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AI Politics

Facial Recognition Reveals Political Party In Troubling New Research ( 275

Researchers have created a machine learning system that they claim can determine a person's political party, with reasonable accuracy, based only on their face. TechCrunch reports: The study, which appeared this week in the Nature journal Scientific Reports, was conducted by Stanford University's Michal Kosinski. Kosinski made headlines in 2017 with work that found that a person's sexual preference could be predicted from facial data. [...] The algorithm itself is not some hyper-advanced technology. Kosinski's paper describes a fairly ordinary process of feeding a machine learning system images of more than a million faces, collected from dating sites in the U.S., Canada and the U.K., as well as American Facebook users. The people whose faces were used identified as politically conservative or liberal as part of the site's questionnaire.

The algorithm was based on open-source facial recognition software, and after basic processing to crop to just the face (that way no background items creep in as factors), the faces are reduced to 2,048 scores representing various features -- as with other face recognition algorithms, these aren't necessary intuitive things like "eyebrow color" and "nose type" but more computer-native concepts. The system was given political affiliation data sourced from the people themselves, and with this it diligently began to study the differences between the facial stats of people identifying as conservatives and those identifying as liberal. Because it turns out, there are differences.

Of course it's not as simple as "conservatives have bushier eyebrows" or "liberals frown more." Nor does it come down to demographics, which would make things too easy and simple. After all, if political party identification correlates with both age and skin color, that makes for a simple prediction algorithm right there. But although the software mechanisms used by Kosinski are quite standard, he was careful to cover his bases in order that this study, like the last one, can't be dismissed as pseudoscience. The most obvious way of addressing this is by having the system make guesses as to the political party of people of the same age, gender and ethnicity. The test involved being presented with two faces, one of each party, and guessing which was which. Obviously chance accuracy is 50%. Humans aren't very good at this task, performing only slightly above chance, about 55% accurate. The algorithm managed to reach as high as 71% accurate when predicting political party between two like individuals, and 73% presented with two individuals of any age, ethnicity or gender (but still guaranteed to be one conservative, one liberal).

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Facial Recognition Reveals Political Party In Troubling New Research

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  • or somebody just discovered heat maps again. Now that I think about it either way it's bullshit.
    • When I see an embearded middle-aged man with a big gut, I think "republican", and when I see a younger woman with blue hair and thick black glasses, I think "democrat".

      I don't think that's a stretch and I bet I'm always 100% correct.
      • The computer program did not see any guts.

        Faces were compared with other faces of the same age, ethnicity, and gender.

        It isn't clear from TFA if hair and eyewear were included in the images.

        • Also when the red maga cap was ignored by the algorithm much of the predictive power disappeared.

        • by shanen ( 462549 )

          My theory is that it would focus on traits that are influenced by such behaviors as smiling or frowning. Results in different patterns of wrinkles or facial muscle development. For example, there is strong evidence that conservatives are more easily frightened, which is likely reflected in frequent facial expressions.

          Of course the interesting thing about deep learning is that we frequently don't need to know how it works. If you have enough training data, patterns may emerge without any explanations we can

          • Of course the interesting thing about deep learning is that we frequently don't need to know how it works. If you have enough training data, patterns may emerge without any explanations we can understand, even with hindsight.

            This is going to be the problem with commentary on this study. A lot of people are going to assume that facial recognition means human-identifiable facial traits without realizing that deep learning often means patterns not comprehendible by people, especially visually.

            What I love about some of these odd deep learning outcomes is the notion that there are patterns out there that are invisible to us because we lack the data, the cognitive power to discern the pattern or because of psychological biases that

          • Or it could be due to chin shape, influenced by amounts of testosterone and other genetic factors that also affect brain development or neuroplasticity through aging.

            Part of the question is how much of political affiliation is learned behavior vs ingrained. And even learned behavior could affect your health / genetic expression / etc and vice versa. One entire party is motivated by fear of the unknown (and of the known), which likely has a lot to do with how the brain is currently wired. It could mean th

    • Yea, I was just thinking how easy it would be for even 3rd parties aware of the gathering of this data to "weight the scales" so to speak, in order to push a particular agenda. This evidence, due to the nature of the algorithms in the system that compiled it, may seem very very convincing, and may actually be accurate, considering the sample size, but it's still merely correlation, not causation.

      But just think of how fascinating it would be if I were wrong, and Republican ideology really is a mutagenic age

    • Genetic differences (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Okian Warrior ( 537106 ) on Thursday January 14, 2021 @11:01PM (#60946626) Homepage Journal

      or somebody just discovered heat maps again. Now that I think about it either way it's bullshit.

      The current best model of the human brain is the "Big 5" personality traits []. This measures human personality using 5 categories. It is based on the linguistic hypothesis: that knowing someone's behaviour is important enough for survival that our language has evolved to describe it accurately.

      You take all the adjectives used to describe personality traits and do a multivariate analysis. If the adjectives are plotted as bubbles in 3d space, multivariate analysis will tell you how many bunches, or clusters, the bubbles make. Personality adjectives form 5 distinct groupings, and social psychologists simply named each one.

      The big 5 has a variance of about 0.4, which means it predicts about 16% of behaviour, which is huge, in social psychology terms. The measure has been repeated many times, is stable across different languages and cultures and historical documents. It's the closest we have to an objective theory of how the mind works.

      Of the 5 traits, conservatives tend to score higher on "Conscientiousness" and liberals tend to score higher on "Openness". You can read about the various traits at the Wikipedia link, but informally "trait conscientiousness" is the tendency for self discipline, duty, achievement, completing tasks, and so on. "Trait openness" is the willingness to experience adventure, art, imagination, new things and so on.

      Each trait is normally distributed, and everyone falls somewhere on the normal curve for each trait. So far as anyone can tell, it is impossible to move someone from their position on the curve. You can sometimes train people to imitate being at a different position, but it's not a real move: you can train people to be less neurotic, but they are only learning to be tolerant of their worry - it doesn't actually remove the worry.

      Different cohorts of people have different tendencies over the five traits: women tend to score higher on agreeableness and neuroticism, men tend to score higher on conscientiousness, and so on. (This is perfectly rational from an evolutionary standpoint: women have to bear and raise children, so they tend to be more agreeable/social and on the lookout for potential problems.)

      So we have these 5 traits which are very likely genetically determined, and we know that liberals and conservatives tend to score differently. The research is only showing that these same genetic differences show up in the morphology of the human face.

      It's perfectly reasonable to expect genetic differences to cause visible differences in an organism.

      (For reference, the difference between an average conservative score and an average liberal score is not that great. If you knew the scores of two random people you could predict accurately 43% and 57% of the time, which is not that far from a coin flip. Where the measurements really shine is at the tail ends: since normal curves are non-linear, a high conscientious person and a high openness person are very likely to be conservative and liberal respectively. People whose life revolves around political matters will tend to score highly in conscientiousness (R) or openness (D) depending on their political affiliation.)

      I don't know why th research in the OP is troubling. Unless, of course, you expect some sort of purge or difference in treatment between the two parties.

      That would be a violation of the basic ethical principle upon which our civilization is based: that all people have an intrinsic value.

      If not all people have value, then you can have honor killings, clan warfare, witchhunts, and genocide. You simply label someone as a "non-person", and then it's OK to hurt or kill them.

      If everyone has value, then we can agree on basic rules that holds everyone as equal under the law, and prevent people from taking the law into their own hands and generally doing things that encroach on the rights of others.

      Being able to *detect* individuals within the two parties is not the same as treating those individuals differently based on that measurement.

      • by labnet ( 457441 )

        Jordan... is that you...

      • by aepervius ( 535155 ) on Friday January 15, 2021 @02:02AM (#60946894)
        Being able to detect the political party of people on sight, is a huge problem. Ask the j3wish people and the n4zi (STUPID lameness filter it is really a good example) propaganda on nose. Violation of basic ethic happens all the time. Ask women which were asked if they plan a pregnancy or are pregnant during a job interview. Ask black people which are descriminated all the time study after study showing a black person get rejected for the exact same service/job only to have a white person accepted just after (housing , job, airbnb, take your pick !). I am betting my shirt off that very soon people with about as much ethic as a slug, will look carefully at this research , try to reproduce it, and be able to predict democrat/republican tendency. It isn't illegal to discriminate based on political affiliation in the US.

        "Federal Laws Don't Prohibit Political Discrimination It is illegal under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for employers to make job decisions based on race, color, national origin, religion, and sex. ... This means employers are free to consider political views and affiliations in making job decisions."

        To my knowledge it is the same for commercial stuff too, not only jobs.
      • by serviscope_minor ( 664417 ) on Friday January 15, 2021 @04:02AM (#60947046) Journal

        This is perfectly rational from an evolutionary standpoint: women have to bear and raise children

        Evolution is not a collection of just-so stories that lets you happily rationalise whatever you want. []

      • I don't know why th research in the OP is troubling. Unless, of course, you expect some sort of purge or difference in treatment between the two parties.
        If you know that much about psychology I'm surprised you aren't assuming exactly this. People aren't known for being nice, especially in mobs (or political parties).
    • Of course there are biases in the training dataset -- they had to do a survey to get the dataset and that survey is almost certainly biased in various ways. Just "people on online dating sites or willing to put their photo on facebook and willing to self-identify as one political affiliation" is a hugely biased sample. So this trained machine is just finding the bias in the survey used to construct the training set and using that to perform well on the subset of the same survey used as the test set. It d

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Black and in jail: Democrat
    White and in jail: Republican
    Young, glasses: Democrat
    Black & Poor: Democrat
    White & Poor: Republican
    Rich Male: Republican
    Rich Woman: Democrat
    Super-Rich: Democrat

  • by OrangeTide ( 124937 ) on Thursday January 14, 2021 @09:50PM (#60946432) Homepage Journal

    are clearly all shifty-eyed savages with heads shaped [] indicating a disposition for criminality.

  • Since there was a conservative and a liberal in each pair, the software only successfully determined which one was comparatively more likely to be conservative and liberal.
  • by Trailer Trash ( 60756 ) on Thursday January 14, 2021 @10:04PM (#60946462) Homepage

    That's cool, but what we really need is an AI that can detect lizard people from just a photo.

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

      If you think your favourite shady organization with an agenda can't download a pre-trained image recognition model and fine tune it on pictures attached to a political affiliation, you're dreaming.

      This barely qualifies as research, and at least the fact that it's possible is out there. I would be absolutely shocked if these guys were the first ones to do this. They're just the first ones to publicize it.

  • Considering less than 15% of people consider themselves to be something other than straight, being wrong 20% of the time is less accurate than just saying everybody's straight.
  • - are anarchists invisible?

    moreso than usually, i mean.

    • by HiThere ( 15173 )

      Real anarchists don't exist. There are people who believe in some minimal level of government, but those aren't actually anarchists.

      I've known several people who claimed to be anarchists, but they respected most laws. Probably as many as those who claim to be law abiding, though not necessarily the same ones.

      There do exist looters. There do exist people who want to cause chaos and destruction somewhere where they won't need to face the results. Those aren't anarchists, however, as they plan on returning

  • by quantaman ( 517394 ) on Thursday January 14, 2021 @11:33PM (#60946696)

    There might be something in the face structure itself. For instance, wider faces are linked to higher aggression []. But I don't think necessarily explains the results.

    “Head orientation and emotional expression stood out: Liberals tended to face the camera more directly, were more likely to express surprise, and less likely to express disgust,” Kosinski wrote in author’s notes for the paper.

    So at least part of what they classified wasn't as much the face as the expression and the photo the person chose to represent themselves on a dating app. A choice which is hardly random and probably does signal political affiliation as much as possible.

    The most obvious way of addressing this is by having the system make guesses as to the political party of people of the same age, gender and ethnicity. The test involved being presented with two faces, one of each party, and guessing which was which. Obviously chance accuracy is 50%. Humans aren’t very good at this task, performing only slightly above chance, about 55% accurate.

    I'd be curious to see how humans perform at this task with a bit of training. I don't know that I'd do much better than chance, especially given whatever sterotypes I might have. For instance, I suspect that cute girls must share my politics... but what kind of political affiliation is duck face???

    But I suspect after a few examples I'd start to recognize the Conservative vs Liberal head shots.

  • by jargonburn ( 1950578 ) on Thursday January 14, 2021 @11:34PM (#60946702)
    My immediate reaction to the headline was to chuckle and say, "Oh! So they've trained their machine to recognize masks?"
    • That's kind. The default response is normally "Ha they've identified that ${other_party} are all a bunch of complete morons based on recognising the drool dripping from the mouths in their vacant faces".

    • It's the most plausible explanation, though. They trained their network to detect something else in the photos, which vaguely correlates with other attributes.

      It smacks of the advanced military AI of the 80s which could detect friendly and enemy thanks. But only if the friendlies were seen in sunshine and the enemies were under rainy clouds.

  • We don't need a machine to pit person against person. We are doing fine all our own. If machines were intelligent, they would realize that they are hastening their own demise.
    • They want to be armed and autonomous. What better way to get battle drones mass produced?
      I for one welcome our robot overlords...
  • And anything short of 90% probably isn't that useful. But the accuracy numbers are not that great 60 to 70%. 60% isn't that far from a coin toss (although the algorithm isn't worse than a coin toss)

  • So let us have AI judge people by how they look.

  • by ayesnymous ( 3665205 ) on Friday January 15, 2021 @04:14AM (#60947072)
    white = Republican

    black = Democrat

  • determine a person's political party, with reasonable accuracy, based only on their face.

    ... just walk past the camera. Or have elections decided by the surveillance cameras on the day. Tie it in to facial recognition and "they" will be able to tell who (would have) voted which way.
    And maybe it will allow opinion polls to get within a mile of an accurate forecast.

  • I wonder what it would look like if run against AI generated faces. Or if its data could be fed into the face generating algorithm to create faces.

"If you are afraid of loneliness, don't marry." -- Chekhov
