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Anonymous's War on Trump Described as Successful and Disastrous ( 201 and the Trump Hotel Collection site reportedly went offline Friday, seeming to confirm threats made by the hacktivist collective Anonymous. But TechInsider is reporting that "The 'total war' that Anonymous declared earlier this month against Donald Trump has devolved into a war among hackers fighting within the group and pro-Trump supporters who are trolling them within their chat rooms." They describe two warring factions within the group's anti-Trump movement, also quoting CloudFlare's CEO as saying denial of service attacks "are sort of the functional equivalent of a caveman with a club." But while Trump has warned that law enforcement officials are pursuing the attackers, one Anonymous member unequivocally announced that still more attacks were planned. "This is NOT the last time you hear of this operation. We will be watching, and will act when the time is right."
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Anonymous's War on Trump Described as Successful and Disastrous

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  • How about Ted Cruz? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward

    As a run off the mill left-wing liberal, I'd say that slimy sneaky bastard Ted Cruz is by far more evil than Donald Trump. And so think most established Republicans.

    Perhaps these anonymous script kiddies should have been thinking about that a bit more. Not that I appreciate their actions anyway, just saying...

    • Re: (Score:1, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      But that's why Trump is winning - all the candidates suck, on both sides.

      Trump is almost certainly the best candidate the GOP has. Think of all the other candidates for the GOP nomination. They're all losers. They all lost to Trump because they simply aren't as good as Trump.

      Look at the Democrat's candidates: a felon and a communist. Does anyone seriously believe either of those candidates can win?!

      The GOP is desperate to find a plausible candidate that isn't Trump, but they already failed to do that. It's

      • They all lost to Trump because they simply aren't as good as Trump.

        OK, I am sure that had nothing to do with the fact that there 15 GOP candidates splitting the vote.

    • by readin ( 838620 )
      Plenty of people like to call Ted Cruz names, but I never hear any substance to back up their name-calling. Ted Cruz is a good guy.
    • It matters not one whit which candidate those computer vandals target. What matters is that they interfere with free speech.

      This sort of abuse is what causes certain freedoms on the Internet to be curtailed or lost altogether.

    • Perhaps these anonymous script kiddies should have been thinking

      The remainder of that sentence was superfluous.

  • Oh, good. (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 02, 2016 @12:38PM (#51828473)
    Thanks, anonymous. I was worried that Trump wasn't getting enough media attention; I almost started remembering there are other candidates.
    Pro Trump, Anti Trump, Trump Trump, Trump? Trump! TRUMP TRUMP TRUPM TRUPMUTRPRATRRUEMMP
  • by Anonymous Coward
    "Mommy, I don't like what that man said. Tell him to shut up." "There, there. No need to cry. Momma's gonna DOS him into silence."
  • by Tanktalus ( 794810 ) on Saturday April 02, 2016 @12:41PM (#51828487) Journal

    I can't imagine what they could possibly do to derail Trump's campaign. Trump is not cowed by divulging his affairs - he's been a "reality" TV star, and his loud mouth has already exposed all manner of nastiness without derailing the campaign already. His websites are just that - websites. He likely doesn't rely on them either for getting out his message (the MSM is doing a fine job already) or for his business dealings, so shutting them down is useless.

    His supporters don't support him because he's a high-and-mighty politician of impeccable ideology. They support him because that's precisely what he isn't. There's simply nothing that Anonymous can do to dissuade Trump's followers from following. And everyone else who might be swayed by anything they uncover is already swayed by the ranting that has already come out of Trump's mouth. I just don't see anywhere they can go from here.

    • by Chas ( 5144 )

      It's Anonymous.

      Basically, they announce that they're "at war" with someone.

      The target gets crudely doxed by stuff you can find on the internet readily, maybe DDOS'ed for a day or two, then Anonymous's legion of script kiddies declare "victory".

      Seriously, it's all quite snore-worthy.

    • by readin ( 838620 )

      His supporters don't support him because he's a high-and-mighty politician of impeccable ideology. They support him because that's precisely what he isn't

      and the scary thing is that there is no reason Democrats won't find that same personality appealing. Trump isn't conservative so once he gets into the general election he's likely to win by pulling in large numbers of Democrats and independents. He's already demonstrated he does much better in open primaries where non-Republicans can vote for him than he does in Republican-only primaries.

    • by Reziac ( 43301 ) *

      All true, but I did immediately wonder -- Cui bono?

  • by Anonymous Coward

    "I a weak-minded hypersensitive fool who can't handle what you're saying so I need to shut you up!"

    • by vux984 ( 928602 )

      To be fair, the reasoning is more along the lines of 1/2 of the US citenzenry are weak-minded fools, ignorant morons, and rascist twats, and they are eating up Trump's bullshit like its fine dining. To protect these idiots from themselves, and in turn protect ME from what they might do, we need to shut Trump up.

      Not saying its the right course of action, but that's the reasoning.

      • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

        by Anonymous Coward

        "protect these idiots from themselves" ... "we need to shut Trump up"

        Spoken like a dictator or an angry mob, which is what the left wing bashing of Trump looks like to the rest of us.

        I actually didn't really care one way or the other for the Republican candidates this year, but with the crazy left wing reaction to Trump I've decided I need to vote for him.

  • by Okian Warrior ( 537106 ) on Saturday April 02, 2016 @12:56PM (#51828567) Homepage Journal

    All this "disrupt the process" behaviour is ridiculous.

    It started with people at rallies shouting Trump down while he was trying to speak.

    What's the point of that? You are so incensed and against that one candidate that you don't want the democratic process to happen?

    This goes on for awhile, then protesters come to rallies and get manhandled by the supporters who actually want to listen to what he says.

    Next, protesters come to rallies dressed as KKK members and are surprised when they get beat down?

    Recently, a 15yo girl protester punched a supporter while he was turning away, got pepper sprayed for doing that... and tried to file sexual assault charges against him? (He was only exonerated because the incident was caught by security camera. And if it *hadn't*, that man's life would be completely ruined with no chance of redemption.)

    Anonymous is so against Trump that they want to sabotage the democratic process by taking down his websites?

    Elites are so against Trump that they are going against their "support the candidate, whoever he is" pledge? Rubio does not give up his delegates, even though he's out of the race? Delegates are allowed to be "faithless" and vote for whomever? Make an 8-state rule to exclude Ron Paul, but change it to allow Cruz in?

    (Trump gets fed up with all of this, decides that if everyone else is breaking the pledge that he can also... and of course the media only reports that Trump broke his promise. Also, breaking that promise loses him delegates, but of course no one else loses *their* delegates for doing the same thing.)

    I honestly think that if Trump has a clear majority of support (which seems likely) and doesn't get the nomination, through skulduggery (which is also likely) that there will be riots. well there should be.

    We're often told "it's our fault, we voted for him". If we actually vote for someone and he *doesn't* get in, it is completely rational and just to set fire to the process.

    Really. This whole thing is ridiculous.

    • by jopsen ( 885607 ) <> on Saturday April 02, 2016 @01:21PM (#51828711) Homepage

      All this "disrupt the process" behaviour is ridiculous.

      Yeah, when I observe American politics this is what is broken, at every level, repeatedly...

      The absolute inability of Americans to admit defeat in politics and then move on.. Instead you disrupt, derail and set fire to the process.
      This is nothing new, it's been going on more extreme than ever throughout Obama's presidency... (I doubt he is to blame though).

      And yet, the American voter is to blame for this, you've repeatedly voted for extremists this is what you get.

      • And yet, the American voter is to blame for this, you've repeatedly voted for extremists this is what you get.

        Hardly. The voter only gets two choices, and often they are both bad.

      • No, what's REALLY broke is the system itself...because it's a "majority rule" instead of "proportional representation". Majority rule leads to only two viable "sides", which switch back between "winner" and "looser" in each election. We need proportional representation, along with the "single transferable vote". That is the ONLY way we will ever have more than two major, viable parties. The fact that "third party" is a meme in US politics speaks volumes. Every third party in the US has always been formed ar
    • "Next, protesters come to rallies dressed as KKK members and are surprised when they get beat down?"

      No, they'll get a VIP backstage access card.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      >Recently, a 15yo girl protester punched a supporter while he was turning away, got pepper sprayed for doing that...


    • If there are riots, it won't be from the majority. They might cause more harm than any Muslims have in Merka.
    • by readin ( 838620 )
      It's sad that as much as I can't stand Trump I'm finding I dislike many of his opponents even more.

      However when it comes to the rules - an organization has a right to protect itself from outsiders who would come in and take over in order to use the organization for a completely different purpose. That's why the Republican party has rules that provide some protection for the establishment even while allowing for nominees to be elected. Many people have for years donated to, supported, and built the Rep
    • Thank you for saying it better than I personally could. It is real sad that such vast majority of people and media don't seem to have ant respect for the one thing that has made America the shining city on the hill namely democracy.

  • by turkeydance ( 1266624 ) on Saturday April 02, 2016 @12:57PM (#51828573)
    will work out similar to the War on Drugs/Poverty/etc. it won't.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    ...that Anonymous has finished dismantling ISIS, as they asserted they would do (before their Trump project)?

  • DDoS attacks? (Score:4, Informative)

    by golgotha007 ( 62687 ) on Saturday April 02, 2016 @01:28PM (#51828751)

    How lame can you get. What a bunch of simple, skill-less cowards.

    • by GuB-42 ( 2483988 )

      That's the idea. Anonymous is not really a hacker group. It is more like a human botnet.
      Some people with good charisma and convincing arguments tell Anonymous to do something, and they do it. Instead of using malware to launch attacks, they provide "members" with simple tools such as LOIC. In the end, you have an effective attack, especially since some of them may have a bit more skill and are able to launch attacks a bit more subtle that simple flooding.

      • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

        'Anonymous' is an idea, it does nothing, people use it to promote a political action and other people either join in or not. You can have a political act of 'Anonymous' of just one or of millions, it is the political act that counts and the people involved that counts and not 'Anonymous'. 'Anonymous' is just another vehicle for political activism that simply provides a level of protection for those participants. Any individual cause will either draw support or not. On average in can be seen that 'Anonymous'

  • by Anonymous Coward

    So, once again the Great Nerd Army of the Internet has been defeated. Beaten. Routed. Vanquished. Wiped the floor with. Humiliated. Curbsomped. Brown-swirlied.

    Seriously, did anybody seriosly think it would go any different?

    Anony-mouse has been defeated and crapped upon in each and every foolish endeavour it set itself up to, when they didn't simply shit their pants and give up (like that "big war" against the Zeta cartels. So tell me, anony-mice, did you defeated ISIS? Hm, no. Though you claimed you had "fo

  • by JustNiz ( 692889 ) on Saturday April 02, 2016 @01:46PM (#51828831)

    When they first started Anonymous seemed really cool, fighting oppressive regimes etc.
    What happened to turn them into a bunch of whiny asshats that supress free speech ad are only capapble of lame skript kiddy DDOS attacks?

    • Re: (Score:2, Troll)

      by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Anonymous was pretty much always just a few leaders with skills and an army of lamers who could only DDOS or and shitpost. It's just that early on the leaders directed the lamers to more deserving targets.

      There probably weren't that many of them. The GamerGate IRC logs show that most of the participating accounts were sock puppets. Chances are the DDOS attacks are mostly botnets.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Anything with the word "Anonymous" in the title can be directly translated to "FBI/CIA"

      Sabu ratted out his comrades in order for a plea deal with the FBI - In exchange the FBI/CIA now own anonymous.

      You'll notice a lot more politically motivated retarded shit from "FBI Anonymous now", like some retarded war on ISIS shit, and retarded war on Trump shit.

      The real problem here is outlets like Slashdot and the mainstream media still pretend Anonymous is still the old Anonymous, when they know damn well that organ

    • Nothing happened. You, like everyone, have a set of personal biases. When Anonymous attacks a political candidate in a foreign country you approve because it aligns with your values, when they attack a political candidate in your neighbourhood you disaprove and think they've changed.

      They haven't. A lot of people OUTSIDE OF AMERICA completely approve of Anonymous disrupting Trump's candidacy today, it's actually a good thing to do globally. But Americans are directly affected, so they feel offended and tal

    • by Anonymous Coward

      What kind of a fucking stupid thing to claim, that an undefined "group" of individuals who make random unrelated statements under the title of "anonymous" have any coherent position on any issue, that there is any normative behaviour typical to all those who claim the moniker, and that they have collectively and decidedly "turned into a bunch of whiny asshats".
      You're more a tool than any I've seen on slashdot for a long time.
      Of course there are asshats in "anonymous". There are all sorts of people. They hav

    • by ebvwfbw ( 864834 )

      Hey, it's like a gang, though there is no beating people up physically, there is no initiation, you don't know who the other thugs are... well most of the things a gang has. But they are part of something.

      They could simply go to church instead.

  • These punks are just big fat retards living in mommy's basement eating Cheetos. They are just a bunch of script kiddies,

  • Fascinating piece, and it's interesting to watch both the authoritarian faction within Anonymous and the Libertarian faction, which I would consider the "historical anonymous," that apparently still believes in truth without ideology. The Sanders supporting Anonymous vs. the Trump supporting Anonymous, to put it another way. And this incredible and noteable fight that's been raging within the group for the last five years. It seems so far, that neither side has been able to claim victory, and both sides kee

  • by Anonymous Coward

    I'm no Trump fan but DDOS site is just stupid. It's the juvenile equivalent of pulling a girls hair. Pathetic. Embarrassingly sad. That's the best they can do??

Everyone can be taught to sculpt: Michelangelo would have had to be taught how not to. So it is with the great programmers.
