Bernie Sanders Campaign Blocked From DNC Voter Info After Improper Access (washingtonpost.com) 313
PolygamousRanchKid writes with news that staffers for the Bernie Sanders campaign improperly viewed the voter data gathered by Hillary Clinton's campaign by exploiting a software error. "The discovery sparked alarm at the DNC, which promptly shut off the Sanders campaign's access to the strategically crucial list of likely Democratic voters. The DNC maintains the master list and rents it to national and state campaigns, which then add their own, proprietary information gathered by field workers and volunteers. Firewalls are supposed to prevent campaigns from viewing data gathered by their rivals." On Wednesday, while the software was being patched, it briefly opened access to all of the restricted voter data. The Sanders campaign fired the staffer responsible for viewing the data, Josh Uretsky. The campaign says their access was simply part of an investigation to determine their own exposure, and blames the vendor (and those who hired it) for improperly securing the data.
Should have cleaned the data... (Score:5, Funny)
Should have scrubbed the data...you know...with a rag or something.
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Re:Should have cleaned the data... (Score:4, Funny)
And with Republicans you have to nuke them from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
Re: Should have cleaned the data... (Score:4, Informative)
If by steal you mean take in tax revenue, it would be the blue states we get the money from. Same as now.
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"If you killed all the Republicans, who would you steal from going forward?"
This would constitute work, so don't expect the Democrats to do it themselves. They would have Washington do it for them.
Re: Should have cleaned the data... (Score:4, Insightful)
Wouldn't have to. There'd be plenty to go around.
True. Look at Detroit.
Background (Score:5, Insightful)
From what the news stories are saying, this firewall-dropping was happening repeatedly. So:
NGP-VAN, the company that stores this data, which is run by an old Clinton hand who worked for them in 1992, the company paid $34,000 by Ready For Hillary, was repeatedly dropping their firewall between the two major Dem campaigns, Clinton and Sanders.
A guy who’s now fired from the Sanders team observed this. They complained once and were given assurances by the company that it was a mistake and wouldn’t happen again. Then it happened again. The guy decided to gauge how deeply the Clinton campaign was able to read into the Sanders campaign, by experimenting to see how much of the Clinton data he could get. That’s a bad call but by information security standards it’s not unthinkable: it’d be called a white hat intrusion, seeing how much of the firewall was down by probing the other side and assuming your own data was revealed exactly the same way. It does matter, but you still have to fire the guy.
One thing we can be sure of is, anything open to ‘stealing’ on the Clinton side was just as open on the Sanders side, literally. It’s the same system and the same firewall, and if the firewall keeps mysteriously going down for no good reason you have to wonder what’s up and more relevantly what’s being made available to those on the other side of the firewall, which might explain why the firewall’s going down like that.
The Sanders people did NOT throw a fit the first time this happened. But this time, the Sanders guy got caught crossing the nonexistent firewall. We have no information at all on whether anybody from the Clinton side was doing the same thing. During that time there WAS NO firewall and the guy wasn’t hacking, he was browsing, as anybody on either side could have done during those windows.
I think that’s accurate so far. The behavior of the firewall is important, whether or not it’s suspicious as a planned exploit of the Sanders data run by Clinton people who are at the DNC and at NGP-VAN.
In response to the Sanders guy browsing over and seeing data (how do they know? Because HE TOLD THEM. The Sanders team were the ones reporting this, that’s part of the story), the DNC suspended access by the Sanders campaign to THEIR OWN DATA at a crucial time. In order to get access back, at least as of this morning, the requirement is for the Sanders campaign to prove it has destroyed all data that it didn’t necessarily even download (remember, Sanders guy claims he was exploring the Clinton system because it would mirror the vulnerability of the Sanders system, and he’s not IN the Clinton system to go and browse the Sanders side to see how much is revealed, but he was IN the Sanders side and could look at the Clinton side and reasonably conclude that his own side was equally compromised)
And social media is blowing the hell up, not unreasonably, because it’s a goddamn hatchet job combined with a kneecapping to yank access by the Bernie campaign to its OWN DATA because a guy from the Bernie campaign passively browsed through a firewall he didn’t himself disable, a firewall run by a company controlled by Clinton partisans which had been going down already for reasons unknown.
Re:Background (Score:5, Insightful)
The DNC suspended Sander's access to DNC's own data, because the DNC as an organisation has decided upon Clinton come what may and Sander's is at best a token horse and at worst a thorn in their side to achieving this.
There is absolutely no question that this would never have happened the other way around. Hilary Clinton's campaign being denied access to their own data because some staffer added strings to a url? Unthinkable. Clinton is the DNC's annoited. Sander's is an unexpected irritant and to be treated as such.
This is a Rovian "technical glitch" story, spun into a convienient excuse to "ratfuck" the party's process for selecting a canditate in aid of helping people reach the "correct" result. Nothing more. Anyone, in 2015, still falling for the excuses being given here seriously needs to consider their critical thinking facilities.
People wonder why Trump is leading the polls. Why people would be attracted to him. Has it ever occured tthat they are also being repulsed by this now standard "post-Watergate" behaviour that is so ubiquitious amoung the "respectable" candidates? I always wondered how far America's elites could test the trust and patience of the people before something finally gave. Trump's candidacy suggest we are nearing that breaking point. The DNC and Clinton's cynical selection gives no comfort we are moving away from it.
Re:Background (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Background (Score:5, Insightful)
Fair point. My kid was in elementary school and noticed the media blatantly influencing the election. "Dad, why do they mention crazy every time they say Ron Paul's name?" and "Why did they cut the speech to make it look like he said something he didn't?"
That said, Trump is not a career politician and can run his own campaign financially. Carson is another who is pretty popular for a guy who has never been a politician. I don't think that says that the Republican party has changed as much as the American populace is fed up with the corruption. 6 Months ago both parties said "Jeb vs. Hillary" and today it's not quite so clear. I know a whole lot of Dems who are not voting party this time because of how Hillary has been handled by everyone. Media has not crucified her for the scandals (of which there are plenty), or bothered to mention her double speak (where we have some hefty and career ending positions like pro-Feminism but pro Saudi Arabia). The debates have been intentionally hidden from view to protect Hillary as well.
The fact that Bernie Sanders can still hold a lead in many places even after his own party joined in with the media lambasting him as a "Socialist" says as much about the Democratic party as Trump does for the Republican party. People are fed up.
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If you don't see that there is a massive difference between getting a bunch of sub-$100 donations from random salt-of-the-earth supporters, and taking huge veiled sums of money through SuperPACs and lobbyists, then there's just no helping you.
He really hasn't said anything inconsistent - he's getting the same kind of grass roots contributions that Bernie Sanders is, but somehow it's a bad thing all of a sudden.
Re:Background (Score:4, Interesting)
I'm surprised that Sanders' team would access such a database at all. It flies in the face of being a socialist, where personal data is not considered a commodity to sell and buy.
In many more progressive countries, having a database of individuals for this purpose would be illegal. Individual rights trumps any corporate or party interests to data mine personal information, and concessions to run such a database would almost certainly not be granted.
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In many more progressive countries, having a database of individuals for this purpose would be illegal.
Can you give an example?
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Can you give an example?
Like the EU Data Protection Directive [europa.eu], you mean?
In particular article 8, which specifically prohibits processing data that reveals political opinions, unless some very narrow criteria (including explicit consent unless prohibited by national law, or use by law enforcement) are met. A "voting likelihood" database for the purpose of contacting potential voters would clearly be illegal.
Importance of the data (Score:2)
According to Bernie Sanders — in their own words [politico.com] — these data are "the heart and soul of our campaign".
An eye-opening admission, I must say...
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Except this is the data isn't "private data". People willingly give the party this info to facilitate contact and communication between party candidates and a party member.
From TFA, I understood that this is a list of people likely to vote Democrat, not people who have given explicit consented to be contacted.
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more accurately, Debbie Wassermann Shultz has decided, as she continues to do everything she can to ensure a Hillary nomination, and ignore everything else, such as state and local elections. which is ultimately is what is has been helping the GOP take over nearly every state legislature in the country: unlike the RNC which assists party wide and at all levels, the DNC is continually laser focused on the national level, specifically on the Presidential race, and treats everything else as secondary or even i
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Given that this kept happening and that the system is run by a Clinton supporter, I also wonder if the "firewall glitches" were for the Clinton campaign to gain access to the Sanders campaign's records. But when Bernie's staff member did the same thing (in an attempt to see how vulnerable they were), they got smacked down. I'm not one for conspiracy theories, but this whole setup sounds fishy.
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This is the person saying Trump is electable.
Re:Background (Score:4, Insightful)
Go fuck yourself, shill.
The only "reason" Sanders has for being allegedly-unelectable is that Hillary shills like you repeatedly assert that it's so [wikipedia.org], but it isn't. And we're done listening to you!
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It couldn't have anything to do with Sanders being an actual Socialist could it?
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Sanders is an "actual Socialist" in the same way that I'm an "actual ham sandwich" -- which is to say, not at all. He might call himself that, but his actual policy agenda is moderate. Lots of past Presidents were closer to being socialist than Sanders is, including some Republican ones (e.g. Teddy Roosevelt and maybe Eisenhower).
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A majority of the country believes in so-called "socialist" policies [washingtonpost.com], regardless of how those people want to label themselves. There's a reason why Bernie is so popular - he's saying what a lot of other people think. Incidentally, that's the exact same reason why Trump is so popular, except the exact opposite direction.
Re:Background (Score:4, Insightful)
They're also probably not people who would vote for a Democrat regardless, so where's the problem?
Meanwhile, Sanders seems to actually appeal to a lot of moderate Republicans who realize that big business has been gutting this country, and share his belief that getting money out of politics is the most important thing we can do to preserve our democracy. And some of them don't even have a major objection to his main "scary socialist" plans - he's mainly talking about intervening in areas where capitalism has demonstrably failed, delivering a deeply sub-standard product at grossly inflated prices: namely general heath care and access to higher education. And then there's the bit about undercutting the tyrannical laws and militarized police force that have grown up around the "war on drugs" - that's something any freedom-loving American should be able to get behind.
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I don't think the Democrats want him though, because he's too far left of the bulk of their party and Clinton knows how to play ball. Sa
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Trump is at least as unelectable as Bernie. He has about 30% of the Republican party and I don't see him getting much more support than that with the negatives he's getting in the polls. There are a few people who love him and the rest hate him.
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No non-Christian has ever been elected president
That goes against the near-continuous assertion by the Right that there is currently a Muslim from Kenya residing in the White House.
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...so why in the everliving hell didn't *either* campaign just keep the gathered data in servers (and behind firewalls) that they would exclusively control and maintain?
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That you for that. Do you mind if I use it?
Nazi-comparisons (Score:3)
An earlier challenge [slashdot.org] to haterz requesting citations of anything "fascist"-like about Donald Trump remains unanswered — though not for lack of trying.
Would you like to try again?
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Who says fascism is the problem? It wasn't the fascism itself that made Adolf a monster, it was what he did with his power.
And Trump is employing much of the same fear-mongering, and advocating many of the same strategies that were used by Adolf. To name just a couple:
Make Muslims(Jews) wear badges.
Exile people with "impure blood", especially Mexican ancestry (okay, so he says only illegal immigrants, but he claims to think Operation Wetback was a rousing success despite all the innocent Americans who got
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Also, when Trump was being interviewed about Putin praising him, the interviewer pointed out how Putin kills journalists who disagree with him. Trump then proceeded to praise Putin: "He's running his country, and at least he's a leader, unlike what we have in this country. ... He's a strong leader. He's a powerful leader."
Apparently, to Trump, killing the people who disagree with you makes you a strong and powerful leader.
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Apparently, to Trump, killing the people who disagree with you makes you a strong and powerful leader.
Um, it does. Why would you think it doesn't?
Saddam Hussein was a strong and powerful leader as well, and he was rather brutal to his enemies as well. Are you going to try to tell me he wasn't strong and powerful?
The Kim regime in North Korea has had strong, powerful leaders, and they certainly killed people who didn't agree with them.
Hitler and Stalin were also strong, powerful leaders, and they had lots
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Citations? Actual quotes, not paraphrases, please.
A lie. The very fact, that you need to lie to make your point thoroughly invalidates it, BTW.
Why post a lie, only to correct it yourself? So, opposing illegal immigration makes one similar to Hitler? How about being a vegetarian like Hitler? Or being an aquarellist [wikipedia.org]? Trump is not a war hero — unlike H [wikipedia.org]
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Re:Background (Score:5, Informative)
So, no, Clinton did not access any of the Sanders data, and yes, we do KNOW that. It's not speculation, it's a known fact.
...as dictated by Nathaniel Pearlman, co-owner of NGP-VAN (the company in charge of the data), and Hillary Clinton's chief technology officer for her 2008 campaign. Surely there's no conflict of interest there, right?
This should put a final end to the Sanders campaign
Except it won't, regardless of what shills like you tell everyone what "should" happen. You can bray all you want about how Hillary is going to win the general election, but it doesn't make it so until it actually happens. I support Sanders, but I won't vote for Clinton. If you think that all of Sanders' supporters are going to switch to Hillary if she gets the Democratic nomination then you're wrong. I would rather see Sanders run as an independent in the general election, he already has the name recognition and support that would have precluded a run like that if he hadn't been allowed to debate on TV.
But now we know the depths he'll stoop to in order to try for it anyway.
What we know is that he didn't "stoop" to any "depth". His volunteer in charge of data caught the vendor with the firewall down, allowing the Clinton campaign access to all of the Sanders data. We also know that shills like you will continue to try and make this into a loss for Sanders. We already know how Clinton works, this doesn't change our minds. We know that Sanders is trustworthy, and we know that Clinton is not. The DNC can try to handicap Sanders but he already has our support.
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It still amazes me that Hillary is dodging federal prison. The things she did on that email server would land me in jail, shortly followed by life in prison. However, since it was Hillary doing it, it must have been ok.
Re:Background (Score:4, Informative)
There's no evidence that any documents were improperly deleted.
That seems like quite the statement. How do we determine this when she FUCKING DELETED EVERYTHING?
The investigation shows that none of the documents which were sent to/from the server were classified at the time of transmission.
That is a lie. The classification markings were removed from the documents, but as an original classification authority, there is strong evidence that she should have known that the items had been previously marked classified.
There is no evidence presented to date which indicates any security breaches of the server, so there's no indication that unauthorized people might have gained access to those documents.
So? The server was incredibly unsecure, it is a miracle if it wasn't breached, but as she had it wiped (after the subpoena for the information!), we may never know.
It was legal at the time for someone in her position to use a private server for official communications
No, it absolutely was against the law, and has been for a long time.
http://www.archives.gov/about/... [archives.gov]
(something *both* of her predecessors also did)
Incorrect. Both of her predecessors did not run their own servers. Rice didn't use email, and Powell used state email systems for official communication, and still turned over his private email (from a provider, not his own server) after he was done.
The laws barring it were written and passed *after* she had stepped down.
The law was clarified, it was edited to make it more clear that email was considered a record, but nothing about the law was changed, official records have always been required to be kept.
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I support Sanders, but I won't vote for Clinton. If you think that all of Sanders' supporters are going to switch to Hillary if she gets the Democratic nomination then you're wrong. I would rather see Sanders run as an independent in the general election...
You need to reconsider. Sanders running as an independant would only result in President Trump. Bernie knows that he's not controlled by his ego so he will not run as an independent, but Democrats can't just sit out the election and hand it over to the Republicans if they don't get the candidate they like.
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Sanders running as an independant would only result in President Trump.
You're making an awfully large assumption. What are we, 11 months away from the election? At this rate it still feels like the general election will be Cruz or Rubio vs. Clinton vs. Trump vs. Carson vs. Sanders. I don't think that would be a bad thing, either.
Democrats can't just sit out the election and hand it over to the Republicans if they don't get the candidate they like.
I'm not a Democrat, that's why I support Sanders and not Clinton. If Sanders doesn't run in the general election then I'll find a third-party candidate who sounds like they believe in what I do. I will cast my vote for the candidate who most repre
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Horse sh#* (Score:2)
No, it's not like breaking into someone's house to photocopy their private shit. Your analogy sucks! It's more like having a car manufacturer 'accidentally' unlock your car a few times a day when they detect people are walking next to the car. Is the guy that opens your glove box wrong? Absolutely, but he didn't break into the car. He heard the lock pop so was curious as to what was inside.
Not only are you wrong, but you are wrong by car analogy.
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What's scary (Score:2)
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That assumes that the other campaigns..."coughClintoncough"...didn't plan this to attempt to discredit Senator Sanders.
At this point, the Party is doing everything it can to have the general election be Hilary versus either Jeb or Marco.
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Re:What's scary (Score:4, Funny)
Oh my GOD! it was him all along!
And he would have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn't for those meddling kids!
O'Malley (Score:2)
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Other TWO campaigns??? Martin O'Who???
There was also Lessig and Chafee.
Say what you want about Lessig's campaign, but it raised more money and polled higher than Chafee and I think was on par with O'Malley, but the DNC set up the rules and then changed the rules to keep Lessig out of the debates.
Howard Dean's DFA (Democracy For America) group voted to endorse Sanders this week, so the timing of this move by the DNC against Sanders is interesting.
Clinton has already been anointed as the party's candidate by the DNC. They just have to make
Re:What's scary (Score:5, Interesting)
If it's not, why haven't they unlocked the Bernie data yet?
Pretty easy to look like a conspiracy to stop the Bern, when you 'suspend' the campaign and lock the guy out of his own data files. Do you think Hillary Clinton would have been locked out of access to her campaign's data files?
The real question is, for how long. It's an important time, just weeks before the first primaries, and every day counts. This is one day that Bernie's people can't work on getting out the vote, because their systems are down.
Well, not down: they're just not allowed to have them. Because it's totally democratic to handicap one entire campaign for a day or days or who knows HOW long, while allowing the other campaign to carry on canvassing.
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DNC doesn't want Sanders to Win Anyways (Score:5, Interesting)
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This is the real fight this year: Hillary vs Bernie. The general election won't matter.
Comment removed (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:DNC doesn't want Sanders to Win Anyways (Score:5, Insightful)
Because Clinton is a corrupt fucking sociopath, which means she's much easier to make underhanded political deals with, so the other corrupt fucking sociopaths like working with her.
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it has more to do with DWS wanting to ensure a Hillary nom at any and all costs, regardless of any actual electoral outcomes at other levels.
Oh, and one more thing (Score:5, Interesting)
Also, while yammering away about a guy and his exploit through a firewall he himself didn't shut down
The DNC are using this as an excuse to lock the Sanders campaign out of its OWN DATA until whenever.
That data is how we print up lists of voters, addresses, phone numbers, and how we record people's reactions and what they care about. It goes into an NGP-VAN server and will eventually be used by ALL the Dem candidates.
And for 'whatever reason', the Democratic National Committee has decided to tell NGP-VAN to lock the Bernie campaign out of its own data, when we are counting the days until the first primaries.
While arguing about the guy and how guilty he is of data intrusion, try to consider whether it's worth shutting down the whole campaign and locking them out of their computer systems until (unspecified impossible conditions here). Because this is looking like an intra-Democrat coup to coronate Hillary Clinton, and that really helps nobody.
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That data is how we print up lists of voters, addresses, phone numbers, and how we record people's reactions and what they care about.
Because you used "we" there, I'm curious if you're associated with Sanders' campaign, or for that matter Clinton's or even the DNC in general. If so, do you know the guy who accessed the data? ...and is Chris Johnson your real name?
I'm just curious (about at least one of those questions, anyway), I've donated to Sanders myself.
Re:Oh, and one more thing (Score:5, Insightful)
Yeah, that's me. I am a low level data peon typing in the results of canvassing and phone-banking in Keene, New Hampshire. I'm from Vermont, which is how I know about Bernie, and I'm working directly for Bernie's campaign. It's cool, good people, much like the Obama campaigns except more successful.
I've donated to Bernie too :)
I've personally typed data into the VoteBuilder system that Bernie's not allowed to access now, so I'm taking it personally. _I_ typed that data in. I've also given money directly to Bernie's campaign. Do they propose to take that and award it to Hillary too?
I don't know the guy that accessed the data, but I know most of what's on those servers is the voter info, and lots of it is old and obsolete.
I just talked to my boss in the campaign and they're having some kind of meeting and press conference. We actually feel this is a sign that Bernie's doing better than expected and the DNC is panicking. We think they're probably going to give the data back because it's totally impossible to spin 'shutting off Bernie's whole campaign' over one guy who wasn't even a hacker and who went right to the company and told them what he'd done.
On the other hand, if the DNC are dicks and we can't get access to VoteBuilder, we've already seen enough to know the depth of support for Bernie, so we'll just have to go door-to-door without voter lists or data entry. Pure canvassing and ground game, the most important part.
We can tell them what the Democrats are doing to try and stop us (this is why they're bound to give the data back: trying to shut us down that way makes Hillary look very bad. Her people run the DNC and also that database company itself) and we don't technically need VoteBuilder, it just helps organize stuff. You might say maybe we should be knocking on ALL the doors anyway!
They can shut off the computers, but they can't shut off their own voters. And the Dem voters don't have to be turned off, we just need to get out there and talk to people. Bernie's an honest guy and has many great plans that will help the country, even as screwy as it is. We'll give people a chance to vote for Bernie: both in the primary, and then for President. And the country will start growing again, and rebuilding itself, which will put a lot of people to work.
Re:Oh, and one more thing (Score:4, Insightful)
This whole thing stinks, it stinks because the co-owner of NGP VAN was Clinton's chief technology officer for her 2008 campaign. If there was proof that her campaign has had access to all of the DNC data during the entire campaign it wouldn't surprise me, the DNC and their pundits have clearly been trying to push the narrative that she is the presumed candidate, despite Sanders' surge in popularity, and I'm sure they're willing to do whatever they can to help her and prove themselves right. It doesn't really mean anything for Clinton's former CTO to say that he pinky-swears that their campaign never accessed the other side. It also makes no sense that anyone running a sensitive system would keep that system online while the firewall is offline for maintenance. If the data is important enough to have a firewall there, then before you take the firewall down you need to make sure that the data isn't going to be accessed or compromised in the meantime.
Re:Oh, and one more thing (Score:4, Insightful)
Obvious shill is obvious.
Sanders has never been racist or sexist.
In fact, by falsely accusing him as such -- based solely on his race and gender -- Clinton reveals herself to be racist and sexist!
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I saw an interview with a female feminist Sanders supporter who said something memorable about why she was supporting Sanders and not Clinton:
"I want a woman to be president, but I don't want any woman to be president."
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The sad thing about third wave feminism is that I genuinely can't tell if this is a troll.
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Can you imagine how Hilary's poll numbers would plummet if leaks suddenly appeared showing that her husband had been involved in infidelity???
I don't think they'd move an inch. On the Republican side, the assumption is that everyone knows Bill Clinton is an adulterer at best, and that knowledge is "baked into the cake" for Hillary's approval and poll numbers.
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Hillary is > 30 points ahead
In one state...
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Bullshit. Hillary is 30 points ahead among obsolete nitwits who still have landline phones. Among actual voters, she'll lose.
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Exploiting? Or Trying to find out WTF is going on? (Score:4, Insightful)
Feel the Bern! (Score:2)
Does not compute (Score:5, Insightful)
Let's try a somewhat-analogous scenario as a thought exercise:
I find out that on my bank's website, I can easily see my neighbor's bank account by doing some obvious URL manipulation.
I immediately tell the bank that I'm worried about the security of my own account because I know that I could go into anyone else's.
The bank locks me, and only me, from accessing any bank accounts, including my own.
That response makes no sense. The only proper response would be to revoke ALL access to the bank's website until such time as the security hole can be confirmed fixed. Otherwise, the implied message is that you should NEVER tell the bank that they have a potential problem.
I just wonder whether this was actually a story of extreme incompetence or extreme corruption.
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Let's try a somewhat-analogous scenario as a thought exercise:
I find out that on my bank's website, I can easily see my neighbor's bank account by doing some obvious URL manipulation.
I immediately tell the bank that I'm worried about the security of my own account because I know that I could go into anyone else's.The bank locks me, and only me, from accessing any bank accounts, including my own.
That response makes no sense. The only proper response would be to revoke ALL access to the bank's website until such time as the security hole can be confirmed fixed. Otherwise, the implied message is that you should NEVER tell the bank that they have a potential problem.
That may be the only proper response, but history shows pretty definitively that the actual response will be to do nothing other than lock you out of everything. People in power are vain and insecure. They deal with bug reports by killing the messenger. every. time.
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I just wonder whether this was actually a story of extreme incompetence or extreme corruption.
Grey's law: Sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
sniff sniff (Score:5, Insightful)
I smell a double agent.
It's nothing more than... (Score:2, Interesting)
Killary's friends run that company who host the database. It's a sham! Killary is a criminal! Nothing more than a chance for her to eliminate the competition!
You Democrats are nothing more than criminals! Chrony capitalism at its finest!
Who Says Clinton Staffers Didnt Have Access? (Score:2)
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The term "firewall" has meanings beyond "network security device/software".
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While we are all assuming this is a hatchet job to get Bernie locked out, these "intermittent firewall drops" could, in fact, be Hillary having arranged for her people to be able to spy on him - but nobody is mentioning that in the news articles.
Psh. You're only saying that because the co-owner of the vendor handling all of the data was Clinton's CTO in 2008. They don't need to go through the system to access that data, they can just have it handed straight to them.
P.S. 15 years as a network engineer and i still dont know why the press uses the term firewall so loosely.
It's a pretty loose term for something designed to provide security through separation. When software and network appliances for restricting access came to be, the name was borrowed from automotive or building construction.
Good job, Hillary! (Score:2)
DNC has already annointed Hillary (Score:5, Insightful)
The Powers That Be have stacked the deck against Bernie in every way imaginable. DNC chairman is a former Clinton campaign manager. They cut the number of primary debates because they learned from focus groups that the more people see and learn about Hillary, less they like her, while the opposite was true for Bernie -- his favorability went up the more people learned about him.
Not only that, the few remaining debates have been scheduled to attracted as little viewership as possible (Saturday and Sunday nights, opposite major sporting events, Xmas shopping season, etc)
This latest flap is just a curt reminder for Bernie that he's just here as a prop and that he needs to know his place.
A Democrat FIRED someone?? (Score:5, Interesting)
[I have no interest in voting for a socialist as President. Just not my politics. Also there is also NO WAY I'd vote for Hillary Clinton. NO WAY. But...]
After all the political snafus and screw-ups that the Democrats have been involved with in the past 30 years, one thing is clear: NO ONE ever gets fired. Ever.
So, if Bernie Sanders helmed a campaign that FIRED someone--I humbly submit that if you're trying to decide between the two, and don't want more of the same from this f'd up political system--Bernie should DEFINITELY get your vote.
Does that mean (Score:2)
that Bernie is at the stage "then they fight you"? Because if true, only one step remains to be taken ("then you win" - the nomination, at least).
2016 will be a very interesting year...
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Queue angry Sanders supporters complaining about a broader conspiracy by Hillary/DNC/Mainstream Media/etc. to destroy his campaign in three... two... one...
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It's justified if it's true, and it's probably true.
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But they can't really alter votes themselves, not past a certain margin. There's exit polls and so on. All they can do is try to spin things so that people willingly act against their real preferences.
Bernie's already on the ballots. It's purely GOTV at this point, which we're motivated to do more than ever. I know it seems like a banana republic when stuff like this goes on, but we can still pull it back. That's how Romney didn't end up winning the country, selling it to Bain Capital, and bankrupting it to
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Re:"Firewall" (Score:4, Insightful)
No, "firewalls" are 100% about stopping literal fire from spreading from one part of a building to another. Anybody who knows anything about what a firewall is knows that, so you must be some kind of complete moron!
See what happens when you disregard context? You make a fool of yourself. In this case, the non-technical politicians making the public statements are obviously using the word in a much less formal context than you assume.
Granted, they probably should have called it a Chinese wall [wikipedia.org] instead...