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Twitter Censorship Social Networks Politics

Twitter Reinstates White Nationalist Leader's Account (buzzfeed.com) 470

An anonymous reader quotes BuzzFeed: On Saturday evening, Twitter reinstated -- with verification -- the account of Richard Spencer, a leading figure of the so-called alt-right movement, and the head of the white nationalist think tank, The National Policy Institute. Spencer's account was suspended mid-November as part of a larger cull of prominent alt-right accounts... However, according to Twitter, Spencer was banned on a technicality: creating multiple accounts with overlapping uses. Twitter's multiple account policy was put in place as a safeguard to help curb dog piling and targeted harassment. [Twitter] offered to reinstate one of Spencer's accounts if he agreed to follow the company's protocols.
Vox says the move "raises the question of to what extent Twitter intends to enforce the 'hateful conduct' policy." But the suspension had also been criticized by David Frum, a senior editor at the Atlantic, who wrote that "The culture of offense-taking, platform-denying, and heckler-vetoing...lets loudmouths and thugs present themselves as heroes of free thought. They do not deserve this opportunity... today, a neo-Nazi has more right to build an arsenal of weapons and drill a militia than to speak on Twitter." But BuzzFeed points out that though the account's been reinstated, Spencer "is now tip-toeing around the company's three strike policy, which carries a permanent suspension."
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Twitter Reinstates White Nationalist Leader's Account

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  • by Jzanu ( 668651 ) on Sunday December 11, 2016 @06:44PM (#53465497)
    Ban the motherfucker for TOS violation and deny him the audience that feeds his hatred of everyone and everything else.
    • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday December 11, 2016 @06:49PM (#53465521)

      No, because then you make him a "free speech martyr" and he'll still end up getting his message out on another platform anyway.

      • Facebook?

        • by Rei ( 128717 ) on Sunday December 11, 2016 @07:08PM (#53465643) Homepage

          Just so long as he doesn't post, say, a non-explicit picture of a mother breastfeeding her child.

          • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

            I can't help but think that the alt-right movement is a symptom of that. That, and I think you can only try to feminize society so much before you'll get a reaction, which is also what this is. We live in a world where a guy can kill somebody while reckless driving, sue some of the people that he injured, and then suddenly he's a brave hero because he has gender identity disorder and got a sex change.

            • by Rei ( 128717 ) on Sunday December 11, 2016 @08:40PM (#53466079) Homepage

              That, and I think you can only try to feminize society so much before you'll get a reaction


              It's feminists who are pissed off about FB's ban on non-sexual images that (gasp!) involve a breast. Regardless of context. Things involving breast cancer are particularly frustrating. They banned a Swedish video on breast cancer awareness. They instituted a permanent ban on a tattoo artist who tattoos nipples on women who have gotten mastectomies. There's hundreds and hundreds of examples. Photographic? Artistic? Cartoony? Banned, banned, banned. Some people have taken to representing breasts and nipples as squares as a workaround.

              The thing that's most annoying about it is that they're portraying things that are distinctly not sexual as if they're sexual. A mother breastfeeding her child is not a sexual act, and it's disgusting and insulting to act like it is. A breast cancer awareness video or a survivor of breast cancer are not there for sexual titilation - they're about survival from a deadly disease. Facebook's obsession about these things is a giant insult.

              You went off on a most bizarre tangent there... what on Earth does Jenner have to do with Facebook's banning of breastfeeding / breast cancer images?

              • by ArmoredDragon ( 3450605 ) on Sunday December 11, 2016 @09:16PM (#53466283)

                It's feminists who are pissed off about FB's ban on non-sexual images that (gasp!) involve a breast.

                I think you're misinterpreting what I'm saying. People are getting tired of being pressured to go against the grain of their biology just because it offends somebody else, and the mere fact that you're a minority can be used to justify your sins. These things, IMO, have resulted in the alt-right.

                Did I not convey that properly?

                • by Daemonik ( 171801 ) on Sunday December 11, 2016 @10:19PM (#53466565) Homepage

                  These things, IMO, have resulted in the alt-right.

                  You lack historical depth. The "alt-right" has always been here, they just used to be the norm. It's only by standing up and demanding that they be recognized, that they exist and have the same rights that the so called special interest groups have managed to push society into no longer accepting the "alt-right" viewpoint as normal. Of course, they're only "special interest groups" in that they stand up to the bigots who would pretend they don't exist. When your entire philosophy rests on treating everyone who thinks differently from yourself as a sub-human with no right to exist, being stood up to does seem extraordinary.

                  • by scamper_22 ( 1073470 ) on Monday December 12, 2016 @12:39PM (#53469915)

                    Here's the thing.

                    First some background. I was born in South Africa and lived under apartheid. I'm a brown person. I'm amply aware of white supremacy and hate it with every inch of my soul. However, I've also seen black supremacy and black nationalism. While white supremacy oppressed us, black supremacy burned down our town. And yeah, I've also seen brown/Islamic supremacy (my own group). Heck, even in the UK, I have Indian Muslim family I visit that gloats how they got together and drove the blacks out of the neighborhood because they bring drugs and prostitution.

                    I give all that as a background because if you live in any way long enough you quickly realize how every group has an 'alt-right'. This point cannot be overstated enough.

                    Now when white people were just so damn powerful as it was the 'norm,' yeah we could all just pretend only white people were racist. Or I guess in modern social justice terms... that only white racists matter because only whites have power.

                    This is some serious bull shit in my view, because all groups have power. I'm in Canada now. I'm Indian. My high school heavily Indian. Yeah, do you think white kids had any power? Nope, they got punked off for being white same as any other people.

                    This is the point we are in history and why the alt-right is more prevalent. Regular white people are seeing how society is allowing every other gang to arm itself and spread itself to the teeth, while singling our only white people.

                    Only white people can't be proud of their identity.
                    Black power... that's a good thing. Not for me. To use modern lingo. I get triggered by black power as rioting black people burned down my home in South Africa in the name of black power.
                    Indian power... that's a good thing because ethnic people need to have an identity. ...
                    women power... that's a good thing.. because...feminism.

                    These extremist groups really only gain power when regular people starting siding with them. I'm a bit of a realist. I don't pretend we can stamp out all form of hate, but various thing in regular society have people join their 'alt-right' movement and think they are legitimate.

                    Again I can speak from my own example. Muslim communities are segregationist and racist to any level. You can't be openly gay. Heck, it's really tough to have openly left Islam as I did. I'm still battling through it.

                    I really and truly don't see any different between white supremacists and muslim supremacists and black supremacists... hate is hate.

                    The danger we face is that we've empowered and encouraged and turned a blind eye to all the other supremacist groups out there. White people aren't really blind to this and what is natural but to be sympathetic to the people who even have your interest at heart.

                    Oh I see parallels all over the place. White people might not be part of the alt-right, but they sympathize. The same way most Muslims aren't part of ISIS or radical groups, but they do sympathize. You I attend regular family functions with regular Muslim people and I get to hear wonderful conversation like:

                    It's sad people got killed over cartoons, but they really shouldn't be speaking about Islam anyways.

                    I guarantee you there's some white people today going, I'm not for hate or white supremacy, but all I want is for my kids to have an identity they can be proud of or very legitimate issue X,Y,Z.

                    Basically, of course you're right the alt-right has always been there. The problem is you can't just take this approach to only white people. It's basic group tribal dynamics. And society has changed quite a lot. It's not the 1960s USA where no other group had power, but white people and no other group is filled with hate and a conquest to subjugate and segregate other people.

                    It's sad to see us a society not really demanding every other alt-right part of society be pushed to non-acceptance as well.

                    It's also sad that regular white people can't just have a regular white identity and be proud of it.

                • by jrumney ( 197329 ) on Sunday December 11, 2016 @10:48PM (#53466667)
                  The only thing new about alt-right is the politically correct terminology because the poor little snowflakes get butthurt when someone calls them what they are - white supremacist scum.
                • People are getting tired of being pressured to go against the grain of their biology just because it offends somebody else,

                  If you're biologically a dickhead and people don't like you because you're a dickhead and you're pressured into not being a dickhead, well... shit. Not really sure I have any sympathy there. Oh, an BTW, I know you're implicitly shoving "man" into there, but the notion that man==dickhead is one of the most ludicrous things I keep hearing on slashdot.

                  These things, IMO, have resulted in th

                • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Monday December 12, 2016 @04:00AM (#53467553) Homepage Journal

                  That certainly seems to be a common misconception, popularized by fake news sites like Breitbart. In reality, to pick up your example, being transgender comes with a number of challenges and certainly doesn't convey immunity from the law.

                  As for biology, I'm afraid you will be expected to overcome it on a regular basis in modern society. You may feel like resolving your problems with violence, or grabbing that guy's crotch, but you won't be able to excuse that behaviour by saying "it's my biological imperative!"

                • by silentcoder ( 1241496 ) on Monday December 12, 2016 @07:09AM (#53467961)

                  So the whole 'personal responsibility' thing the conservatives are always going on about ONLY applies to poor people or drug addicts or whatever group you currently want to justify not helping (or more usually - going out of your way to screw by voting for somebody who promised to make a law that takes away the things that keep them alive.

                  It doesn't apply to rightwingers. When people go asshole neo-nazi like the alt-right - somehow that's the fault of progressives ? You do realize that this shit existed long before progressives right ? Kind of makes the "you caused this" thing an obvious piece of bullshit.

                  No, the ONLY thing that changed this year is that these assholes who HAVE BEEN THERE ALL ALONG - have come out of the woodwork, because Orange Hitler made them feel safe and secure in doing so. They never went away. Hell black people have been telling you how they bump into these people every day and get mistreated by them as a daily life thing for decades ! Just because you were able to pretend they didn't exist anymore, doesn't mean they weren't real.

                  And nobody has tried to 'feminize' society, absolutely nobody has ever been asked (at least, not by the progressives) to 'act against their biology'. I find it incredibly insulting that you seem to believe that just because I *have* a dick I automatically have to *be* a dick. What has feminists done that's so bad ? They asked you to call out your buddies when they make rape jokes - because that sort of shit make actual rapists feel justified and safe. They asked you to actually *ask* the girl before you touch her privates- and to be a decent enough human being not to take advantage of a drunk woman.

                  These are not 'against your biology' - it is merely being a decent human being. If you find anything they've asked for excessive- it's not your biology that's the problem, it's the fact that you are a horrible human being and the entire species would benefit from your death.

      • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

        by DogDude ( 805747 )
        Who cares? Let him use some third rate, white-only application to shit on other people.
        • by Z80a ( 971949 ) on Sunday December 11, 2016 @07:06PM (#53465627)

          Yes, and then let this application grow and gain neo nazi moderators and turn it into a racist safe space.
          Without free discussion, and real actual discussion instead of retarded namecalling we get shit like trump in power.

          • by MightyMartian ( 840721 ) on Sunday December 11, 2016 @07:16PM (#53465699) Journal

            It's called stormfront

            • by Z80a ( 971949 )

              Yes, and look how big it got with all those people being banned everywhere else not called 4chan, instead of debated with.

              • by Jzanu ( 668651 )
                These literal fascists can't be "debated", they can't be coddled, they must be beaten and when they try to act they must be shot without mercy.
                • by Z80a ( 971949 )

                  And they will get every word of this post you just did and use it to create 10 more of em.

                • > These literal fascists can't be "debated", they can't be coddled, they must be beaten and when they try to act they must be shot without mercy.

                  An odd statement. If you go back to read up on Karl Popper's "paradox of tolerance" he justified his intolerance of intolerance by pointing out the fear that such people would resort to "fists or pistols" instead of debate. And so he justified his idea by the right of self-defense.

                  In other words, anyone who is inciting or committing violence should not be tole

          • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

            by quantaman ( 517394 )

            Yes, and then let this application grow and gain neo nazi moderators and turn it into a racist safe space.
            Without free discussion, and real actual discussion instead of retarded namecalling we get shit like trump in power.

            But I don't think they actually want a safe space, they want victimization.

            The alt-right segment that is causing trouble on Twitter has a very predictable pattern, they find a target and then troll them until they get a reaction. If the victim retaliates they claim that the victim is the real racist/sexist/bad person, if instead the service retaliates they claim they're being censored.

            In either case they need a victim to target and aggravate and they need an authority to rebel against. You're not going to g

        • by grcumb ( 781340 )

          Who cares? Let him use some third rate, white-only application to shit on other people.

          But... I'm confused. Aren't we telling him not to use Twitter?

    • Right to free speech (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Okian Warrior ( 537106 ) on Sunday December 11, 2016 @07:40PM (#53465777) Homepage Journal

      Ban the motherfucker for TOS violation and deny him the audience that feeds his hatred of everyone and everything else.

      Firstly, I'm not convinced that he promotes hatred.

      We've learned in the last few weeks that the mainstream media is quick to mislabel something as bigoted and other related labels, so long as it promotes their position. To get to the truth you have to actually find the statements some person was saying, and then determine for oneself whether they're bigoted or not.

      (And I haven't taken the time or effort to do this for Richard Spencer, never heard of him before this moment.)

      And further, asking whether Trump was bigoted caused people to post entirely non-bigotry quotes as "proof" of his racism. Mexico isn't a race, he was specifically referring to criminals, Islam is not a race (it's a culture), and so on.

      It's gotten so that no one can even mention race in an academic sense without being called a bigot, because the left knows that it's an easy way to shut down debate on the subject.

      Secondly, the term "KKK member" has strong connotations, "white supremacist" is largely indicative of bias, but "white nationalist" seems like it's a tailored term to insult and demean most of the people who voted for Trump. It's trying to equate voting for Trump with white supremacy, which again is a way of shutting down debate on the issue. I'm white, I want the government to put the US first in things (such as trade agreements), but I'm not a racist or hateful person. Why am I (and half the country) always marginalized by the left?

      It's estimated that there are less than 50,000 white supremacists in the entire country, and less than 1000 of the tattooed, nazi-ish, violent types that you see in a Banshee episode.

      Trump got elected because there are real issues that were not being addressed by the establishment, but no one on the left *or* right has owned up to this simple fact.

      Instead, it's all about racism. Voting for Trump was a hate crime.

      Thirdly, the left really *really* doesn't have any good sense of priorities when it comes to human rights. Apparently anything goes, so long as it promotes their agenda. This twitter thing, and the quote above, is a good example of that in practice.

      We don't allow twitter to hire only whites (14th amendment &c), or only men (19th amendment). We don't allow twitter to refuse services to gays or older people or the poor or veterans, because that would be a violation of their rights.

      Why do we allow twitter to violate first amendment rights?

      No one is required to give you a public forum, the saying goes, but Twitter *is* a public forum.

      And finally, recall about a decade ago how ISPs would turn over subscriber information to the government on request without a warrant. The government thought that was OK because the ISPs were free to refuse, and it wasn't a violation of our rights because it wasn't the government doing it.

      If we let companies censor our speech, then the same situation will happen. The government can "request" something be censored, with a wink and a nudge, and it won't be the government doing it.

      We're rapidly losing our free speech rights.

      And it starts with leftist idiots like the OP above, who thinks it's OK to violate that right, so long as the ends are virtuous.

    • What ToS violation? Multiple accounts? That's gonna take out a lot of people,,,

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Call it what it is (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Ryanrule ( 1657199 )
    alt-right = neo nazi white nationalist = neo nazi. certain trump cabinet members = neo nazi. facts are facts. own up to it,
  • by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Sunday December 11, 2016 @06:52PM (#53465539)

    The term "White Nationalist" is meant to evoke the term "Nazi" mixed with "KKK".

    But really it's neither of those things. A nationalist (of any skin color) simply wants government to put the interests of his nation first, above those of other nations generally.

    When put that way it doesn't sound scary (or even unreasonable) at all. A nationalist can still want to work with other countries, can still support legal immigration - it simply means they adopt the doctors credo "First do no Harm". That is why the chattering news must paint the term with a racial brush, to frighten children or the weak minded...

    Note they never call out "black nationalists" even though there are plenty of them... that would be racist after all! But it's OK to try and evoke hate for people based on color when they are white.

    • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Sunday December 11, 2016 @06:58PM (#53465583)
      because these groups have been hitting the dog whistle so hard you'd think they picked up a coaches whistle by mistake.

      And we called out Black Nationalists in the 70s. They mostly calmed the hell down and stopped being racists. The White Nationalists didn't do that when they were called out. They doubled and trippled down. Mostly because they're being used by a wealthy elite to win elections and stuff state legislatures with pro-corporate anti-worker politicians. That's what pisses me off the most about racism. It's just an excuse to give everything to the 1%.
      • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday December 11, 2016 @10:14PM (#53466547)

        because these groups have been hitting the dog whistle so hard

        And there you have the complete admission that there are no racists statements. The term "dog whistle" is the left's term for racism when there is no racism. They can't find it, they can't point to it, it doesn't exist, so its statements that no reasonable person would find racist but for some reason is obviously racist.

        4 years ago the DNC adopted the strategy of ignoring the white working class. I have see the strategy papers for their elections. It was all going to be about getting every possible minority that isn't white voting for them. Since that time, EVERY policy that isn't a DNC policy has been labeled "racist", see rsilvergun's comments. It worked so well for them in fact, Trump won 3 states he shouldn't have.

        Time to cool off on calling EVERYONE who disagrees with you racist. Or keep it up, there are still a few DNC seats in Congress they can lose. If the DNC platform is "vote for us or you are a racist" I fail to see how they will ever win an election again, and from your comments I see you are currently sticking with it.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday December 11, 2016 @07:00PM (#53465605)

      Spencer wants to create a nation of just white people. That's what is meant by the term.

    • by h33t l4x0r ( 4107715 ) on Sunday December 11, 2016 @08:24PM (#53465993)

      A nationalist (of any skin color) simply wants government to put the interests of his nation first

      White nationalist doesn't mean a nationalist who happens to be white and I think you know that. It means they are promoting a white nation, which historically has meant KKK-style antics. Black nationalism is different because, as a minority, they had to separate. There was never a black KKK that went around lynching white people.

    • by cfalcon ( 779563 ) on Sunday December 11, 2016 @08:47PM (#53466127)

      > A nationalist (of any skin color) simply wants government to put the interests of his nation first, above those of other nations generally

      Right, that's what a "nationalist" is. A (race) Nationalist is a *fundamentally different term*, however. It means someone who wants a nation to support a race in some manner, often by sorting people by race. That's why modern nationalists (with no racial preference) often identify themselves as civic nationalists, in case the term "nationalist" is misconstrued.

      I've seen the general meme you are throwing around in a few places, and I wonder if it came from a chan or a discord, maybe some lolplot. Or maybe it's just an honest misunderstanding that a lot of folks ended up with somehow. A White Nationalist, or a Black Nationalist ultimately wants to establish a nation based on some (often modern and ahistoric) understanding of a people or race. That's why that racial adjective is there: it is not saying "a civic nationalist who is (race)", but instead talking about someone who often wants to sunder an existing country in some fashion, and is often only a few steps away from stuff far more horrifying than that.

  • There are several reasons to give it back:
    1) first amendment rights in America really need to apply for this. The idea of the internet is that it is no different than speaking publicly.
    2) it is far better to know what this WT is up to. And the only way is to have him record it on a freely available medium, such as twitter.
    • While I do not agree with your first argument as twitter is a private company/service that just happens to be popular, I couldn't agree more with your second argument.

      Letting these idiots speak their mind is the only way to know who they are and it allows arguments other than name calling to show the errors of their ways. This may not influence them, but it sure as hell will influence those reading or listening to them. And if it doesn't, then we know who they are and can take steps if and when they get int

    • 2) it is far better to know what this WT is up to. And the only way is to have him record it on a freely available medium, such as twitter.

      You can know what he is up to from his posts on Gab and other social media designed for Nazis. I'm sure you don't believe that Twitter should be forced by law to let this guy have an account.

    • 1) first amendment rights in America really need to apply for this. The idea of the internet is that it is no different than speaking publicly.

      That's right. And part of the idea of free speech is that I do not owe you a soapbox to stand upon.

      2) it is far better to know what this WT is up to. And the only way is to have him record it on a freely available medium, such as twitter.

      Let him run his own blog, like everyone competent.

  • Wow (Score:5, Funny)

    by dohzer ( 867770 ) on Sunday December 11, 2016 @07:26PM (#53465735)

    Wow... when Trump wants something done, it really does get done!

  • I think the average person has always been a little more racist than the mass media. I don't think this was deliberate censorship, it was just the fact that to work in mass media people tend to be relatively smart and well educated, and as you add education a lot of the ignorance that feeds racism goes away.

    Now that social media has reached the masses all that unintentional censorship is gone and ignorant views and arguments are getting a lot more air.

    I don't think that censorship is the answer but we need

  • by cfalcon ( 779563 ) on Sunday December 11, 2016 @08:54PM (#53466155)

    The "alt-right" was developed as a term to describe groups of conservatives who are not mainstream conservatives or establishment Republicans. As a classification term, it didn't imply racism- it encompassed several different groups of thought. I'm not sure how it was turned into a "movement", despite all these groups not really identifying as such, but I know that if you change "a classification for non-mainstream conservatives" into "a movement that accepts neo-nazis", you've totally redefined the term. Probably with the purpose of painting the non-mainstream conservatives with a neo-nazi brush, despite there being a decent number of the former, and only a handful of jackhats in the latter.

    Regardless, it is done, and it happened super fast and recently. Already, the non-racist conservatives who are not mainstream have begun rebranding themselves to make plain that they are not "alt-right", because now the term just means "neo-nazi".

  • by sethstorm ( 512897 ) on Sunday December 11, 2016 @09:51PM (#53466449) Homepage

    Twitter has gladly helped criminals, abusers, and racists - as long as they were leftists. Some of them even have the ear of Twitter's Ministry of Truth & Safety department.

    When we start hearing of people on the left get removed from Twitter (permanently), then they might have some shred of legitimacy.

