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Comcast Ghost-Writes Politician's Letters To Support Time Warner Mega-Merger 181

WheezyJoe writes: As the FCC considers the merger between Comcast/Universal and Time-Warner Cable, which would create the largest cable company in the U.S. and is entering the final stages of federal review, politicians are pressuring the FCC with pro-merger letters actually written by Comcast. According to documents obtained through public records requests, politicians are passing letters nearly word-for-word written by Comcast as their own. "Not only do records show that a Comcast official sent the councilman the exact wording of the letter he would submit to the FCC, but also that finishing touches were put on the letter by a former FCC official named Rosemary Harold, who is now a partner at one of the nation's foremost telecom law firms in Washington, DC. Comcast has enlisted Harold to help persuade her former agency to approve the proposed merger."

Ars Technica had already reported that politicians have closely mimicked Comcast talking points and re-used Comcast's own statements without attribution. The documents revealed today show just how deeply Comcast is involved with certain politicians, and how they were able to get them on board.
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Comcast Ghost-Writes Politician's Letters To Support Time Warner Mega-Merger

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  • by UnknownSoldier ( 67820 ) on Monday January 26, 2015 @08:46PM (#48909663)

    When companies can "effectively" just "buy laws" (and/or Politicians) corruption knows no bounds for price gouging.

    • Publicly funded elections would be awesome (with complex rules ensuring multiple party elections, but that make sure participants to have x numbers of signatures or x percentage of polling). Don't need the Goat Herders of Little Russia North getting too much money for no reason :-)
      • Publicly funded elections would be awesome (with complex rules ensuring multiple party elections, but that make sure participants to have x numbers of signatures or x percentage of polling). Don't need the Goat Herders of Little Russia North getting too much money for no reason :-)

        In other words, only the popular opinions get to be heard and the unpopular ones have no chance at all.

        • by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 26, 2015 @10:21PM (#48910347)

          As opposed to only getting to hear the ones paid for by the elite ruling class?

          • As opposed to only getting to hear the ones paid for by the elite ruling class?

            You have it 100% backwards. Under the current system if you've got enough money to pay for an ad, you can do that. (With the exception of certain ads that applies to all.) If you can get people together to pay for your ads, you can do that. Citizen's United kept that possible. (CU wasn't a new thing, it reiterated an existing concept called "free speech" even for people who are members of a group.)

            Under a public campaign financing system where ads are paid for by the public and money is limited to those w

        • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

          In other words, only the popular opinions get to be heard and the unpopular ones have no chance at all.

          Yes. And the candidate with the least need for funding is the incumbent. It takes more spending to get into office, than to stay in office. Public funding is a job protection racket for incumbents.

        • Having 3 or more candidate elections would ensure more voices are heard, I would think in the US it would probably be 4-6 candidates per election (never will every opinion be heard). The great thing is candidates wouldn't have to tow the party line because they would no longer need two parties to raise funds... Elections would be tighter and there would be more participation (because it's more interesting).
          • Having 3 or more candidate elections would ensure more voices are heard,

            Yeah, three voices all spouting the same popular opinions. Who said that having multiple copies of the same opinion was a good thing?

            (never will every opinion be heard)

            There is a significant difference between an unpopular candidate not finding funding for his speech to be heard and the government legislatively taking his ability to speak away. In the former, an unpopular candidate may have sufficient money of his own to pay for his own speech; in the latter he is legally prohibited from spending his own money to speak.

            A more textbook ex

            • A more textbook example of a violation of the first amendment, and the reason why the first amendment is necessary in the first place, would be hard to find.

              If the person has money they still can buy billboard, commercials, etc if they have an opinion, so they still have their freedom of speech right. I don't remember the amendment where the right to spend money on your own election is...

              • If the person has money they still can buy billboard, commercials, etc if they have an opinion, so they still have their freedom of speech right.

                Not if campaign finance becomes limited to public funding based on polling percentages, as was the desire of the person I first replied to.

                I don't remember the amendment where the right to spend money on your own election is...

                There is no amendment specifically for campaign spending, and campaign finance laws quite often violate the letter, if not just the intent, of the existing First Amendment. Converting the current "system" into one that is funded by public money alone and the "up north" groups don't get any to spend is a clear violation of the existing constitution.

      • by dryeo ( 100693 ) on Monday January 26, 2015 @10:45PM (#48910559)

        We tried that in Canada along with limits on campaign contributions and spending during elections. Worked OK until the Conservatives got in and they canceled the public campaign financing to save tax payers money, neutered Elections Canada so not only they can't hardly investigate anything but can't even talk about it and now the government spends more money on telling us how great the Conservatives are then used to get spent on election financing and the party itself has continuous ads telling us how horrible the other choices are.

        • We tried that in Canada along with limits on campaign contributions and spending during elections. Worked OK until the Conservatives got in and they canceled the public campaign financing to save tax payers money...

          Well if the Conservatives 'got in'(was there a miscount?), it can only mean the rules didn't work too well.

          • by dryeo ( 100693 )

            Multiple parties allow the tyranny of the minority. Last election with more cheating then ever they managed to get 38% of the people who managed to vote with many ridings very close.
            At one point we had 6 parties in Parliament, now 4 including the Greens one seat and the couple that the Bloc has with the right having merged their two parties. While for a few governments we had minorities, meaning one party didn't have an effective dictatorship (party discipline is very powerful in Westminster type parliament

          • Well if the Conservatives 'got in'(was there a miscount?), it can only mean the rules didn't work too well.

            Wow. So the point of the initial election reforms in Canada was to block out the Conservatives, and having failed in their attempt to silence their opponents, the new Minority party (liberals? I don't follow Canadian politics.) is upset that they now find themselves being suppressed.

            There are a couple ways to respond:

            "You started it"

            "Turnaround is fair play"

            "What's good for the goose is good for the ga

    • by Tablizer ( 95088 ) on Monday January 26, 2015 @08:53PM (#48909723) Journal

      It's indeed disgusting. We are largely a plutocracy and few citizens seem to give a fudge. We chastise China, Cuba, N. Korea etc. for not having democracies, but neither do we, making us hypocrites.

      (I know, technically we were a "republic", not a "democracy", but they functioned as mostly the same thing for most of our history.)

    • Pffft! DC is a giant Pavlov experiment. The behavior you see is highly rewarded. Just stop voting for the crooked politicians who bring back all that pork and the problem will clear up. 95% reelection rates really are an embarrassment, and with out any independents at all. Hardly a good reflection on the people who vote.

    • by fahrbot-bot ( 874524 ) on Monday January 26, 2015 @10:01PM (#48910207)

      When companies can "effectively" just "buy laws" (and/or Politicians) corruption knows no bounds for price gouging.

      Not just companies. The political network overseen by the Koch brothers is getting ready to spend $900 Million [] on the 2016 elections.

      Now the Kochs’ network will embark on its largest drive ever to influence legislation and campaigns across the country, leveraging Republican control of Congress and the party’s dominance of state Capitols to push for deregulation, tax cuts and smaller government.

    • When companies can "effectively" just "buy laws" (and/or Politicians) corruption knows no bounds for price gouging.

      What laws were bought?

      It's hard to get upset over three politicians who wanted to support the merger and asked Comcast for help writing a letter to the FCC. I'm more upset that the politicians are writing letters AT ALL, since that's an open attempt at speaking over the voices of their constituents who are capable of writing their own letters. I.e., a city councilor or mayor who writes a letter on behalf of his city is stealing the speech from all the people who don't agree with his opinion.

    • by raymorris ( 2726007 ) on Monday January 26, 2015 @11:17PM (#48910729) Journal

      The money in politics is a problem, obviously.

      Also, I think I should be able to write about why I think this merger is bad and distribute flyers. Copying those flyers costs money. Therefore, in order to make my voice heard, I have to spend money to influence politics. If we're not allowed to spend money on politics, that means I can't print a flyer, I can mention politics on my blog that costs $5/month for hosting. A MAJORITY of Slashdot users think it should be illegal to make a video criticizing the current goons. Citizen's United did so, and most Slashdot users think that should be illegal. Fine for Michael Moore to do it, though.

      Many people have said the solution is that COMPANIES shouldn't be allowed to spend money commenting on political issues. So for example Tesla shouldn't be allowed to talk about franchise laws? SpaceX can't make a YouTube video criticising the administration's handling of space contracts? Uber and Lyft spend money on their web sites, so it should be illegal for their sites to mention the taxi cartels' relationship to incumbent politicians?

      If you decide that Tesla, Uber, and SpaceX should be allowed to have their voice heard, but it should be illegal for Citizens United to have their voice heard, I guess the rule is "it's illegal to disagree with me"?

      It's a hard problem, with no obvious solution.

    • Chuckle.

      At this point they're not really buying the laws, they're effectively WRITING them.
      They're just buying the congress-critters signature to put at the bottom :D
  • by Impy the Impiuos Imp ( 442658 ) on Monday January 26, 2015 @08:47PM (#48909673) Journal

    This is blown way out of proportion. Companies are made of citizens who get to persuade officials like anyone else.

    I (insert Senator's name here) stake my reputation on it!

  • circle jerk (Score:5, Informative)

    by penandpaper ( 2463226 ) on Monday January 26, 2015 @08:48PM (#48909677) Journal
    glad to see we have the best government money can buy!
    • Companies like Comcast can rest assured that when their politicians are bought they stay bought!

      • Companies like Comcast can rest assured that when their politicians are bought they stay bought!

        Can they? "Staying bought" assumes some level of integrity, which leads one to a contradiction. It seems to me that if politicians can be bought at all, in all probability they can be bought multiple times.

        • No, it doesn't assume loyalty. It works on the fact that Comcast has pays more.

          • Argh that came out all mangled. Should be:

            No, it doesn't assume integrity. It works on the fact that Comcast pays more.

            • Argh that came out all mangled. Should be:

              No, it doesn't assume integrity. It works on the fact that Comcast pays more.

              Seems to me that this only works if Comcast pays something now with the promise of more after the vote. -- which may be the case.

              • They can also promise a nice, cushy lobbyist position after the Congressman retires from public office. So you act like a good little politician and parrot just what your corporate masters tell you to say so that when you decide to step down you will be paid a good wage to sit around doing nothing with the occasional passing corporate "requests" on to your old colleagues.

  • There should be a law that letters and proposed laws/amendments should require a list of all contributors (bring the companies, lobbyists into the light).
    • by Fire_Wraith ( 1460385 ) on Monday January 26, 2015 @11:12PM (#48910709)
      The best proposal I heard was to require members of Congress to wear the emblems of their major sponsors, the way Nascar Drivers do. At least then we can easily see who's paying for them.
      • The emblems would be sooooo small because there are so many you wouldn't be able to read them :-)
        • The emblems would be sooooo small because there are so many you wouldn't be able to read them :-)

          Only the top ten or so even get space.

          Here's another way to handle it. Whenever they appear on television, block out x% of their face and words based on their campaign contributions. Whoever gets least comes through at 100%, whoever gets most is just a wall of ads, and everyone else falls somewhere in-between

  • Us Too? (Score:3, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 26, 2015 @08:51PM (#48909705)

    Where's the forum letter I can sign and send to the FCC against the merger as well as one to my state reps (OH) telling them not to do this shit? If someone does the work of making good arguments against them I'll add my name to it, but I'm not motivated enough to write a well researched letter on my own and figure out where to send it.

  • by retroworks ( 652802 ) on Monday January 26, 2015 @08:51PM (#48909709) Homepage Journal
    And I support Cable!
  • by Anonymous Coward

    ...get your fucking shit together...create a new political party that actually represents the people...use social media to spread the word and fucking challenge both your shitty corporate owned parties.
    What the FUCK are you waiting for???

  • by F34nor ( 321515 ) on Monday January 26, 2015 @09:04PM (#48909793)

    If every household in America bought $150 in Comcast stock each month instead of paying their cable bill it would take ~3 years to buy them out. If everyone canceled their account and bought stock it would take less time. Kickstarter's limit is too small for this idea btw. Then we vote out the current board and replace them with Lessig, Nader et al. and BAM gigabit bidirectional IPV6 with al a carte channels.

    Too communist for you? Go fuck your self.

    • If every household in America bought $150 in Comcast stock each month instead of paying their cable bill it would take ~3 years to buy them out. If everyone canceled their account and bought stock it would take less time.

      Only because the stock price would plummet and the company would be worth only the value of the plant. At that point Time-Warner buys it from bankruptcy for a pittance and the merger happens anyway.

      What significant difference is there between nobody paying their cable bill and everyone cancelling service? A couple of months into the former and service would be cancelled automatically AND the company would have a large amount of write-off for the bad debts.

      Then we vote out the current board and replace them with Lessig, Nader et al. and BAM gigabit bidirectional IPV6 with al a carte channels.

      What color is the sky on your world, Cliff? Why n

      • by F34nor ( 321515 )

        Time Warner wouldn't be able to buy them if we did the same thing to them.

        That was a typo. I meant pay your bill and buy stock.

        The infrastructure is paid for by retained earnings and not paid out to executive compensation and dividends. Also the existing infrastructure in many places has been totally deprecated. we have had cable since 1984 at my house. They have paid for their capital costs MANY times over. If google can provide gigabit fiber from scratch a a lower price than cable even with content and ad

        • That was a typo. I meant pay your bill and buy stock.

          "Instead of" is a typo for what? And then you said more stock could be bought if everyone cancelled their service!

          Also the existing infrastructure in many places has been totally deprecated.

          I'm sure it has, and I'm sure it has been fully depreciated too. But if the company has no money because nobody is paying their bills or everyone has cancelled service (the second option you gave) then what money will they use to upgrade?

          If google can provide gigabit fiber from scratch a a lower price than cable even with content and ad revenue then Comcast could too.

          The reasons that Google can do it at a lower price are two-fold. First, they don't have existing plant to maintain while they're over-building the existing

          • by F34nor ( 321515 )

            The assets of the company do not vanish instantly as the stock price drops.Once we have 51% of the vote we can vote in a new consumer friendly board of directors to fire the current executives. Comcast is one of the worst run companies in America. It has the worst customer service and only maintains it function by being a monopoly. I have a friend who works with technology provider and Comcast has blown 3 deals with them strictly out of incompetence and laziness.

            1st question. You don't upgrade during the tr

            • The assets of the company do not vanish instantly as the stock price drops.

              The value of the company drops as the stock price drops, and the stock price drops as soon as it becomes obvious that customers are all cancelling their service.

              Once we have 51% of the vote we can vote in a new consumer friendly board of directors to fire the current executives.

              And as you're getting all the little people to buy this 51% over a three year period, large companies who would love to take over the areas served by Comcast are buying stock at the same bargain-basement rates you are. They can afford it. The people you want to buy stock are having to cancel service so they have enough money to buy stock. You'll

    • If every household in America bought $150 in Comcast stock each month instead of paying their cable bill it would take ~3 years to buy them out.

      That only works assuming that every single share of Comcast stock is available to purchase. That is not necessarily true. Do you even know how the stock market works?

      • by Livius ( 318358 )

        If everyone stops paying their bill, the stockholders will be eager to sell.

      • by F34nor ( 321515 )

        I have been investing since I was 12. I called the last two major collapses to within 3 months. the 2000's bubble by asking why Rambus was able to lock intel into a exclusive deal and the housing collapse by looking at the number of people getting an associates degree in real estate (learned that by reading that that was an indicator for the tech bubble) "When economic profit is available more people will enter the market and drive the profit to zero." As to your direct criticism why would any institutiona

  • Just curious, are the politicians predominantly from one party?

  • by Tablizer ( 95088 ) on Monday January 26, 2015 @09:08PM (#48909817) Journal

    I see their pro-merger ads on TV and the web. Why are there no anti-merger ads? The public is only hearing one side.

    It would be nice to crowd-fund some ads that describe how we need more competition and more competitors rather than huge bribe-heavy oligopolies. I'd donate $10 or so to such.

  • by Morris Thorpe ( 762715 ) on Monday January 26, 2015 @09:09PM (#48909829)

    Of course everything is fucked, etc....but does anyone else find it surprising how cheaply these guys will bend over?
    10 grand to whore yourself?

    Seems almost like you could troll for fun at those prices: "Hey, whore, here's the money. Now sign this petition to outlaw ostriches."

    • by Tailhook ( 98486 )

      does anyone else find it surprising how cheaply these guys will bend over?

      No. The petty cost of trading influence is well known. William Greider detailed this phenomena 23 years ago in "Who Will Tell the People." A nice fur coat or use of a private plane is often sufficient.

      Seems almost like you could troll for fun at those prices

      That won't work. They don't simply spin about on a whim. The sellouts are predisposed to the buyers for many reasons and the tokens you're dwelling on are really just obligatory offerings and partly symbolic; tossing a liberal some exclusive theater tickets usually won't buy a pro-gun vote.

      • by Fire_Wraith ( 1460385 ) on Monday January 26, 2015 @11:19PM (#48910745)
        It's also not just the one time deal. It's about an established relationship. The money you make in politics/government is never made IN office, it's mostly made AFTER. Sure, there are the book deals, but those pale next to the speaking fees, the seats on corporate boards, or the amount of money that will simply be thrown at you because you know people, and people know you. If you're part of the elite and the in-crowd, you reap those rewards later. It often doesn't even need to be stated, it's simply a given. Maybe you find a plum lobbying job, or become the head of an industry association, or sit on the board of Comcast, or get invited to head a powerful interest group. It's the revolving door, and the higher up you are, the bigger the payout gets... if you have friends after you get out. They remember, and if you were on their side, they'll take care of you.
    • by Livius ( 318358 )

      But the 10 000 isn't for a specific purpose, and probably there will be no conclusive proof of corruption.

      It's simply that people who agree with the donors are the ones who receive money, and only people receiving money have any realistic chance to participate.

      In fact, almost all politicians are some combination of sincerely convinced of what they claim, too ignorant to understand what they claim, or simply mentally ill.

      Which means a tiny bit more money isn't going to change their mind.

    • At those bargain basement prices, maybe we can do a kickstarter to buy our own politician!!
  • Form letters have been a part of every advocacy campaign. This is news?

  • The documents revealed today show just how deeply Comcast is involved with certain politicians, and how they were able to get them on board.

    "on board" ... "in bed" - whatever. Wear a condom Congress-critters and feel lucky. Most of "we the people" have to wear two when taking it from - I mean "dealing with" - Comcast.

  • "Drag a hundred-dollar bill through Congress, you never know what you'll find."

    (Original here [])

  • by gstoddart ( 321705 ) on Monday January 26, 2015 @10:03PM (#48910219) Homepage

    Like it or not, the corporations have more or less rigged the game.

    There is no chance in hell we get what we want, because the politicians have all quite literally been bought and paid for, and are little more than corporate shills.

    This is precisely why all of those people who bray about deregulation and the free market are either deluded, or in on the scam -- because these systems will always become horribly corrupt, and be sold to the highest bidder. And it's a lie to believe that system is self correcting -- because the system is rigged.

    American politics (and, indeed, much of the world) is a cesspool of cronyism, and rich assholes cutting through the laws which prevent other rich assholes from raping the system.

    Corporate lawyers and lobbyists have far more clout than "the people".

    Welcome to the dystopian future where the corporations and the surveillance state work hand in hand, but the state is on the corporate payroll -- at least, the ones who hold any real power.

    This is the reason why the bankers who ripped us all off in the housing meltdown never saw any charges -- because they all advise the fucking presidents on economic policy.

    It really is time to eat the rich, because they're not in the least concerned about us in this equation.

    • This is precisely why all of those people who bray about deregulation and the free market are either deluded, or in on the scam

      In many cases, the free market approach works in theory, but not in practice because theory little things like buying influence, gobbling up companies to make local monopolies, dividing territory to make local monopolies, etc don't exist. The folks who keep saying "the market will fix everything" look at the theory and ignore that the theory also includes a public with access to en

      • by gstoddart ( 321705 ) on Monday January 26, 2015 @11:17PM (#48910735) Homepage

        I would love for the free market approach to work with Comcast. Really, I would. Sadly, Comcast has taken the free market, bent it over, and is currently doing some unspeakable things to it

        I would love for the free market approach to work if it weren't a lie. Really, I would. Sadly, everybody always has taken the free market, bent it over, and have always been doing some unspeakable things to it.

        Just like always.

        All of those nice simplifying assumptions about people being honest, playing by the rules, not willing to swindle to get ahead, not willing to collude to cheat everybody else, and not outright paying bribes ...

        See, all of that stuff is precisely why, exactly like communism , any economic theory which assumes the honesty of humans to adhere to your perfect system and achieve perfect outcomes ... is a complete fucking lie.

        The assumptions of laissez-faire Capitalism are impossible to have hold true. So everything ascribed to what 'the market' should accomplish is a fairy tale, because humans don't play according to your ideology.

        There is no free market. Never has been. Never will be.

  • by wonkey_monkey ( 2592601 ) on Tuesday January 27, 2015 @06:38AM (#48912529) Homepage

    Smithers: [over intercom] Principal Skinner, this is your secretary. There is one last student here to see you.
    Skinner: That's odd. I don't have a secretary...or an intercom. But send him in.
                [Burns enters dressed like Jimbo]
    Burns: Ahoy, there, Dean. I understand you're taking suggestions from students, eh?
                [sits on desk; groans as his knee bends painfully]
                Well, me and my fourth form chums think it would be quite corking if you'd sign over your oil well to the local energy concern.
    Skinner: [clears throat] Mr. Burns?
    Burns: Buh!
    Skinner: It was naive of you to think I would mistake this town's most prominent 104-year-old man for one of my elementary school students.

  • by kenh ( 9056 ) on Tuesday January 27, 2015 @08:15AM (#48912853) Homepage Journal

    Why is Comcast cast as the villan? This is SOP for any major letter writing campaign I've ever heard of - outside group offers supporters 'sample' letters to send to those making the decision, supporters simply copy-and-paste the 'sample' letter, and everyone pretends it means something.

    The anger should directed at the compliant and lazy politicians that never learned how to copy someone else's work and avoid detection.

    • Why is Comcast cast as the villan?

      Typecasting. They play the villain role so frequently, it's impossible to see them any other way.

  • Get money out of Politics!

    help us support a constitutional amendment, via an article V convention that routes AROUND Congress. Money is not speach. Corporations are not people. Our democracy should not be for sale, yet it IS.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer
