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Most Americans Think Facebook and Twitter Censor Their Political Views ( 428

According to a new Pew Research Center study, 72 percent of those polled (from a sample of 4,594 adults) think it's likely companies such as Facebook and Twitter actively censor political views that they consider objectionable. The study finds that Americans don't trust those companies to be impartial when it comes to partisan politics. Bloomberg reports: Republicans, more than their Democratic counterparts, displayed concern over perceived political bias. Eighty-five percent of Republicans and those who labeled themselves conservative independents said it's likely that social media platforms censor political speech. And 64 percent of Republicans think technology companies support the views of liberals over conservatives. The majority of Democrats, meanwhile, think it's likely that social media platforms censor political viewpoints, coming in at 62 percent. But only about a quarter of Democrats worry that these companies support the views of conservatives over liberals.
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Most Americans Think Facebook and Twitter Censor Their Political Views

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  • by elrous0 ( 869638 ) on Thursday June 28, 2018 @05:33PM (#56861770)

    As volatile as politics are now, I wouldn't trust anyone to be "objective" anymore. Shit, even my local donut shop is starting to get too heavy-handed with the politics on their Facebook page.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 28, 2018 @05:44PM (#56861814)

      I hate the thought that we may look back fondly one day soon on an earlier era where most businesses welcomed all customers, regardless of their political beliefs. The way things are going, I wouldn't be surprised to see most Silicon Valley-based social media platforms outright banning all posts supporting Trump by the 2020 elections, combined with a backlash from the right that only ratchets up the anger on both sides.

      It's just not healthy for us to take politics this personally. A similar thing happened in the U.S. in the 1850's, with Congressmen literally beating each other on the Senate floor []. And it ultimately lead to a civil war.

      • Slashdot and UNITED STATES CONGRESS are tools of INFIDELS. All who use Slashdot shall PERISH. Only Almighty Allah shall be a reliable source of news.
      • by jellomizer ( 103300 ) on Thursday June 28, 2018 @08:12PM (#56862618)

        Part of the problem is politics has gone beyond policy, but to identity.
        If you are the tough guy then you should be a republican.
        If you are an intellectual then you are a democrat.
        If your religious then you are a republican.
        If your an atheist then you are a democrat.

        It isn’t about policy anymore it is personal. It is about the other side trying to stop your way of life and your values.

        • by another_twilight ( 585366 ) on Thursday June 28, 2018 @09:56PM (#56863064)

          Social media reinforces homogeneity. Part of it is the echo chamber effect, partly because it is so easy to find people based on your opinions and interests.

          When you are 'forced' to interact with neighbours, colleagues etc. even with location and social strata providing some conformity, there's still a greater need to accomodate differences of opinion and even belief. At the same time, being accepted and knowing that you 'belong' even if you don't have exactly the same beliefs and opinions means that there's less pressure to conform.

          Finding and knowing your role in a community is a powerful drive. Communication technology has taken our drive to belong and exaggerated it into something unhealthy.

          Compromise is no longer as necessary. People are unpractised at it and it takes work to overcome our 'us and them' drive. Easier to simply find a place of like minded people and not deal with 'other'. Lather, rinse, repeat.

      • I hate the thought that we may look back fondly one day soon on an earlier era where most businesses welcomed all customers, regardless of their political beliefs.

        How do you look back on a time which never existed?

    • by Tablizer ( 95088 )

      As volatile as politics are now...

      Barring some yuuuge change, we are headed for a civil war or split-up. When too much political energy is wasted on nasty red/blue fights, it may be time to go separate ways. Otherwise, nothing of use will get done on the Federal level.

      Why have a Federal gov't if all they do is bicker and redo/undo each others' laws and spending every cycle? Politics is rarely smooth, but this is shifting into destruction. It's watching sausages being destroyed, not made.

      • Why have a Federal gov't if all they do is bicker and redo/undo each others' laws and spending every cycle?

        Because it keeps the people who live for the chance to tell someone else how to live something to do that's pretty much harmless. Much better than letting them indulge their desires to tell you what to do...

      • by elrous0 ( 869638 ) on Thursday June 28, 2018 @06:19PM (#56861994)

        Barring some yuuuge change, we are headed for a civil war or split-up.

        I'm hoping that Millennials will turn back from the brink when they realize that there isn't an app for civil war.

        • when they realize that there isn't an app for civil war.

          But there is: Twitter's flash-mob. (or whatever platform you move it to.) It's not just for dancing anymore.

          I've read of instant-theft, where a bunch of people show up at a store and minutes later Grab and Go. The store is set up for casual shoplifters, not when half of your customers are running away.

          Now with instant communication running multi-point, just convert that to guerrilla warfare. "Will be meeting Aunt Marie at the local power substation at 2AM tomorrow. Bring presents, tell your friends!"

          • by elrous0 ( 869638 )

            "Will be meeting Aunt Marie at the local power substation at 2AM tomorrow. Bring presents, tell your friends!" And if enough of the "right" people show up, you've done a BANG up job.

            That's pretty easy to counter. All the other side has to do is point out that there's been a rare Pokemon spotted on the other side of town and no one will show up.

      • Plenty is getting done at the federal level. Problem is, the left is extremely angry about it. Instead of trying to win votes, they're aggressively attacking anyone who thinks differently from them. See the Bernie-Bro assassination attempt on Scalisle, the attack on Rand Paul, following Sarah Sanders to the next restaurant after asking her to leave, Maxine Waters advocating stalking people, the harassment of the Florida attorney general.... the list goes on. The left, now more than ever, thinks that they're so much better than their opponents that any depraved act is justified to get back on top.

        Fact is they're nuts and going insane with rage. While I derive some guilty pleasure from watching youtube videos of far-away left wing cranks going apoplectic; it's not so fun seeing someone I know and like (who has been a generous host to me at several parties) falling apart on facebook. Her world is collapsing because folks she doesn't agree with got elected, and they're starting to play by some of the rules established by the left under Obama.

        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

          On the one hand, there are real dangers and threats to be angry about. For example, now there is an opportunity to appoint a new supreme court judge there is a risk to women's bodily autonomy and to gay people's rights.

          On the other hand, progressive and left leaning candidates have been unseating hard right incumbents all over the place. The anger and protest is proving effective it seems.

          This round of elections will be extremely interesting to see.

          • People knew the Supreme Court hung in the balance in fall 2016 and the vote went the way it did anyhow. Now it's too late to do anything about it. McConnell doesn't care about being a hypocrite, much less being called one. Even if a blue wave comes in, it's a safe bet those federal court decisions will be overturned. It makes me glad I live in a state that actually cares about human rights.
      • Re: (Score:2, Flamebait)

        You strike on an interesting point - the Federal Government bickering and fighting everywhere. Let's work to shrink the Federal Government back down to what it was supposed to be, and not only will it have a lot less to bicker about, it will have much less influence on people as it loses the ability to pick winners and losers in all aspects of life. The Constitution explicitly stated what the Federal Government could do, and explicitly stated ANYTHING else was for the States or the People - NOT the Federa
    • I think it is more the case the algorithm is working normally not censoring. It is just no one really cares on your political belief. So the algorithm rates content no one cares about accordingly.

    • As volatile as politics are now, I wouldn't trust anyone to be "objective" anymore.

      I mean this in the most respectful possible way, but doesn't that make you part of the problem? Polarisation feeds distrust, and distrust feeds polarisation.

      For example, at some point we need to agree that there is such a thing as objective reality, and that most big news outlets report it accurately enough most of the time.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 28, 2018 @05:35PM (#56861778)

    "Determined by algorithm" doesn't mean the result is impartial. It just means it happened systematically.

    • And that system goes way too far. My boss posted something about Lauren Southern (think I have her name right) to Facebook, and everyone that used Facebook from our office was required to submit proof of ID to Facebook in order to keep using our accounts. They not only censor the posters, they also censor everyone at the same IP.

      A couple of people couldn't get Facebook to reenable their account. That was a major problem since one was our online marketing manager. Facebook lost out on advertising money s

  • I don't understand (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Rick Schumann ( 4662797 ) on Thursday June 28, 2018 @05:35PM (#56861780) Journal
    I don't understand why it is that anyone trusts these companies at all when it comes to anything.
  • I know that Facebook doesn't censor my political views, as I already do that for my own postings. Twitter, censoring nothing is easy as I don't use that service.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 28, 2018 @05:45PM (#56861826)

    This story, which suggests more right-wingers think companies are biased toward left-wing politics reminds me of a fun quote: "Reality has a liberal bias." I suspect, based on politics in the USA at the moment, Republicans are running out of excuses as to why the world doesn't agree with their views. Suspecting censorship and blaming "fake news" seems to be all they have remaining to keep their bubble intact.

    It's kind of like watching religious people claim evolution is fake or that you can't test for the existence of God because He needs to be taken on faith. The amount of mental twisting and denial is amazing and horrifying to watch.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      If you think that the majority of the world really agrees with modern liberal views, I would suggest it's you who are the one living in a bubble. Muslims alone make up 22% of the world's population, and if you think that even a tiny minority of them agree with you on LGBTQ or abortion rights, then you really need to get out more. Reality check: liberals only make up a majority in a few Western European countries.

  • by eepok ( 545733 ) on Thursday June 28, 2018 @05:55PM (#56861864) Homepage

    In my opinion, the issue became palpable in the 1990s with the beginning of the consumer internet age, the massive expansion of telecommunications powers, and the beginnings of the anti-public education campaign. The truth is that the vast majority of people in American have no clue how these businesses work or how their tech works. And they're OK with it because they like what their tech gives them AND they actually like complaining about it. Everyone wants an easy life of luxurious rebellion.

    "Yes, I want to be able to say three words to my handheld device and for that device to tell me exactly how to get home... but I HATE that this corporation knows where I live! They have too much power!"

    Thus, I can't be surprised when told that people love their Facebook and Twitter with one tongue and speak conspiracy with another. We keep teaching people be exactly like this.

    • by elrous0 ( 869638 )

      I would settle for a moment of peace where every "friend" on Facebook or Twitter didn't feel the need to bombard with insipid inspirational quotes and the tiniest of details on every moment of their boring fucking lives. "I just took a shit this morning, and so here's an inspirational quote about shitting that I absolutely need to share with the world," said every friend and relative of mine on Facebook every day.

      • by eepok ( 545733 )

        You could turn it around on them. Start broadcasting genuinely factual tidbits with meme-worthy inspirational backgrounds.

        [Insert hazy sunrise]
        "The vast majority of stock investors are equally likely to lose money on an investment as they are to make money. On the other hand, investing in 'index funds' is like investing in the general growth of a market sector and is significantly more predictable in its success."

        [Insert cat hanging from branch]
        "Gravity is technically still a 'theory' because while we can p

    • I know how tech works, and I know that algorithmically it is possible to design a map gadget that does not tell google where I live. Hell, even google maps works offline.

    • In my opinion, the issue became palpable in the 1990s with the beginning of the consumer internet age, the massive expansion of telecommunications powers, and the beginnings of the anti-public education campaign.

      The sacking of public education began approximately in the 1960s. You're off by three decades.

      The dumbing-down of the populace is the most important driver by far. The bulk of the educated populace is the middle class (the upper class is small) so they went after the middle class, not because they don't want them to have any money, but because they don't want them to be educated.

  • or Democrats. They want whatever brings in the most money. Their "diversity" initiatives are just to more workers so they can depress wages. These companies campaign for the same low taxes, lax labor regulations and lax environmental rules as everybody else. They give a little more to Democrats but that's only because they're headquarters are located in Democratic strongholds like Seattle & California.

    Make no mistake, the "Us vs Them" isn't "Tech Company vs Republican" it is and always has been worki
    • Plainly false (Score:2, Informative)

      by SuperKendall ( 25149 )

      Tech companies aren't biased against Republicans

      How many times has Obama's Twitter account been deleted compared to Trump?

      I follow a lot of people who are both liberal and conservative, on Twitter and Facebook. I have see tons more conservatives being hit by things like shadow bans or outright bans on Twitter than I have seen any liberals affected.

      It's pretty obvious Twitter hires quite a few people to police abuse on Twitter, and some themselves abuse that power to moderate that which they do not like read

      • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

        by JThundley ( 631154 )

        I'm not aware of a single thing Obama said on Twitter. It was a random disgruntled employee that deleted Trump's twitter, that's hardly a tech company being biased.

        • I'm not aware of a single thing Obama said on Twitter. It was a random disgruntled employee that deleted Trump's twitter, that's hardly a tech company being biased.

          In fact, Trump regularly violates Twitter's policies. If anything, they are biased in favor of Trump. (In actuality, they are biased in favor of anyone who produces clicks, and doubly biased in favor of anyone who keeps them in the news constantly.)

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward

        I have see tons more conservatives being hit by things like shadow bans or outright bans on Twitter than I have seen any liberals affected.

        Huh... Maybe because conservatives deserve it ?

        It's not liberals who spew their social-darwinist, racist, misogynistic, homophobic garbage all over the web.

        It's not liberals who promote and defend values that would have modern civilization revert back to the dark ages, when superstition trumped science, when men and women were constrained in predefined roles, as defined by men only, when the exploitation of the weak by the strong was considered normal.

        It's not liberals who are 911-truthers, climate-change d

        • It's not liberals who spew their social-darwinist, racist, misogynistic, homophobic garbage all over the web.

          It's not liberals who promote and defend values that would have modern civilization revert back to the dark ages, when superstition trumped science, when men and women were constrained in predefined roles, as defined by men only, when the exploitation of the weak by the strong was considered normal.

          It's not liberals who are 911-truthers, climate-change deniers, 6000-year-earthers, creationists, moon-landings hoaxers, flat-earthers.

          Your complaining about mainstream media and tech companies being biased against conservatives is like cancer cells complaining that the immune system is biased against them compared to the rest of the body cells. Of course mainstream media and tech companies are biased against conservatives. And for anyone who values reality over superstition, collaboration over competition, compassion over heartlessness, collectivism over individualism, civilization over barbarism, this is exactly how it should be.

          Thank you! You have stated the case very well indeed. +10,000.

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by DogDude ( 805747 )
        How many times has Obama's Twitter account been deleted compared to Trump?

        Huh? How many times has Obama called people names? How many times has King Orange?
  • Not surprised (Score:3, Insightful)

    by GerryGilmore ( 663905 ) on Thursday June 28, 2018 @06:09PM (#56861932)
    As an American it saddens me to truthfully say that most Americans today are dumbasses. Most especially, those who regularly ingest the mental poison that is Fox News are the dumbest of the dumb and - not surprisingly for a group locked into the Religious Right - believe their bullshit with religious fervor and are thus immutable to logic and reason. Jesus wept.
    • Re:Not surprised (Score:5, Informative)

      by fahrbot-bot ( 874524 ) on Thursday June 28, 2018 @07:22PM (#56862382)

      As an American it saddens me to truthfully say that most Americans today are dumbasses. ...

      You might enjoy this from a few nights ago. The Daily Show interviews Trump supporters about Space Force []

      (Note: The above snippet on Twitter is an excerpt from a longer segment [] about the recent Trump South Carolina rally.)

      Some excerpts from an article [] on the segment:

      But when Kosta asked a series of Trump supporters what “Space Force” is, all he got were answers like “something we’ve been missing for a long time,” “a little bit of everything” and, in the words of one older gentleman, a “cloud computer.” That same man was worried that “terrorists” might threaten our “freedom” from space. “I think Space Force could help us prevent the next 9/11,” he said.

      While NASA is “only going to tell us what they want us to know,” these Trump fans believe that the president will “tell us the truth about what’s out there.”

      And then there was the guy who thought the formation of “Space ISIS” was a real possibility. “It doesn’t make a lot of sense and would be wasting a lot of dollars,” he said. “But at the same time, it’s going to be cool.”

    • by mjwx ( 966435 )

      As an American it saddens me to truthfully say that most Americans today are dumbasses.

      This isn't a new phenomena.

      âoeThe best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.â - Widely attributed to Winston Churchill.

      People by and large have always been dumbarses, the difference is that now their believe that their ignorance is worth as much as anyone's knowledge and this has made them entitled.

      Most especially, those who regularly ingest the mental poison that is Fox News are the dumbest of the dumb

      Garbage in, garbage out.

      I honestly believe western nations are lapsing into a neo-fascism. There's only going to be two solutions, rip it off fast lik

  • by Ogive17 ( 691899 ) on Thursday June 28, 2018 @06:49PM (#56862188)
    One of the reasons I quit facebook a few years ago was that I was getting too much political propaganda in my feeds through friends sharing every crack-pot theory. It was definitely not biased towards a liberal view point.

    The fringes on both ends of the spectrum are virtually the same, basically militant in their approach. I'm more concerned with the mainstream conservatives willing to sell out their values simply to support the candidate with the R next to his name. Anyone thinking Trump is religious is a fool.
    • One of the reasons I quit facebook a few years ago was that I was getting too much political propaganda in my feeds through friends sharing every crack-pot theory.

      Sounds like you've got some dumb friends. Any idea why they want to hang out with you?

      The fringes on both ends of the spectrum are virtually the same, basically militant in their approach.

      I alienated the right-wingers who were following me, now they aren't following me for the most part. I did have to say "run along Nazi" on G+ lately, though. It seems to have worked...

  • Your posts/tweets aren't missing from feeds, or placed lower on them, because of your political views, it's because the algorithms Facebook and Twitter use to generate the feeds don't think you -- and by extension, anything you have to say -- are important. Simple.
  • ...if your political views involve things like blatant racism and overt calls for genocide. In most countries that sort of stuff is legally considered hate speech, but it seems to be a moderate-right position in the US these days.

  • by erp_consultant ( 2614861 ) on Thursday June 28, 2018 @09:45PM (#56863034)

    and really the truth - not one sided political noise - you've got to examine multiple news sources. If all you listen to is MSNBC or FOX then you're only going to get opposite ends of the spectrum. The exact same news story will be reported through a political lens, skewed this way or that to advance a given agenda.

    Me? I listen to NPR and I watch FOX and I browse various news sites on the interweb. Somewhere in all that lies the truth. When I hear news I am skeptical. I ask myself what agenda are they trying to sell. And EVERYONE has an agenda. Everyone.

    So the trick is to recognize where the news reporting ends and the editorial begins. In the old days, Walter Cronkite would announce "and now for tonight's editorial..." so you knew that what you were about to hear was opinion. Today it is all interspersed so it can be difficult to tell where the reporting ends and the opinion begins.

  • by OrangeTide ( 124937 ) on Thursday June 28, 2018 @09:47PM (#56863038) Homepage Journal

    don't be so fucking stupid.

  • Will show what side of US politics social media was all over to support.
    What side of US politics got talked about as having the support of social media brands.
    What accounts got banned for their political views.
  • Hello group. My name is Martin, and I use Facebook. I have absolutely caught them censoring political content, though not in ages. They literally removed link content from my posts after the fact (the links were correctly thumbnailed and attached), and ONLY political content. I checked the links from my history and the pages were still active.

    I don't know that they are still doing this, but they still by default dick around with which posts they actually show you. You have to manually go to everyone's strea

If it has syntax, it isn't user friendly.
