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Russians Again Targeting Americans With Disinformation, Facebook and Twitter Say ( 249

The Russian group that interfered in the 2016 presidential election is at it again, using a network of fake accounts and a website set up to look like a left-wing news site, Facebook and Twitter said on Tuesday. From a report: The disinformation campaign by the Kremlin-backed group, known as the Internet Research Agency, is the first public evidence that the agency is trying to repeat its efforts from four years ago and push voters away from the Democratic presidential candidate, Joseph R. Biden Jr., to help President Trump. Intelligence agencies have warned for months that Russia and other countries were actively trying to disrupt the November election, and that Russian intelligence agencies were feeding conspiracy theories designed to alienate Americans by laundering them through fringe sites and social media. Now Facebook and Twitter are offering evidence of this meddling, even as the White House in recent weeks has sought to more tightly control the flow of information about foreign threats to November's election and downplay Russian interference. The Trump administration's top intelligence official as recently as Sunday has tried to suggest that China is a graver risk than Moscow. Facebook and Twitter, which were slow to react to wide-ranging disinformation campaigns on their services in 2016 and continue to face criticism -- even from their own employees -- that they are not doing enough to confront the issue, said they were warned by the Federal Bureau of Investigation about the Russian effort.
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Russians Again Targeting Americans With Disinformation, Facebook and Twitter Say

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  • by Pimpy ( 143938 ) on Wednesday September 02, 2020 @12:59PM (#60466186)

    With the White House parroting conspiracy theory nonsense as fact with no due diligence whatsoever, who needs to waste money on an active disinformation campaign?

  • by smooth wombat ( 796938 ) on Wednesday September 02, 2020 @01:02PM (#60466194) Journal
    Apparently DHS (Department of Homeland Security) has verifiable information Russia is working to disrupt the upcoming election via misinformation, and deliberately withheld this information.

    According to a report from ABC [], a report was supposed to be sent out to law enforcement agencies around the country on July 9th. However, DHS Chief of Staff John Gountanis stopped the bulletin from being sent out.

    "Please hold on sending this one out until you have a chance to speak to [acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf]," Gountanis wrote, ABC News reported.

    In other words, for two months the government agency tasked with keeping this country "secure" has been sitting on information which would help protect this country because it would benefit the con artist. It should also be noted, some of the whinings the con artist uses when talking about Biden are pulled directly from this misinformation.

    Just like the con artist used information from Russia in 2016, the same country he refuses to say a single bad word about or condemn any of its jets deliberately buzzing our planes in international air space, or condemn Russia's deliberate bombing of hospitals in Syria, or the continued Russian poisoning of opposition figures such as Nalvany or the murder of Boris Nemtsov who was going to release a damning report on Putin's corruption.

    It's almost as if the con artist is working at the behest of a foreign government to undermine this country, and Republicans are perfectly fine with it.

    • by Ecuador ( 740021 ) on Wednesday September 02, 2020 @01:17PM (#60466260) Homepage

      "Con artist" is a bit much. I mean there is no trace of artistry there, he just spews nonsense all the time, which is why I am pessimistic about the general public. I mean, if he was running an elaborate con, that would be something, but, alas, no, every time he talks you have to be an idiot if you can't tell he has serious mental disorders going...

      • by shanen ( 462549 )

        Hear, hear, and well modded, too. Found it on the search for Funny.

        With regards to Trump's special trip to Walter Reid, as soon as I heard they had notified Pence I was pretty sure he'd had a stroke and they were evaluating whether or not any surgical intervention was required. Minor strokes are actually fairly "normal" at Trump's age, but that one must have been unusually severe.

        (I'm pretty sure Biden is taking better care of his blood pressure than Trump is. I've finally decided on my personal tactics for

    • Apparently DHS (Department of Homeland Security) has verifiable information Russia is working to disrupt the upcoming election via misinformation, and deliberately withheld this information.

      Well, when (and if) it has actually been verified, feel free to let us know.

    • "the same country he refuses to say a single bad word about or condemn"
      Refuses to admit a single bad word, you say? [] ...shows just in 2017-2018-2019 there were more than FIFTY policy actions taken against Russia including a cascade of sanctions, denunciations, and official condemnations.

      Let's compare and contrast with the previous administration: []
      "we should not slip into collective amnesia over the Obama administrationâ(TM)s weak and unde

      • Sure , Trump has been by far the most anti-Russian president in ages, but his heart isn't really in it so it doesn't count.

      • by smooth wombat ( 796938 ) on Wednesday September 02, 2020 @03:53PM (#60466866) Journal
        So I'm sorry, what was your point again,

        The con artist has not said a single word about Russian actions anywhere EXCEPT in Syria when he whined Putin wasn't controlling Assad enough which is why the gas attacks on civilians happened. And even to that, the con artist notified Russia in advance of the failed attack so no Russian soldiers would be harmed.

        And before you say, "What about the U.S. killing those Russians in Syria?", the con artist never said anything about it. Not good or bad. He was silent. His minions were the ones who said anything and only in passing. But since that time, not a word about Russian soldiers deliberately ramming U.S. soldiers or any of the other provocations by Russia in Syria against U.S. troops.

        The con artist has even gone out of his way to apologize for Russian actions in Syria, saying the U.S. is no better. And speaking of Syria, what was the con artist's response to reports Russia had put bounties on the heads of U.S. soldiers? Again, silence. He has admitted he has never brought up the subject when talking with Putin.

        Also, when he did talk to Putin, he believes whatever the dictator says. Remember how the con artist said he asked Putin if Russia interfered in the 2016 election and Putin said no. What was the con artist's response? "I believe him." Really? The leader of a country we know for a fact was interfering in our election says no, they didn't, and the con artist admitted he believed him? Imagine if Obama had said that.

        Remind me again how "tough" the con artist has been on Russia? From the very first time he signed a bill for sanctions on Russia the con artist was whining it was so unfair. In fact, last year the con artist EASED sanctions on Russia [] despite a law saying otherwise. It was only because of Moscow Mitch that the Senate didn't go along with the bipartisan House vote.
      • The US had policy actions against Russia. However, those were Congressional actions, actions ordered under Obama, and actions where Congress had to overrule Trump's rollbacks. I guess what I'm saying is that the US did take actions, Trump did not.

  • why not (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Revek ( 133289 ) on Wednesday September 02, 2020 @01:06PM (#60466216)
    Since there will be no repercussions.
  • is a way to render a common Russian obscenity () which means "this is good" as approval or as an expression of general satisfaction. jes' sayin' :)

  • by pele ( 151312 )

    they didn't have enough disinformation already?

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by djp2204 ( 713741 ) on Wednesday September 02, 2020 @02:13PM (#60466494)
    Water is wet. This happens all the time. Its called propaganda - they do it to us and we do it to them. Get over it! Verify what you see/read with independent research, and think for yourself. Its not that hard! You will be surprised what you learn.
  • by c ( 8461 )

    Is that the new word meaning "shooting fish in a barrel"? Americans are feeding themselves such a massive stream of bullshit that I can't imagine why the Russians would bother. Are they just doing it out of habit, to hone their craft?

    • Even if the Russians were doing it (I disagreed about that from the start, following the line of Robert Parry), why would the americans have been making such a big deal out of such a tiny effect? That is the question one should ask.An the answer is entirely about opportunism.

  • I though Russians were ALWAYS targeting Americans with disinformation. So what's new? B-)

    But the last time I looked, they were pushing BOTH sides of the agenda, amplifying anything that would widen the divide between the US right and left.

    The game for them isn't to get Trump or Biden to win. The game is "Let's you and him fight!" They want to debilitate the US, eliminating it as an effective and competing world power.

    If they can drive us into civil war, they've achieved their wildest dreams.

    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      by Jerry ( 6400 )
      When the official VP candidate says what she did in her interview with Colbert one doesn't have to invoke foreign agents to explain the riots, or, blame anyone else. []
    • They do want Trump to win -- he's more divisive. And after the election there will be cries of illegitimate election, regardless of who wins. They'll probably help Biden a bit as well, just to ensure they can get caught having helped the winner.

  • ... when you base your political parties legitimacy and ability to lead on a gullible electorate. Someone else steps in and takes advantage of them.

  • We've known for several years that Twitter and Facebook were Russian agents.
  • by oh_my_080980980 ( 773867 ) on Wednesday September 02, 2020 @03:22PM (#60466748)
    Internet memes? That's bush league. This is real meddling! []

    -“We created a virtual open shop for thievery at a national level and for capital flight in terms of hundreds of billions of dollars, and the raping of natural resources and industries on a scale which I doubt has ever taken place in human history.” —E. Wayne Merry, a U.S. Embassy official in Moscow during the 1990s.

    -In 1999 Boris Yeltsin called up Bill Clinton to tell him that Vladimir Putin would be his hand-picked presidential successor months before anyone in Russia knew, and all but asked Clinton for his nod of approval.

    -During the 1990s, Russia's vast wealth was privatized to a tiny handful of connected insiders. Millions of people were thrown into poverty and prostitution. Millions died premature deaths. The Lancet estimated that 4 million people died just in the first half of the 1990s as a result of Washington-imposed neoliberal and hyper-capitalist reforms.

    -United States intervention in Russia’s nascent democracy helped transform a young parliamentary republic with a weak presidency into the centralized, authoritarian system of government that exists today

    Now that's meddling!
    • Like there was no tendency to large centralized governments of and for a ruling class in Russia. Please open up a history book or did I miss you being funny?
    • United States intervention in Russia’s nascent democracy helped transform a young parliamentary republic with a weak presidency into the centralized, authoritarian system of government that exists today

      It's likely that the US intervention helped. It's even more likely that roughly the same would have happened without US involvement, given Russia's history.

      But, really, what's your point? This isn't a moral argument about meddling in foreign countries. If it were you might have a point that turnabout is fair play. This is a pragmatic argument about whether citizens of a country should welcome and perhaps even invite foreign meddling, and whether a country's government should do what it can to prevent fo

  • by tinkerton ( 199273 ) on Wednesday September 02, 2020 @04:37PM (#60467038)

    You guys have no idea to what extent you're drowning in propaganda. For every claim you counter there are two new ones propping up while you're talking.
    20 years ago it was Al Qaeda. Everything the US did was becasue of Al Qaeda. Until Al Qaeda had grown hundreds of times larger and it was not an urgent problem anymore. Then it was Russia. And then China. Sometimes there is a kernel of truth, usually not. The main thing is it is a pretext to go all out and build a public consensus. Russiagate was unusual in that there was nothing behind it but especially that it was such a large conspiracy. Well, conspiracy, yes, but mostly it is a bandwagon where everyone joins if it suits their agenda. At least during McCarthyism there was Russian spying. At least with Al Qaeda there was a real attack.
    Now there's 'Navalny was attacked with Novichok', the least lethal chemical weapon ever which always with certainty points towards the culprit. yeah right. I think not.

    People should at least check Matt Taibbi or Aaron Mate on this. I've never known the mass hysteria, the zombie masses to be that bad.

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by slashmydots ( 2189826 ) on Wednesday September 02, 2020 @05:52PM (#60467246)
    Twitter and Facebook targeting Americans with false information in attempt to influence the election
  • Who reads this stuff anymore, or better yet believes it.

    Make up your own mind what you want and go that direction.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer
