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FBI Director: It's a Mistake To Get Election Information on Social Media ( 77

If a Facebook page or an Instagram post is offering the location of your polling place, you should double check that with your local elections office, the FBI director said Thursday at a congressional hearing. Better yet, don't get your election information from social media at all. From a report: The House Committee on Homeland Security hosted on Thursday its annual worldwide threats hearing, where intelligence agencies in past years have warned about international cyberattacks and online disinformation. [...] The FBI director said that social networks like Facebook and Twitter have worked with the bureau to take down disinformation campaigns, but he also warned Americans against getting election information on those platforms. "It's particularly of concern to us in the election context when Americans make the mistake of getting information about elections themselves on social media," Wray said. "We're trying to make sure Americans know [that] to get information about where, when and how you vote, you need to go to your local election official's website. Don't take it from social media."
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FBI Director: It's a Mistake To Get Election Information on Social Media

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  • Apparently some millenials thought that Twitter or Discord or whatever is the authoritative source for election information?
    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Thursday September 17, 2020 @05:46PM (#60517066) Homepage Journal

      It's mostly the older ones on Facebook.

      • by Cylix ( 55374 )

        Is that the best you have you loon?

        • Re: (Score:2, Troll)

          by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

          Facebook is by far the worst social media site for misinformation. It's audience is mostly older people, the young ones have moved on.

          • by gweihir ( 88907 )

            Well, guess I got lucky then I stayed away completely.

          • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

            I am trying to imagine how a pile of shiteholes like Facebook, no matter how bad they are and they are really bad, could possibly be worse than idiot box advertisments paid for by corrupt corporations, oh yeah that is a better source of political information, it must fucking be, the billions they spend on that bullshit.

            The FBI director also says, idiot box advertisements paid for by corrupt corporations, are the best way to select your politicians.

            Hey fucking arsehole, want better, do fucking better or shut

        • by arglebargle_xiv ( 2212710 ) on Thursday September 17, 2020 @08:27PM (#60517440)

          FBI Director: It's a Mistake To Get Election Information on Social Media

          Sorry, there was a typo in that headline, it should have read:

          FBI Director: It's a Mistake To Get Any Information on Social Media

    • If it was just "millenials" we wouldn't be in this situation right now. The problem is that pretty much everyone younger than 30 or older than 50 gets 100% of their news from people pretending to be well-informed "peers" on social media who are actually foreign operatives, and 90% of the people between 30 and 50 who think they're smart enough to tell the truth from the lies actually aren't.

      • That means that your comment is 100 percent bullshit and I will accept it completely, unless I am 30-50 years old in which case I will also accept it completely. Useful information, thanks!
      • by gweihir ( 88907 )

        That is a sad state of affairs. And I do agree.

        Hey, do you think the anti-maskers are Russian-controlled? They do significant damage to the US after all.

        • Hey, do you think the anti-maskers are Russian-controlled? They do significant damage to the US after all.

          I think they're stupid enough that they started it on their own. The Russians just egg them on. It's no coincidence that so many anti-maskers are bikers/gun nuts. They're the type of people who are terrified of appearing like a pussy.

          • by gweihir ( 88907 )

            Indeed. Makes sense to me.

            Of course the real pussies are those afraid to appear like a pussy.

    • by Cylix ( 55374 )

      You mean a meme isn’t an authoritative news source?

    • Pretty sure only boomers use facebook.

    • Well these retards never vote anyway, so they have no clue where their precinct is. I guess voting on a regular basis get in the way of their elitist opiod habit. Your precinct almost never changes unless you move. And when you move the first thing you are supposed to do is update your drivers license and voter registration. Most states do both at the same time. But I am sure some whiny ass millennial is going to cry voter suppression. The only voter suppression is their lack of attendance every single pri

    • "Apparently some millenials thought that Twitter or Discord or whatever is the authoritative source for election information?"

      Yes and everybody knows it's only Breitbart and FoxNews where authority resides.

    • You joke, but there is an issue with children who grew up with always one networks and social media thinking that online resources are equally authoritative, and being incapable of seeing differences.
      I have a nephew who honestly thinks the driving test app he's using to study for his drivers license is the same as using resources provided by the DMV. We attempted to explain to him that he should probably get the DMV booklet, or online booklet/test/resources FROM THE ACTUAL DMV for additional study to verify

  • FBI director: It's a mistake to get information on social media

    • by mark-t ( 151149 )
      By that reasoning, wouldn't also be a mistake to listen to him on social media saying that it is a mistake?
    • by dgatwood ( 11270 )

      FBI director: It's a mistake to get information on social media

      Exactly what I was thinking. Social media is for seeing what other people care about, finding out how your friends are doing, etc. If you're using it to try to obtain factual information, you're "Internetting" wrong.

    • by Falos ( 2905315 )

      FBI director: Social media is a mistake

  • with Dir. Wray about anything.
  • by burtosis ( 1124179 ) on Thursday September 17, 2020 @05:41PM (#60517052)
    The USPS has mailed out misleading informational cards [] which have incorrect information for multiple states. Further than that, the timeframes the cards listed of mailing ballots to ensure they are counted were from before widespread delays [] which have also left many rural and people with limited mobility who get medication at risk. If you plan on voting by mail this election, check your state laws and if possible, turn in the ballots to secure drop off locations to ensure the best chance they are counted in time.
    • by quonset ( 4839537 ) on Thursday September 17, 2020 @05:49PM (#60517076)

      Today I received a notice from the con artist urging me to request my mail-in ballot. The very mail-in ballot he claims leads to vote fraud.

      I guess if anyone should know about fraud, it would be him.

      • by gweihir ( 88907 )

        I guess if anyone should know about fraud, it would be him.

        Well, for a used-car type con artist, this one has some impressive accomplishments. To bad he is mostly conning his own fellow citizens.

  • Yea, great. Thanks for speaking up about it only now, 10 years too late, after you realize you got tricked by it too. Asshats.

  • by cirby ( 2599 ) on Thursday September 17, 2020 @05:49PM (#60517080)

    Wear a mask, stand six feet apart, and vote in person.

    If you have health problems that prevent you from doing that, THEN do absentee.

    • Yes, I agree with this. Also, somebody needs to engineer and promote the use of UV and/or mild heat lamps in public places, to drastically decrease the lifespan of microbes on surfaces. You know somebody's going to cough/sneeze/spew, and it should be possible for people who are living in the 3rd millennium to deal with such conditions.
    • Sure, I agree. I just can't trust mail in ballots with all the BS going on. Many states can barely handle a presidential election volume with the same methods they've used for years, nevermind last minute changes. This election is, thus far, the only thing this year that has been worth taking a risk of my health over.

      But you need accurate information about polling places, and your voter registration status. It's not that straightforward either, many states offer early voting, with differing schedules and po

    • by spun ( 1352 )

      Except for the states that only do vote by mail, with no in person voting: Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Utah, and Washington. Obviously, you should do what this FBI director says and check how your particular state wants to handle things.

      I appreciate the effort here cirby but let's be clear: Slashdot is close enough to social media that the warning applies to your post too. What you and everyone should do is look at the instructions from their state.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • by cirby ( 2599 ) a state that spent several years building up their systems, with lots of checks on the process?

        Or like New Jersey and New York, whose voting systems crashed and burned during the primaries this year because they couldn't even manage to send out the ballots in the first place, much less get them back and count them in a short period?

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Unless you live in an area where they do voter suppression and you can't be sure the polling station will be available, or anywhere near where you live, or not otherwise inaccessible to you.

      Probably best to just vote by mail. Safer, easier. Republicans don't like it because high turnout is bad for them, and because Trump is currently well behind in the polls so early voting denies him the opportunity to make up the deficit.

      • Don't be annoying. "I can't be bothered go travel one mile to a poll or drop off my ballot at city hall" isn't voter suppression, it's just lazy people. And frankly: I don't really trust the opinion of people too lazy to vote.
        I've voted by mail a few times over the years, and even then I always dropped the thing off at the local city hall collection box instead of mailing it in. Including the time I walked three miles on a Saturday to do it because my car had broken down and the buses weren't running.
        As for

    • by nightflameauto ( 6607976 ) on Friday September 18, 2020 @10:03AM (#60518450)

      Our state has mail-out ballots, with the option of mailing them back, but also the option of dropping them in a safe box down by the courthouse in your county. In our neighborhood there are a few house-bound families due to pre-COVID health issues, and the neighbors all coordinate with them to make sure we get their ballots to the drop location. I do think mail-in is a way too risky proposition, but the drop box solution seems ideal for our current situation. In-person voting is just a massive time-sink the few times I did it before signing up for the mail-out ballots.

  • FBI Director: It's a Mistake To Get ANY FUCKING IMPORTANT Information on Social Media... was what he really should have said. It's fine to find some news/video/whatever on social media, but DO NOT treat it as a valid SOURCE of information.
    • It's a sign of how far we've fallen that any of this needs to be said in the first place. The concepts of "official" information and source reliability seem lost on many today.......even people that should be old enough to know better.

      • by gweihir ( 88907 )

        Indeed. Seems many people cannot handle the flood of data and fail to make sense of it. Then they create a filter-bubble that tells them exactly what they want to hear. And that they then mistake for reliable information.

        I mean, come on. It is looking up a frigging date and time on an official source! It is something any halfway educated teenager should manage without problems. Yet seemingly adult people completely fail at it.

      • It's a sign of how far we've fallen that any of this needs to be said in the first place.

        Sort of like it needing to be said don't inject yourself with bleach or take some kind of chemical because it sounds like something else.

  • So let me get this straight -- Facebook has a required-real-name policy, for which they frequently demand phone numbers and driver's license pictures, but somehow provision of fraudulent voting information -- which is totally illegal and probably counts as wire fraud under these circumstance -- can't be effectively restrained.

    The rule of law appears to have completely fallen apart. Rampant fraud with no consequences, while the company providing the medium for that fraud makes money from the presence of th

    • So let me get this straight -- Facebook has a required-real-name policy, for which they frequently demand phone numbers and driver's license pictures.....

      You know, I have had two FB accounts for years, neither of which have a speck of real information on them, and I've never been told to use my real name. In fact, I personally only know one person who has received such a demand. I think the whole thing is just "security theater" - announce the policy, but only really challenge a random few on the issue. Just enough for users to think they're on top of things, but they don't have the time-consuming task of actually challenging and verifying millions of accoun

  • It's a mistake to get any information (outside of what meal your chatty friend from [high school, college, family, etc]).

  • by mutantSushi ( 950662 ) on Thursday September 17, 2020 @06:28PM (#60517176)

    Only get election information from SLASHDOT.

  • I agree that Facebook is not an ideal place to get accurate information about anything, but what place is reliable these days, especially for political information? And who are these "official" news outlets that the G-Man is talking about? At this point I am more wiling to trust a Facebook post from someone I know over an article in the New York Times or a story on (ugh!) MSNBC. It is the media itself that is responsible for all this distrust and confusion. They have all shown themselves to be so biased

  • It's not entirely the issue that these platforms are full of garbage, it's that we consume their garbage so willingly and with so little careful attention. Just like politicians are not entirely the problem when it comes to a corrupt and ineffective government, it's also required that the voters wake up and vote for someone with actual integrity.

  • They've got an ad on facebook that says "click here to apply for mail in ballot", and then it's a campaign website that takes ALL of your personal information, slips it into a PDF you can print and mail off to a supervisor of elections. 24 states let you submit it electronically, through a website or e-mail. It's an intentionally tedious way to apply that discourages people from actually doing what it offers, to say nothing about the bizarre tactic of middlemanning the PII.
  • by NotEmmanuelGoldstein ( 6423622 ) on Thursday September 17, 2020 @10:05PM (#60517634)

    "Don't take it from social media."

    When someone on Facebook wails "Oh, no! Christmas is cancelled." No-one replies "[Citations needed.]", instead everyone responds with "I'm a victim" or SJW outrage.

    Facebook should be reminding everyone "Don't believe everything you read" but they pretend they're a news site, with everyone working for free. Correction: Everyone is working for eyeball-time, so the outrage-inducing stories are paid and the truthful are penniless.

  • They should only be used for entertainment.


  • It's a mistake to get election information ANYWHERE. Every nook and cranny has been politicized and made partisan. At least social media sometimes allows heterodox views to be heard.

  • My retweeting my own counties news on social media is actually not helpful?

    Strange times we live in

"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer
