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US Now Offers $10 Million Reward For Election Interference Tips ( 163

The US Department of State announced today rewards of up to $10 million for any information leading to the identification of any person who works with or for a foreign government for the purpose of interfering with US elections through "illegal cyber activities." From a report: This includes attacks against US election officials, US election infrastructure, voting machines, but also candidates and their staff. The announcement was made today, less than 100 days until the 2020 US Presidential Election that will have incumbent Donald Trump face off against Democrat candidate Joe Biden. Nevertheless, the Department of State said the reward is valid for any form of election hacking, at any level, such as elections held at the federal, state, or local level as well.
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US Now Offers $10 Million Reward For Election Interference Tips

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  • I like it (Score:4, Interesting)

    by timeOday ( 582209 ) on Thursday August 06, 2020 @12:44PM (#60373115)
    Offhand it seems like a decent idea, I think the difficulty will be determining what constitutes 'election interference.'

    For example somebody or other will try turning in facebook for running an ad bought by a subsidiary of a foreign company (just to make up an example in a gray area), and somebody will have to adjudicate that.

    • I think it's a stunt. Also, if you look at the history of any type of witch hunt and/or repressive regime, you get people stitching each other up over small grievances. For the promise $10 million you could get people outright framing each other.

  • by smooth wombat ( 796938 ) on Thursday August 06, 2020 @12:45PM (#60373119) Journal

    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Old, senile white male wearing orange makeup. Has repeatedly threatened states who want the most amount of people to vote. Claims voting by mail is ripe with fraud while he and his family vote by mail.

    • by NoNonAlphaCharsHere ( 2201864 ) on Thursday August 06, 2020 @01:00PM (#60373205)
      That's exactly right. The administration is trying to turn the upcoming election into some kind of referendum on China. Every day they ratchet up the chest-thumping rhetoric and the tough-guy theatre.
      • However that is not an issue of election fraud that is just a method to get votes. In a way this is all about China, they will replace the US as the world super power if Biden wins. Actually they already own Biden I suspect, however totally off topic. That is legitimate policy and position statements to make clear to people their choices.

        Election fraud would actually involve doing something like sending ballots to every man and his dog then sending out your operatives to find them fill them and return the
        • by jezwel ( 2451108 )

          In a way this is all about China, they will replace the US as the world super power if Biden wins. Actually they already own Biden I suspect, however totally off topic.

          Counterpoint is that Russia owns Trump, and Trumps poor leadership (and dementia/Alzheimers/whatever) has led to the US steadily declining in superpower status, to such a state that it is inevitable China fills that gap.

    • 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Old, senile white male wearing orange makeup. Has repeatedly threatened states who want the most amount of people to vote. Claims voting by mail is ripe with fraud while he and his family vote by mail.

      Close. Trump now says mail-in voting is okay -- in Florida. From Twitter []:

      Whether you call it Vote by Mail or Absentee Voting, in Florida the election system is Safe and Secure, Tried and True. Florida’s Voting system has been cleaned up (we defeated Democrats attempts at change), so in Florida I encourage all to request a Ballot & Vote by Mail! #MAGA

      Hmm... Wonder why he's suddenly okay with mail-in voting in Florida. Could it be because of this, reported in Trump shifts, encourages vote by mail - in Florida [] (and other places):

      Republicans also have grown worried that Trump’s attacks on mail-in voting could actually suppress the GOP vote in the upcoming election.

      Hmm... Apparently, he's fine with the most people voting, as long as they're the "right" people, and probably voting for him.

  • by jfdavis668 ( 1414919 ) on Thursday August 06, 2020 @12:51PM (#60373141)
    Likely to be all downhill from here.
  • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Thursday August 06, 2020 @12:52PM (#60373155)
    just report this right here. []
    • But Trump did say exactly that. How is The Guardian responsible for that? Reporting legitimate news from another country?

  • What? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Rick Zeman ( 15628 ) on Thursday August 06, 2020 @12:56PM (#60373175)

    No money if the Republican Party interferes?

    • Republicans tend to score higher on conscientiousness [] compared to Democrats, and Democrats tend to score higher in openness than Republicans (and a little higher on neuroticism).

      The differences are small on average - if you took an average D and R and then made some claim about conscientiousness or openness you'd be right 55%/45% of the time.

      Where the differences matter is out on the extremes: since a normal distribution is non-linear, the extreme tail ends tend to amplify the average differences. Someone w

  • Easy! (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Randseed ( 132501 ) on Thursday August 06, 2020 @12:59PM (#60373187) [] []

    That's a good place to start.

  • $10 million for ... the identification of any person who works with or for a foreign government ...

    That's nice. I hope your bereaved spouse will enjoy the money. No, wait, that's wrong. I hope you're bereaved spouses' long-lost friend will enjoy the money.

    Actually, I doubt anyone named in the original will will enjoy much of anything for long. Or anyone in their phones' contact list, for that matter.

  • Putin. I will take my reward now.
  • Here is the evidences [].

    It's New McCarthyism / Red Scare all over again. it's Iraq WMD FUD all over again. History has repeated.

  • Just ask the Russians, they're experts in this kind of thing.

  • So... the Russians turn themselves in over and over again for different things and make a cool $10M each time? Wonder how much they could make? But how would that work? Will they use Venmo or have to take a check? Maybe a rewards credit card so the US can get miles? Then again, like the old MasterCard goes, ... interfering in an election -- priceless.

    In any event, I wouldn't hold your breath, from what his contractors have said over the years, Trump doesn't pay anyone. :-)

  • Dear Department of State.

    Trump has been working with foreign nationals to steal the election.

    Let me know when I can collect my money.

    • Dear Department of State.

      Trump has been working with foreign nationals to steal the election.

      Let me know when I can collect my money.

      Dear jriding.

      Do you have any evidence? Because we sure-as-hell couldn't find any.

      Department of State

      • Dear Department of State.
        Trump has been working with foreign nationals to steal the election.
        Let me know when I can collect my money.

        Dear jriding.
        Do you have any evidence? Because we sure-as-hell couldn't find any.
        Department of State

        Dear Department of State,
        I know you didn't find any because it's not you job to search but I do have some evidence. It's here in this file I downloaded from the Department of Justice. Compiled by some guy named Mueller.
        Money please.

  • Facebook. Can I have my $10M now?

  • .. you know - the liars who hired that Russian advertising agency to run ads then used those ads to prove that Russia was trying to interfere with the election - the sole source the media was using on reporting it?

    More grandstanding.

    Should be rewarding people like Bev Harris who showed who were ACTUALLY screwing with election results. Hint - they weren't foreigners.

Ever notice that even the busiest people are never too busy to tell you just how busy they are?
