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Sanders Campaign Accused of Trademark Bullying By Web Site ( 476

An anonymous reader writes: Buzzfeed is reporting that "An online merchant has accused the Bernie Sanders campaign of 'trademark bullying'. after a Bernie 2016, Inc. attorney sent him a cease and desist letter regarding t-shirts, mugs, and sweatshirts depicting the candidate with historic communist leaders..." The t-shirt's designer tells Buzzfeed "He didn't seem to be the type of candidate, the type of guy, who would do something like this... I would think Bernie, or one of his staff members will step in and put an end to it. It appears to be pretty silly."
In January Ars Technica reported that lawyers for the Sanders campaign had demanded their logo be removed from pages on Wikipedia -- before later withdrawing that DMCA notice.
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Sanders Campaign Accused of Trademark Bullying By Web Site

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  • Yawn. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Ixokai ( 443555 ) on Monday April 18, 2016 @05:44AM (#51930379)

    I tried to argue this, but the site is so clearly full of douchbags and jerkoffs that I don't even care.

    Guy does not think he is a communist (hint: "democratic socialist" is not the same thing) Neither is "socialist") Random website he knows fuck all about uses his name and image without endorsement or permission, and... TRADEMARK BULLYING.

    Fuck, no.

    The douchebag is strong here: and that's not with the Bernie campaign.

    Either way its not a story.

    • Re:Yawn. (Score:4, Insightful)

      by Jumunquo ( 2988827 ) on Monday April 18, 2016 @05:59AM (#51930427)

      Freedom of speech. You can make fun of political figures or sell products making fun of them. I mean, wouldn't it be scary if in this world, you cannot say anything that someone would be considered douche?

      They know they have no legal ground but sue as a bullying tactic. Sad.

      • Re:Yawn. (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 18, 2016 @08:19AM (#51930889)

        defending a trademark is not bullying.
        in fact, its required, or else you lose trademark status.

      • And Trademark is defend it or lose it.

      • Freedom of speech.

        Freedom of speech does not permit breaking copyright / trademark laws
        Freedom of speech is not a right to make a profit.
        Freedom of speech does not exonerate you from defamation.

        Oh and Freedom of speech only protects you from your government, not from a private person or corporation, and even within it's scope it does a shit job.

    • Re:Yawn. (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Zocalo ( 252965 ) on Monday April 18, 2016 @05:59AM (#51930429) Homepage

      Either way its not a story.

      Given the sheer number of mostly negative and spin-heavy stories on US presidential candidates on discussion sites at the moment, almost all of which are submitted by anonymous readers, the cynic in me suspects that it's less a "story" and more and example of one of several organised smear campaigns going on, with said sites being handily manipulated by the shills... Yes, the US election, and the UK's EU referendum for that matter, are important for any number of reasons that are worthy of discussion, like broken political systems, relative merits of voting schemes, candidates views on tech and other topics, even copyright and trademark issues. Even so, a little more rigorous qualification criteria and objectivity in story selection wouldn't go amiss.

    • I tried to argue this, but the site is so clearly full of douchbags and jerkoffs that I don't even care.

      Guy does not think he is a communist (hint: "democratic socialist" is not the same thing) Neither is "socialist") Random website he knows fuck all about uses his name and image without endorsement or permission, and... TRADEMARK BULLYING.

      Fuck, no.

      The douchebag is strong here: and that's not with the Bernie campaign.

      Either way its not a story.

      While I agree this is a non story, Bernie Sanders is a public figure and a legitimate target for satire as a politician; even if it is not representative of his real political philosophy making fun of politicians for real or supposed views is a time honored tradition. Even a db is allowed to do that and plenty on all sides of the aisle do s regularly. Personally, depending on the source of the photographs a copyright violation might have occured but if Bernie dosn't own the copyright he has no claim.

      • Re:Yawn. (Score:4, Informative)

        by silentcoder ( 1241496 ) on Monday April 18, 2016 @07:30AM (#51930717)

        Except that nobody claimed copyright at all. This was a trademark letter. A completely different law with literally NOTHING in common.

        • Except that nobody claimed copyright at all. This was a trademark letter. A completely different law with literally NOTHING in common.

          I agree, which is why I said there may be grounds for a copyright claim, if a claim was to be made, not a trademark claim.

      • He's over-reacting simply because he remembers how the Tina Fey/Sara Palin thing went down; a lot of low-information voters didn't know the difference what Fey said in character of Palin and what Palin actually said. Having said that I doubt the logos were copyrightable, I doubt the logos were trademarked and using the DMCA in this manner is improper and reeks of barratry.

    • Sort of.

      He probably can't do something that makes it seem like he has the endorsement of the campaign, but he can still do a LOT because the first Amendment is strongest when it comes to political speech. There's a reason you can buy Donald Trump toilet paper. []

    • Guy does not think he is a communist (hint: "democratic socialist" is not the same thing)

      Maybe, but he has said nice things about evil communists (yes, Castro is evil) plenty of times of which we are aware: [] []

      It's also quite fascinating to see what the communists say about him.

  • by neonedge ( 540164 ) on Monday April 18, 2016 @05:46AM (#51930391) Homepage
    It's called branding, and any public figure needs to control their brand regardless of how honest or honorable the offender might declare themselves. You can't just let people do whatever they want with your brand, even if that brand is yourself. Otherwise Trump will do it as the precedent has been set. Really, some T-Shirt guy is mad because he's trying to profit off of something he has no right to? This isn't even a story.
    • So it was OK when they called Trump literally Hitler, but a work of satire calling Sanders a Marxist isn't OK? How does that even work? Free speech for me, but not for thee?
      • by silentcoder ( 1241496 ) on Monday April 18, 2016 @07:37AM (#51930751)

        Nobody has called Trump "literally Hitler" - since that would be physically impossible. Identical speeches ? Also echoed in the speeches of the only NAZIs to every actually run a country for an extended period of time WITHOUT being at war (notably Verwoerd, Botha and Vorster's) speeches. Identical proposals and policies to not-yet-in-power Hitler ?
        Entire speeches that could have been quoted from Mein Kampf ?

        Literally Hitler ? No.
        As close as makes no fucking difference ? Only somebody who is utterly ignorant of history could fail to see it.

        But then - ALL NATIONALISM is Nazism, the NAZIs abandoned the socialist part of their name long before they ever even got in power - hell during their failed coup attempt in 1921 they killed all the socialists in parliament before being thrown out. The very first thing they did after president Hitler declared himself Fuhrer was to kill every socialist in parliament (again) - 400 people executed in a single night.
        But the nationalism - they clung to that. All nationalism is 100% absolutely and utterly inexcusable evil. And it's an evil no less prevalent in the United States than it was in Germany.
        Those who love their country, and associate that love with a specific nation - are doomed to repeat ALL the worst evils humanity have visited on one another because with zero exceptions it was ALWAYS nationalism that drove it. It was Nationalism that drove appartheid (hell the party doing it was even called the "National Party"). It was Nationalism that drove the Rwandan genocide in 1994. Nationalism that exploded in the genocide in Serbia under Milosovich.

        There is no version of Nationalism, especially ethno-Nationalism that has ever or could ever fail to lead to atrocity. All nationalists are Hitler WANABES. Nearly none of them know it. They seem to only ever figure that out AFTER they did something fucking terrible.

      • Has anyone actually called Trump 'Hitler' ? Or have they just called him a fascist?

        There's actual legitimacy to calling him a fascist, and even more in calling him a proto-fascist, because he says proto-fascist things into cameras and microphones on a regular basis. One could define fascism as:

        "A form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation, or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nati

    • I can't believe this was modded up! Talking about public figures (which includes people who are trying to get elected president) and commentary about their policy is a form of free speech. Additionally, parody and satire are protected forms of speech.

  • "He wrote in the blog that that lead counsel for the Sanders campaign told him that Garvey, Schubert, Barer sent the demand letter without any consultation with the Sanders campaign."

    If that's the quality of advisers that Sanders is attracting, he's got a problem with his ability to identify good staff.
    • If that's the quality of advisers that Sanders is attracting, he's got a problem with his ability to identify good staff.

      Now find us some good lawyers.

    • by Yokaze ( 70883 )

      I would say, in that regard, he has good staff. They said, they acted on their own. As the record stands, Sanders can rightfully claim innocence in the matter, and they would possibly take all the blame, if it goes wrong.

      • Except that if the campaign denies association with this claim, then the filing attorney has no cause, and the suit will be thrown out. This whole thing is bizarre.

    • So if they didn't consult with the campaign, does that mean they are without cause? Are they retained in any way by the campaign, or have any standing whatsoever to act on their behalf?

  • Judge for yourself (Score:5, Informative)

    by DNS-and-BIND ( 461968 ) on Monday April 18, 2016 @06:56AM (#51930575) Homepage

    Well, apparently in the summary there is no link to the source. I thought our new Slashdot overlords were going to do that from now on? So I took it upon myself to do so, to let everyone judge for themselves. Don't want to see the original graphic that sparked this discussion? Why not? Afraid of the truth?

    Here is Liberty Maniacs main page at []. The link to the shirt that Bernie's Brownshirts are trying to shut down is here. [] The other shirts on the site are mocking Donald Trump "We Shall Overcomb", the NSA "the only part of the government that listens", a T-shirt depicting police officers beating the shit out of a citizen, another Trump "Idiocracy", Trump again mocking his hair, "Carlin was Right", "I'm Ready for Oligarchy", a stormtrooper with the words "Support the Troops", a picture of that one guy in the crowd with his arms crossed refusing to Heil Hitler, and Hillary for Prison. Oh, and the Sanders "Bernie is my Comrade" parody.

    Seriously, if anyone has a problem with this site, I really don't see it. Most of the merchandise is clearly mocking the Right, with only two there that the Left could possibly be offended about. And honestly those are probably just there to cover their bases and not lose any sales. The Sanders one is pretty uncreative, I mean it's an obvious joke to add his face to the famous "parade of Marxists" seeing as Bernie's own views are quite close to theirs. Don't believe me, ask real-live Marxists what they think about him. [] Spoiler alert: he's not far enough left for their taste. Anyone who wants to suppress T-shirt is just a thin-skinned asshole who can dish out the mockery but not take it. Guess what: that sort of thing cuts both ways. Feel the Bern!

    • I think you missed that the "I'm Ready for Oligarcy" logo is a parody of the "Ready for Hillary" logo that Hillary Clinton was using before she officially announced her campaign. Also, "Free Shit 2016" in the same font and with the same graphics as the Sanders logo. (Also, these guys have Trump lumped in as a liberal, so the anti-Trump stuff is anti-liberal too.)

      The American Indian stuff depicts people who got screwed by both parties. So does the cop beating on people one. So does the NSA one.

      These guys

      • by Entrope ( 68843 )

        There's not a single "left-right" dimension to politics. Libertarianism is pro-liberty, both "individual" liberties (abortion, legalized drug use, gun rights, free speech) and "business" liberties. (Hard-core libertarians often act as if those two dimensions are enough to categorize or decide practically all politics; I disagree.) If libertarianism is stringently opposed to any -ism, that thing is totalitarianism, not progressivism or conservatism as practiced in the US today.

    • by Xyrus ( 755017 ) on Monday April 18, 2016 @08:57AM (#51931085) Journal

      You are completely missing the point. This isn't about left or right. It's about trademark.

      For example, you can't just take some trademarked item, make some merchandise, and sell it. It doesn't matter if it's Mickey Mouse, Coca-Cola, or Bernie Sanders. If there is an established trademark, you need to get permission first.

      This isn't even a story. It'd be like some random schmuck making and selling Star Wars related merchandise without getting permission.

    • Let me put it this way, we don't have a problem with the site.

      We do have a problem of unlicensed trademark use and/or use of someone's likeness without their permission or a payout schedule. Of course anyone with a brain could have grasped that, so let's just look past that and say "YEAH FUCK THE RIGHT, MAN!"
  • What a douchebag (Score:4, Informative)

    by Afty0r ( 263037 ) on Monday April 18, 2016 @07:23AM (#51930689) Homepage
    This guy is making a profit, by using someone elses' likeness without their permission, making false political statements about them, and could actually be harming Sanders' campaign... and he doesn't seem to understand that he's being wrong at all. The guy making the T-shirts is a douchebag - he is exactly the reason why the law exists, and he should be shut down. Asshat
    • by Afty0r ( 263037 )
      Wow how wrong could I be? On a second look, it appears that his entire range is pretty good satire/parody across the range of the political spectrum. This will teach me not to look at one page and post just after waking up ill and grumpy!
  • And it has a logo? Seems rather un-Bernie. As does the suit. It's also unsustainable, parodying the likeness of a Presidential candidate is protected speech.
    • Hardly. This is not political satire. He is clearly profiting off of his likeness. Any individual or corporation would bring action. You just can't sell a t-shirt with someone's likeness for profit without permission. Period.
  • Comment removed (Score:5, Interesting)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Monday April 18, 2016 @07:26AM (#51930699)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Until you step on someone's lawn.
  • Satire.

    Dude can sell these t-shirts all he wants because they are satire and that's a protected form of speech. If it wasn't, Weird Al, MAD Magazine, etc would have been out of business a long time ago.

    • Re:One word... (Score:4, Informative)

      by oh_my_080980980 ( 773867 ) on Monday April 18, 2016 @08:51AM (#51931035)
      Umm no. If he was a journalist perhaps. But selling goods based on his likeness, no.

      "It must be remembered that the line between trademark bullying and rightful enforcement practices is not always black and white. In light of the fact that mark owners are shouldered with the affirmative obligation to personally police violations of their intellectual property rights; aggressive enforcement campaigns do not necessarily rise to the level of abusive bullying tactics as previously described by the USPTO. By failing to control third party use, a mark owner’s rights may be substantially restricted."

      "Thus, when encountering a questionable letter regarding the violation of another’s rights in a mark, the recipient must discern the following: 1) whether the enforcer’s mark is actually being used in commerce; 2) the similarities of the marks at issue; 3) the specifically delineated goods and services used in connection with the alleged senior user’s mark; and 4) the trade channels and consumers that encounter the mark alleging superior rights." []

      Put it to you this way, the NFL would have something to say if they guy did the something with the NFL.
    • Whoa dude full stop,
      1. the Sander's campaign is a corporation, not a governmental entity, it has no obligation to observe the 1st amendment.
      2. there is no parody or satire exception under trademark law.

  • What the fuck is this? And why is it here?

  • Bernie's problem is that he's gone on camera so many times saying he's a democratic socialist, that he has to keep running with it. I'm sure he would prefer to drop the whole idea, especially considering (this article is case and point) that the general public really is confused about what all these terms mean. So what he's doing here is trying to scare someone that, presumably, is having some success selling these tshirts that intentionally misrepresent his position. Is this smart? Without knowing the exac
  • So let me get this straight. Someone makes a shirt that associates Sanders with Stalin. Sanders, who is trying to win a presidential campaign, uses the same trademark laws that everyone else uses to make him stop doing it. Think of the children!!

  • by T.E.D. ( 34228 ) on Monday April 18, 2016 @10:43AM (#51931739)

    I may not be a huge Sanders fan, but Sanders frankly is comedy gold. So if you are going for funny, it ain't that hard. But placing pictures of him next to Stalin like they were buddies isn't even the slightest bit funny. Even if you're trying to poke fun at your own ignorance for not being able to tell the difference between anybody to the left of you and a Communist, that's just sad, not funny. So clearly, humor was not the goal here.

    This isn't comedy; its straight up character assassination. If his lawyers don't try to go after it while he's running for high office, they aren't doing their jobs.

"The pathology is to want control, not that you ever get it, because of course you never do." -- Gregory Bateson
