Anonymous' "OpIsrael" Has Little Impact 136
An anonymous reader writes "The Times Of Israel and AlArabiya.net report that the planned and announced April 7th attack by Anonymous failed to frustrate the Israeli government or its citizens. The country's national Cyber Bureau quipped 'So far it is as was expected, there is hardly any real damage,' Ben Yisrael said. 'Anonymous doesn't have the skills to damage the country's vital infrastructure. And if that was its intention, then it wouldn't have announced the time of attack. It wants to create noise in the media about issues that are close to its heart,' he said."
Noise in the media (Score:3, Insightful)
"It wants to create noise in the media about issues that are close to its heart,' he said."
In other words, you're saying they won...
Well done.
Re:Noise in the media (Score:4, Interesting)
It's just noise, nothing coherent.
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That only makes it annoying, it's still just noise.
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Nice. Now here's an idea: impersonate a Palestinian terrorist type in order to get close to a good-looking Israeli secret agent. One of the few times being a neckbearded basement-dweller with poor personal hygiene should actually work in a slashdotter's favor. Of course the end game is waking up in a small cell with electrodes on your genitals, and then not waking up at all, but if you play your cards right maybe you can get something more before that.
Duh (Score:4, Interesting)
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Implying that angry mobs are either "just" or "good".
The Sequel (Score:1)
Anon never stood a chance (Score:5, Funny)
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Israel doesn't have pizza delivery.
Sure it does [pizzaidf.org], but probably not to Anonymous members. :)
Seriously... I've ordered pizza in Jerusalem. But the Israeli pizza tends to be thin-crust like the European versions and not as yummy IMO as our North American pizza.
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Thin crust not yummy? You have a lot to learn, young padawan.
Re:Anon never stood a chance (Score:4, Funny)
Infidel! Now you understand why there is war in the Middle East. You thin-crusters must be eliminated by the will of the Flying Spaghetti Monster; we thick-crusters alone have truth on our side!!!
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I'm sorry, but canned tuna doesn't belong on a pizza. On the other hand, though, corn goes well. Now if only the commoner in Israel could figure out that pizza is nasty when it's as dry as cardboard...
Anyway back to my phone call...
Yes, i'd like to order 3 large cheese pizzas for... uhm... Guy Penis [vh1.com]...
(Sorry, I sound like I got some sort of small head on me or something...)
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Hey! Our pizza is perfectly fine!
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That might have been funnier if it were not the fact that just about every single hole-in-the-wall pizza joint in Israel offers delivery.
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I would hope so, as they don't have the space to permit dine-in.
Israel doesn't have pizza delivery? (Score:2)
Israel doesn't have pizza delivery.
Sure it does. When I was in Israel 4 years ago, I saw Domino's Pizza delivery via scooter in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and in Haifa.
Palestinians? (Score:4, Interesting)
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This kind of "help" occurs all the time though. I'm forced to buy health insurance in my own country, even though foreign plans would cover me just as well at a lower cost. I'm forced to pay for my retirement fund even though I've already provided for my days as a senior through other investments. Hell, I'm forced to fasten my goddamn seatbelt! Not that I wouldn't use it, but I certainly haven't been given any choice in the matter!
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You are not being forced to pay for your retirement, you are being forced to pay for the current crop of seniors. Not to worry though, Grandma can come and live with you, right?
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It's called being a script kiddie. Anonymous is just a gang of them. Script kiddies can be dangerous, even though they aren't as smart as they'd like you to believe.
/. title maker fail (Score:3)
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I doubt that a few defaced web sites or a barely-noticeable DDoS would concern the IDF or Mossad. Anonymous are like a bunch of virtually-unnoticeable gnats; Israel has real security concerns like rockets from Gaza and instability in Syria to worry about.
A weird response on the part of the Israelis... (Score:2)
[Cyber Bureau bureaucrat] Ben Yisrael said. 'Anonymous doesn't have the skills to damage the country's vital infrastructure. And if that was its intention, then it wouldn't have announced the time of attack. It wants to create noise in the media about issues that are close to its heart,' he said."
On the one hand, a challenge response...on the other hand, a political response designed to defuse.
I guess they're soliciting a mixed response to their response.
they also seem to have been hacked themselves (Score:1)
http://www.opisrael.com/ is playing Hatikvah, Israel's national anthem all day today.
This is nonsense. Have you even looked at the Tel-Avi Stock Exchange website?
The attack is ongoing and has already had a major financial impact!
Utterly pathetic. (Score:5, Insightful)
One of the big scores for Anonymous was that they defaced the page for Adalah.
Adalah is an organization providing probono legal help to Israeli minority citizens for discrimination cases.
Way to go, Anonymous. What a bunch of fuckwits.
(Added style points for starting this op on Holocaust Memorial Day, and trying to DDOS Yad Vashem.
And for getting this op led by a citizen of Mauritania, the one remaining country that still has slavery.)
And then some. (Score:3)
I'm listening on IRC right now, and these twatwaffles just got trolled into DDOSing Sakhnin College, an Arabic trade school.
It's funny to see these idiots fall for it, but Sakhnin's students are probabl having an annoying day.
Way to go, Anonymous.
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I have nothing to contribute, but if I had accounts with mod points right now I would dump as many +1, Funny mods into the parent's post for using the word "twatwaffles."
and... (Score:2)
any publicly open channel you are 'listening to' [are] a bunch of fuckwits.. infiltrated by the cia, fbi, the mainstream media and normal armchair commentators/criticizer/dumbasses such as yourself.
No shit, Sherlock.
That didn't stop the Anonymous twatwaffles from DDOSing Sakhnin College. And I checked: it fell off the web shortl afterwards.
Im sure those students are having a really annoying sunday when they are all at the mosque
Sunday's a regular workday in Israel, dumbass. Including in the Arabic schools.
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One of the big scores for Anonymous was that they defaced the page for Adalah.
Adalah is an organization providing probono legal help to Israeli minority citizens for discrimination cases.
Way to go, Anonymous. What a bunch of fuckwits.
(Added style points for starting this op on Holocaust Memorial Day, and trying to DDOS Yad Vashem.
And for getting this op led by a citizen of Mauritania, the one remaining country that still has slavery.)
Mauritania heard Moses was coming to free some slaves, and part some seas!
But really, this Israel hate is laughable. People see the Israelis as invaders who locked out the Palestinians, yet the same people seem to never care that equal or greater numbers of Jews were banished from the multitude of Arab lands they called home for centuries.
Two wrongs != right, but one of them is often forgotten. I sympathize with the criticism, but not the outright hostility.
I can't wait for the Israelis to take the blame wh
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"I don't understand your optimism," Ben-Gurion declared. "Why should the Arabs make peace? If I were an Arab leader I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural: we have taken their country. Sure, God promised it to us, but what does that matter to them? Our God is not theirs. We come from Israel, it's true, but two thousand years ago, and what is that to them? There has been antisemitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They only see one thing: we have come here and stolen
Europe's not relevant (Score:2)
Most Israeli Jews have ancestors who fled Arab countries to come to Israel.
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"past"? (Score:2)
there are still slaves there.
What is "Anonymous"? (Score:4, Informative)
"Anonymous" is not a group, but a tactic, or even a posting style. It comes from message boards that work like this one, and is dirrectly analougous to the "Anonymous Coward" on this site. So fellow
So its highly likely "Anonymous" is really many many diffrent groups and inviduals with diffrent, and even contradictory or even opposing views and goals using the exact same tactic. Just the same as the AC on
I think you can judge how popular an idea by judging how many people actually show up to attack it, and the group that does the attacking. Of course you don't know, but just guess via their skillsets.
Re:"Anonymous" is CIA/Mossad (Score:5, Insightful)
If this were true, then why would the Israeli propaganda machine be downplaying the effectiveness of the attacks? Instead, you'd expect them to be wailing about the terrible carnage about to be unleashed on society by Anonymous, unless their "cyber-warrior" budgets are immediately increased and a slew of new controls imposed on the internet --- not saying that already existing infrastructure is already 100% effective at preventing real damage.
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If this were true, then why would the Israeli propaganda machine be downplaying the effectiveness of the attacks? Instead, you'd expect them to be wailing about the terrible carnage about to be unleashed on society by Anonymous, unless their "cyber-warrior" budgets are immediately increased and a slew of new controls imposed on the internet --- not saying that already existing infrastructure is already 100% effective at preventing real damage.
...And you clearly don't know enough about Israel or what it is like to live in constant fear.
The last thing they want is to alarm their people.
And they seem to pull it off quite well, look it up. Safest airports in the world, 0 body scanners. Just well trained people.
AND the majority of the country has gone through the required 3 years of military training, so their population does not need to be treated like the sheep that the US population is treated as
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As bad as you outed yourself on slashdot Jeremiah Cornelius http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=3581857&cid=43276741 [slashdot.org] pasting that crap in hundreds of posts on slashdot for all of last month by anonymous submissions but slipping up on that one, giving away it was you doing it annoying the rest of us?
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I didn't do all those.
I wouldn't slip like that. I'd use a different browser, without cookies enabled, specifically to do such crapflooding - were I so inclined.
I was amused by the intersection of so many crapflood and troll memes in ONE post. Seeing the pity that this was -1 Troll, and I had no mod points, I replicated the post to elevate it with my borrowed Karma, that others with more humour than yourself might enjoy.
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We see your name on the link posted. Lies don't cut it.
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The only people on the planet not livng in a "stolen house" are the Icelanders.
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I am a firm believer that the US should withdraw from North America.
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But word on the wire is that the number of "Super sayanim" outed were "Over 9000"
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Good point but the possibilities are varied. It might be that the US or some other state wants to throw money at cyberwar prevention (a bogus issue most of the time), so Israeli contractors have one succesfully thwarted attack in their track record.
Or OTOH Israel has some infrastructure problems and that they fake an Anonymous attack to deter other from trying the same.
After all, everybody can impersonate Anonymous.
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I'm absolutely certain that the US wants to throw money at the boogeyman of cyberwar --- however, they've already got a propaganda line. Look at all the fear-mongering in the media about Chinese hacking; this is the credible enemy of which we are supposed to be terrified. As for deterring a real anonymous attack against vulnerable infrastructure by posing as anonymous --- this seems overly risky, based on the way anonymous functions. Indeed, anyone can pose as anonymous, by announcing upcoming attack plans
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"After all, everybody can impersonate Anonymous."
Really? Can I be anonymous? I don't have to get someone's permission first? I don't need to apply for a permit, or a license? That's just awesome!
Oh - wait - What about that "trusted computing" crap? And government tracking? And, corporate tracking? And, don't forget the proposed laws that would have government and corporations sharing all that tracking information.
Maybe only the computer savvy minorities can be anonymous. Of the people that I know, I
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Any criminal can. Stolen laptop, open or cracked wireless access point.
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(If this were true) it's about priorities. Sure they would want Anonymous to look strong, but certainly not stronger than Israel.
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Even the tiniest tin-pot dictatorships can have noisy propaganda machines (or do you think info from North Korea's state media is truthful?); even larger corporations can flood the media with propaganda. And the Israeli government's propaganda is given free amplification by the US, which makes it by far the most pervasive voice in shaping perceptions about everything that goes on in Israel's section of the world.
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Isreal hardly needs to use propaganda to make their neighbors look like homocidal maniacs who when not screeching about Isreal are busy killing their own citizens. The only thing that unites the entire middle east is their hatred of Isreal. This hatred is used by the governments to deflect attention from their own shortcomings. These are the same governments who really do not want the Isreal-Palestinian conflict to end. They would lose the one thing that they can use to manipulate their citizens. Isreal did
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Isreal didn't steal any land they won it fair and square in war.
You really think anything is "won fair and square in war" --- that "I've got bigger weapons and am better at killing your folks than you are mine" justifies "therefore, all your stuff belongs to us"? To you and anyone who shares your "might makes right" philosophy: fuck you. Attitudes like yours make it clear that "homocidal maniacs" aren't exclusive to the "other side."
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you forget that it was Isreal that was the one being attacked during the seven days war everyone around them were the aggressors they won land after they were attacked this was hardly they bigger stick situation you describe.
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I don't care so much "who started it"* in the playground fight, that doesn't justify the stronger bully walking away with the weaker kid's lunch money, and declaring him his bitch for life. Nor does groups of Palestinians being militarily evicted by other countries justify their plight (being a persecuted loser doesn't make you worthy of said fate either; one might think that more Israelis might have more introspection on that point, given significant facts in their past history).
*) Not that it changes whet
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The entire conflict between Israel and the palestinians could be resolved if the palestinians and their supporters would come out in the open and offer Isreal the only thing they need, security. No more driving the jews into the sea rhetoric. Remove the intent to destroy Isreal that is stated without reservation in the Hamas charter. Remove the map of Palestine that shows no Isreal that is currently hanging in Abbas office. Silence the so called leaders that live in foreign countries and loudly promote viol
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Abbas has repeatedly offered the following to Israel to settle things once and for all:
A two-state solution marked by the 1967 borders, East Jerusalem as the Palestinian capital and a cessation by Israel of building settlements on Palestinian lands. In exchange for that, complete and unequivocal peace.
To date, Israel has rejected all offers and continues to confiscate Palestinian lands which it then builds subsidized (by U.S. tax dollars) housing, continues to expel Palestinians from East Jerusalem despite
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Read the party manifest of Likud and the other right wing parties they formed a government with, they say very similar things
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There will never be a Palestinian state until the threats and violence against Israel comes to an end. The Israelis have the upper hand in any military conflict and asking them to lay down and let the nice and peaceful Palestinians invade their neighborhoods to setup better firing positions is ridiculous. The entire issue of Palestine was created to cause Israel problems after the Arabs finally figured out that any more military adventures on their part was not going to end very well. Classic military tacti
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It does not matter which political party holds sway in Isreal. Even the most suicidal "give peace a chance party" is not going give up a single foot of land until they feel safe. So far they have seen no indication that the attacks would stop if only Isreal stopped settlements and set formal 2 state borders. There is no trust between the parties in this conflict. Look at that entire region of the world and you do not see anyone peacefully coexisting with other who might look different or have different idea
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You really think anything is "won fair and square in war" --- that "I've got bigger weapons and am better at killing your folks than you are mine" justifies "therefore, all your stuff belongs to us"?
Not saying it's the best way, but isn't that how country lines have been drawn since the beginning of recorded history?
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"They've had a blank check from the US for over 50 years"
No they have not. It was not until 1973 that the US provided military re-supply. To obtain this cooperation required Isreal to issue orders to arm their F-4s and Jericho missile with nukes. The order was announced in the clear to insure everyone knew what they were doing. This is what promted Nixon to agree to resupply Israel.
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Maybe they are just goading them in the hopes that some more talented anons come along and really hack them, thus giving them justification for cyber-defence spending.
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It is the new Al-CIAda, designed to justify the elimination of the free internet as we once knew it.
Yeah, so you don't know many twenty-something, single, idealistic computer geeks. If they're CIA, the CIA is pretty silly. I suppose that doesn't rule out the possibility of useful idiots, but the idea that the bulk of Anonymous is secret agents appears to be highly unlikely.
Follow without Interprtation by Jewish Media (Score:1)
http://anonopsibero.blogspot.com/2013/04/lista-parcial-de-sitios-atacados-en.html#.UWDukRBg8y6 [blogspot.com]
"Jewish" media, eh? (Score:2)
Your mask is slipping
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It is the new Al-CIAda, designed to justify the elimination of the free internet as we once knew it.
Ask yourself, who really benefits from the activities of "Anonymous"? The neocons and the military industrial complex, spreading fear so that we beg for the internet to be regulated and censored.
Don't fall for it.
*sigh* Of course it is. It can't possibly be immature, short-sighted kiddies taking advantage of easy targets for the notoriety, completely unable to comprehend the long-term policy effects of their actions due to a solipsistic culture that rewards selfishness and impulsiveness for an unattainable anarchic utopia best described as "self-serving", "sophomoric", or "on the same level as junior high self-insert power-fantasy fanfics". That'd just be silly, right? Imagine that, thinking that a bunch of noisy