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Biden Prepares Attack on Facebook's Speech Policies ( 171

The Biden presidential campaign, emboldened by a recent surge in support, is going after a new target: Facebook. From a report: After months of privately battling the tech giant over President Trump's free rein on its social network, the campaign will begin urging its millions of supporters to demand that Facebook strengthen its rules against misinformation and to hold politicians accountable for harmful comments. On Thursday, the campaign will circulate a petition and an open letter to Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's chief executive, to change the company's hands-off approach to political speech. The petition will be sent to millions of supporters on its email and text message lists and through social media, including Facebook, imploring them to sign the letter. The campaign will also release a video this week to be shared across social media to explain the issue.

"Real changes to Facebook's policies for their platform and how they enforce them are necessary to protect against a repeat of the role that disinformation played in the 2016 election and that continues to threaten our democracy today," said Bill Russo, a spokesman for the Biden campaign. The move puts the Biden camp in the center of a raging debate about the role and responsibility of tech platforms. Civil rights leaders, Democratic lawmakers and many of Facebook's own employees say that big tech companies have a responsibility to prevent false and hateful information from being shared widely.

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Biden Prepares Attack on Facebook's Speech Policies

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  • Meta Warning (Score:5, Insightful)

    by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Thursday June 11, 2020 @04:26PM (#60172488)

    If I read a headline about any candidate from any party that says "X plans attack on Y free speech policies" that's an instant no-vote from me dawg.

    • Re:Meta Warning (Score:4, Insightful)

      by ShanghaiBill ( 739463 ) on Thursday June 11, 2020 @04:32PM (#60172540)

      Someone needs to tell Joe that the primaries are over and he should stop pandering to the left.

      He needs to win over independent voters in Midwestern swing states.

      He isn't going to do that by attacking free speech.

      • Re: Meta Warning (Score:3, Insightful)

        by gsdfa ( 6545090 )
        Hopefully he remembers the teleprompter long enough to read what it says.
      • In 2016 the dems pandered to the left right up until December (past the election). I doubt it'll be different. They have to pander or be canceled.
        • by cusco ( 717999 )

          I'm sorry, but WTF??? When did the most pro-corporate candidate on the Democratic ticket in a century, who spent almost all of her time promising the Moon to Wall Street and Silicon Valley "pander to the left"?

          • by Luckyo ( 1726890 )

            When they allowed intersectional cultist to form new organisations within their companies. Organisations who's only goal was to infiltrate and subvert their very companies, ensuring that hiring practices vetted out people who didn't agree with intersectional insanity.

            So at the very least a decade at this point, if not two.

            • by cusco ( 717999 )

              Again, WTF? Do I need to follow Q-Anon to understand what you're talking about?

              • by Luckyo ( 1726890 )

                Are you denying that over last two decades, every major corporation of the kind mentioned above didn't create either an office of diversity and inclusion, or a subsection of HR that performs the same role?

                Are you really that disconnected from reality in your far left bubble, or just trolling?

                • by cusco ( 717999 )

                  You have a rather obtuse way to complain that non-WASPs are now allowed to work in major corporations, but whatever. To the surprise of the leadership of most of those companies it's actually worked out very well for them since diverse work forces have been shown to be more productive and creative, which is why those offices still exist and why you're not going to convince them to do away with inclusive policies.

                  • Let me know when I can tell if someone was hired simply because He/She/They/Zi because they were the best candidate or because of some other "qualification" not related to doing a job. That wonder itself is a horrifying prospect for someone working hard to qualify. They will always be suspect.

                    • by cusco ( 717999 )

                      Come to Amazon or Microsoft or Starbucks or the entire physical security industry or the food processing industry or retail or healthcare or ...

                      If this were still 1985 you might have a valid concern, but it's been a non-issue everywhere that I've worked for the last quarter century. Of course I've lived on the Left Coast for most of that time, YMMV. If you live in some shithole like Louisiana or Georgia I suppose that might still happen, but I don't understand why people choose to live places like that an

                    • by Luckyo ( 1726890 )

                      As a member of a minority, I can help you with the last question.

                      It's because it frees us from stigma of being eternally suspect of having been hired on the basis of our ethnic/sexual characteristics, rather than our expertise with the task we're supposed to perform. It also frees us from baizuo such as yourself and your smug aura of superiority as you "help the ethnically/sexually inferiour folx get the job they would otherwise not be able to get on merit. I'm such a good person".

                      For the record, when I was

                    • by cusco ( 717999 )

                      All right, now I'm confused. You'd prefer to live somewhere that you can be discriminated against and where places hire minorities only because they're forced to by corporate headquarters, as opposed to living where you can compete on an even footing with people from any race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, physical disability, etc. And you think that's a good thing? Sorry, that makes no sense to me at all. Well, I suppose it takes all kinds.

                      Or perhaps you misunderstand. I currently work in

      • Re: (Score:2, Troll)

        Joe wasn't pandering; that's what he actually believes.
      • He isn't going to do that by attacking free speech.

        There's a difference between free speech and actively disseminating lies. Honestly I defend your right to say what you want, but as soon as you post some of the outright bullshit that coming out these days from *both* political parties I'd want to see your speech with a big fucking exclamation mark over it.

        • There's a difference between free speech and actively disseminating lies.

          There is a difference between social media sites making independent decisions about what to allow, and being pressured by politicians.

          I am uncomfortable with Mark Zuckerberg acting as the arbiter of what "truth" I am allowed to read.

          I am horrified at Joe Biden making that decision.

          • by taustin ( 171655 )

            I am horrified at Joe Biden making that decision.

            At least with Creepy Uncle Joe, he's too senile to be systematic about it. What gets censored and what gets through would be essentially random.

            It's his handlers, who will not be elected to anything and aren't accountable to anyone, who are scary.

        • by rho ( 6063 )

          I'd want to see your speech with a big fucking exclamation mark over it

          What an absolutely frighting idea.

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • Re: (Score:2, Troll)

          by Luckyo ( 1726890 )

          Marxists and progressives are almost perfectly aligned. The people that actually would split is intersectionals/Marxists/progressives from pretty much everyone else, ranging from people who just want a slightly more just society to neoliberals. Because former are revolutionaries, and latter are not. And there's no way to reconcile revolutionaries with those that think that current society is functional, and just needs adjustments.

      • Re:Meta Warning (Score:5, Interesting)

        by sound+vision ( 884283 ) on Thursday June 11, 2020 @10:56PM (#60173914) Journal

        I think the "swing voter", especially in this election cycle, is something of a myth. Biden, and even moreso Trump, aren't going to change anyone's mind about anything. Cliche as it's become, "polarization is at an all-time high" isn't wrong. The lack of a particularly compelling or visionary candidate from either party seals the deal... the swing voter is dead. No one is getting swung in 2020.

        The deciding factor in the 2020 election will be turnout. People's minds are made up, it's not about changing them. It's about who actually shows up and votes. The winning strategy is going to look a lot like what they deride as "playing to the base" - whipping people into a frenzy to ensure they actually turn out.

        I read the voting blocs like this - You have roughly a third of the people who are, let's call them AlwaysTrumpers. The ones he said would vote for him if he shot someone on Fifth Avenue. Not everyone who elected him in 2016 were AlwaysTrumpers. But the ones that are - Every one of them is going to turn out. In the other corner, you of course have people with the same lockstep mentality, but in somewhat smaller proportion. Less of a cult of personality - Biden doesn't get anyone's dick hard.
        Outside of these two "bases" you have what they called swing voters, or independents. Some of them have simply disengaged as the volume of bullshit and cheerleading continues to increase. ("I don't like politics.") Of the ones that are still engaged, essentially none of them have become AlwaysTrumpers. Nobody that thinks critical thoughts, considers new ideas, evaluates them based on evidence, has an unclouded view of the world, etc. will have gone that direction. I hesitate to call them a "silent majority", because they are definitely a minority in the grand scheme of things. But the way for Trump to win is to make sure they stay silent - that they don't turn out. To keep it as a race between inflexible ideologists vs. inflexible ideologists. (Or extremists vs. extremists.) That's a battle Trump will always win; he's got more of them.

        So my prediction for the 2020 election. I'm putting it on the record now. If overall voter turnout is similar to or less than 2016, Trump will win. The more he can exclude non-radicals of any stripe, the better it works out for him. If voter turnout is higher than 2016 - maybe as little as 5% - then Biden will probably win. I think the Republicans have recognized this as well, that's why they have developed this late-game mortal fear of mail-in voting. That battle will be decided state-by-state... so it will cloud the picture. Comparing results in states with high turnout vs. low turnout... could be highly interesting. If high turnout is linked to mail-in ballots, AND Biden winning, that provides a golden opportunity for the Rs to beat the "voter fraud" drum some more. That may be how they dispute the election results in a Biden win.
          So will the "silent minority" of free and rational thinkers swallow their pride and cast a vote for Biden? I thought not, until recently. Trump is most successful when people don't know, don't understand, or simply don't care what he's doing. Now with the Coronavirus, people have suddenly had less of the daily grind in their way, and more room for deep contemplation on matters of national importance. Not necessarily the virus, but in general. I think the amount of white people showing up at the BLM protests attests to that. In 2015, they were by and large a ghost town.

        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

          There will be a lot of people swinging from one party to the other this time around. When the economy is doing okay and things are generally alright people don't move much, but right now we have a pandemic, an economy in crisis and race riots and it's only June.

      • Let's be honest though, hateful memes, harmful lies, insults, and outrage porn are no more "free speech" than actual porn.
        And at least actual porn does not -in general- damage the trust and reasoning attitude that constitute the very fabric of civil society.

        And by the way FB policies were never free speech in the first place. Posts are automatically promoted and demoted all the time, (depending on content too), to maximize engagement. And to avoid pissing off local government laws. Their appeal to the secon

      • by whitroth ( 9367 )

        Right, thanks for giving us the "thinking" of Faux News and the rest of you idiots.

        WE oin the left are the ones who'll take him over the top. You want him to prostitute himself to who, the "Brave 2nd Amendment Gun Nuts" (who weren't there to protect the people from the overreaching government) and the rest of the racist bigots?

        Why? You won't vote for him anyway, and prostituting himself to you lets you laugh at him on the way to vote for your idol, the Orange Hairball.

    • by vux984 ( 928602 )

      "If I read a headline about any candidate from any party that says "X plans attack on Y free speech policies" that's an instant no-vote from me dawg."

      In other words you don't vote. Ever. Got it.

    • If I read a headline about any candidate from any party that says "X plans attack on Y free speech policies" that's an instant no-vote from me dawg.

      I agree with you, but let's wait to see what he actually says before condemning. No need to be judgmental early, especially based on a headline.

      Free Speech 4 Life

    • Yo dawg, no one's attacking free speech. Biden will probably just suggest that facebook put an asterisk next to any blatant lies or intentionally misleading information. It's a private platform. The debate is about how much responsibility they should take for the dissemination of lies when they provide such a huge megaphone.

      By all means though, use this as an excuse to justify a vote for the guy that made this [] happen. Facebook policy is so much more important than obstruction of justice.
  • Yay! (Score:5, Funny)

    by DontBeAMoran ( 4843879 ) on Thursday June 11, 2020 @04:28PM (#60172502)

    Whoever wins, Facebook gets destroyed! Rejoice!

  • Privately-owned, membership platforms (yeah - remember those terms and conditions you agreed to when you made an account?) have no obligation to carry content they don't want to, or to remove content they want to keep up (copyright/child porn laws apply, obviously). If you start a forum for Honda enthusiasts and it gets overrun with folks posting about their Teslas, you have every right to remove those posts. Conversely, if Honda corporation decides they want you to remove posts full of falsehoods that pa

    • Privately-owned, membership platforms ... have no obligation to carry content they don't want to, or to remove content they want to keep up.

      Joe Biden is running for President of the United States of America, not CEO of Facebook.

      So should he be telling Facebook to remove content they want to keep up?

    • by hey! ( 33014 )

      Well, it's the old laws/norms dichotomy, isn't it?

      I totally agree that privately owned platforms have no legal duty to either allow or prevent speech based on what other people think of that speech. That does *not* however immunize them from criticism and social condemnation.

      People are free to say bad things about Facebook's policies, boycott Facebook, and publicly shame Facebook users if they want.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • Sorry but that argument got taken out back and told about the rabbits the SECOND that both political parties started using it the platforms to address the public about issues, the second that happened it became a Quango and the courts have already ruled as such

        FYI, we really never use the term 'quango' in the US. It doesn't mean we haven't got them, just that we don't use the term.

        Plus, our political parties are not parts of our government. If political parties using a news publication to communicate with the public were enough to turn it into an arm of the government, you'd have to say the same about our newspapers, TV, news periodicals, etc.

        Trump and AOC being denied the ability to block those they do not like.

        You're misunderstanding what happened. The courts didn't say that because Trump and AOC use Twitter that Twitter is fun

  • Oh boy! (Score:5, Funny)

    by Chas ( 5144 ) on Thursday June 11, 2020 @04:52PM (#60172662) Homepage Journal

    A politician in favor of censorship!

  • Yes by all means censor those with common sense. Then let all the wacko leftists that are rioting, looting and burning down police stations freely distribute hate and violent speech. Then you can accuse those on the right of violence.
  • by BoB235423424 ( 6928344 ) on Thursday June 11, 2020 @04:58PM (#60172690)
    We keep hearing how Trump has a huge advantage in digital campaigning. Biden's response: remove Trump from the internet. This has nothing to do with fixing things. It's all about making it harder for Trump to reach an audience. No one on the left cared when the Obama campaign made revolutionary use of social media and targeted audiences to win office. But once Trump's campaign used similar tactics, it was suddenly bad. The same platforms that were heralded when Obama used them, are now evil because Trump used them. The real threat to Democracy is in censoring differing viewpoints. Biden doesn't want to debate issues, he wants the other side silenced. If he's so confident in his policies (by the way, I've yet to see him define what he's for. His entire campain thus far is "I'm not Trump" and I'm going to hide in my basement so I don't say anything strange), he should welcome the opportunity to have them debated in the public view. All his campaign is doing is finding ways to threaten entities that might give Trump a platform to reach voters. He's trying to suppress a political opponent through blackmail. That is a direct threat to the 2020 election. This is what they keep arguing Trump does with no proof while they're actually the ones doing so. Most of what's called "false and hateful" today by the left is nothing more than differing opinions. They conveniently label them hateful to drown out debate. People don't want to be labeled as mean, hateful people, so they don't express their thoughts. It's nothing more than intimidation by the left. One of the reasons the polls were so wrong about 2016 is that the left had so many people afraid to say they supported Trump. People afraid of public lambasting, having their employers threatened if they didn't fire you, having friends unfriend you, having other parents not allow their kids to play with yours. This moral high ground from progressives is nothing more than a hate campaign all twisted to make them look like the good ones. It's sickening.
  • []
    this image sums it up pretty well
  • 1. Ban ALL political posts from Facebook, permanently
    2. Just kill Facebook once and for all, it's cancerous anyway.
  • Boot Trump off twitter and Biden off Facebook. It always amuses me how many people whine and scream about how bad twitter is..on twitter. These same people would have literal mental breakdowns if Jack just decided "Meh, ok" and closed their twitter accounts.

    They've both got Fuck You money, what's the worst that would happen? Oh noes, I lost my company and only have several billion dollars to live out the rest of my life in luxury!

    • These same people would have literal mental breakdowns if Jack just decided "Meh, ok" and closed their twitter accounts.

      Trump would LOVE that. It would fit perfectly into his message that the real victims are white male Christians, and the left is trying to prevent him from defending them.

  • I just wish (Score:5, Interesting)

    by bobstreo ( 1320787 ) on Thursday June 11, 2020 @05:19PM (#60172792)

    I had a choice beside either Trump or Biden. The democratic party has failed it's constituents again.

    Your choice is bad or worse, no matter how you order them.

    My state is very blue, so my vote for presidential elections really doesn't matter, at all.

    For Congressional or local elections, I usually vote for people who appear to at least be capable of doing the job, and I vote against bad, entrenched politicians, on either side,


  • by superwiz ( 655733 ) on Thursday June 11, 2020 @06:27PM (#60173066) Journal

    When the "Democrats" claim (without proof) that you are at fault, that's "evidence." But when you present evidence that the Fascist Democratic party is at fault, you are a "russian bot."

    Or as George Carlin put it, "it's because your stuff is shit and their shit is stuff."

    Tell me again how the administration that got around a subpoena of IRS harddrives, by claiming that 6 harddrives simultaneously failed, did not "have any scandals."

  • Let everybody say what they want. Just judge them on what they say. It is as stupid for the Dems to take their stance as it is for Trump to take his. Something tells me that (history will repeat itself), and this will do more harm to their cause than good.

  • As a person that has been called out repeatedly for flat out lying, I don't see Biden as the one to carry the flag for honesty in social media. Remember, this is the guy that claimed:

    1) That he graduated in the top half of his law school class. In fact, he graduated 76th out of 85.
    2) To have graduated with three degrees. In fact, he graduated with a single degree in Political Science and History.
    3) That his wife and daughter were killed by a drunk driver. Tragically, the accident was deemed to be the fault

Let's organize this thing and take all the fun out of it.
