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Censorship Government United Kingdom Politics

UK Prime Minister Threatens To Block Further Snowden Revelations 431

Bruce66423 writes "From the article: 'In a statement to MPs on Monday about last week's European summit in Brussels, where he warned of the dangers of a "lah-di-dah, airy-fairy view" about the dangers of leaks, the prime minister said his preference was to talk to newspapers rather than resort to the courts. But he said it would be difficult to avoid acting if newspapers declined to heed government advice.' So that will achieve something won't it? Don't these politicians understand that blocking publication in just the UK achieves nothing? The information is held outside the UK, and will be published there; all he's doing is showing his real colors."
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UK Prime Minister Threatens To Block Further Snowden Revelations

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  • by ulatekh ( 775985 ) on Monday October 28, 2013 @11:11PM (#45265693) Homepage Journal

    I remember reading about these NSA revelations years before Edward Snowden disclosed them...on the Russian Times [] web site.

    Guess we'll have to go back to relying on the Russian press to defend freedom and print the truth.

    Ugh...I think I just threw up in my mouth.

    • by Guppy06 ( 410832 )

      And a stopped clock is right twice daily.

      Seriously, how about some links so we can see how "right" they were?

  • Puppet strings (Score:5, Insightful)

    by ArchieBunker ( 132337 ) on Monday October 28, 2013 @11:12PM (#45265697)

    Wonder how much pressure the PM is getting from Washington?

    • by Anonymous Coward
      This has nothing to do about the master of puppets but more to do about allegiances and alliances. This shit is coming out, whether anyone likes it or not.
      • Re:Puppet strings (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Kazoo the Clown ( 644526 ) on Monday October 28, 2013 @11:27PM (#45265783)
        It's EXACTLY what they deserve. And what do they do, act like the arrogant a$$holes, for all to see. You know we can hear you, right? LOL! If they had any brains they'd make a spectacle of firing Clapper and Alexander for being so incompetent as to allow themselves to be pwned by a Snowden. Then they could claim "problem solved", "mission accomplished" and all that at least. But no, they'd rather make a permanent enemy of all the decent journalists in the world. War on Journalism, that's what this is, plain and simple.
    • Probably doesn't need any pressure, only to find out that some of his own dirty laundry is in the mix just waiting to be aired. My heart bleeds.
    • by ruir ( 2709173 )
      It is not pressure, the UK is pleased to do back bending to the US all the time.
    • I wonder too, since so far Obama administration has done hardly anything to stop or recriminate against the leaks, at least publicly.
      • by epyT-R ( 613989 )

        Obama did vote 'yes' for PATRIOT after all..and he renewed its provisions as president.

      • by AHuxley ( 892839 )
        What can the US do? Send a "crew" into Russia and hand Russia a PR victory if successful or if caught?
        Its win win for Russia and they know not to touch any of the 'gifted' material too.
    • by OzPeter ( 195038 )

      Wonder how much pressure the PM is getting from Washington?

      No no no .. don't you know how a ventriloquists dummy is operated? I'll give you a hint, the TSA has been practicing how to control the US population using the same manner.

    • Wonder how much pressure the PM is getting from Washington?

      About strings... maybe "tension" or "pull" instead of pressure? (imagine one trying to push a piece of string)

    • Re:Puppet strings (Score:4, Interesting)

      by WillKemp ( 1338605 ) on Tuesday October 29, 2013 @02:49AM (#45266519) Homepage

      Wonder how much pressure the PM is getting from Washington?

      He doesn't need pressure. When their US masters give them orders they simply obey. They don't even question it. It's been that way for decades. All the bullshit whining about the EU taking away their sovereignty is just a smoke screen - the UK has had no sovereignty for a very long time. And, of course, one of the tasks their masters have set them is to disrupt the EU as much as possible (it's a threat to US economic dominance).

  • by Jody Bruchon ( 3404363 ) on Monday October 28, 2013 @11:16PM (#45265719)
    ...complete lack of surprise.
  • The kind of PM talk UK newspapers can expect []
  • Silencing the Press (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Phoenix666 ( 184391 ) on Monday October 28, 2013 @11:26PM (#45265771)

    So Gen. Alexander releases a propaganda video saying he believes the journalists releasing the stories ought to be silenced, and now the UK is echoing that? It seems to me that we are well on our way to the point of no return.

    • by AHuxley ( 892839 )
      Yes MI6 and SAS teams on the ground world wide "hunting" the free press with help from the GCHQ? Did that work out well for the East Germans and KGB vs their dissents in the free West?
      Did the truth just stop with each successful mission from the Soviet Union?
      Any day in open court will be a joke as the UK gov is forced to admit the material is 100% real and very admissible.
      A closed UK court is even more of a joke - then the legal reform starts and more material leaks in protest.
      One member of the UK pr
    • I'd like to see them try shutting up the press. Can you imagine what will happen if Fox News goes off the air and all of those angry, gun-owning citizens suddenly have a lot more free time in their lives?

    • by TapeCutter ( 624760 ) on Tuesday October 29, 2013 @12:37AM (#45266065) Journal
      Alexander and the UK are odd bedfellows, apparently he was a financial supporter of the IRA before Clinton at the urging of Bono)speech starts @2:21 []) stopped Americans from donating to the IRA. Say what you like a Bono, but it took the balls of an Elephant to make that speech as an Irishman in Boston.
    • well on our way to the point of no return

      what road are you on? I'd like to visit :D

  • than let people imagine the worst.

  • Sen. Feinstein (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Phoenix666 ( 184391 ) on Monday October 28, 2013 @11:32PM (#45265805)

    They're reporting this evening Sen. Feinstein is backpedaling on surveillance after defending the NSA's crimes all summer. Did one of her grandchildren chew her out for turning the country into a police state? Or is she so stupid that she hasn't actually paid attention to the issue and its implications til now? Or is it a dodge to deflect the criticism until the public forgets and moves on and all can return to status quo ante?

    Honestly, I'm kind of to the point where the situation won't be made right until the people at the NSA responsible for this are in prison, the NSA is dismantled, and everyone in the Whitehouse and Congress are impeached and thrown into the deepest, darkest hole we've got.

  • by EmperorOfCanada ( 1332175 ) on Monday October 28, 2013 @11:39PM (#45265827)
    Over and over governments have fallen and change has been driven when secrets become known. This is because information is the only real source of power. Controlling what information gets out, and what information you have is real power. Any person who has been in government or even a large organization quickly realizes this and those who thrive in these organizations have taken this to heart.

    So this is why governments spend so much effort in "massaging" information and are happy to have things kept secret for a hundred different reasons such as "privacy" or "security" but the simple truth is that once the population has this information they now have the power and this is the scariest of all scenarios for people who want power.

    As I said, just look at the history of leaks, in the UK you had ministers that were terrible and people wanted them gone, yet they not only stayed but were regularly re-elected because people didn't have the solid information that could sway an electorate. Then the expenses scandal came out with solid information about people lying, cheating, and repairing their moats and in a flash they were gone. Prior to the leak the public was fed a filtered version of the MP expenses. In the US you had Nixon get turfed from office when he lost control of the information. The key being concrete evidence of what was happening in the oval office. The media loves their dueling opinions but people can tell the differences between narrative, opinion, and cold hard facts. I very much doubt these bozos care one iota about the whole protecting the country part of these revelations but they do care about losing their ability to spy on anyone who is making them look bad or getting in the way of their rich friends. And they really hate the fact that these revelations prove them to be liars themselves.

    But the worst part for these people is that the media is no longer just a few media barons that they can be clubby with. In years past they may very well have been able to keep a lid on this through that alone. But now the traditional media is no longer local. So even if none of the press in one country runs a story other countries' press cores will and then there are the million micro media sites. They will all run with anything they can get their hands on.

    I love it!
  • by hyades1 ( 1149581 ) on Monday October 28, 2013 @11:42PM (#45265847)

    I guess it's a pretty good bet that Snowden got hold of something nice and juicy about what Cameron's Tory government has been up to.

    I can't help but look forward to the revelation, and wonder exactly how that jumped-up little fascist thinks he's going to prevent people in Britain from finding out. Will they be legally required to go around with their eyes squinted and their fingers in their ears?

    This should be fun!

    • how that jumped-up little fascist thinks he's going to prevent people in Britain from finding out

      I think he's 184cm isn't he? That's not such a little fascist, it's more of a fairly sizeable fascist isn't it?

    • I'm waiting to find out about Australia, we have some strategically placed US listening stations out in the bush and the US is our BFF. Over the half century I've watched pollys come and go in Oz I've seen a few prospective PM's take the grand tour of the "secret" listening such as Pine Gap, I've noticed some come out looking rather shaken and are never really themselves again after the experience, especially the ones who had previously criticised US policies. Mark Latham is the most striking recent example
  • In order to block out the singing of the Snowden? Buy a good pair of noise canceling head phones. I just go and micro wave a bag of popcorn. Because lets face it, to say, "I found in on the 'net just doesn't get old."
  • by Entropius ( 188861 ) on Monday October 28, 2013 @11:54PM (#45265905)

    Dear James Cameron,

    You might ring Barbra Streisand and ask her how this'll work out for you.

    The Internet

  • by wwalker ( 159341 ) on Tuesday October 29, 2013 @12:09AM (#45265975) Journal

    Can someone explain it to me, why US/UK/etc. governments are so freaking afraid of leaks, when apparently it's such a common knowledge that everyone spies on everyone, including their friends and allies?!

    Shouldn't it be, if you haven't done anything wrong, you shouldn't be afraid of the truth? Since enemies of any state already assume they are being spied on anyway?

    I mean, I can understand if the leaks included real names of agents and informants, or were putting real people in real danger of being killed in some other way. But at this point it's all just about governments lying to the people and each other, and about politicians losing all credibility. Oh, wait, I think I just answered my own question...

    • by TapeCutter ( 624760 ) on Tuesday October 29, 2013 @01:19AM (#45266227) Journal
      There are no terrorists under Merkel's desk, It's economic espionage, UK/US have been the experts in that field since the end of WW2.
    • by Required Snark ( 1702878 ) on Tuesday October 29, 2013 @01:49AM (#45266323)
      It makes sense once you realize who the real enemy is. It's not the terrorists/Islamists/Chinese/Russians, it's the citizens of the US/UK/NZ/Australia and other countries that are the target of the spying. The general population is the enemy.

      In the delusional hyper-paranoid NSA world you gain power and control when you know things that other people don't know. It's all about insiders and outsiders. If the outsiders find out what's going on, they might become less pliable and start wondering about what's going on and ask questions. They might even start objecting to the current setup.

      Some of it is about money. The US is spending something over $50 Billion per year. That a long way from chump change, and a lot of companies are getting very very rich from that. I don't think that the direct government employees are the big winners at this, I think the outside contracting companies really rake it in. First you pay your dues working for the Feds, then you make a vastly higher amount doing the same thing in the private sector. That's what Snowden did.

      The second thing is fear of failure. Everyone is terrified of taking the blame for the next successful big attack. They want all the data in the vain hope that it means that failure can be avoided forever. It's not possible, but given effectively unlimited resources they can engage in the insane project of trying to spy on every human on earth.

      So not only is the goal impossible, it is a huge waste of resources. For the kind of money they are spending they could literally buy off many of the "bad guys" they are fighting. (This assumes that the money was spent wisely, as opposed to the complete cluster fuck of wasted money poured into Afghanistan and Iraq.)

      For example, offer the Palestinians and the Israelis billions of dollars each for domestic non-military spending, with the condition that any violence on either side means a complete immediate shutoff. (And no more Israeli building on the west bank.) Assume they are corrupt and can be bought, and it just might work. Even if it doesn't work, at least the money will be poured down some new rat holes for a change.

    • by Strawser ( 22927 )

      'zactly. David Cameron is calling for "social responsibility". These leaks are social responsibility.

  • by kawabago ( 551139 ) on Tuesday October 29, 2013 @12:33AM (#45266047)
    Of course, it depends on who is counting the votes.
  • Why don't they just release the remaining data before the UK implement the block?
  • by hawkingradiation ( 1526209 ) on Tuesday October 29, 2013 @12:36AM (#45266061)
    so as to feel so defensive about what they have done to dismantle the liberties and freedoms that we all hold dear? Listening to these bureaucrats quip is more than just a nuisance, these guys have power to summon the government to imprison or send a drone to your home. Maybe we should all wait patiently until the whole government collapses. *chill* if that is the only hope we have then that is a scary thought.
  • by jelizondo ( 183861 ) * <jerry.elizondo@ g m a i> on Tuesday October 29, 2013 @12:58AM (#45266155)

    More than three hundred years after the Glorious Revolution [], the U.K. has a freaking P.M. who thinks is an absolute monarch. Perhaps it is time for another revolution.

    Off with his head!

  • by erroneus ( 253617 ) on Tuesday October 29, 2013 @03:38AM (#45266707) Homepage

    Unless there is even MORE damaging things which the US and NSA have done.

    More recently, as a form of damage control no doubt, were assertions by both the POTUS and the NSA that the POTUS didn't know about many things. Okay great. If it's true, then shut down the NSA as it is clearly an executive branch activity which is not within the knowledge or control of the executive. "It's not his fault! He didn't know!!" Really? You're that far out of control? And he's not in control?! Get rid of both! That's a pretty damning admission if you ask me.

  • by dutchwhizzman ( 817898 ) on Tuesday October 29, 2013 @04:31AM (#45266899)
    The PM wants the newspaper to stop publishing because it will be a "threat to national security". Well, maybe they should have thought of that before they did all the things that are now being published. If they'd not done those things and not have been so clumsy with their dirty little secrets, national security wouldn't be at stake now. They clearly brought this problem on themselves and the publishing of these facts is just a symptom of their own threatening national security with their own actions. Don't blame a newspaper for publishing news. Blame the people that did the stupid things that are now being published.
  • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Tuesday October 29, 2013 @07:29AM (#45267745)

    He just wants to show his master that he's a good puppy.

If a 6600 used paper tape instead of core memory, it would use up tape at about 30 miles/second. -- Grishman, Assembly Language Programming
