (absentee) and need to know something. I plan on bitching even though I voted, no matter which way the election goes. Is that okay?
    • Depends who wins :-)

      Either way, check out the video in my sig, if you haven't voted yet. Or even if you have. Give you something less to bitch about...very interesting after hearing all of the stuff about Swifth Boat Veterans and thrown medals. ent []
    • Ah, you really can't take it seriously when some random pot-head wants you to shut up if you don't obey the system. The logic itself is a dead giveaway: "Go help the government take over your life and kill more people, then bitch about it. I have permission to whine because I contribute to all this. Anyone got some crack?"

      So I um.. guess you're fine, technically.
  • by MagicDude ( 727944 ) on Saturday October 30, 2004 @12:38AM (#10670493)
    Am I the only one who sees voting in state or national elections utterly pointless? Am I the only one not buying into the hype that my vote can make a difference? Thanks to the electoral college, one vote hardly matters, since all a candidate has to do is to get a majority of votes in a state to get the electoral votes, and after that the individual breakdown of the state doesn't matter. If the race within the state does happen to be close where the winner could be decided by a dozen votes, it's just going to be decided by the courts anyway, so one vote will never ever matter. Case in point, I live in massachussets, a state where Kerry will without a doubt win the electorate, but given the bible thumping heartland this country currently has, Bush will win overall. So if I were to vote for the president, here's all the possible outcomes.

    I vote for Kerry - Kerry wins Mass - Bush wins the election.

    I vote for Bush - Kerry wins Mass - Bush wins the election

    I vote for Nader - Kerry Wins Mass - Bush wins the election

    I don't vote - Kerry Wins Mass - Bush wins the election.

    Why is it that third world nations have it where one person gets one vote and whoever has the most number of votes wins, whereas the US has the most perverted system out there? I don't see anyone suggesting a system in Iraq where you tell people "You can vote, but since you live in western Iraq, your votes don't count as much as the votes cast by people in the more populated eastern provinces". So I'm not voting, but I still plan on bitching, because there nothing I can do about it. I'm a Yankees fan, so I didn't like the outcome of the ALCS this year. I didn't play in the game, I didn't attend the games, and I didn't even watch games 4 and 5 on TV, but I couldn't do anything about the outcome, so I'm going to complain about it. I'll end my ranting by recalling the scene from "The Matrix - Reloaded" where Neo is talking to the Architect about the Matrix. The Architect said how people would only accept the system if they believed they had a choice. It didn't matter what it was, but as long as people felt that they were being given a choice about their own matters, they would willingly accept their situation rather than fight against it. That's what the elections are, the government is giving us a token choice to make over who we believe should be president, even though the system is set up so that it doesn't matter what choice we make since the outcome will be the same either way, but as long as we believe that our choice affected the outcome, we will be satiated with the outcome.

    (Note : I do not care for either candidate. As far as I'm concerned, whoever wins the election, it will be America who loses. It is a sad state of affairs where a president must be "chosen" not on the basis of who is a better leader, but who is a lesser idiot.)
    • First of all, I'm not American, but I'd still like to ask you to vote! No, not for any of the main two wankers, but for a third party candidate. It's up to you which one, but my personal suggestion is Michael Badnarik []. You can safely vote for him because he is not an idiot.
    • So help a third party out with your vote instead. I live in MA too, and I'm going to vote for David Cobb of the Green Party. Ya, he won't win (that's not my intention anyways), but if he gets enough votes it'll keep the Green Party on the ballot for the next election. They may not win any near-future election, but given enough time the party will gain enough power to do so. And if you don't like the Green Party, vote Libertarian instead. Or pick another third party that better fits your opinions. When these
    • I'm going to chime in for third parties as well. They don't have any chance of making it in, they might not even have much of a chance within my lifetime. But every percentage of voters who cast for them brings them just a bit closer to the point where the general public will start taking them seriously as a canidate. Or, at least that's the theory.
  • Never before... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Taulin ( 569009 ) on Saturday October 30, 2004 @12:40AM (#10670502) Homepage Journal
    In my life, I never remember seeing such a divide and force to vote. Rappers in and making vote videos? Debate viewer count sky high? I am happy to see America, and the world, getting so involved, but there must be some reason this election seems so important. I'm scared. In my life there was scandal, cold war, war, blow job, and lastly terrorism/war/unemployment. I pine for the days where a blow job was the big news.

God made the integers; all else is the work of Man. -- Kronecker
