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Trump's Website Is Coded With a Broken Server Error Message That Blames Obama ( 168

An anonymous reader quotes a report from TechCrunch: If you're a fan of Easter eggs hidden in source code, this is a pretty good one. Apparently, as Washington Post data reporter Christopher Ingraham observed on Twitter, some Trump administration and GOP websites have a portion of code with a joke that throws shade at Obama's golf habits, the irony nowhere to be found. We checked the source code and sure enough the line "Oops! Something went wrong. Unlike Obama, we are working to fix the problem and not on the golf course" appears on sites, like the one hosting this surely statistically sound, Obama-obsessed "Inaugural Year Approval Poll," but not on pages. As Ingraham pointed out, it's also present on some official GOP sites, including the homepage. In both instances, the Obama dig is paired with a 404 error message that states "What do Hillary Clinton and this link have in common? They're both dead broke." To top it off, the code itself is apparently itself broken, swapping a single equal sign where there should be two. An honest mistake? Or perhaps the world was never meant to be gifted with these very good jokes at all?
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Trump's Website Is Coded With a Broken Server Error Message That Blames Obama

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  • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Friday December 29, 2017 @04:09PM (#55829981)
    is always be accusing your opponent of whatever it is you do.
    • Mentally unstable (Score:5, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 29, 2017 @04:47PM (#55830209)
      • by Xyrus ( 755017 )

        How do you know when Trump is lying? His thumbs are moving.

    • I observed just about ever middle school kid knew or had just learned how to blame others for their transgressions.... Remember back when every kid knew when they farted to blame somebody else 1st... and most realized the 1st to blame likely were guilty.

      Seems that the greater lesson is rarely learned by a great many people; however, if Trump farted and blamed Obama sitting next to him, somehow I think most people would get it and yet still not translate it to anything else.

      • you're _not_ blaming others for your transgressions. You're saying someone else did the same thing in order to divert attention away from you. It's a straw man argument but it goes unnoticed because of the way human brains work. You're building an association between what you're guilty of by accusing your opponent of it. That association gives people who want to believe you an out. Karl Rove rather famously got a draft dodger elected over a war vet who'd lost their legs with these tactics. By itself it's no
        • "Remember, the fundamental goal is to get middle class and poor people to vote against their own economic interests and instead vote for the interests of the extreme rich. Making that happen requires all sorts of crazy things."

          When the only choices you have are Democrat and Republican, every option is a vote against your own economic interests and for the extreme rich.

          My suggestion, which no one seems to support, is to STOP FUCKING ELECTING MILLIONAIRES!

          • Elect them as millionaires or not, they all leave as millionaires beyond what their salaries provide.

  • Hah! I get it... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Kenja ( 541830 ) on Friday December 29, 2017 @04:11PM (#55829987)
    It's funny because Trump has spent one day in four on a golf course. Or is it not supposed to be irony?
    • by dj245 ( 732906 )

      It's funny because Trump has spent one day in four on a golf course. Or is it not supposed to be irony?

      I'm not a Trump supporter but that information isn't very useful unless you consider who is on the course with him. It could plausibly be the equivalent of a treadmill desk if he is meeting with people and discussing official business. But we will probably never know since the Mar-a-Lago visitor records haven't been released.

      • Do we know who was on the course with Obama ?
      • by Altrag ( 195300 ) []
        There's a few. Of course that's a sports page so they only list sports people they know about, but its not a great start if you're trying to suggest that he's doing business while golfing.

        But even if he was conducting presidential business.. he's supposed to be the "smart money guy" type.. who apparently thinks its great to spend literally millions of taxpayer dollars every week to go golfing. You would think he could hold a few of thos

  • All You Need to Know (Score:5, Informative)

    by PGaries ( 827288 ) on Friday December 29, 2017 @04:13PM (#55830007)

    I'm gonna be working for you; I'm not going to have time to go play golf. Believe me."

    —Donald Trump (

    Next someone'll tell me that Mexico is paying for a wall.

    • by arth1 ( 260657 )

      When you deal with psychopaths, keep in mind that reality isn't the truth, what they think is the truth. I'm sure that in his mind, he's not been playing golf, but working - it just have happened to be at golf courses.

      Personally, I think the world would be better off if he played more golf. I just feel very sorry for the caddie.

    • I'm gonna be working for you; I'm not going to have time to go play golf. Believe me."

      —Donald Trump (

      The key to understanding Trump is that whenever he says, "believe me" or "trust me" - don't. It's that simple.

    • "Believe me" is New York/New Jersey code for "I'm lying"
  • ... taking the bait each time. Go on, write a dozen articles about this little innocuous detail. Blame Trump personally. Make it sound like the end of the world. Meanwhile, your media empires are crumbling as you spend all your remaining credibility feeding your Trump Derangement Syndrome and exposing your true biased selves to the people.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      oh... wow...

      >>First rule of Rove style politics is always be accusing your opponent of whatever it is you do.

      it's true!

    • Boring troll is boring...

    • by geekoid ( 135745 )

      A) It's childish, everyone should be angry at this behaviors from any administration.

      B) There was no 'liberal media' until people created far right media. Now center is consider liberal, so now the media is liberal.

      C) You should actual get information from somewhere besides twitter.

  • Good grief (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Shotgun ( 30919 )

    It was on WHAT website? Who the fsck would ever go there except people that would find that funny? Is it any worse than the officialized jokes that the Dems have against Trump? The Liberals have against the Tories? (Did I spell those correctly, my British brethren?) Blacks against whites? Whites against blacks? Labor against management? (Management doesn't really joke about labor. The love us. :-)

    Seriously, Ingraham needs to get a job.

  • Pathetic (Score:5, Insightful)

    by tsa ( 15680 ) on Friday December 29, 2017 @04:22PM (#55830055) Homepage

    My deity what a pathetic bunch of losers rule the US.

    • Pathetic winners, even worse. Incapable of leading because their worldview is based in being oppressed.

      That's why Trump does as well as he does blaming Hillary and Obama so long after the election.

  • Disgusting (Score:4, Insightful)

    by DaMattster ( 977781 ) on Friday December 29, 2017 @04:29PM (#55830085)

    Trump's behavior is disgusting, unprofessional, and unbecoming of a sitting president of the leader of the free world. The lack of respect that he shows for the office is deplorable. Typically once an election ends, so does the name calling and blaming. Once an election ends, the elected official assumes a much more civil and responsible position. I erroneously thought Trump would do so when I heard him say, "President Obama is a good guy." and this is a direct quote during their pre-inaugural meeting. It turned out that Trump simply continues his campaign as if he is still in an election.

    The power invested in the President of the United States is not one to be taken lightly: it is not reality television. A stroke of the pen that enacts a law can cause some people to suffer while others are helped. Shifting policies can cause people real and palpable hardships. The War Powers Act allows a sitting president to wage conventional warfare for a period of 90 days without congressional authority. This is serious business. Sending soldiers to a battlefield where they could be killed or maimed is a heavy responsibility and one that Trump is incapable of appreciating.

    • Re:Disgusting (Score:5, Insightful)

      by quantaman ( 517394 ) on Friday December 29, 2017 @06:43PM (#55830997)

      Trump's behavior is disgusting, unprofessional, and unbecoming of a sitting president of the leader of the free world. The lack of respect that he shows for the office is deplorable. Typically once an election ends, so does the name calling and blaming. Once an election ends, the elected official assumes a much more civil and responsible position. I erroneously thought Trump would do so when I heard him say, "President Obama is a good guy." and this is a direct quote during their pre-inaugural meeting. It turned out that Trump simply continues his campaign as if he is still in an election.

      I have a way of trying to model people I disagree with.

      When they say or do something I don't like I find there's usually two interpretations. First is the cartoon caricature where they're really evil/stupid/dishonest and performed the action for those reasons. Second, is they're a fundamentally rational well intentioned person, and while I disagree with their objectives I can't say their action was totally out of line.

      Historically I've done really well assuming the second, assuming the best of my opponents usually gives me the best understanding and I'm rarely surprised by the media... until Trump.

      Ever since he started his campaign I kept looking for evidence of the smart rational person underneath the mask and I've never found it. He can't understand complicated concepts, he's extremely susceptible to manipulation and flattery, he has temper tantrums, he'll say ridiculous lies if it makes his current social interaction easier, he has an extremely limited attention span, just look at any event where he's supposed to stand still [], he fidgets!

      I don't know if it's cognitive decline, decades of being at the centre of his own universe, or if he's always been that way. But the most reliable way to model Trump is to imagine a very spoiled child between the ages of 8 and 12.

    • by Xyrus ( 755017 )

      "I erroneously thought Trump would do so when I heard him say, "President Obama is a good guy.""


      What in the fucking world would make ANYONE think that EVER! Trump has been a major asshole ever since he got his name in the paper. He was an asshole before I was born. He's been an asshole for the 40+ years after I was born. And...wait for it...HE'S STILL AN ASSHOLE!

      He didn't just become an asshole. He wasn't just "acting" the part during the campaign. He's been recorded in papers as an asshole. He's

  • I usually try to avoid politics on /, because it would destroy all my karma, but this error message - especially with the bit about Obama golfing almost seems like it's not so much "throwing shade" on his administration but rather mocking Trump's since we're all aware of how hypocritical Trump has been about golfing.

    If there's one stone Trump shouldn't throw in his glass house it's accusing Obama of golfing too much - but he's been doing that so long it's an unquestioned meme for his supporters.

    Does Trump e

  • Jesus... Reliant on 'plugin' frameworks with little actual work, such that the few parts they can do they f'up. Error messages are usually the parts you want fail safe

  • I actually had to check the root URL because I thought the poll site [] was a satirical site making fun of Trump.

    I honestly don't understand how you can create an organization so incompetent that something like that could be created and published.

  • He's got all the right people foaming at the mouth, spinning around uselessly and obsessing over his every word.

  • Here's the responses I got to various whitehouse and congress URLs:
    409 Conflict
    402 Payment Required
    503 Service Unavailable
    421 Misdirected Request
    406 Not Acceptable
    416 Not Satisfiable
    301 Moved Permanently - See http://www. []

"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer
