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German Police Seize German Pirate Party Servers 121

fph il quozientatore writes "The German police have seized today the servers from the German Pirate Party after an attack on the French company EDF. Apparently they are looking for evidence of allegiance with the Anonymous group. In completely unrelated news, the website of the German police was down this afternoon."
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German Police Seize German Pirate Party Servers

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    This would've been better if Police Pocket Pirate Party Processors Punctually.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    This is what happens when you hack for the sake of hacking. I don't know if the German police really had reason to believe that Anonymous was related to the pirate party, but when you open Pandora's box, these things can be expected.

    • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Friday May 20, 2011 @06:51PM (#36197504)

      So when some group attacks some company we seize the property of a random pro-liberty group?

      Is that your understanding of democracy?

    • by qpqp ( 1969898 )
      Hmmm? This comes to mind: This is what happens Larry... [] But seriously, hacking for the sake of hacking brought us where we are today.
  • Sigh (Score:5, Insightful)

    by mseeger ( 40923 ) on Friday May 20, 2011 @06:00PM (#36196998)

    Idiots on both sides.... But we can say: the police started it...

    Taking down the central server of political party just 2 days ahead of elections is not nice.

    CU, Martin

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Taking down the central server of political party just 2 days ahead of elections is not nice.

      ...but if the PP-G is smart, they have a great opportunity to get some more people to vote... tweet: SEIZE-BACK... RETRO STYLE! Actually go to a booth and vote Pirate Party! #servergate

      But then in German of course. Maybe from #6 they can become #5.

      • Hmmm... two days does seem like the right amount of time for a social media campaign to grow really big over a single issue, but not long enough for it to fizzle out.
    • Re:Sigh (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Yvanhoe ( 564877 ) on Friday May 20, 2011 @06:27PM (#36197242) Journal
      The German pirate party was probably not involved in anything. They host an etherpad service ( that was working well and provided anonymity. Some attackers probably used it to share data without the PP's knowledge.

      Also many sources say that shutting down all servers of the political party was really exaggerated and that there will likely be legal consequences. It might sound like a joke, but Germans are a bit sensitive when seeing the police raid a political party. I think that this accident will, rightfully, help the pirate party.
      • I absolutely agree with the poster. Also, Germany is a country where privacy laws are taken über-seriously (pun intended). They also take crime very seriously. Whoever made the call to send the police in must have either balls of steel, perfectly knowing the media shitstorm that would ensue.
  • Nazis (Score:5, Funny)

    by Hatta ( 162192 ) on Friday May 20, 2011 @06:05PM (#36197042) Journal

    What a bunch of Nazis!

    • by Dan541 ( 1032000 )

      This is why you don't host servers in the same country as the government that you're challenging.

      • It was Anonymous that was using the german pirateparty etherpad server for their coordination.

        The takedown was ordered from France... the police was not after the Pirateparty but Anonymous.

        • by Dan541 ( 1032000 )

          Why not just ask the Pirate Party to take the pad offline?

          I don't buy it. The police don't shut down phone exchanges just to stop a drug deal. Sounds like a scapegoat to me.

  • The movie will be 15 minutes long, with soundtrack by Andy Warhol's Velvet Underground. [].

    Seriously, I'm not sure there is not enough here (unless it's in the German language, second link) to tell whether this is newsworthy or whether Jens lives in his mother's basement and sent a wormy email.

    • some of us live in our own basements thank you very much. not all basements are 'moms' basements

    • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Friday May 20, 2011 @06:58PM (#36197562)

      Not newsworthy?

      The servers of a party that has online liberty as one of its core agendas have been seized, with an allegation of being involved in an attack against some French nuke power company (who, in turn, has been accused of rather questionable security and even more questionable garbage disposal). From what it looks now, ONLY this party's servers, despite being most likely nothing more than the equivalent of a TOR exit node that has been abused.

      And all of that a few days before an election.

      Sorry, if that's not newsworthy, I guess personal liberty and its limitation by certain "interest groups" really isn't an issue for nerds anymore.

      • I just meant it is not evident from the article. Western press routinely reports false flags of government intervention (false reports that Bob Dylan's song list was censored in China last month, e.g.) I don't know, maybe there is something going on which is sinister, but it is in the interest of people who care that we not react to false alarms. I did not see anything in the article that told me whether the server was a 486 with a spam trojan, or a legitimate party mailing system abusively taken days pr
        • Cui bono?

          From such a move, i.e. launching a false flag op and pretending it is so when it ain't, there is only one possible beneficiary: The Pirate Party. Who else would have an interest to accuse "the powers that are" of trying to suppress a small party? No, not even the opposing parties do, why would they want to give the limelight to a party that is their direct competitor for votes?

          Plus, the people interested in the PP are usually young, internet-savvy and put a very strong emphasis on civil liberties a

    • by silanea ( 1241518 ) on Saturday May 21, 2011 @12:47PM (#36202932)

      Leaving the individual and your rather cheap ad hominem at him aside: The Pirate Party is one of the few smaller parties here in Germany with the potential to bring really disruptive change to the political landscape; Not so much through their own share of votes, they do not usually fare all that well in elections, but because they almost single-handedly brought matters formerly at the fringe of public interest - freedom of information and expression in the digital age, a sensible approach to compensating artists, governmental transparency and accountability - to the centre of attention for all parties. And by now they have left the initial image of an anarcho-nerdy kindergarten behind. People above the age of twenty are beginning to recognise them as a serious political movement.

      And now, two days prior to a state election (that in and of itself is not really important considering it is "only" about a rather small city-state but that is closely watched as a barometer of public opinion for the next federal elections) police take their whole infrastructure offline under very questionable circumstances. I am biased as I am both German and a Pirate Party supporter, but I do consider such an act newsworthy even for such a diverse audience as slashdot's.

  • Hmm... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by The Master Control P ( 655590 ) < minus bsd> on Friday May 20, 2011 @06:10PM (#36197094)
    The official state apparatus being used to harass opposition parties? In Germany? Days before an election? No, I'm not touching this one with a ten foot pole.
    • you can take a ten foot pole, and then find the cardboard from a roll of paper towels, and kind of stick it in the end.

    • I'm not touching this one with a ten foot pole.

      Then try a Belgian or a Dutchman. Then maybe a Frenchman or a Russian.

      Brits are off, I'm afraid.

    • why too stressed?

      see I rember the protestant reform like it was yesterday... Oliver's Army staying just round the corner, white niggers everywhere.

      Martin Luthor getting the Lyrics down... oh come on... ye faithful. get ye arse in gear.

      I wonder, is there any mention of any kind of prediction relating to the good old catholic deed dooing lot and their bloody ponzi schemes anywhere lurking on the English Parliament website?
      red blue red blue... oh such a card choice if only I could stop thinking of myself for o

  • if your system is hackable, someone can hack in and make you look like a criminal.

  • by nurb432 ( 527695 ) on Friday May 20, 2011 @06:20PM (#36197190) Homepage Journal

    Point a finger at your competition/enemy and make some unfounded claims about 'crimes against the state', and the police come in and take care of the problem for you.

    This remind anyone of something? Like Poland late 1939?

  • Sounds a lot like chasing witches, communists, drugs, and terrorists. And wind. And their own tails.

    Why do governments love chasing what they can't catch?
    • by tftp ( 111690 ) on Friday May 20, 2011 @10:14PM (#36198824) Homepage

      Why do governments love chasing what they can't catch?

      Because you can do it for as long as you want, and no particular results are expected. See "war on drugs" - there is no metric that is commonly used to show that "the war" is successful or not.

      For a cubicle dweller it would be equivalent to reporting to the boss every day that "I'm working on it" year after year, and still being paid in full for delivering nothing but appearance of effort.

    • Why do governments love chasing what they can't catch?

      Because then they can continually ask for more money to catch it. Duuh.

  • by airfoobar ( 1853132 ) on Friday May 20, 2011 @06:36PM (#36197346)
    Two days before the elections. Coincidence?
  • by kju ( 327 ) * on Friday May 20, 2011 @07:45PM (#36197938)

    The summary is very uninformative. This needs to be mentioned:

    - The reason for the seizure was topic of speculation all day long. It was very soon suspected that the reason was abuse of the "piratenpad", a publically available etherpad installation operated by the pirate party. Apparently this platform was used to coordinate a DDoS attack against the french energy and utility company (according to Wikipedia the largest of the world) EDF. Pirate party later stated that a SSH key for there webserver was posted on the piratenpad. See [] (german).

    - This service was only running on one of the servers but the police took all servers nethertheless which includes their mail and other important infrastructure.

    - The seizure was not the result of some german investigation but rather a reaction to a judicial assistance request by the french police.

    - As well-known german lawyer Udo Vetter points out ( - german) the german police was not required by law to react in this way. Furthermore political parties are somewhat protected by law and it is very arguable that the measures taken were adequate as required by law.

    - There is a state election in the German state of Bremen on Sunday. The pirate party is running there. This seizure is of course very unfortunate in light of this. This has promptly caused conspiracy theories that the reason for the seizure might be political.

  • There's a concept! Search people just because they just might be guilty of something. No concept of probable cause need exist these days.

  • I read "The German police have seized today" and immediately started heard newsies singing in my head. I guess confiscating other people's servers is their way to carpe diem.
  • ... is using its power to attack another political party - using the police to carry out their goal to destroy its opposition... Sounds like the present US administration to a T. Maybe they have been taking lessons.

Let's organize this thing and take all the fun out of it.
