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Louisiana Shuts Down Voter Registration Site For 'Scheduled Maintenance' On National Voter Registration Day ( 233

mabu writes: National Voter Registration Day, earmarked to call attention to encouraging more people to register to vote, is a pinnacle of many state's voter registration drives. Unfortunately in the state of Louisiana, its secretary of state Kyle Ardoin, decided this was a great time to shut the web site down for "scheduled maintenance." As a result, people who tried to register to vote online, on one of the most visible days of the registration drive, were denied the ability. "Ardoin's apparent decision to shut down the website raises concerns about ongoing efforts to suppress voter turnout during a heated election season in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic," reports New Orleans' mayor Latoya Cantrell called the move "Unacceptable."

"Ardoin, a Republican, has sparred with Democrat Gov. John Bel Edwards over absentee voting -- both in federal court and in the court of public opinion," adds. "A federal judge in Baton Rouge recently overturned efforts by Ardoin and GOP lawmakers to roll back previously expanded absentee voting in Louisiana. The judge's ruling, if it stands, would allow Louisiana voters to cast absentee ballots if they are concerned about COVID-related health risks associated with voting in-person. The ruling effectively reinstates the absentee voting rules that applied to the statewide primaries held in July and August, which came off without a whiff of 'voter fraud.'"

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Louisiana Shuts Down Voter Registration Site For 'Scheduled Maintenance' On National Voter Registration Day

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  • by Krishnoid ( 984597 ) on Wednesday September 23, 2020 @06:40PM (#60538202) Journal

    It's up and looks like it's working now. What we need is a closed-loop test of someone actually registering, waiting a half an hour, then logging back in and checking that the site reports that they are in fact registered to vote. It's not like anyone's out of the woods yet.

  • two parties (Score:4, Insightful)

    by bugs2squash ( 1132591 ) on Wednesday September 23, 2020 @06:43PM (#60538222)
    it's a mystery to me how the country bifurcates in such a way, why some policies get grouped as being one one camp and others the other. It seems though that the policies are driving it, because clearly there is little thought to how a portfolio of policies can be adopted to win the majority of votes but rather how can the voting system be tilted to allow the most extreme possible set of policies be enacted.
    • Funny I do not see these problems in blue states.

    • Re:two parties (Score:4, Insightful)

      by PopeRatzo ( 965947 ) on Wednesday September 23, 2020 @08:11PM (#60538542) Journal

      clearly there is little thought to how a portfolio of policies can be adopted to win the majority of votes

      The idea that they need a "majority of votes" to win is outdated. Now, the requirements are friendly judges, disenfranchisement, strategic voter suppression, ballot nullification, and if need be, militias at polling places. Oh, and gerrymandering. I forgot gerrymandering.

      We have entered an era in the US where elections no longer matter. They're just for show and an ego boost for tyrants (see, Russia, Belarus, etc).

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        It's being reported that the GOP is considering simply ignoring the votes cast and telling the Republican leaders who instruct the electoral college votes for their state to vote for Trump regardless.

        • by Cederic ( 9623 )

          Reported where?

          It's being reported that the Democrats are going to wait for the result in each state then somehow magically find a few vans full of postal ballots that just hadn't arrived yet and are somehow just the right number to assure that enough voters in each state voted Democrat to deliver a clean sweep across the country.

          I give that report more credibility than yours, as it has just as much evidence and also follows an established pattern in a small number of ballots.

    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      it's a mystery to me how the country bifurcates in such a way, why some policies get grouped as being one one camp and others the other. It seems though that the policies are driving it, because clearly there is little thought to how a portfolio of policies can be adopted to win the majority of votes but rather how can the voting system be tilted to allow the most extreme possible set of policies be enacted.

      It is pretty clear to me why that happens: If you nicely demonize the other side, nobody looks at your own screw-ups and mistakes. While the left is guilty of this as well, it is a traditional right-wing staple. Note that _both_ large parties in the US qualify as "right-wing" and they are both doing it. To the massive detriment of the country, but that is what happens if you have a political "elite" that only cares about power and has not even a concept of honor, integrity or duty anymore. You people should

  • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Wednesday September 23, 2020 @06:48PM (#60538246)
    in the history of Louisiana.

    Sad thing is the number of /. posters who thing this is a good thing. If you're not anti-voting yourself you'd be surprised how many people think voting rights should be stripped. Somehow always from people they disagree with politically, I'm sure that's just a coincidence though.

    And since I've got Karma to burn I'll add that it's odd how it's always the Red states doing this sort of thing while the Blue states encourage voting. Serious. It is. Always. It's to the point where you can't really vote R and really pretend you're in favor of Democracy. Picking and choosing who gets to vote isn't democracy, it's oligarchy with more steps.
    • by timeOday ( 582209 ) on Wednesday September 23, 2020 @07:20PM (#60538352)
      Voter suppression is bad enough but simply discrediting the vote will have the bigger impact I think.

      Actually faking or suppressing, say, a million votes without it being obvious is impossible. But creating the belief of this in a large swath of the electorate is very, very easy to do, simply by repeating it often enough.

      Trump is again working hard at this today: []

      • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Wednesday September 23, 2020 @07:52PM (#60538464)
        the problem is making people feel that voting isn't worth the stress. When I talk to non voters it's not that they gave up, it's that voting feels stressful because it's an important choice. They'd rather tune it out. That sounds bad, but think about all the stress (work, school, relationships, kids, cooking and cleaning) and it starts to make sense.

        This is by design. One of the main goals of the Republican party is to get people to disengage from politics. To make politics a dirty, stressful thing full of hate and bigotry and stress. Then people will cede control of government to them just so they don't have to deal with it themselves.

        It's a strategy summed up by "Government is the problem, not the solution". That lie is powerful, and it's made the GOP extremely powerful. So much that a country founded on religious freedom is on the verge of becoming a fascist theocracy.
    • It seems Slashdot has turned into a pro Trump anti intellectual site. Probably because the young slashdotters of 20 years ago are in their 40s now and only care about their tax cuts and nothing else? Who cares if you have a job or your country falls apart. After all that capital gains tax cut will trickle back to you any day now ...

      You know what GOOD THING TRUMP has done? It exposed the GOP for who they really are today to the average low information non involved voter. People are outraged on Facebook and o

      • and they're mostly the "overgrown teenager" type of voter. People who never grew out of that phase in your life where you don't want to be told what to do. The GOP exploits that feeling to make these people vote against their own interests. Many of them are baby boomers who made it through the economic crashes with their finances intact thanks to good luck. The GOP exploits that too by telling them it was thanks to hard work and not their amazing luck.

        I've mostly written those guys off. There are better
        • by RazorSharp ( 1418697 ) on Wednesday September 23, 2020 @09:20PM (#60538764)

          Most conservative slashdotters were, fifteen years ago, quoting Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman. When the housing crisis demonstrated what a joke their ideas were, they shifted to anti-Obama positions. Notice that most of them do not actually defend Trump, they provide counterattacks to any criticism of him. These are people who have spent so much time defending the indefensible that it has become a sort of rhetorical exercise that is detached from any moral, ideological, or pragmatic considerations. Once their libertarian ideas were exposed to be absurd, they ceased to believe in anything. There is great power in not believing in anything because it allows for immense flexibility when engaging in debate.

          In other words, they are nihilistic trolls and it tickles them pink that a nihilistic troll occupies the White House.

          • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

            That's the alt-right playbook. Never play defence, just change the subject by attacking something else.

            The best way to deal with it is to give a single sentence rebuttal and then go back to the real issue. Don't get sucked in to defending against faulty logic and rhetoric. For example if they go off on a rant about all the terrible things that the other side has done pick one, debunk it with a link and leave it at that. Go back to discussing the thing that makes their side look bad.

        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

          Since Slashdot did something about the bots and the sock puppet accounts a lot of the formerly prominent right wing posters have disappeared. It was always a small number of people, they just cheated the system to appear much more popular than they really were.

      • by stabiesoft ( 733417 ) on Wednesday September 23, 2020 @08:49PM (#60538678) Homepage
        Hopefully. But I suspect packing the court with young republicans is going to have a stronger effect. I am still bewildered the democratic voters did not get how many liberal supreme's were near death or retirement in 2016. And of course Scalia's was already open. Mitch just did not want to let Obama choose that one. No here the republicans are quite savvy about how to stack a supreme court. Kiss Roe V Wade goodbye along with many other protections. ACA, heck even gay marriage might get turned back. It is depressing how trump is going to make it 1950 again.
      • More like the smart people found better things to do than post here.

    • by olddoc ( 152678 )
      Democrats encourage voting just like Republicans: if they approve of the way you vote. Here in the state of PA they removed the Green party candidate from the ballot for trivial reasons. [] As reported by the AP, "The court, with a 5-2 Democratic majority, reversed the ruling by a Republican judge in a lower court on the candidacy of Green Party presidential nominee Howie Hawkins" I do feel the Republicans try harder to stop the wrong people from voting, but Democrats also gu
      • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Wednesday September 23, 2020 @08:00PM (#60538498)
        pretending to be progressive. You're all over my other forums, didn't think I'd find you on /..

        Anyway for anybody reading olddoc's post the Green Party in Wisconsin & Pennsylvania both have strong ties to the GOP with a lot of their funding traceable back to Republican donors. Moreover they never run candidates in local elections, just the national and high level state ones where they can spoil. Finally they had a mountain of obviously fake signatures and filed their lawsuits just before mail in ballots went out.

        In both WI & PA Green Party's actions were a transparent attempt to delay early voting so that the Republicans could suppress the vote. RI Green Party knew that would happen so they refused to run a candidate this year.

        Green is Red. If you want viable third party you need Universal Vote By Mail, Automatic Voter Registration and Ranked Choice Voting. Green knows this but doesn't fight for those things. Green is Red.
    • Democracy works a lot better when you exclude all the people who might vote against you.

  • Might not be malice: []
  • by Billly Gates ( 198444 ) on Wednesday September 23, 2020 @07:04PM (#60538300) Journal

    As far as I am concerned they are a group funded by Russia to divide and harm the national interests of the United States. Everything they have done has either hurt this country or helped Russia somehow. What is even more frightening is groups like the Christians Coalition and NRA have been hosted in Russia and received money to subvert democracy.

    They will not stop at undermining people to vote. They will get rid of your healthcare. They will incite racism and anger for political points. They have have their own propaganda network Fox News which tell lies 24x7 like Joe having dementia or towns being burned to the ground with edited footage. Portland for example is not burned and was violence free because far right wing nuts and Homeland security got involved.

    We need to vote them all out. If you are a Republican join the Lincoln Project and you will find other like minded conservatives who agree with me. Redrawing districts in gerrymandering and fucking with voting machines is enough for me!

    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      "Portland for example is not burned and was violence free because far right wing nuts and Homeland security got involved." That is absolutely a lie and probably some talking point you picked up from DailyKos.
      • I still see a downtown. I still see businesses existing there fine. Ask anyone who lives there? When Trump supports shot paintballs and assaulted them after Fox News reported anarchy then the violence started.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Thursday September 24, 2020 @07:22AM (#60539742) Homepage Journal

      I really want to see how Republicans are going to explain this one.

      Reporter: "Win, lose or draw in this election, will you commit here today for a peaceful transferal of power...?"

      Trump: "We're going to have to see what happens... Get rid of the ballots and we'll have a very peaceful -- there won't be a transfer, frankly. There will be a continuation."

      Video: []

  • by WankerWeasel ( 875277 ) on Wednesday September 23, 2020 @07:28PM (#60538386)
    Since when does the Secretary of State decide when IT does maintenance? There has to be quite a paper trail of his actions. It's not as if he's the webmaster going in and personally shutting things down for maintenance. He'd have to request such from others, and it has to look rather funny doing so, just as it would if Bezos told their web guys when to run security patches.
  • by quonset ( 4839537 ) on Wednesday September 23, 2020 @07:33PM (#60538394)

    Republicans wouldn't work so hard to prevent people from doing it.

  • My hopes that we'll have a fair and valid election are really starting to evaporate. It seems like all the stops are being pulled out to make it into a total farce.
  • Very upsetting times.
  • by NotEmmanuelGoldstein ( 6423622 ) on Wednesday September 23, 2020 @08:42PM (#60538662)

    ... the bumbling attempts to fix ...

    This is the first step of 'evil government', the independent arbiters refusing to label their paymasters and colleagues (notably police) as malicious or incompetent. Worse, police endangering the people is not a crime.

    I've mentioned the second step before: Multiple overlaps of the tiers (local, state, federal) of government bureaucracy.

  • Own it (Score:5, Insightful)

    by presearch ( 214913 ) on Wednesday September 23, 2020 @08:46PM (#60538668)

    It is clear that Republicans can only cheat to win an election. They should just come out with it and own it instead of using mealy-mouthed technicalities and excuses.
    But that would require a certain degree of honesty. Something they are unfamiliar with, and anyway, why start now? That, and schoolyard name calling is all they are capable of.

  • by Vegan Cyclist ( 1650427 ) on Wednesday September 23, 2020 @08:59PM (#60538710) Homepage

    There really ought to be consequences for this type of behaviour - inhibiting the democratic process is arguably treasonous, and if people who did this went to jail, I'm pretty sure they'd think twice about what they're doing.

  • here come the guns (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 23, 2020 @09:38PM (#60538798)

    Trump has just said he wants his courts to "throw out the ballots". He's got President for life envy from watching, and being compromised by, Putin.

    If Trump's win is legit then four more years of incredible corruption and business as usual. If Biden wins Trump won't leave. If the far right have taken over enough of the judiciary to give him quasi legal cover he'll invalidate as many votes as necessary to give himself a victory. There will be massive peaceful demonstrations by well meaning liberals. The liberals will be attacked by ad hoc street level Republican goon squads, get beaten up periodically and be blamed by state TV for trying to overthrow Trump. Trump will call the liberals "insects" and "less than human". Then it will get quiet for a while ... then sectarian paramilitary civil war, slow at first, nasty. Shortages, starvation, death squads in the next couple of years. No one wins.

    A republic if we can keep it. Right now, doubtful. Say goodbye, America

  • by Miles_O'Toole ( 5152533 ) on Wednesday September 23, 2020 @11:22PM (#60539018)

    I take no joy whatsoever in watching the US democracy crumble into fascism right in front of my face. I'm not surprised it's happening, but I'm shocked by the speed of it.

FORTUNE'S FUN FACTS TO KNOW AND TELL: A guinea pig is not from Guinea but a rodent from South America.
