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Sierra Leone Records World's First Blockchain-Powered Election ( 72

The citizens of Sierra Leone went to the polls on March 7 but this time something was different: the country recorded votes at 70% of the polling to the blockchain using a technology that is the first of its kind in actual practice. The tech, created by Leonardo Gammar of Agora, anonymously stored votes in an immutable ledger, thereby offering instant access to the election results. TechCrunch reports: "Anonymized votes/ballots are being recorded on Agora's blockchain, which will be publicly available for any interested party to review, count and validate," said Gammar. "This is the first time a government election is using blockchain technology." "Sierra Leone wishes to create an environment of trust with the voters in a contentious election, especially looking at how the election will be publicly viewed post-election. By using blockchain as a means to immutably record ballots and results, the country hopes to create legitimacy around the election and reduce fall-out from opposition parties," he said.

Why is this interesting? While this is little more than a proof of concept -- it is not a complete voting record but instead captured a seemingly acceptable plurality of votes -- it's fascinating to see the technology be implemented in Sierra Leone, a country of about 7.4 million people. The goal ultimately is to reduce voting costs by cutting out paper ballots as well as reducing corruption in the voting process.

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Sierra Leone Records World's First Blockchain-Powered Election

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  • Oh! That's great! (Score:1, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward

    Now, tell us how this is supposed to be better than a paper ballot.... idiots

    • Now, tell us how this is supposed to be better than a paper ballot.... idiots

      It can be a good complement to paper ballot. I agree paper is the most reliable poll output, but that is only true on election day, because many eyes starred at it. Just wait for the next day and your trust in paper is weakened because someone could have meddled it overnight.

      In an idea situation, each polling booth would validate paper and store result in a blockchain you can trust later.

    • A.C. said

      Now, tell us how this is supposed to be better than a paper ballot.... idiots

      I'll tell you, Chad. First, paper ballots can have questionable disputes as to whether they were filled out correctly, have "hanging chads" and other controversial issues. Are you old enough to remember the Gore-Bush Florida fiasco?

      Blockchaining anonymized ballots, then making them publicly available for everyone to count, validate, etc. should stop officials destroying ballots before a recount, as in the primary involving Debbie Wasserman Schultz in 2017. BTW, Even digital ballots can be destroy

      • by Sigma 7 ( 266129 )

        First, paper ballots can have questionable disputes as to whether they were filled out correctly

        A better question is how someone can mess up a paper ballot. Really, even North Korea has a better paper ballot system than the fragmented system all over the US.

        The United States is adjacent to a country that does things correctly - voters receive a paper ballot, they mark the entry on the paper, and drop it into the box. Of all the ballots cast, none of them were spoiled, rejected, had hanging chads, or had an

        • Sigma said

          A better question is how someone can mess up a paper ballot. Really, even North Korea has a better paper ballot system than the fragmented system all over the US.

          The United States is adjacent to a country that does things correctly - voters receive a paper ballot, they mark the entry on the paper, and drop it into the box. Of all the ballots cast, none of them were spoiled, rejected, had hanging chads, or had any other funny business. Plus there were scrutineers from the major parties making sure that there's no funny business going on either.

          The only election that used a machine was the local election, and it's purpose was only to scan the ballot as they were completed.

          It is baffling how we can mess up paper ballots so badly. I didn't know about North Korea, that surprises me. But Canada, yes, it does have a far better paper ballot system than anything in the US. I still think we should "Blockchain the vote", but you are right.

          • by Sigma 7 ( 266129 )

            I didn't know about North Korea, that surprises me

            North Korea uses the "pre-printed" ballot method, where everyone's choices are pre-determined.

            It's blatantly corrupt, but still not messed up because voters are certain that their votes are cast correctly.

  • This seems like an awfully convenient way of manipulating the vote count, throwing the manipulated data in a "blockchain", and then telling people "hey look - the blockchain says votes were counted correctly, so they really WERE counted correctly". Who even says that currency blockchains CANNOT be manipulated? What if the creator(s) of Bitcoin and so forth can pull hundreds of millions of dollars out of the blockchain they have created, but the blockchain appears "intact" when examined? That would be one he
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by F.Ultra ( 1673484 )
      No one is saying that currency blockchains cannot be manipulated. It's well known that cryptocurrencies are open to manipulation if any one party controls more than 50% of the miners. And with this particular blockchain the Sierra Leone government controls 100% of the miners, what could go wrong...
      • by Anonymous Coward

        "Sierra Leone wishes to create an environment of trust with the voters in a contentious election, especially looking at how the election will be publicly viewed post-election. By using blockchain as a means to immutably record ballots and results, the country hopes to create legitimacy around the election and reduce fall-out from opposition parties"

        It is right in the article. Immutably record ballots and results. Whether currency or votes, someone did say it.

        Immutable - not capable of or susceptible to ch

        • Ah ok, so idiots does exists is what you say, well I can not argue against that.
        • I have to applaud the summary for calling it a ledger, because that’s what blockchain is, nothing magical or mysterious to it. Immutable? Even if it were, it still doesn’t matter. Not if you cannot ensure that the numbers entered into the ledger are actually correct. Voting requires a human chain of custody from ballot to results, with any human smart enough to count being able to oversee or verify the voting and counting process.
        • Immutable - not capable of or susceptible to change.

          So, once the bad information enters the system, there's no way to correct it.

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      If the blockchain can be manipulated, it hasn't been proven yet. And even with bitcoin not being worth what it was back in december, it is still worth enough to entice someone looking to make an easy buck to find a way to manipulate it.

      I would say considering the stakes at play, if someone hasn't found a way to manipulate the bitcoin blockchain by now, it is likely pretty damn secure. That't the whole reason bitcoin "mining" takes up 10% of a particular city's power. The point of "mining" isn't generating c

    • by xlsior ( 524145 )
      Who even says that currency blockchains CANNOT be manipulated? What if the creator(s) of Bitcoin and so forth can pull hundreds of millions of dollars out of the blockchain they have created, but the blockchain appears "intact" when examined?

      No need to do that -- Bitcoin mining is progressively more difficult / slower the more bitcoin exist in the system. There's no need for a backdoor for the creators to syphon off coins after fact, they could very easily crank out a ton of coin on 'easy' mode before e
    • What if the creator(s) of Bitcoin and so forth can pull hundreds of millions of dollars out of the blockchain they have created, but the blockchain appears "intact" when examined?

      The creator(s) of Bitcoin mined the coins when it was easy/cheap. They have billions of USD worth of bitcoin. They don't need to cheat, they can just start cashing it out.

    • by sjames ( 1099 )

      That's something I'm wondering about. In bitcoin, manipulation is made hard as long as no cooperating entity represents more than 50% of all mining. That only works because the process of minting a coin takes a not-trivial amount of CPU cycles.

      When all of the machines are owned by the same entity and the proof of work is reduced to a level that allows all of the coins to be minted on election day, I'm not so sure it still works.

      • With Bitcoin, you're validating transactions. For this distributed ledger of voting, you are only recording each vote and hopefully not transferring votes between wallets.

        • by sjames ( 1099 )

          Yes, you're recording different facts into the ledger, but that doesn't change the need for the ledger to be immutable.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday March 16, 2018 @08:18PM (#56272985)

    Instant election results, that can be verified by everyone. If the voting machine spits out a randomized unique identifier the voter could then go in and view the blockchain and confirm their votes were cast as they actually selected.

    If the voting machines were setup like those used in the US where election workers checked your voter registration and that you hadn't already voted, and then you just walked up to any random available machine, cast your vote, and then it spit out a receipt with your unique id in a QR code and ascii format, there would be no way to link votes to voters other than snatching their receipt out of their hands as they left.

    • by F.Ultra ( 1673484 ) on Friday March 16, 2018 @08:42PM (#56273061)
      And if they implemented it that way then they would have opened the floodgates for violent spouses, evil employers and other people with power (either by buying votes outright for cash or by threatening with violence) to force people to vote a specific way. This cannot happen in a normal paper ballot scheme since they have no way to control that you actually voted in the way that they expected you to but if the vote can be verified like in your example then this all of the suddenly works like a charm.
      • by sjames ( 1099 )

        One approach to that is that your actual ballot is signed by an official key. BUT you can request receipts showing any vote you like that will be signed by a different key. If anyone tries to validate one of those ballots and they can't prove they're you, it's off to jail awaiting trial for them. Allow some variation on that theme so a journalist can spot check ballots.

        • So I force you to return that receipt to me so that I can validate that you voted the way I told you to. This only makes the system more complex and does not solve anything, well except that it involves a blockchain so it's buzzword compliant and we all know how important that is.
          • by sjames ( 1099 )

            You force me to give you a receipt. So I give you the fake one I requested just for you that has the bogus signature and never actually counted. You verify it and get arrested on the spot. Bye Bye!

            Or, more likely, you know there's no point in asking for a receipt since I can just give you an official fake one that you don't dare verify.

            • And you think that people will trust a system that can generate random receipts when verifying a vote? If your answer depends on mathematics then it's too complex to be trusted by the population at large.
              • by sjames ( 1099 )

                Why not, they currently trust one that gives you nothing but an "I voted" sticker.

                • Then you have no clue how a paper ballot voting system works which is strange considering how simple it is. Don't you learn things like this in school where you live?
                  • by sjames ( 1099 )

                    I do know how the paper ballot system works. Your votes are recorded on a punch card which disappears into a box. You get an "I voted" sticker and you're on your way. Later, a lady with a bunch of balloons walks slowly by the security camera as your ballot gets swapped out and Putin wins again.

    • by Actually, I do RTFA ( 1058596 ) on Friday March 16, 2018 @09:21PM (#56273189)

      there would be no way to link votes to voters other than snatching their receipt out of their hands as they left.

      Well, that's a real possibility. Also, timing based identification, PRNGs being predictable, and others that I'm not thinking of at the moment. "Drop your receipt when you pick up your timecard"!

    • There are two seemingly mutually exclusive requirements for an ideal voting system:
      1) An inability to prove one's voting choices is necessary to ensure a safe and free election (i.e. one where people cannot be compelled to vote a particular way).

      2) The ability to verify the accuracy of your vote and that it was counted towards the results is the best means by which to establish confidence in the system.

      Blockchain may provide a path to marrying the two, but the system implemented in Sierra Leone is not yet i

  • Cheap Elections?!? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by rtb61 ( 674572 ) on Friday March 16, 2018 @08:55PM (#56273117) Homepage

    Why the fuck would any government brag about cheap elections. I want a government to brag about good elections. Paper ballots, made by people and counted by people, with representatives from each person running for the election checking the vote counting process. I want voting to be on weekends to be more accessible to more people. I want lots of polling stations and short queues. I want a web site with all candidates listed, the substantiated scholastic record, the employment history and their political history on show, with promises of what they will work for on show and contractually signed with penalties for failing, don't make promises you can keep or wont even try to keep. I want all those who run for election tested, their IQ, their knowledge and their psychology including a test for psychopathy and that available online. Then elections will be guaranteed to be a whole lot more fair and you will have a much greater chance of getting what you are paying for. Voting is about people and not about machines.

  • Population:
    6,163,195 (July 2017 est.)

    English (official, regular use limited to literate minority), Mende (principal vernacular in the south), Temne (principal vernacular in the north), Krio (English-based Creole, spoken by the descendants of freed Jamaican slaves who were settled in the Freetown area, a lingua franca and a first language for 10% of the population but understood by 95%)

    Muslim 78.6%, Christian 20.8%, other 0.3%, unspecified 0.2% (2013 est.)

    Sanitation facility access:

  • Propaganda technology have never been stronger in history. Whats the point of recording honestly an opinion of brainwashed imbeciles?

  • by Frankie70 ( 803801 ) on Saturday March 17, 2018 @09:55AM (#56274753)

    - Who runs the nodes of the blockchain?

    - Agora's whitepaper says that you vote remotely from your phone. Is that the only mechanism for voting? Can the voting be done at a poll booth? If so, is there a voting machine which transfers the vote to the blockchain? What prevents the fraud from happening before the vote is transferred to the blockchain?

    - Voting remotely means that secret ballot is not guaranteed. If someone threatens or bribes you to vote for a particular party/candidate & the voting is done at a booth, then they will never know who you actually voted for. However if voting is possible remotely, then this secret ballot is not guaranteed - this is the same for vote by phone or vote by mail or any such thing. The person threatening or bribing you can be by your side when you vote.

  • Ballot box stuffing is the simplest and most wide-spread form of election fraud. With internet connected machines giving real-time results the government could flip on a piece of hidden code on the machines to electronically stuff the boxes right under the noses of election observers. The government just wanted to get rid of those pesky paper records while pretending that the elections are even more secure because of the magical blockchain ledger

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