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Hillary Clinton Declares 2016 Democratic Presidential Bid 676

An anonymous reader writes In a move that surprised no one, Hillary Clinton has officially announced she is entering the 2016 race for the White House. According to the Times: "Ending two years of speculation and coy denials, Hillary Rodham Clinton announced on Sunday that she would seek the presidency for a second time, immediately establishing herself as the likely 2016 Democratic nominee. 'I'm running for president,' she said with a smile near the end of a two-minute video released just after 3 p.m. 'Everyday Americans need a champion. And I want to be that champion,' Mrs. Clinton said. 'So I'm hitting the road to earn your vote — because it's your time. And I hope you'll join me on this journey.'"
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Hillary Clinton Declares 2016 Democratic Presidential Bid

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  • Hell No Hillary (Score:5, Insightful)

    by klueless ( 695037 ) on Sunday April 12, 2015 @03:59PM (#49458777)
    Please don't vote for Hillary just because she is a woman. We can't continue the oligarchy that is the US government leadership.
    • Re:Hell No Hillary (Score:4, Interesting)

      by Nyder ( 754090 ) on Sunday April 12, 2015 @04:04PM (#49458803) Journal

      Nope, I'm going to vote for Hillary because unlike most other person running, she isn't overly corrupt and she's not bat shit crazy. She may not be perfect, but I have more faith in her ability to lead this nation then any other candidate currently.

      • Re:Hell No Hillary (Score:4, Informative)

        by Lord Kano ( 13027 ) on Sunday April 12, 2015 @04:06PM (#49458809) Homepage Journal

        By all means, you may vote for whomever you choose but please don't lie about it.

        Hillary Clinton is one of the most corrupt politicians who has ever been on the national scene. Her job during her husband's administration was to orchestrate the harassment and character assassination of the women who were sexually assaulted by her husband.


        • Re:Hell No Hillary (Score:4, Insightful)

          by Nyder ( 754090 ) on Sunday April 12, 2015 @04:11PM (#49458849) Journal

          By all means, you may vote for whomever you choose but please don't lie about it.

          Hillary Clinton is one of the most corrupt politicians who has ever been on the national scene. Her job during her husband's administration was to orchestrate the harassment and character assassination of the women who were sexually assaulted by her husband.


          You got an proof with that? Because what I hear is the same old bullshit I've hear republicans say since Clinton was in office. And I don't actually care much, because the sex shit with Clinton was no fucking big deal at all, it's like when you are arguing with someone and they start picking on your grammar. You have nothing else on the Clintons, 'cept this one minor sex shit and it's blown out of proportion. Fuck, the VP is way the fuck more creepy then Clinton ever was, at least Clinton has the decency to not hit on women during their husbands speech.

          So unless you have some real proof of bad shit, fuck off. I'm tired of the weak excuses you people bring.

          • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

            by chasisaac ( 893152 )
            I agree on VP being a creeper. Hillary destroyed the women who slept with her husband. I am a dem but you must of missed the 90s.
          • Re:Hell No Hillary (Score:4, Insightful)

            by Kohath ( 38547 ) on Sunday April 12, 2015 @05:40PM (#49459425)

            How about the fact that she was in charge when a U.S. Ambassador was killed for the fist time in 30 years?
            How about the fact that she has zero accomplishments as Secretary of State? (Feel free to refute this by listing her accomplishments.)
            How about the fact that she has zero important accomplishments as Senator?
            How about the fact that she was put in charge of health care as First Lady and accomplished nothing?

            If you're weighing her pros and cons, what are the pros?

            • Re:Hell No Hillary (Score:4, Insightful)

              by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 12, 2015 @06:03PM (#49459543)

              I think conservatives/libertarians/Republicans are making a mistake just focusing on the death of the Ambassador and three others. To most people, it just looks like a tragic mistake.

              Better would be to focus on cover-up that followed and was used manipulate the 2012 election and resulted in the jailing of an innocent film-maker.

              Everyone makes mistakes. Blaming someone else who is then jailed just to make yourself look better is sinister.

              Focus on that.

              • Re:Hell No Hillary (Score:4, Insightful)

                by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 12, 2015 @06:45PM (#49459761)

                Or we could focus on how she would run the country.

                While I think the Affordable Care Act is a mess (I'd prefer some sort of true UHC), I do enjoy the expanded Medicaid. And I hope she would be forceful by vetoing anything that would remove the expanded Medicaid.

                I am concerned about SNAP being cut. While it would be cut come later this year (state waivers will be no more), I'm afraid she won't push to expand the SNAP program back to post-recession levels. I mean, didn't her husband cut a lot of people from welfare back in the 90s?

                But the biggest issue I have with her is that it feels like she is pro-war. That she wouldn't try cutting the DoD and try focusing on domestic social issues, such as helping the poor, etc. to the extent that is needed.

                To me, the top two parties, the Republicans and Democrats, feel like poison. That anyone who runs will end up being in the interest of someone other than the people. I'd rather vote for someone I wanted, rather than the lesser of two evils.

            • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

              by PopeRatzo ( 965947 )

              how about the fact that she was in charge when a U.S. Ambassador was killed for the fist time in 30 years?

              30 whole years? There have been seven US ambassadors killed in the line of duty. That works out to one every thirty years.

              I have no love for Hillary Clinton, but I hate the dishonesty of the jackoffs on the Right even more.

            • Dynasties (Score:5, Insightful)

              by chihowa ( 366380 ) on Sunday April 12, 2015 @07:34PM (#49459993)

              You know that this period of the US will read about in history books as such an obvious time of corruption. The occurrence of dynasties is not a good sign of a healthy democratic republic. Save the last two terms, there has been a Bush or a Clinton as President since 1989. Counting VP, they've occupied those two offices since 1981. If you start to count Secretary of State and such, these two families have held top offices continuously for nearly 35 years. And the next race may well be a Bush vs a Clinton, again.

              Of the more than 100 million eligible citizens in the US, is the best candidate for President another Bush or Clinton? Really???

            • Re:Hell No Hillary (Score:4, Insightful)

              by plopez ( 54068 ) on Sunday April 12, 2015 @09:34PM (#49460519) Journal

              Ambassadors killed:
              We lost 3 under Nixon and Ford, Republicans Win!

              Her health care initiatives did poorly for the same reason Obama is embattled, Bill and Hillary were outsiders (sometimes referred to as 'trailer park trash') who want to help all Americans, not just a few rich ones.

          • Well, ok, for one example, it was specifically the HIllary 2008 campaign that started the rumor that Obama was not born in the US.

          • Re:Hell No Hillary (Score:5, Insightful)

            by Fire_Wraith ( 1460385 ) on Sunday April 12, 2015 @07:14PM (#49459883)
            You know what, maybe there's even something bad in there - but by now, I'm so fatigued by hearing the incessant parade of outrage and supposed scandal that it's like the boy who cried wolf. I'm just not listening anymore.

            It's not just with the Clintons, either. Obama has been subjected to the same stream of crap, trying to put together some sort of scandal or conspiracy, or even flat out making things up ("Obama is coming for your guns!") when they've got nothing better to go on. During the 2008 primaries, I even thought at one point "Better Obama win than Clinton, because he doesn't have that baggage, and it's better if we don't have to relive that whole deluge of minor non-scandals and animosity." It was such a ridiculously naive thought, because it had nothing to do with the Clintons personally, and everything to do with there being a Democrat in the White House.
          • Re:Hell No Hillary (Score:5, Insightful)

            by Lord Kano ( 13027 ) on Sunday April 12, 2015 @07:47PM (#49460065) Homepage Journal

            I don't care about Bill Clinton's consensual sex life.

            I'm not talking about Monica.

            I'm talking about Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones and Juanita Broaddrick, not to mention the other women who recanted their allegations after Hillary's forces put pressure on them.

            She victimized women who were assaulted by her husband.

            That's far worse than Bill's hanky-panky with an intern.


      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by Sarius64 ( 880298 )
        I certainly hope you don't take an ambassadorships under her. P.S. Funny how her brothers got that Haiti mining contract.
        • by Nyder ( 754090 )

          I certainly hope you don't take an ambassadorships under her. P.S. Funny how her brothers got that Haiti mining contract.

          Ya, it's funny how when people get in positions of power they give people they know contracts and other positions of power. Too bad this is something that every administration does, so by trying to call out Hillary on it only shows how limited your knowledge is. While it may not seem fair to us, then why haven't we gotten our Senators to write a law limiting that sort of useage of that power?

          In other words, this is along standing problem, longer then the last 10 years, longer then 100 years. If you don

        • Don't forget her cozy relationship with Tyson.

          And how Vince Foster dragged himself to a park after committing the exact same time Hilary went to her office to remove documents.

          • Lol you forgot Sandy Berger the Clinton Stooge who was stuffing classified documents down his freaking pants


            Really their whole administration was like a bad episode of Bewitched.

            • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

              by Nyder ( 754090 )

              Lol you forgot Sandy Berger the Clinton Stooge who was stuffing classified documents down his freaking pants


              Really their whole administration was like a bad episode of Bewitched.

              And yet, the 8 years Clinton was in office, shit was good in America. Really fucking good. Then Bush came in and fucked shit up. And shit has been fucked up since Bush was in office. The only "Change" Obama brought to office is the loosening of the Marijuana laws.

              It will be nice to see a Clinton in office, someone who does give a fuck about the people also, and maybe we can end the Twenty10's in decent economic shape for the first time since the 1990's.

      • Re:Hell No Hillary (Score:5, Informative)

        by ArmoredDragon ( 3450605 ) on Sunday April 12, 2015 @04:18PM (#49458905)

        unlike most other person running, she isn't overly corrupt and she's not bat shit crazy.

        What the fuck? Whitewater? Travelgate? Filegate? Character assassinations during the Lewinsky scandal? (which she said was a just a big right wing conspiracy right up until Bill admitted to it) Benghazi? Doing official government business on a private email server?

        And those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

        • Benghazzzzzzzzi (Score:5, Insightful)

          by Tablizer ( 95088 ) on Sunday April 12, 2015 @10:47PM (#49460799) Journal

          Nothing came of all the Benghazi investigations, and most of the others. Innocent until proven guilty. And the laws about email at the time were vague. Yes, what she did is a bad practice, but many other politicians made the same error in judgement.

          • by rseuhs ( 322520 )
            Innocent until proven guilty.

            Maybe that should become Hillaries campaign slogan, it would really fit.

      • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

        by ganjadude ( 952775 )

        , she isn't overly corrupt and she's not bat shit crazy

        really??? not overly corrupt???? have you not been paying attention to the email debacle??? have you not payed attention to the clintons as a whole for the past 20 years???? corrupt is the clinton middle name. as for not crazy, ill agree with you. calculated and cold is more accurate*

        being in NY and having met the woman, as well as been a new yorker while senator, I feel that I can say safely that she did NOTHING for NY as senator

      • by McGruber ( 1417641 ) on Sunday April 12, 2015 @05:46PM (#49459457)

        I'm going to vote for Hillary because....she isn't overly corrupt and she's not bat shit crazy.

        That's quite a ringing endorsement.

      • Nope, I'm going to vote for Hillary because unlike most other person running, she isn't overly corrupt and she's not bat shit crazy.

        Even if you think there was a time she wasn't over[t]ly corrupt, you really have got to recognize that time is over. There was the single-payer health care era, but that was followed immediately by the massive contributions from big pharma and big insurance era.

    • Re:Hell No Hillary (Score:5, Informative)

      by Deathlizard ( 115856 ) on Sunday April 12, 2015 @04:38PM (#49459047) Homepage Journal

      Totally Agree here.

      You have to be Nuts and Stupid to vote for Hillary in 2016. Especially if you're a democrat voting in a primary.

      She is easily one of the most corrupt politicians I've seen in recent memory. Hell, just looking at Wikipedia alone gives me these entries and I've probably missed a couple of them:

      Whitewater Controversy []
      FBI Files Controversy []
      Travel Office Controversy []
      Cattle Futures Controversy []
      Email Server Controversy []

      The last one is the straw breaker. She knowingly hosted her Email on purpose so that she had full control over what people can see or not see regarding federal government correspondence. Her wiping the box when it was under investigation is no different to what Nixon did with the audio tapes and should disqualify her right there.

      There are better presidential candidates [] out there. Hell, there are better potential democrat candidates [] out there.

      • Re:Hell No Hillary (Score:4, Informative)

        by Uberbah ( 647458 ) on Monday April 13, 2015 @12:13AM (#49461055)

        The first four of those are tired right wing BS - which is ironic, given how Hill is a hard core right winger. There's plenty of legit criticism of her, but it all comes from the left:

        Her support for nasty dictatorships a la Mubarak in Egypt
        Supporting the coup in Honduras
        Supporting the coup in Ukraine
        Supporting coup attempts in Venezuela
        Writing the TPP
        Pushing the Keystone pipeline
        Draconian sanctions on Iran for the nuclear weapons program both the CIA and Mossad say Iran doesn't have

    • Re:Hell No Hillary (Score:5, Insightful)

      by HangingChad ( 677530 ) on Sunday April 12, 2015 @06:10PM (#49459571) Homepage

      Please don't vote for Hillary just because she is a woman.,

      This election won't be about gender or any substantive issues. The only choice is going to be between Crazy and Not Crazy and Hillary wins that going away.

      The GOP doesn't have any policies to run on, they've turned into an endless fountain of negativity. Benghazi! Tax cuts! Email server! Job creators! They're anti-science, anti-abortion, anti-everything except starting another war in the Middle East.

      No one that isn't as batshit crazy as they are is going to vote for a GOP presidential candidate.

      • by BLKMGK ( 34057 )

        You're right, GOP is nutz and I don't want them in office. I also do not want Hillary in office. Server mess sealed that deal for me. Dems had better find someone else to have a chance of getting my vote...

      • by jez9999 ( 618189 )

        This election won't be about gender or any substantive issues. The only choice is going to be between Crazy and Not Crazy and Hillary wins that going away.

        Yeah. It's not like there are third parties or anything. First-past-the-post is an awesome electoral system!

    • Re:Hell No Hillary (Score:5, Informative)

      by cyn1c77 ( 928549 ) on Sunday April 12, 2015 @11:37PM (#49460969)

      Please don't vote for Hillary just because she is a woman. We can't continue the oligarchy that is the US government leadership.

      Let me break the bad news to you now. Your choices in the presidential vote will be:
      1. Hillary Clinton,
      2. Jeb Bush,
      3. An independent candidate that will not win.

      There. Now you can ignore all of the primary drama and spend a long time thinking about who you will vote for. Note that you will be supporting an oligarchy either way!

      Look at the bright side! At least Hillary is not actually related by blood to Bill. Unlike George Sr., George Jr. and Jeb!

  • Hmmmmm (Score:2, Interesting)

    by SeaFox ( 739806 )

    Not sure where to go with this. I truly doubt I'll want the Republican candidate, but I don't particularly want Hilliary for President either. That doesn't leave much other choice. You heard me Libertarians/Greens/RonPaulFans

    • Rand Paul could get the nomination. He's a whole lot better than anyone else with half a chance.
      • Much as I'd love to see Rand Paul as the Republican nominee, I doubt he'll be nominated. He doesn't appeal to the Christian right and nowadays you need their blessing to be the GOP nominee.

      • Are you kidding? Rand Paul may have started out as a libertarian like his dad, but now he's in line with the establishment republican stance on virtually every issue. He has lost all personal integrity.

        • or hes playing the game that his father wouldnt play to get ahead

          remember all the crazy things obama said when running?? being transparent, and no continuing the ways of bush??? we all see how that happened....
        • "He has lost all personal integrity."

          You already said he was a Republican.

      • Rand Paul could get the nomination. He's a whole lot better than anyone else with half a chance.

        The only way Rand Paul can get the Republican nomination in 2016, is to abandon many of his Libertarian principles, and become more of a generic right wing kook. Instead, he should bide his time. He is much more popular among younger Republicans, so he should just wait for the gay-hating, drug-banning, war-mongering oldsters to die off.

        • He's *already* become a generic right-wing kook. He occasionally spouts something sensible, like his recent comments on the War on Drugs, but overall is just another Republican. Even his dad disagreed with him recently; Ron said the Republicans who signed onto something against the peace deal with Iran were "afraid that peace would break out"; Rand was one of the Republican signers, along with the typical wackos like Cruz.

    • by Tablizer ( 95088 )

      I truly doubt I'll want the Republican candidate, but I don't particularly want Hilliary for President either. That doesn't leave much other choice.

      A party that promises to stop meddling in the Middle East*, and otherwise has a centrist domestic agenda would have a pretty good chance. Neither of the two big parties is offering much.

      Ron Paul got many excited about non-meddling, but his domestic agenda put many off.

      Meddling has got us nothing, and appears to make problems worse because we get the blame for a

  • Is this even news at all? I mean there is no chance she was not going to run. She has been in the running for 2016 since the lost the 2008 primary.

  • Hillary is pretty much poison to any Republican candidate. They already can hardly go 5 minutes without putting their foot in their mouths about women, immigrants or God. Sometimes all three. Hillary will bludgeon ever male candidate with her vagina until they just can't help to say "rape babies are God's punishment for Mexicans," or dumb[-ass shit like that. Admit it, that would not sound the least bit out of place coming out of the mouth of any likely Republican candidate. The only chance the Republicans
    • All the Republicans have to do is field a reasonably liberal candidate.. Aka their left wing... They'll still be more conservative appearing than Dems but won't appear as religious nutters. The Republicans aren't stupid... they know The Bible thumpers vote... They just have to get that vote without leaving the balanced people behind. Hillary has been involved in scandals -- she's not clean... I would say there are many other better candidates that aren't tainted like she is. There are legit criticisms of he
  • Hooray! (Score:5, Funny)

    by Hartree ( 191324 ) on Sunday April 12, 2015 @04:15PM (#49458875)

    After almost 7 years of implications that I'm racist when I disagree with the surveillance and foreign policies of the current administration, I can look forward to now being called a sexist instead!

    Free at last!

  • Much though I enjoy the multi-hundred-comment threads where we all scream at each other about politics, why is this here?

    How is this 'news for nerds'? I mean, even the summary has given up on trying to even mention technology/nerdy stuff.

    • by Nyder ( 754090 )

      Much though I enjoy the multi-hundred-comment threads where we all scream at each other about politics, why is this here?

      How is this 'news for nerds'? I mean, even the summary has given up on trying to even mention technology/nerdy stuff.

      Slow News Sunday is my guess. Though the new rulers can of course be doing a check to see where people are in the political beliefs to file that info away to be used against us later.

    • by Nyder ( 754090 ) on Sunday April 12, 2015 @04:36PM (#49459033) Journal

      Much though I enjoy the multi-hundred-comment threads where we all scream at each other about politics, why is this here?

      How is this 'news for nerds'? I mean, even the summary has given up on trying to even mention technology/nerdy stuff.

      Just realized I have some good tech new for ya instead.

      First 4 episodes of Game of Thrones current season (5) have been leaked. You can find them at your favorite torrent sites, or on usenet.

  • by Trachman ( 3499895 ) on Sunday April 12, 2015 @04:35PM (#49459003) Journal

    Hillary does have presidential ambitions, yes. There is a good chance that 8 years older, less attractive, bruised by most recent fuckups such as BenGhazi, Email and her recently exposed Bosnia sniper fire falsification, will lose to younger W. Warren.

    From Republican side Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz will be rolled out. There is a chance that Rand Paul and Ted Cruz will be on one ticket.

    I wish there was a third choice...

  • by liquid_schwartz ( 530085 ) on Sunday April 12, 2015 @04:35PM (#49459011)

    Whatever one party comes out with, the other party has to approximately match. Think of it as weight class in sports. That keeps it at least mildly competitive. Hillary has a lot of baggage so the Republicans now must choose someone in the same weight class, which means a candidate as detestable as Hillary. Then the public can complain about how bad the candidates are but at least there candidate is not as bad as the other.

    Personally I'm hoping that we see Bush III vs Clinton II, only so the public can see how silly and corrupt the whole thing is.

    Vote third party or don't bother.

  • by whistlingtony ( 691548 ) on Sunday April 12, 2015 @04:49PM (#49459115)

    Nerds care about politics too...

    I'm Liberal. I want clean government, an end to shitty subsidies, no corruption, representatives that actually represent me, equality and justice for all... All the usual.

    I can't stand Hillary. I actually turned myself into a Democrat (You can easily switch parties in Oregon. There's a website. it takes just a few moments.) so I could vote AGAINST Hillary in the primary. I think she's a giant tool, and a bit of a war monger. I think she'll be the same bank and war friendly President that we got out of Clinton, Bush, Bush, Obama, and Obama. She's not a progressive. She doesn't care about the little guy. She's a career politician.

    If Warren won't run, I'll vote for Bernie Sanders, the only Independant in Congress.

    To end this, I would say to you all that our country is having some problems and it's OUR fault. Large swaths of the US citizenry are political morons who vote for hot button issues (And really, when did the R's ever get rid of abortion? When did the D's ever really help the poor? They just SAY that shit, they don't mean it.) or for the "character" of a candidate. Voter turnout is really low, making it possible for candidates to play to the base instead of playing to the swing voter.... Don't blame Washington. Blame yourself. And don't give me that "I don't vote so it's not my fault" B.S. You give them your taxes and then don't hold them responsible for what they do with them. Those people make me sick....

    • by kharchenko ( 303729 ) on Sunday April 12, 2015 @07:20PM (#49459915)

      If Warren won't run, I'll vote for Bernie Sanders, the only Independant in Congress.

      I sympathize with your view, but I hope you're not fooling yourself that someone who actually wants to stand up for the little guy has any chance of being nominated. Warren is demonized as a left-wing nut, and the most extreme thing she tried to do was to lower the student loan rate to match that the Fed is giving to the banks. Someone should import a few real left-wing nuts, put them up in some reality TV show, just so people get some sense as to what that really means.

  • meet the new boss (Score:3, Insightful)

    by lophophore ( 4087 ) on Sunday April 12, 2015 @05:01PM (#49459211) Homepage

    same as the old boss

    We Americans will get the government we deserve, once again. I'm too jaded to be disappointed.

  • He declared last week, and wasn't on the front page. Why not? I'm guessing it's because Paul is a favorite object of man-love here on slashdot while Hillary is a favorite punching bag. You don't get many readers in to a celebration, but you get plenty of them for a pseudo lynching.
  • by blindseer ( 891256 ) <blindseer AT earthlink DOT net> on Sunday April 12, 2015 @05:47PM (#49459461)

    Or another Bush. We founded this nation to get ourselves out from the rule of royal families. Of all the people that the Democrats could come up with they put her forward.

  • by slashmydots ( 2189826 ) on Sunday April 12, 2015 @05:56PM (#49459507)
    She already lost multiple times. Her last campaign irresponsibly ran millions of dollars into a deficit, which is precisely how people fear Democrats will run the country. She's incredibly fake all the time despite actual, legitimate political experience. Then there's the secret private illegal e-mail server that she lied about and then possibly erased. She has a 0% chance of winning.
  • by walterbyrd ( 182728 ) on Sunday April 12, 2015 @07:50PM (#49460083)

    Unlike Benghazi, nobody was killed because of the Watergate scandal.

    Hillary's email scandal is much worse than Nixon's Watergate cover-up.

    Whereas Nixon was forced to resign in disgrace, Democrats are swooning over a candidate who make Nixon look like a boy scout.

  • by Jack9 ( 11421 ) on Sunday April 12, 2015 @10:47PM (#49460803)

    Why would anyone vote for the democrat or republican candidates? You can't possibly believe that either candidate has any concept of what your life or concerns are like. These candidates are funded by private industry and will act on values they are directed to act on, after they are elected. Their campaign platforms mean nothing. Just like Obama, just like Bush, just like Clinton, on and on. The data is no longer hidden. Step 1. Pander to the public for votes. Step 2. Ignore the public after that with periodic press releases telling the vocal majority, what they want to hear. Step 3. The media supports these half-truths. Step 4. Repeat. This corruption is ingrained all the way to the state level in most of the US of A (Maryland is not too bad, iirc). The federal government, alone, is attacking freedoms DAILY in a myriad of ways. You think Net Neutrality was won? Hah. You think either party is interested in progressive taxation? Hah. What about that section 702 of the Patriot Act? How many cycles before these issues are quietly readdressed? At some point, you need to decide if you have a responsibility to protect your own self-interests. Even if this means something as appalling as choosing a different box.

  • by mark_reh ( 2015546 ) on Sunday April 12, 2015 @11:46PM (#49460985) Journal

    but never could figure out what her qualifications were. Sure, she was the president's wife, but did she participate in decision making?

    It seems to me that the press has elevated the status of the first lady to co-president. I don't buy it. Being married to a president doesn't make you presidential material any more than being married to an engineer makes you an engineer.

    If there was something wrong with my car I wouldn't call the mechanic's wife/husband, I'd call the mechanic.

  • by erp_consultant ( 2614861 ) on Monday April 13, 2015 @11:36AM (#49463943)

    Hillary is now the official front runner for the Democrats. She will raise a ton of money do doubt. But she was also the front runner back in 2008 until this obscure Senator named Obama came out of nowhere...and the rest is history.

    For many Democrats, Clinton is too centrist. Certainly to the right of Obama. They see her as being just a little to cozy with business types. She has a lot of well documented baggage - past and present. Democrats are torn between supporting someone they believe can win (Clinton) and a less flawed candidate with a lesser chance of winning.

    Her resignation from the Clinton Foundation is quite timely. I'm sure that we are going to hear about questionable donations from foreign heads of state to her foundation and allegations of pay-for-play. It all ties in with the secretive email server and the subsequent disappearance of thousands of email messages that were not only never turned over they were willfully destroyed.

    I think that some in the Democratic party fear there is a smoking gun and that if someone manages to get to the bottom of it their chances of retaining control of the White House drop to nearly zero. It would not surprise me to suddenly see Elizabeth Warren emerge as a candidate, despite her repeated denials that she is running.

    Having said all of that I don't think that Jeb Bush is the answer. We need someone new and fresh ideas.

How many surrealists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? One to hold the giraffe and one to fill the bathtub with brightly colored power tools.
