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Trump's Meeting With The Video Game Industry To Talk Gun Violence Could Get Ugly (washingtonpost.com) 498

Anonymous readers share a report: President Trump is set to pit the video game industry against some of its harshest critics at a White House meeting on Thursday that's designed to explore the link between violent games [Editor's note: the Washington Post article may be paywalled], guns and tragedies such as last month's shooting in Parkland, Fla. Following the attack at Marjory Stoneman High School, which left 17 students dead, Trump has said violent games are "shaping young people's thoughts." The president has proposed that "we have to do something about maybe what they're seeing and how they're seeing it." Trump has invited video game executives like Robert Altman, the CEO of ZeniMax, the parent company for games such as Fallout; Strauss Zelnick, the chief executive of Take Two Interactive, which is known for Grand Theft Auto, and Michael Gallagher, the leader of the Entertainment Software Association, a Washington-focused lobbying organization for the industry.

Three people familiar with the White House's planning, but not authorized to speak on the record, confirmed those invitees. A spokeswoman for the White House declined to share a full list of participants on Wednesday. ESA confirmed its attendance this week, but the others did not respond to questions. Opposite of them are expected to be some of the video-game industry's toughest critics, including Brent Bozell, the founder of the Parents Television Council, and Rep. Vicky Hartzler, a Republican from Missouri, the three people said. After another shooting -- the 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. -- they each called on government to focus its attention on violent media rather than just pursuing new gun restrictions.

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Trump's Meeting With The Video Game Industry To Talk Gun Violence Could Get Ugly

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  • by tonique ( 1176513 ) on Thursday March 08, 2018 @10:27AM (#56227183)
    FFS, editors should really check that there are no âoes in the posts.
  • by ranton ( 36917 ) on Thursday March 08, 2018 @10:30AM (#56227199)

    The meeting shouldn't be any more interesting than the Take Two Interactive and the Entertainment Software Association showing the studies that violent video games do not increase violence, and then everyone else sticking their thumbs up their asses. Then again I doubt it will go that way.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday March 08, 2018 @10:44AM (#56227297)

      So the problem with hoping that people might be allowed to bring facts is Trump the Idiot doesn't believe in facts, he believes in alternative facts.

      This is a man who loudly proclaims to be the best at everything, and have the biggest inauguration crowd, and all sorts of things .. often in direct opposition to real, actual facts.

      Donald Trump doesn't operate on facts, and doesn't give a fuck about facts. America has a president who feels facts are whatever the fuck he says they are.

      He was an asshole and a crook in private industry, and he's brought along his coterie of assholes and crooks (both his family and his cronies) to continue that in the White House.

      Honestly, why the fuck would you think Trump would start operating on facts for this issue? He hasn't done so for any other issue. He's an ill informed buffoon, and always will be.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      ... is a school satchel.


      In holland, they don't let people have guns, so bad man only had knives and failed to kill anyone.

      People in holland play the same video games. The difference is, they don't let ordinary people have guns without a damn good reason. Even IF IT DID cause violence, you'd have to remove every cause of anger and violence to fix the problem... video games, even if they do cause violence, are not the one and only cause.

      The fix is to remove guns from

      • by saider ( 177166 )

        they don't let ordinary people have guns

        This is the key difference. The American ideal is that we are all "ordinary" people, including those in government. Making rules that divide society into "ordinary people" and some sort of aristocracy is not the American way. You can bet that the 1% in Europe have these firearms, albeit though their private security services.

        The gun crowd in America does not want to give this up any more that we would accept controls on our speech (which Europeans also have more limit

    • Dude! These people look at video games all day! They'll be violent as fuck! The secret service will probably have to mow them down with the Presidential Gatling Gun [wired.com] to keep them off the POTUS!

    • You can use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!
  • The link (Score:5, Funny)

    by mwvdlee ( 775178 ) on Thursday March 08, 2018 @10:30AM (#56227201) Homepage

    that's designed to explore the link between violent games [Editor's note: the link may be paywalled],

    The link between violent games may be paywalled?

  • Thousands of game journalists have been proclaiming for years there is a link between sexism in games, and sexism in real life. They also constantly whined there were too many violent shooters and so on.

    So why would you not expect any non-gamer to read what the game journalists wrote and take it to heart? Trump would seem to be well-aligned with what the press has been saying for years, that games are affecting behavior.

    A little late to back out now fellows now that someone you hate has finally listened.

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by geekmux ( 1040042 )

      Thousands of game journalists have been proclaiming for years there is a link between sexism in games, and sexism in real life. They also constantly whined there were too many violent shooters and so on.

      So why would you not expect any non-gamer to read what the game journalists wrote and take it to heart? Trump would seem to be well-aligned with what the press has been saying for years, that games are affecting behavior.

      A little late to back out now fellows now that someone you hate has finally listened. Who did you think would listen to you, the game developers that actually have to make money from what they sell?

      Tell me something. If you truly believe that there's somehow a link between make-believe warfare and those who actually go out and murder people in real life, what the hell kind of impact does actual warfare on society have?

      The US sustains one of the largest Military armies in the world. We often represent ourselves as the Global Police force, engaging in conflicts that have little or no justification. The Military Industrial Complex was forewarned by a standing president in 1961 which prevented fucking

      • I don't think anyone (with a brain) disputes that war and the stresses caused by military conflict are psychologically damaging to the very large number of people who actively participate in warfighting and have jobs associated with it. Over the four terms of the last two presidents, we've also lost the ability to have effective public oversight of military action. Overall, this is a huge problem, but it's not actually a counterargument to the first post. Both game violence and military violence can be r

      • I don't believe it's a problem. I am saying, someone who is not a gamer could reasonably assume there was a link because that is what games journalism has been saying for years, by complaining about violent or sexist games.

        They are only now reversing that stance since Trump agrees with what they have been saying. Too late, they already planted the seed and it is bearing fruit.

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Funny...I don't run around diving down sewer pipes and jumping on turtles and mushrooms every chance I get.

    • by Rakarra ( 112805 )

      So why would you not expect any non-gamer to read what the game journalists wrote and take it to heart?

      It's one reason why I've said for years that gaming 'journalism' is absolute shit. Conservatives cry the mainstream media is corrupt? They should try looking at gaming journalism where the standards are ENTIRELY absent.

  • For someone who's looking to go room to room with a weapon some of the current FPS are pretty handy.

    • by PPH ( 736903 ) on Thursday March 08, 2018 @10:44AM (#56227299)

      But in a broader sense, video games are unrealistic. When you get shot in a game, it should cease to work. In fact, it should erase the entire contents of your computer. And delete your social media accounts. You are dead. No more fun stuff.

      For some people shot in-game, the software should scramble all your data, making it unreadable. And the game controls should respond slowly, if at all. Just like suffering a traumatic brain injury.

  • by jrumney ( 197329 ) on Thursday March 08, 2018 @10:37AM (#56227239)

    It seems to me a significant portion of the video game industry is based in Japan, where guns kill between 10 and 20 people each year. Meanwhile in America, 500+ are killed by guns accidentally going off, 10000+ murdered with guns and 40000+ kill themselves with guns every year. Must be the video games they said. We need to do something about the video games to save our children.

    Did anyone else see the news about the elephant in the classroom [themalaymailonline.com] last week? It doesn't seem to have gotten the attention it deserves.

    • Did anyone else see the news about the elephant in the classroom [themalaymailonline.com] last week? It doesn't seem to have gotten the attention it deserves.

      Of course, that's how it works. Let's face it: everybody sees the elephant in the room, it's just that nobody wants to talk about it.

    • the Japanese don't make or play FPSes much. The story goes that FPSes are "Holographic Murder Simulators" and the hyper realistic violence is the problem. Stuff like Nier Automata or Dark Souls, while violent, lacks the realism needed to train today's mass shooter. Or so the arguments go.
    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Video games are just what the NRA told Trump to blame, to shift attention away from calls for gun control.

      Video games are thought of as an ideal target by the old people running the NRA, because they associate them with youth. Young people keep shooting up schools, so find something young people do which seems on the face of it insanely violent and like a perfect gun training / murder practice simulator.

      They didn't realize that games are fairly mainstream now and a lot of players are well into their 40s. Th

  • So... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by RaymondInFinland ( 103909 ) on Thursday March 08, 2018 @10:37AM (#56227241)

    Like someone else said on the internet:

    Real guns = Good
    Fake guns = Bad

  • Gotta go after that damn Dancing the kids like so much next....

  • by sasparillascott ( 1267058 ) on Thursday March 08, 2018 @10:46AM (#56227311)
    The President thinks he's getting good visibility / PR with these free form live discussions where he can say whatever he wants (without following through on anything). I would expect the same with this one as was done with gun session and the dreamers sessions - and expect more of this. Echoing back to the Apprentice and him talking at the board room scenes....he probably really likes this - even if nothing gets done legislatively. He's getting back to being able to be on talk TV again.
  • Did "videogames and movies" -make- you guys all gun-nuts? strike-that, excuse me, weapon-enthusiasts?

    A gamer from the EU

  • Misdirection (Score:5, Interesting)

    by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Thursday March 08, 2018 @10:50AM (#56227339)
    This is all just a classic misdirection technique. That campaign to call those kids who got shot up Crisis Actors in a False Flag operation was the same thing. The point is to steer the debate away from gun control and put the pro-gun control side on the defensive. Get them arguing about absurd things like violence in video games and conspiracy theories. Worked too. Even the left wing press picked up these stories and ran with them.

    The funny thing is IIRC these techniques were invented by the Soviets. To be fair though it was Karl Rove that popularized their use in the Republican party.
  • Does anyone know the best way to beat dead unicorns? Should I use a regular stick, something flexible like a flail, or resort to sharp implements?

    Now, these discussions about violent video games ignore the one that's actually causing problems, known as "real life". In the current implementation, you force people to socialize with undesirable individuals, some of whom are violent, etc. It's almost as if they don't want to fix actual problems, and instead focus on virtual ones.

    As for the games themselves...

  • Look at the number of people who purchase and play games like Call of Duty, Fallout, or any other FPS game vs. the number of people who actually go out and murder people in real life. It's a fraction of a percent. It should be pretty fucking obvious that the "association" that is trying to be portrayed here is utter bullshit.

    Mental illness and the ability to murder people is not created by playing fucking video games. And we literally have decades of evidence to validate that fact. This meeting with Tru

    • And ... look at the number of people who legally own and regularly use firearms without ever hurting a soul. The number of people who DO injure or kill others is a minuscule fraction, and most of those are criminals already breaking existing laws. And even if you keep the gang-bangers in the stats, teenagers texting and driving still dwarf them as a cause of deadly mayhem.
  • by AmazingRuss ( 555076 ) on Thursday March 08, 2018 @11:17AM (#56227509)

    ... don't knock Trump over and teabag him repeatedly, I am going to be very disappointed.

  • of TV and cinema violence. Or how other countries have video games but far fewer gun deaths.
  • As an Old Right conservative, I naturally oppose government regulation of video games of any kind.

    However, we are a culture of sorts, and cultural changes influence what businesses are willing to offer. In that context only, it might be useful to discuss this issue.

    To my mind, the angle of approach should be the combination of gun violence and realistic looking scenarios. All video games are violent and war-like, but those that look most like movies or memories could have a conditioning effect, which our Ar

    • by PopeRatzo ( 965947 ) on Thursday March 08, 2018 @12:34PM (#56228127) Journal

      The effect of such games cannot be viewed outside the context of single-parent families, SSRI use, general lack of faith in society, and the failure of our civilization to have any kind of meaningful social order.

      Don't forget the breakdown of institutions like marriage.

      We should expect social order to break down when Biblical marriage (which is defined as a marriage between a man, his third wife and a porn star with a non-disclosure agreement) is under attack.

  • He wants his subject matter back...

    Voices From the Hellmouth [slashdot.org]

    The Price of Being Different [slashdot.org]

    Eric, Dylan, and Mary of Doom [slashdot.org]

    Columbine Student on VG Violence [slashdot.org]

    Seriously, no one on Slashdot already posting these? Yikes.

  • It sure seems like the government wants to relive the 90s with discussions about limits on cryptography and violent video games. What is next, the vulgar lyrics in rap?
    I guess this generation needs to relearn these lessons.
  • According to the Representative, Second Amendment good, First bad...
  • Funny how Japan spends almost twice as much per capita on games as the US doesn't seem to have any problem with mass shootings at all, isn't it? Once again, Republicans are deflecting from the most obvious contributing factor to gun violence: availability of guns!
  • NEVER argue with an idiot, they will beat you though experience. Trumps policies are based entirely on what he saw on Fox last.

"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts." -- John Wooden
