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Twitter Social Networks Politics

'Verified' Is Now a Derogatory Term on Twitter (theoutline.com) 416

From an article on The Outline: Since 2009, Twitter has added a blue checkmark symbol to certain accounts that have been deemed "verified," which means "that an account of public interest is authentic," according to Twitter. For some, the verified distinction is coveted. For others, it's become a dirty word. "Verifieds" or "blue checks" are the elite, the establishment. Since many members of the media are verified, they have also become associated, for some, with the perceived liberal bias of the fourth estate. Conservatives, alt-righters, and Donald Trump fans have noticed that when Trump tweets, there is invariably a flood of "blue check liberals" responding in a negative way. There is also the perception that Twitter, a California company, is biased toward liberals. Also, according to Twitter, there are now about 250,000 people who're verified on the site, some of which are for unknown reasons.
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'Verified' Is Now a Derogatory Term on Twitter

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  • by OakDragon ( 885217 ) on Friday March 31, 2017 @10:02AM (#54150493) Journal
    Not widely. I've never heard of this.
    • Not widely. I've never heard of this.

      Not surprising considering how few people actually use twitter.

    • by cfalcon ( 779563 ) on Friday March 31, 2017 @12:34PM (#54151901)

      > Not widely. I've never heard of this.

      I thought not. It's not a story the Jedi would tell you.

      Seriously though, you should have.

      A couple years ago Twitter began revoking blue check marks from the trolly right wingers. Prior to this, the blue check mark just meant "this person is who they purport to be" with a twinge of "...and is important enough that we verified that fact". When they started revoking blue check marks, it added a new piece to it, "...and we editorially support what they say, in some fashion, because if we did not, we would have revoke their check mark".

      At this point, it was fully politicized, but it was not discussed that widely. But once Twitter had made this editorial decision to "demote" those whose views they disliked, but had broken no terms of service, the next logical question would be to select the second-most-trolly right winger and ask, well ok, why do THEY have a blue check still? Do you guys agree with them?

      This double meaning, and the twitter management wading into political debate, really hurts trust in their system*. There's also accusations of them handling political tweets that they disagree with differently- pushing them out to users at different times, claiming a tweet isn't found, etc. Unlike the blue check thing, which is very obviously top down policy, this one may just be a conspiracy theory (and maybe in fact just due to the fact that twitter's infrastructure is duct tape apparently). However, it's a lot more plausible than it was before they started doing this.

      Another semi-conspiracy is that the anti-Trump tweets that respond to every Trump tweet and are always listed at the top are, in some sense, "rigged". This one also can't be shown to be true, but again, is more plausible given the provable side twitter has taken.

      Basically, twitter not only has an agenda, but this has resulted in a bunch of claims that are plausible instead of laughable.

      *I don't exactly know why anyone ever assumed that twitter would be an open platform without their own corporate and personal agenda, but apparently a ton of people made that assumption, and now are shocked to find that that was not the case.

  • Seems about right. (Score:5, Interesting)

    by TimothyHollins ( 4720957 ) on Friday March 31, 2017 @10:10AM (#54150551)

    The biases of Twitter can be quite easily seen by looking at the "Safety Council", tasked with keeping Twitter free of undesireables.

    ( https://about.twitter.com/safe... [twitter.com] )

    Furthermore, it is quite telling that Twitter punished notorious troll and agitator Milo Yiannopoulos by removing his verified tag. Why would they do that if the tag was only there to assert that the account was in fact verified as belonging to the real Milo Yiannopoulos?

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Milo is a gay republican and that just cannot be.

      This paradigm didn't compute so they removed his green check.

    • by Gravis Zero ( 934156 ) on Friday March 31, 2017 @10:49AM (#54150923)

      Twitter punished notorious troll and agitator Milo Yiannopoulos by removing his verified tag.

      Are you sure it isn't wasn't because he changed his information within his profile?

      "Changing information, such as your profile image, can cause Twitter to remove the badge,"

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        He was trying to martyr himself for years. Find an obscure rule and break it, then feign ignorance and start some conspiracy theories.

        He's basically a professional victim, whose baiting eventually went too far.

        • Today I didnt think that I would get the chance to reply to a "progressive" lefty attributing convoluted nefarious motive to a person changing their profile picture on twitter.

          What the fuck.
        • If he was serious about becoming a martyr, then he should have actually bought 4chan, instead of bragging about how he was going to.
      • by Mashiki ( 184564 )

        Are you sure it isn't wasn't because he changed his information within his profile?

        "Changing information, such as your profile image, can cause Twitter to remove the badge,"

        Considering he's filed with the UK data commissioner for the disclosure of why it was removed, and why he was banned? Nobody knows, not even him. By law twitter has to disclose these reasons. And twitter has been stonewalling him and the UK data commissioner for over 9mo's now as to "why" should tell people a lot about what's exactly going on.

  • by dmomo ( 256005 ) on Friday March 31, 2017 @10:11AM (#54150557)

    It does look elitist. I'm not so sure that it's a nefarious scheme so much as a by-product of a sorting algorithm. It would be nice to be able to easily sort those responses. When showing replies to a Tweet, Twitter prioritizes the verified accounts, as they are typically more visible (more followers see and like their replies). We see them first, even if we have no clue who the person is. For high profile accounts, like the president, there is bound to be thousands of responses. If even a small percentage of those are "blue checks", they tend to drown out the other responses. Their voice gets a priority. It can be pretty tiring, especially when the first few people responding have multiple replies. They appear to be "hogging" the comments.

    • by hey! ( 33014 )

      You have to start with a definition of "elitist", rather than going with what feels elitist to you.

      Elitism is granting irrational preference for the opinions of an elite. It follows that the nature of the elite in question matters. It's irrational to have more interest in Matthew McConaughey's opinion on the national budget than some internet rando's opinion, but it's not irrational to have more interest in Paul Krugman's -- even if you disagree with it.

      Trumpism, it seems to me, isn't so much anti-elitist

      • Elitism is granting irrational preference for the opinions of an elite.

        No, you appear to have just added the irrational part in. Granted, criticisms of elitism are typically rooted in their irrationality, but that doesn't make irrationality a necessary component of elitism.

        It follows that the nature of the elite in question matters. It's irrational to have more interest in Matthew McConaughey's opinion on the national budget than some internet rando's opinion, but it's not irrational to have more interes

        • The nature of the elitism on twitter is identity verification and number of followers.

          No, that is the nature of the perceived elitism. No one has actually offered any evidence that it exists, only cried about it a lot. No evidence, only tears now.

          • Are you contesting that twitter shows comments from users with more followers more prominently, or are you contesting that it is elitism?
            • Are you contesting that twitter shows comments from users with more followers more prominently, or are you contesting that it is elitism?

              It is not elitism to show the majority of your users what they want to see. That's called service.

              • No, that has nothing to do with the definition of elitism. Elitism has nothing to do with what is rational, and nothing to do with what people want. It's about the interests and views of the elite having more weight or being taken more seriously. The elite of twitter are MATHEMATICALLY WEIGHTED to be more important.

                You don't seem to be arguing that there isn't elitism, you're just saying it's a feature, not a bug. I would not totally disagree, however there are weaknesses to that approach. That's a b

        • by hey! ( 33014 )

          Elitism is granting irrational preference for the opinions of an elite.

          No, you appear to have just added the irrational part in.

          Well, elitism defined your way is nothing to complain about.

          When people use "elitism" as they have here, they mean it in a pejorative sense. They are talking about an unreasonable elitism. If you wish to admit reasonable elitism to the discussion, fine, but then we're no longer discussing the feelings people have toward Twitter's policy.

          • First of all, I pointed out in the very same post that twitter's elitism is NOT rational. However, even rational elitism can potentially have drawbacks, especially when taken to an irrational level. That elitism may be benign at one stage doesn't mean it doesn't present a risk for becoming malignant in the future.
  • Sure (Score:5, Funny)

    by PvtVoid ( 1252388 ) on Friday March 31, 2017 @10:18AM (#54150639)

    @realDonaldTrump is a blue check. What more do you need?

  • So what you're saying, is that conservatives who come from other social media sites to post on twitter, they're....

    undocumented immigrants to twitter?


    • Reminds of a joke from a few years ago: "Arizona made their first anti-immigrant arrest: a Mormon from Utah."
  • Next up... (Score:5, Funny)

    by PvtVoid ( 1252388 ) on Friday March 31, 2017 @10:19AM (#54150651)

    ... low numbers on Slashdot are not to be trusted.

  • I first signed on to Twitter back in 2008 and kept in touch with a group of writers for five years or so. It fell off my radar since then because Real Life(tm) intruded and I stopped writing. This year I looked at Twitter and found a Facebook cesspool. I still post announcements on Twitter but there's no community.
  • Stop participating in confused people's erroneous perceptions. This one embodies a string of fallacies and rational people have no obligation but to pity their confusion. Amplifying their misperceptions is a disservice to everybody involved.

    • If you want insight into that abyss of delusions of grandeur and power built on deep set foundations of inferiority complex... you should listen to this episode of This American Life:

      Meme Come True [thisamericanlife.org]

      From claims like "We did it. We memed him into the presidency." to the idea of "meme magicians" - it's the crowd who are living the life of cognitive delusion where they are part of both the persecuted, yet jaded, minority and of powerful "king making" elite, doing it for the lulz.

  • Being "verified" is only derogatory from the perspective of users who believe in alternative facts. They are far from a majority, even if they are exceptionally loud.

    Also, how is this newsworthy? People have unconventional opinions, and for every norm there is a small population that opposes it.

    Wake me up if these people ever do anything interesting with this attitude. Something interesting means "more than dismissive or disprespectful attitudes"---those are a dime a dozen on the internet.

    • True, to me it seems like the "verified" status was to fight impersonation. Anyone could pretend to be a celebrity but some people and organizations need "official" accounts to let the audience know that the tweets are coming from them. For example, the City of Toronto uses a Twitter account to relay short messages to the public.
  • by nedlohs ( 1335013 ) on Friday March 31, 2017 @10:29AM (#54150731)

    They drank the social justice kool-aid a while back. And that group of "the left" has managed to steal the "liberal" label somehow.

    And no, I'm not an alt-right nutter. No, I didn't vote for Trump. No, I don't think Brexit is great. No, I don't think Obama was evil incarnate. My introduction to SJWs was when they destroyed what was a reasonably functioning atheist community with their religion.

    • It seems too obsessive to me. Twitter let's you follow who you want. If you don't want to follow liberal people, then don't. I don't follow Donald Trump, and I don't complain when he tweets. I don't even know it. Twitter also gives you tools to block whoever you want, so if liberal or conservative people annoy you then you can deal with it. To me the whole question is about as relevant as whether there are more people that like pumpkin pie or hate pumpkin pie on Twitter. I don't understand those people, but
      • Because everybody wants something to complain about. It's human nature. I hear nothing but complaining from my friends on Facebook about how their friend is a hardcore and does nothing but spew propaganda all day and how much they hate it. I ask them why they don't block them and they usually say "but how will I know what terrible things they're saying?". It's as if they want to be upset so they can either respond with a witty comeback or just so they have something to stew over. I've never understoo
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by geek ( 5680 )

      And no, I'm not an alt-right nutter.

      Don't worry, you'll get there. You're already seeing how evil the SJW's are. You'll get red pilled like the rest in no time.

      It's funny, I run into a lot of people that make statements just like yours. You're still on the fence because you've been told for so long that "right" is bad and "left" is good. Once you get over that it's like breathing fresh air for the first time. You can give both "sides" the middle finger equally and start operating on whats right and wrong rather than whats right and left.

  • The alt-right have made up a new insult? STOP THE PRESSES!

    I'm still confused as to why both political sides decided "the elites" needed to be thrown out. We knew they weren't great, but they were a known, sane quantity. Corruption charges were fairly boring or obviously nonsense. The "outsider" in office now on the other hand seems to do things without rhyme or reason. "Cut funding for cancer research and build a wall that will be less effective than the great wall of China!" And the accusations of corr
  • The alt-Right seeing Twitter verification as derogatory reminds me of the way the 20th century hard-core Communists used to see using a toothbrush or wearing glasses as a evidence that you are an elitist.

  • Can anyone explain why we should give a shit that there are idiots on twitter who think "verified" is derogatory?

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