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What Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's VP Pick, Means For Tech ( 521

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CNET: After months of speculation, Joe Biden has picked California Sen. Kamala Harris to be his vice-presidential running mate in the race for the White House. The choice fulfills a pledge from Biden, the Democrats' presumptive nominee for president, to name a woman to his ticket as he seeks to unseat Donald Trump in the November election. [...] Here's what we know about Harris' stance on tech issues:

A California senator and former candidate in the 2020 presidential race, Harris made her name in Washington by grilling Trump nominees and officials from her seat on the Senate Judiciary Committee. Harris, 55, is known for being a tough-on-crime prosecutor earlier in her career. That toughness, however, didn't carry over to Big Tech companies when she was California attorney general, critics charge. During her time as the state's top law enforcement officer, Facebook and other companies gobbled up smaller competitors. Harris, like regulators under Obama, did little from an antitrust perspective to slow consolidation, which many members of Congress now question.

During her 2020 presidential bid, Harris' stance on consumer protections and antitrust issues weren't as tough as those of some of her rivals, especially Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who called for the breakup of large tech companies, like Facebook and Google. Still, Harris was vocal last year in urging Twitter to ban Trump from the platform for "tweets [that] incite violence, threaten witnesses, and obstruct justice." This was a demand Twitter rejected. She has also been critical of Facebook for not doing more to rid its platform of misinformation.

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What Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's VP Pick, Means For Tech

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 11, 2020 @05:05PM (#60391233)
    Joe is picking the person he thinks should be president from February 2021 to January 2025.
  • Joe's Pick (Score:5, Funny)

    by itiswhatitiwijgalt ( 6848512 ) on Tuesday August 11, 2020 @05:06PM (#60391239)
    Joe..... sniffed out his VP
  • by al0ha ( 1262684 ) on Tuesday August 11, 2020 @05:12PM (#60391255) Journal
    I so wanted her to be the one that goes after all these crooks screwing with our nation...
    • by ISayWeOnlyToBePolite ( 721679 ) on Tuesday August 11, 2020 @05:28PM (#60391329)

      I so wanted her to be the one that goes after all these crooks screwing with our nation...

      Don't we all? []

      The president first donated to Ms Harris in 2011 as she was running for attorney general. That donation amounted to $5,000 (£3,793). He then donated another $1,000 (£758) to her re-election campaign in 2013

      Ivanka Trump also donated thousands of dollars to the Democratic senator. In 2014 she donated a reported $2,000 (£1,517) to Ms Harris’ re-election efforts.

  • Bad move (Score:4, Insightful)

    by TimothyHollins ( 4720957 ) on Tuesday August 11, 2020 @05:13PM (#60391259)

    He took the Hillary Clinton approach. A truly bad choice. Turns out only 5% of the population thinks that the candidate's sex actually matters when it comes to voting, and premiering Biden's "I promise to choose a woman VP" is exactly the kind of stupidity that cost Hillary the election. He should have capitalized on the economy angle, something that matters to *every* American and not just the idiots.

    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      by jythie ( 914043 )
      If only 5% care, then it should be a pretty neutral move to have taken then.
      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        In finance you don't compare against 0, you compare against what you *could* have gotten if you had invested somewhere else. Biden had an opportunity to pick someone that could steal voters from the center right, which would have gained him votes and cost Trump votes. Instead he went for the far left, which gained him votes he was guaranteed either way. That's a bad move.

    • Re:Bad move (Score:5, Insightful)

      by jrumney ( 197329 ) on Tuesday August 11, 2020 @05:28PM (#60391325)

      If only 5% of the population thinks a candidates's sex matters, then there should be no problem with him picking a woman as his VP from the other 95%. You seem to be in denial about the fact that you are part of that 5%.

      • If only 5% of the population thinks a candidates's sex matters, then there should be no problem with him picking a woman as his VP from the other 95%. You seem to be in denial about the fact that you are part of that 5%.

        Whoosh! Way to miss the point.. This is about painting the campaign into the corner, needlessly...

        He locked himself into a "Black Woman" as a choice and painted his campaign into a corner way back in the primaries. She went after Joe during the debates, claws out and didn't pull any punches and that audio/video will make campaign ad fodder for the opposition. It's done now, but truth be told he could have done better had the needs of the primary (winning black and woman's vote) not painted him into the cor

      • If only 5% of the population thinks a candidates's sex matters, then there should be no problem with him picking a woman as his VP from the other 95%. You seem to be in denial about the fact that you are part of that 5%.

        The problem is not selecting a women. The problem is saying you are ONLY going to pick a women and then following thru on it. He vetted no men for the position. Biden's process and behavior was explicitly sexist. The end result isn't at issue.

        • Re:Bad move (Score:4, Insightful)

          by kqs ( 1038910 ) on Tuesday August 11, 2020 @09:00PM (#60392101)

          Whereas when the last few score presidents only vetted men for the position, that wasn't sexist I'm sure.

          I personally wish Biden hadn't locked himself in that way, but he had an excellent slate of candidates even with the restriction; while Harris was one of my least-favorite possibilities she's still an excellent choice.

          Also, he said he would pick a woman and them followed through with his pledge. Which seems a fine thing in a politician, especially after Trump's constant flip-flopping, lying, and contradicting himself.

          • Re:Bad move (Score:4, Insightful)

            by WaffleMonster ( 969671 ) on Tuesday August 11, 2020 @11:08PM (#60392385)

            Whereas when the last few score presidents only vetted men for the position, that wasn't sexist I'm sure.

            Jesus what about Christ. Explicitly excluding one sex for this position is sexist regardless of WHO is doing it or what the sex is. If you happen to end up vetting all men or all women for a position is in itself not a problem unless sex was explicitly a criteria for selection.

            I personally wish Biden hadn't locked himself in that way, but he had an excellent slate of candidates even with the restriction; while Harris was one of my least-favorite possibilities she's still an excellent choice.

            This is your opinion. I can't stand Harris and won't be voting for the ticket due to this pick.

            Also, he said he would pick a woman and them followed through with his pledge. Which seems a fine thing in a politician, especially after Trump's constant flip-flopping, lying, and contradicting himself.

            The opposite is true. Saying your going to do wrong thing and then following thru on your pledge to do wrong thing is worse than changing your mind and doing right thing.

          • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

            by Train0987 ( 1059246 )

            "Whereas when the last few score presidents only vetted men for the position, that wasn't sexist I'm sure."


            The last few score? I'll give you Obama although his opponent McCain had a female VP nominee. Obama defeated a female for his nomination, the same one who actually became a Presidential nominee 8 years later W was strongly considering two women before choosing Cheney. Then there was Clinton - no way Hillary was going to allow him to choose a female. Then in 1984 there was Geraldine Ferraro. So

    • He should have capitalized on the economy angle, something that matters to *every* American and not just the idiots.

      Who would he have chosen to capitalize on the economy angle?

    • by Merk42 ( 1906718 )
      Hillary Clinton didn't pick a female VP.
      You could say Biden took the John McCain approach of picking a female VP, you'd even still have your point about it leading to a loss in the General Election.
  • After all she openly said she believes the sex allegations against Biden. If Biden loses, she will basically have lost her chance of winning President herself.
    • by jshackney ( 99735 ) on Tuesday August 11, 2020 @05:33PM (#60391345) Homepage

      If Biden loses, she will basically have lost her chance of winning President herself.

      How so? The American political attention span is barely 24 hours.

    • After all she openly said she believes the sex allegations against Biden.

        If Biden loses, she will basically have lost her chance of winning President herself.

      I know she commented on believing the women who said that they felt uncomfortable with Biden touching them. I don't know that she's commented on the later more explicit accusations.

    • If Biden loses, she will basically have lost her chance of winning President herself.

      Untrue, look at her 2020 performance. Her popularity was single digit when she dropped out of the democratic primary. The downside risk to her is low, she can't get much lower.

    • After all she openly said she believes the sex allegations against Biden. If Biden loses, she will basically have lost her chance of winning President herself.

      Oh for Pete's sake.. #MeToo rarely applies to democrats at this level. Clinton got away with it for decades with a long stream of complaints and one case of documented lying about his proclivities and inappropriate relationship with an intern.. Teddy Kennedy got away with some outrageous behavior too. It's like a badge of honor for men in power.

      By the way, how does this disqualify her? I'm guessing she will have a change of heart.. "I talked to Joe, I no longer believe he needs to explain anything." or s

  • What Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's VP Pick, Means For Tech..

    It means that Donald Trump will win another 4 years..

    This is such a disappointment, does not unite the party.. No one cares if its a woman, or a black or whatever.. At least Elizabeth Warren I could have sort of lived with...

    • by ph0tik ( 669210 )
      You can't have 2 people that might die at the same time in office. Had to pick someone younger than Warren. Probably didn't want 2 people from the east coast either.
    • The party is pretty much already united. By bringing up Warren I'm guessing you're leaning to the left (or you're an alt-righter trying to stir up trouble, sorry, but it's getting hard to tell).

      Now since we all like tech here let's do some Math:

      About 50% of voters turn our for a general election. About 50% of those turn out for a primary. 2020's turnout so far has been typical.

      About 84% of Bernie voters say they'll vote Biden, leaving 16% in the "neverBiden" camp.

      Now, based on the Wikipedia
      • You make some excellent points, and honestly, I'm not sure what I'm going to do.

        This is a center-right republican ticket straight out of the 80s or 90s.

        Biden spent most of his life as anti-abortion, war on drugs, fiscal conservative, and still doesn't support legalizing marijuana. Harris made a career out of throwing people into jail for drug crimes.

        I don't know what the fuck happened, but apparently the entire fucking country (except like Sanders and Warren) has gotten dragged 30-40 years back and to the r

        • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Tuesday August 11, 2020 @07:53PM (#60391875)
          focus on Voter Reform that'll get young voters out. Specifically:

          1. National Vote By Mail.

          2. Automatic Voter Registration.

          3. Ranked Choice Voting.

          That's the stuff that matters. We're a "Winner Take All, First Past the Post" voting system. Such systems will inevitably result in 2 parties since if anyone from party A breaks ranks to form party B they just hand everything to party C.

          We need to attack First Past the Post Voting and general voter suppresion. Biden & Harris will do that, if only to save their own skins. Trump is very obviously trying to end Democracy. This isn't even hyperbole anymore. You don't send armed goons in camo to pull people into unmarked vans when you're interested in Democracy.
  • by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Tuesday August 11, 2020 @05:28PM (#60391319)

    I find it pretty amazing that with all of the rioting going on over police, Biden chose the most Coppy Cop to ever cop. Just search sometime on her record in California, truly a no-mercy kind of law enforcement officer...

    Then on top of that, it's just another ultra-connected political insider.

    Who wants any of what she has to offer? None of the primary voters did.

    If Biden wanted balance, and being a woman was mandatory to his selection, he should have picked Tulsi Gabbard. Then at least he might have gotten a few independent votes for the ticket (that would have been a combo I might have considered given Biden might not even make it through the election).

    • by dfghjk ( 711126 )

      You seem to not know the difference between a prosecutor and a cop, but then you're SuperKendall so that's no surprise. Also, you're a Trump supporter so it's also no surprise that you don't approve. They must be doing something right. Also, if he wanted to run with a cop, he'd have chosen Demmings.

      With regard to Tulsi Gabbard, I doubt Biden was interested in having a known homophobe as his running mate, but it's again unsurprising that a Trump shill like you would recommend it.

      Do you think anyone would

  • Kamala is the devil (Score:4, Interesting)

    by awwshit ( 6214476 ) on Tuesday August 11, 2020 @05:29PM (#60391331)

    We had Kamala as our AG in California for a while. She gave more power to the police and did nothing whatsoever to help the average person. Wolf in sheep's clothing. Nothing good can come from Kamala Harris.

  • Slashdot I mean, not Harris or Biden's pick. Any topic that's remotely political just gets drowned in the swamp right away. All you can see are some bubbles, and there's a nasty smell...

  • Comment removed (Score:3, Insightful)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Tuesday August 11, 2020 @05:57PM (#60391475)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Tuesday August 11, 2020 @06:13PM (#60391557)
    Here's why:

    1. He backed himself into a corner by saying he'd choose a female candidate, but it was the quickest way to diffuse accusations of sexual misconduct. It worked too.

    2. Hilary Clinton gutted the Democratic party in from 2008-2016 to ensure she didn't face another Obama.

    3. Warren is too old and Wall Street hates and fears her.

    4. Harris is a known quantity. Her faults are mostly a turn off to about 2-3% hard core lefties, and I speak from experience with them nothing short of Nina "Joe Biden is a bowl of Shit" Turner would satisfy them. Maybe Bernie in a wig?

    This is mostly thanks to Hilary "The Gift that Keeps On Giving" Clinton. Obama shares a bit of blame for letting her gut the party in those 8 years.

    Now for anyone worrying (or hoping) that Harris's record as a prosecutor will bite the Dems, it's unlikely. Trump had much, much better people in 2016. So far he hasn't been able to land a hit on Biden. He just spoke about Harris and once again tried to paint her as a member of the "radical left" who's going to take away your healthcare.

    That's just silly. I honestly think Trump thought Bernie was going to win the primary and now that he's facing Biden he doesn't know what to do.
  • by tiqui ( 1024021 ) on Tuesday August 11, 2020 @11:15PM (#60392407)

    When she was the AG of California, she was threatening to throw people into prison for disagreeing with her position on global warming.

    Mull that over for a while...

    The chief law enforcement officer of one of the largest states in the nation was threatening to put people in jail for what they SAID and BELIEVED about a controversy involving science. As AG, she was in authority over people with guns and the legal power to use them on the citizenry, and with NO ACTUAL LAW she was threatening this.

    I live and work in California.

    No matter what YOU think or say (with the obvious safety exceptions for "fire!" in a theater that's not on fire, or death threats) I would never support jailing you, or ANYBODY (including Kamela) for what they say or believe. If current VP Mike Pence had threatened to jail people for disagreeing with HIM on global warming, I'd be EXACTLY as hostile to him. I hope sane Slashdotters are similarly consistent and open-minded and see at least a minimally-problematic issue with this idiot. If Kamela had gotten her way, academic freedom and free speech would have collapsed..... and let's face it: Joe will not serve two terms in office, so she will be the President no later than 2025 if Joe wins in November.

  • Backpage? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by fafalone ( 633739 ) on Wednesday August 12, 2020 @02:46AM (#60392777)
    Why didn't this article mention her crusade against Backpage? Her stance in that case is extreme and devastating to a free and open internet. She was repeatedly told by the court her legal theory was bull, but ignored them and continued a clearly malicious prosecution. Since Biden is opposed to S230 too, this does not bode well for tech. They'd both burn down the entire internet to fight "sex trafficking" (just an excuse to attack sex work in general, remember BP had been recognized by the FBI for their help in addressing actual trafficked or underage people on the platform).
  • by MrBoring ( 256282 ) on Wednesday August 12, 2020 @11:42AM (#60393947)

    She's also a sponsor of S386, Mike Lee's H1B bill. If you're on the wrong side of that relationship, bear that in mind.

Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward.
