Leaked Islamic State Documents Identify Thousands of Jihadis (sky.com) 180
itwbennett writes: Sky News reports that it was handed a USB stick with 'tens of thousands of documents' detailing phone numbers and family contacts of Islamic State members by 'a disillusioned convert' to Islamic State. 'One of the files marked 'Martyrs' detailed a brigade manned entirely by fighters who wanted to carry out suicide attacks and were trained to do so,' according to Sky News. CSO Online's Steve Ragan had a little fun at ISIS' expense and worked up a data breach notification that ISIS HR is free to use should they so choose.
2013 (Score:1)
As I understand it ISIS is basically a different system now than it was in 2013. Still it should provide a huge number of places to investigate. Godspeed, FBI.
Re:2013 (Score:5, Insightful)
The link [businessinsider.com] I found about this claims the information is years out of date.
As I understand it ISIS is basically a different system now than it was in 2013. Still it should provide a huge number of places to investigate. Godspeed, FBI.
And Rupert Murdoch set about telling the world before letting anyone investigate in private before the hypothetical bad guys all run and hide.
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What makes you think the intel svcs didn't get these first,
The wording of the article implied they received them recently, but going back a re-reading more carefully it looks like they chose their words carefully to give that impression but not say it. So I don't know.
and what makes you say Murdoch published all the details?
Sky News told the world. I didn't say they had published all the details.
Wishful thinking so you could see if your name was spelled correctly?
Troll much A.C.?
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At this point, the intel agencies might have gotten everything useful out of the records they could, and thought it wise to publish the fact and see who scurries for cover.
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At this point, the intel agencies might have gotten everything useful out of the records they could, and thought it wise to publish the fact and see who scurries for cover.
I file this under "things I know I don't know".
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They migrated from PeopleSoft to SAP.
Can't tell you how I kn./\'h788
no carrier
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media double standard on dangerous leaks (Score:3, Interesting)
just wanted to point out that when wikileaks and other documents about western government activities were leaked, western media organizations given full access to them( like guardian etc) went through them blanking out names etc of people who may be endangered( like intelligence agents) by the leaks, before publishing them. wikileaks itself published them after such vetting by selected journalists. there was no doubt about the authenticity of those documents btw.
now not so authenticated lists of alleged isis members are published with "family contacts", but no such safeguards are taken.
as i said, i am just pointing out this is a double standard.
well as they say, all is fair in war huh? and western private media seem to be fighting the war on one side just as much as soldiers. question is are they then entitled to protection?
Re:media double standard on dangerous leaks (Score:4, Insightful)
as i said, i am just pointing out this is a double standard
No it's not, it's patriotism. Supporting your own government while helping quash another is not a double standard.
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Oh what you didn't think existing laws were in place for this stuff? In the former case we're talking about were cases of compromising national security by releasing identifying information of friendly forces.
Now we're talking about releasing identifying information on enemy forces.
Patriotism still applies.
As do slander laws.
By the way you got my street number right :-)
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Did they even actually release the documents? I looked last night and couldn't find the documents themselves. I'm not sure it's a double standard if, you know, they didn't actually release 'em? However, they might have released them by now.
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I don't actually think so. So far all I've seen is generic data such as "Australian IT support person identified as belonging to ISIS" and similar things like that.
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Who else things that these names and addresses... (Score:2)
Who else things that these names and addresses are actually U.S. government employee data that came from the OPM hack a while ago, and they are publishing it as "These are ISIS people!" as a "*Psych*! Gotcha!"???
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That would be hilarious! Maybe it's a list of Catholic priests.
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One theory (Score:1)
Is that IS leadership leaked it themselves to trap members to stay and fight.
If they are on the list they have no safe harbour but IS.
Definitely not a trap (Score:2)
When do the drone strikes commence? And will anyone bother to verify that they are actual bad guys and not random people on a fake list?
Great, yet more info that Russia and Syria can use (Score:2)
Almost there! (Score:2)
How is this possible with cell phone encryption? (Score:2)
I jist don't get it. Obama says we can't get info like this as long as encrypted cell phones are around.
All about the page views (Score:2)
On the other hand, wouldn't it have been a good idea to first give that list to government officials and let them muck around with it for a couple of years, instead of alerting the ISIS members that their cover was blown?
Perhaps a deliberate leak by ISIS? (Score:2)
All those contemplating that now know for certain their government knows about them, and that they're likely to face serious jail time on their return. It might encourage them to stay put.
That's a good reason for leaking this deliberately.
what's with the "It's funny, laugh" avatar? (Score:2)
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Can anyone explain to me why Islam is considered a religion of peace? Most of the terror in the world today is committed by Muslims. They control many totalitarian states that are particularly abysmal with respect to human rights. Why are there so many apologists for Islam? There's much outrage when a Christian-owned bakery refuses to cater for an LGBT wedding but there's silence when Muslims commit acts of violence against nonbelievers. Why is Islam given a free pass when they do far worse things? Islam is far more repressive than Christianity, but somehow this is tolerated. Why?
Because you haven't mentioned Christian or Buddhist terrorists who do the same thing. Islam's beliefs are old fashioned and in my opinion not very well adapted to the modern world, but there are many perfectly normal and sane muslims who don't support terrorists. Islam is not the cause of terrorism, or else all muslims would be violent and psychopathic individuals: the cause of terrorism is hundreds of years of violence and some very horrible leaders, where blowing yourself up is probably viewed as a pleas
Re:Can anyone explain to me why... (Score:5, Interesting)
However, I will not fall victim to discriminating, as seems to be very popular in the United States these days, and you should be ashamed of yourself for sinking to that level.
Disclaimer: I'm a Canuck.
You don't need to fall to discriminating. Non-western Muslims have done that all on their own, and in some cases western muslims especially those that are first or second generation. Fun reminder: It was CAIR who told muslims not cooperate with police, and it was also CAIR who were unindicted co-conspirators in funding terrorism. It was also various muslims(mainly fundamentalist) who attacked reformists who told police and security services that the police *should* be investigating mosques and in turn keeping a very watchful eye on muslims that go to mosques that are preaching fundamentalism. There's a schism without a doubt, and right now it's reformist vs fundamentalist. And many in the west would rather bury their head in the sand over it.
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Did you just try to explain why it's fine to discriminate by discriminating? Bizarre.
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Do we not even understand how a wedding cake and MASS MURDER are different? Really? Those are equivalent acts in your mind?
And I can't help but notice that, once again, a leftist is jumping up front and center to defend Islamist killers. Why does this keep on happening? It's like they're allied together in the service of destroying Western civilization.
Re:Can anyone explain to me why... (Score:4, Insightful)
Um, he said:
Just to be clear, I do not support terrorism or the horrible acts being committed in the middle east; I have absolutely no sympathy for ISIS, and anyone who would blow themselves up or torture people who don't "follow the faith" deserve to burn in their version of hell.
That doesn't sound like a "leftist" defending Islamist killers.
Islamists are responsible for about 5% of terror attacks in the US and 2% in Europe. Of course, there are other issues in Europe right now to do with the migrant crisis, but we are talking about terrorism here. Globally Muslims are responsible for about 10% of terrorist acts. Most importantly, the chance of being affected by Islamic terrorism is vanishingly small, much less so than the chance of being affected by homophobia for example.
So don't try to compare to the two. They are very different and we can care about both. Putting effort into fixing one does not mean we don't care about the other, but undeniably working on LGBT rights is likely to have much more impact on many more people's lives than crapping our pants over Islamic terrorism is.
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Really? Who's doing the other 98%?
It seems a few Fenian remnants have crawled out of their hole. But that aside I can't think of much they, or the UDA, or ETA or the Red Army Faction etc etc have got up to recently.
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Really? Who's doing the other 98%?
I'm curious where he got those numbers, and of course there's always the fudge of who decides what qualifies as terror, but you merely have to turn on the evening news to see who's killing who in the USA.
Of course, if a genuine psycho or other non-Jihadist murderer goes on a rampage you might only hear it mentioned once (if at all), whereas they'll talk about Jihadist killings for months.
And that's from our "liberal" corporate media.
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Islamists are responsible for about 5% of terror attacks in the US and 2% in Europe.
This page [wikipedia.org] has some sources, but also states: In January 2015, The Economist compiled data regarding deaths due to political violence in western Europe since 2001. These data show that the death toll associated with Islamist terror is particularly high, especially when compared with the low overall proportion of religiously motivated attacks reported by Europol.
The list of incidents on that page seems to confirm this.
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The page you linked to says that most terrorism is by separatists and extreme left wing groups. Islamic terror deaths account for a large proportion of religiously motivated terrorism, but it's still a small amount overall.
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Your claim was that 2% of terrorism (not any arbitrarily defined subset thereof) in Europe is down to islamists.
Where's the other 98%?
I think if the People's Popular Front of East Grinstead had carried out an attack 49 times the size of the Charlie Hebdo attack it might have made the news.
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Islamists are responsible for about 5% of terror attacks in the US and 2% in Europe.
The EuroStat statistics are horribly misleading. From the 2015 report (PDF) [europa.eu].
On page 8 (emphasis mine):
Type of terrorism
As in previous years, separatist terrorism continued to be the dominant type of terrorism in court proceedings in 2014. The vast majority of separatist terrorism verdicts (92%) were pronounced in Spain. Courts in Denmark, France, Lithuania and Germany also issued verdicts in relation to separatist terrorism.
And on page 4 it says:
In Spain, reported terrorist attacks continued to decrease from 54 in 2012, to 33 in 2013, to 18 in 2014. In both countries, all attacks, except one that happened in Spain, were classified as separatist. The attacks in Spain did not cause casualties.
In fact, ETA hasn't killed anyone since their ceasefire in 2010, which they later amended to be permanent so that's over 100 terror "attacks" without loss of life as far as I can tell. Meanwhile a single islamist attack in Paris cost 130 lives with zero convictions because they're dead. No wonder they don't show up in arrest statistics.
The higher you set the threshold, the more obvious
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How about the attacks against the migrants? Why aren't they called terror attacks? After all the whole point of them is to terrorize them into going away. Migrants have been killed. Muslims haven't been the cause of those attacks and not all of the migrants are Muslims.
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How about attacks by those economic migrants? You know, like when they rioted and put several dozen civilians and police officers in hospital when they tried to take over a ferry.
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Because terrorism is a motive and not an action. If you don't figure that out, your confusion will continue. When people burn down an immigration home they are engaging in terrorism, as they are using terror to coerce political will. In the case of storming a ferry, they are simply trying to storm a ferry - their actions were not designed or intended to carry further than that. This stuff really isn't difficult to figure out, provided one has the will.
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"Islamists are responsible for about 5% of terror attacks in the US and 2% in Europe."
I'd love to see the definition of terror attack that was used here. Does it include sticking your head through an open window and shouting: boo??
Re:Can anyone explain to me why... (Score:5, Insightful)
You're a cock.
Replace Muslim/Islam with Vegetarian/Vegetarianism to see why.
Some vegetarians gathered at the local supermarket and killed someone? Raped someone? Shit, all vegetarians need to be arrested / exterminated, no? Fucking idiot.
You have a correlation (the terrorists in this case are claiming to follow Islam), not a causation (Islam did not make them terrorists - there are MILLIONS of Islamic people who are not terrorist that you want to conveniently ignore, like there are millions of vegetarians who didn't shove cucumbers up people's arses in protest)..
Not even that, the correlation is tenuous. I'm British. We're far from new to terrorism, on either side of the coin. Fuck, we spent most of the 80's/90's being bombed to oblivion by the IRA.
The IRA? Formed, if you dig deep enough, because of two main groups in opposition to each other, colloquially assigned as "Catholics" and "Protestants". Are Catholics bombers? Are Protestants? Like with the vegetarians - some but not all, and they aren't bombers because they are protestant, they are bombers who happen to ALSO BE lumped into a religious group (somewhat unfairly, in fact, and Ireland was divided and referred to for many years by such religious groupings rather than, say, those who opposed British rule and those who didn't).
The last bomber I saw on the news was a car driver. Are car drivers all bombers? Or was this bomber just happening to be a car driver? Or... maybe.. if you want to discredit some group you become a bomber and SAY you part of their organisation. Is there an "Islamist Club" membership card or do we just have the words of some passer-by interviewed for the news story.
Take your fucking blinkered, DANGEROUS, racist, religionist and ignorant views, and the implications and accusations that you put with them and go sit with the fucking dunce in the corner.
What's dangerous is anyone's RELIGION being more important than how they deal with people. Christians - if you generalise over history - forcibly colonised most of the world to "convert" people. It's the conversion that's the problem, not the particular religion they choose to convert you to.
Stop being a cock.
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Islam is not the cause of terrorism, or else all muslims would be violent and psychopathic individuals:
Most Muslims are not violent or psychopathic DESPITE their religion. Most religious people ignore the parts of their religion that aren't compatible with morals they picked up elsewhere (or some argu,e born with). The only Muslims that are violent are those who have ONLY Islam to guide their actions.
the cause of terrorism is hundreds of years of violence and some very horrible leaders, where blowing yourself up is probably viewed as a pleasant escape by many of the people who do it.
The bin Laden family is rich. Osama did not turn to terrorism because of any of the above. Many terrorists are well educated engineers. They tend to join these groups because it gives them a sense of meaning to
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And I consider myself a very liberal minded person who thinks Western nations have a responsibility to take in all the refugees caused by the post 9/11 Middle East adventure.
So does that mean muslims nations are required to take responsibility for the ~700 years of attacks against European nations? Including the mass rapes, slaughter of civilians and destruction of churches or other cultural locations.
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Seriously, can someone come up with something that is not strawman argument?
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If most acts of X are committed by Y and someone asks why this is so, claiming discrimination is effectively telling the one who asks the question to shut up because you say he is a bigot. You are wilfully distorting the discussion.
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Religion is the excuse, not the cause.
It doe
Re:Can anyone explain to me why... (Score:5, Informative)
Indeed http://www.bbc.com/news/magazi... [bbc.com]
Re:Can anyone explain to me why... (Score:4, Insightful)
Monk like the ones mentioned in the article will have karma 'Terrible' and his life will be buried in '-1: Redundant' mod.
Re:Can anyone explain to me why... (Score:4, Funny)
Probably the most perversely funny thing I've ever seen on television news was a decade or more ago when two sects of Buddhist monks were fighting over possession of a temple on a street corner. The streets were full of bald men in robes going at it with quarterstaffs.
(I half expected to see Jackie Chan come crawling out of the side of the crowd.)
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In Buddhism, there is no 'martyr', that is they don't encourage for 'be ready to die for your religion'.
You must be joking. Just type "budhist imolation" into the search engine of your choice.
http://www.deathandtaxesmag.com/200114/on-the-50th-anniversary-of-buddhist-monk-thich-quang-ducs-self-immolation/ [deathandtaxesmag.com]
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People setting themselves on fire is not terrorism, and "mob justice" is also not terrorism.
Muslims also drink water. The fact that I also drink water does not make me a terrorist. If I set myself on fire that wouldn't make me a terrorist.
To be clear folks, this guy cited an act where a Buddhist set himself on fire in protest, and then pretended that it was terrorism. The only link, and its a h
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Muslims also drink water. The fact that I also drink water does not make me a terrorist.
he also made the leap from Muslim to terrorism
In the first quote you literally equated the word "Muslim" to the word "terrorist", so maybe you are protesting a bit too loudly.
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http://media.kmspks.org/uncate... [kmspks.org]
“If one knows how to treasure oneself, one should protect oneself well.”
-The Buddha (Dhammapada)
Secondly, by theory of original Buddhism (Theravada), there is no 'God', of course no 'Saint', you are by what you have done (karma). By that logic, even if one promotes you 'martyr' is nothing, no matter if you kill yourself or kill others.
Those immolated-monks, may be hundreds, but they are no 'Saint', or 'Martyr', they chose this way themselves, "when one’s karmic retribution is not exhaust [kmspks.org]
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If Buddhists protecting their way of life are terrorists then so are we.
Why is it that Buddhists are called terrorists when they fight violent Islamists but when western nations do the same thing for the same reasons they are considered peacekeepers?
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Why is it that Buddhists are called terrorists when they fight violent Islamists but when western nations do the same thing for the same reasons they are considered peacekeepers?
Haven't been paying attention to the news much? Regressives have been calling western nations "colonizers" and "attempting cultural genocide" for over a decade when the west fights back.
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Violence is always rationalized one way or another.
To members of ISIS their violence is as rational as those Buddhist monks killing off civilians of particular ethnicities (the term for this is "Genocide").
The problem here is fanaticism and sectarianism. Recent political events in the US show that it would easily happen here as well if the people could get away with it (just like it did during the "lynching" era).
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The problem here is fanaticism and sectarianism. Recent political events in the US show that it would easily happen here as well if the people could get away with it (just like it did during the "lynching" era).
Reminder: Lynching is what white people do to white people when there are disputes over taxes. And more white people were lynched during the american revolution then were during the strong era of the KKK.
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https://www.rt.com/usa/335132-... [rt.com]
Kozen Sampson, a Buddhist monk and co-founder of the Trout Lake Abbey retreat, said he was attacked Monday during a visit to Hood River.
He doesn't remember much, but says a man, who seemingly thought he was Muslim based on his clothing, attacked him for no reason.
But instead of anger and hatred towards that man, Sampson said he only feels forgiveness and compassion.
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http://www.christianpost.com/n... [christianpost.com]
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Re:Can anyone explain to me why... (Score:5, Interesting)
So why doesn't Indonesia have Sharia law yet? The country is 80% Muslim yet the democratically elected party in power cracks down as hard as it can on Islamic terrorists. The party that lost the election also cracks down as hard as it can on Islamic terrorist (when they were in power). The 2 biggest parties seem to compete on who cracks down on Islamic terrorists the most.
The party that runs on a platform of Sharia law? They can't get enough votes to get a single representative in parliament. In an 80% Muslim country.
it seems to me that if you actually give Muslims a chance to vote, they don't seem to favor hard-line fundamentalism. It's only if you screw around with their voting (or have no voting at all) that Islamic fundamentalism takes hold. And even then, the hard-liners have to constantly, heavily enforce their rules and literally beat the populous into submission.
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Perhaps Islam is not a unified religion, and different regions may have very different forms of Islam even if they share the same holy text?
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As it happens, Islam has no divisions, as a matter of doctrine. (It's likely to be in the Koran somewhere.) This makes it really awkward for Muslims to address problems with other branches of Islam.
Also, in different countries, various traditional customers are mixed into Islam without scruples, much like some modern Christians wonder how Christians can vote Democrat. A guy I know said he never realized what Islam really was before he moved from Pakistan to the US.
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So why doesn't Indonesia have Sharia law yet? The country is 80% Muslim yet the democratically elected party in power cracks down as hard as it can on Islamic terrorists.
Doesn't it though? Just because it isn't the de jure law doesn't mean it's not the de facto law. I personally know a family from Indonesia (father was Filipino, mother was Malay, they met in Indonesia when pursuing advanced degrees and their children were born there) who had to flee the country in the middle of the night, leaving their entire lives behind, just because they were Christians. They received advance warning that the dad's Christian colleagues who hadn't fled were being systematically butchered
Re:Can anyone explain to me why... (Score:5, Insightful)
Here in Europe we don't have a problem with terrorists or with muslims
The people that worked for Charlie Hebdo would disagree with you if they werent killed by fucking terrorists, and Muslims.
Europe has had a problem with specifically Muslim terrorists for literally hundreds of years you ignorant apologist twat. They also have a big problem with non-Muslim terrorists you ignorant apologist twat.
The only reason to open your mouth and be that ignorant is if you really dont give a fuck about actually saying things that arent demonstrably wrong.
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Europe has its share of problems, but terrorism isn't a major one. Really, it isn't.
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The number of casualties from terrorism in Europe is tiny. Really, really small. Even including the attack you mention, it's still minuscule. Getting scared over a statistical blip and then using that fear to condemn over a billion people with a crude, childish, scared judgement is pathetic.
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even many moderate muslims who wouldn't dream of stooping to violence themselves would vote for sharia law if it was brought to a vote
Guess what, the gay marriage bans in the US weren't legislated by Muslims. The legislation requiring teaching Creationism in some US states wasn't created by Muslims either. I bet a lot of religious people supported those laws.
Whether or not you're in the US, I frankly call bullshit that you don't have non-muslim people in your country trying to enshrine their own morals in law. Either that stuff gets laughed out of the building (one can only hope), gets voted down later, or you don't think about it becau
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However there were Christian activists who did kill people over abortion. Don't forget larger scale violence using religion as the excuse; Irish separatists in Northern Ireland, the crusades, etc.
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However there were Christian activists who did kill people over abortion.
Is it wrong for the state to put a serial murderer to death? This is what Christians believe abortion doctors are, yet rarely are there cases of violence against them.
Don't forget larger scale violence using religion as the excuse; Irish separatists in Northern Ireland
I don't recall the Irish Catholics having issues with England because they were protestant, I think it might have had more to do with oppression...but I could be wrong...
the crusades,
You mean the war started by Muslims invading Spain?
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Because Muslims just want to live in the house of peace [wikipedia.org].
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It is a religion of peace by subjugation of all others. It is nothing more than a cult that has grown large enough to takeover nations...
If you kill any opposing view it leaves behind it "peace".
Christians and others expanded similarly except with Islam it's quite a bit more pronounced handbook for take over and oppression.
Religion is a tool for the corrupt and a crutch for the weak of mind.
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Christians and others expanded similarly except with Islam it's quite a bit more pronounced handbook for take over and oppression.
The specific parts about taking over and killing heathens is in the part that is common between the Abrahamic religions.
Everything that encourages violence in Islam is exactly the same in Christianity and Judaism.
I don't know exactly where it is in each book, but for Christianity you should check Deuteronomy, Exodus and Leviticus in the Bible.
It is repeated several times over to kill anyone of the wrong faith. It also explicitly tells believers to kill all gay men (Not lesbians for some reason.) and advocat
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Are you seriously saying that because bad things happened in the past we should allow bad things in the present and future?
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Probably more that we should use our brains instead of leaping to inane conclusions based on prejudice. The best tool to fix whatever ills are present in Islam is moderate Muslims. This pathetic ranting against Islam is pushing those people further and further away. It's precisely because the world has seen what happens when this irrational reaction is allowed or even encouraged that we should strive to not repeat the mistakes of the past. To just wave one's hands in the air and equate Islam with terror
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Islam is a religion of many faces. There are about 1400 million Muslims, as different from each other as two random Anonymous Cowards.
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It's not support for Islam, it's the ideology of multiculturalism that seeks to sweep under the rug the negative attributes of non-white and non-Western cultures. The blatant and disingenuous lack of acknowledgement of violence associated with Islam is no different than the willingness to ignore the rampant criminality among Blacks.
The false equivalence applied to Christians who discriminate according to their religious beliefs isn't much different, and is its own hypocritical moral relativism. Given the
Ignore rampant criminality among blacks? If only! (Score:2)
Actually, the USA seems to go really far out of its way not to ignore the criminality of blacks, in comparison to its willingness to ignore the criminality of whites.
For example, despite similar rates of use of marijuana, blacks are arrested more often for marijuana use.
https://www.washingtonpost.com... [washingtonpost.com]
This article in Huffington post claims that we enthusiastically prosecute Blacks for the same crimes that we ignore in whites, and that blacks commit no more crimes than whites:
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/. [huffingtonpost.com]
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FBI crime statistics say otherwise. Blacks commit violent crimes in numbers that far exceed their rate in the population, and no amount of racial bias can explain the deviation, either, especially since a lot of the victims are black, too.
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"Can anyone explain to me why Islam is considered a religion of peace? Most of the terror in the world today is committed by Muslims"
Islam has no central authority, so over the years it has developed many branches based on minor differences in the interpretation of doctrine, much like Protestant sects. The death-cult Wahhabi interpretation that arose in the nineteenth century happened to have been rooted in a dirt poor desert tribe called the Saudis. When the Saudis became wealthy in the twentieth century,
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All b
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Who considers Islam a religion of peace? Lots of religious groups like to call themselves things I disagree with. Ideally, Islam is a religion of peace, but it doesn't seem to do very well at it nowadays. (This is not always the case historically, since there were times when the Muslims were among the most tolerant people on Earth.)
I keep seeing denunciations of Islam everywhere I go. I'm not real fond of the religion (it's my least favorite of the major ones), but it seems to be one of those things
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Because the entire world will be at peace once the entire world is Muslim? :)
I know that you meant it as a joke, but even that is very far from truth. Majority of Islam-induced violence is actually intra-faith. I have read something about 90%+ of victims being Muslims, just of different brand.
And nature abhors a vacuum, so even if only one brand would be left in the world, there would be deadly schism very soon and circle of violence would start again.
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Re:Can anyone explain to me why... (Score:4, Insightful)
More likely because the Christians will yell and scream at you while the Islamist groups if given the opportunity will outright kill you when you make crap up and distort their religion, religious characters, or religious sources.
Re:Can anyone explain to me why... (Score:4, Informative)
Christians used to be just as oppressive, so the religion does have the capability if circumstances are suited.
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Christians flew planes into buildings killing thousands of innocents in a single attack? I must have missed a week of news.
Oh, you are saying they USED to be as bad. Well, the DNC is the party that fought tooth and nail to keep slavery, fought against the Civil Rights Act, and took back in 49 of the 53 Dixicrats that wanted to keep blacks suppressed. In fact they also had a former KKK leader as a top official. Oh, wait, that was only a couple decades ago and doesn't matter, what matters is what happened
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Islamist != Muslim. You conflating the two (whether accidentally through ignorance or on purpose) is a rather large red flag that you might not know what you're talking about. Also you forgetting the rampant violence carried out in Christianity's name (but not condemning Christianity) reeks of a double standard. I get it - you aren't particularly knowledgeable about this - but don't try to fix your ignorance by drowning it in hate. The future won't thank you.
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https://www.google.com/search?... [google.com]
A Muslim is a practitioner of Islam. Islamist is akin to talking about a Christian doing something.
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that guy made up his own religion though, with himself as the focus. No denomination of Christianity is going to claim him Very different from Islam and the at least 30% who think various violent acts by terrorists are righteous and who make contributions to such causes in the marketplaces as part of daily life
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He calls himself christian, and I don't see any christian leader to step up and tell the world that Joseph Kony is not a christian, and that they denounce his claim to Christianity. But the same is routinely asked from the muslim world if someone who claims himself to be muslim commits an act of deadly violence.
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You also don't see any Christian leaders standing up and cheering him on or justifying his actions. The same cannot be said for Muslim terrorist.
You do however see Christian followers denouncing kony's actions very loudly which you do not see much with Muslims.
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You raise a good point.
The leaders have been successful on social media targeting disillusioned youth in western nations to join their global jihad. On the face of it, it's a minuscule group of soldier boys as combatants in a never-ending civil war in a desert wasteland.
I think our deposed former PM, Tony Abbott, gave these war criminals more air time than they deserved by screeching "Death Cult" every 5 minutes, possibly inciting several lone-wolf terrorist incidents in the process. Certainly current PM Ma
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The USMC totals only 200,000 in number.