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Obama Campaign Seeks LAMP Developers 488

kgamiel writes "The Obama campaign's CTO is hiring LAMP-biased geeks for the Boston office to help elect the Senator in the fall. This got me to wondering, what if he instead announced a SourceForge project toward the same end? What would such a project look like? Tools that both sides could use 'equally' would not achieve the desired end. And philosophically, could the Open Source community support one side in a competition such as this? What other issues does this raise?" Another reader notes that the Obama campaign is also searching for a security expert to plug the holes that allowed a hacker to redirect Obama's site (Linux/Apache hosted by GoDaddy) to Hillary Clinton's (Windows/IIS hosted by Rackspace).
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Obama Campaign Seeks LAMP Developers

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  • by consonant ( 896763 ) <[moc.liamg] [ta] [n.tnakirhs]> on Sunday June 01, 2008 @08:08AM (#23616177) Homepage
    I *really* think Hilary Clinton's should've been advised against being a female candidate, and hosting her site via 'Rack'space.. :-D
    • Ha! But I wonder at the whole redirect to her web site from Obama's... I'm surprised her site didn't get DOSed from the traffic increase. :-)

      But it also wouldn't surprise me if that was done by some republicans rather than Hillary supporters (not that it's always easy to tell the difference sometimes...). Remember the Limbaugh thing? There are lots of people who are interested in helping Hillary. You could even wonder if it wasn't done by an Obama supporter (or the campaign itself) to make Hillary look bad
      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        by certron ( 57841 )
        Can someone point me to news of this redirect 'hack'? These holes seem to be something completely outside of the server-security arena and more in the realm of 'the English language'.

        "Another reader notes that the Obama campaign is also searching for a security expert to plug the holes that allowed a hacker to redirect Obama's site (Linux/Apache hosted by GoDaddy) to Hillary Clinton's (Windows/IIS hosted by Rackspace)."

        I am convinced that this is actually referring to the redirection of (run by the
  • by phoxix ( 161744 ) on Sunday June 01, 2008 @08:11AM (#23616179)
    Jeebus, he wants to get things done, and not spend forever arguing about schematics, philosophy, languages, and what color the bikeshed is.
  • by croftj ( 2359 ) on Sunday June 01, 2008 @08:19AM (#23616223) Homepage
    Lead to a project which is probably incomplete, no documentation, and maybe a tarball that won't build.
  • by 3seas ( 184403 ) on Sunday June 01, 2008 @08:21AM (#23616235) Homepage Journal
    ... his running mate will be Al Gore.
    • Or John Edwards since he has a bigger support base from lower class white workers. Something Obama needs.
      • First off, I don't care who they partner him with, there are too many bigots in the Democratic Party to get this guy elected. Clinton is pulling a Wallace, distasteful as it seems, because it works. I have diehard Democrats in my family (Ohio, midwest) and they won't vote for him, worse they will vote against him. He didn't help himself getting caught making negative remarks about these people and his former Preacher lost him even more. Character doesn't change just because of an election, only its appea
        • by homer_s ( 799572 )
          Both of them are the worst examples of politicians I can imagine. Both are hypocrites of the biggest order, living the large life and telling everyone else to do without.

          Didn't Obama say the same thing at a commencement speech recently:

          "...There's no community service requirement in the real world; no one forcing you to care. You can take your diploma, walk off this stage, and chase only after the big house and the nice suits and all the other things that our money culture says you should by. You can
          • by TheoMurpse ( 729043 ) on Sunday June 01, 2008 @10:58AM (#23617091) Homepage
            Did you forget that after he got his diploma he spent some years as a community organizer? That clearly jives with his speech.

            What you quoted doesn't say "make no money, ever." It says "volunteer your time instead of focusing only on money."

            I see no disconnect in anything but you and your failure to grasp simple logic.
            • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

              by homer_s ( 799572 )
              Did you forget that after he got his diploma he spent some years as a community organizer? That clearly jives with his speech.

              I must've missed the part where he specified how long one should do community service and at what precise point one should cash in.

            • by Score Whore ( 32328 ) on Sunday June 01, 2008 @01:14PM (#23618299)
              Can you tell me what you think a community organizer is? You seem to think he was out there helping people out and generally being of service to the community. Which is wrong. Look at where he was and who he was working for: the Chicago political machine. His community organizing was all about getting people to show up and vote for the politician of the machine's choice. When he ran for office, his community organizing consisted of getting all his opponents removed from the ballot so that the community had exactly one person to vote for, him.

              If you want to talk service, then go ahead and talk service but don't tell the world that pushing class, race and religious division in order to get votes is some kind of community service.
              • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

                by Anonymous Coward
                Actually, a big part of it was community service through the Woods Foundation. He also organized voting drives and, yes, supported the candidates of his choice. But as a politically-involved person in Chicago, I can tell you that it's anything but a machine. He was a guy who was extraordinarily good at getting things done and his heart was in the right place.

                Your post seems to be agenda-driven in that it assumes that he was "pushing class, race and religious division in order to get votes." But he broug
                • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

                  by Score Whore ( 32328 )

                  But as a politically-involved person in Chicago, I can tell you that it's anything but a machine.

                  Chicago is known for it's political machinations. You may call it "anything but a machine" but the slightest amount of research will expose that almost all politics in Chicago is driven by back room dealing.

                  But he brought people together then just as he seeks to do as president.

                  But he's not trying to bring people together now. He's trying to get elected and says pretty much anything that he thinks will get him e

  • by the_hoser ( 938824 ) on Sunday June 01, 2008 @08:22AM (#23616243)
    It looks like he wants to hire someone competent to run his web server. If I were running for a major political office, I'd certainly want someone competent runing my webserver.

    If Obama does make a statement of support for open source software, then that'd give him kudos from me. Open source isn't the unstoppable freight train we'd like it to be, and could use all the friends in high places it can get.

    Anything to piss in Microsoft's Cheereos makes me happy.
    • by TheoMurpse ( 729043 ) on Sunday June 01, 2008 @11:01AM (#23617119) Homepage
      I don't know about a statement in support of XLOPQFLOSS, but I do know that he's a colleage and friend of Lawrence Lessig, and Obama sat down with Lessig before declaring his candidacy to discuss tech and internet policy.

      Lessig endorses him wholeheartedly (you could cynically say it's because he wants a SCOTUS appointment), and from what I've read on Lessig's blog, Obama agrees with much of Lessig's tech/internet policy.

      And as Lessig is my hero ("hero" is not the right word, but "role model" doesn't suffice), that's enough for me.
    • It looks like he wants to hire someone competent to run his web server. If I were running for a major political office, I'd certainly want someone competent runing my webserver.

      Give it to Hans Reiser.

      • 1. He has the free time ...
      • 2. He can kill -9 anyone who fscks with it - what are they going to do, send him to jail?
      • 3. Like any good politician, he knows where the bodies are buried and he's not telling ...
    • by Red Flayer ( 890720 ) on Sunday June 01, 2008 @12:00PM (#23617719) Journal

      If I were running for a major political office, I'd certainly want someone competent runing my webserver.
      Ambiguous typo there -- do you want someone competent running your webserver or ruining your webserver?

      Or did you actually mean runing? Perhaps you have "verbed" the noun "rune", in which case I expect that someone should explain to you that politics doesn't work like Diablo II, and you can't add runes to objects to make them more effective in real life.

      Thanks in avdance for the clarification, it will help me understand your point much more clearly.
  • Why is this different from other competitions, like which company can have better software? Am I missing something?
    With any FOSS the company to sponsor it gets to use it first because they made the specs and were expecting it, but if other users are forbidden it is no longer FOSS. I could, for instance, pay someone to write a new DB search class, add it ot the archives of other such classes, and there I made some FOSS. Even if I have a jump on anyone else stumbling on it.
  • by grizdog ( 1224414 ) on Sunday June 01, 2008 @08:24AM (#23616253) Homepage
    for any political campaign would be pretty hard to keep track of. Subversion, anybody?
  • by NZheretic ( 23872 ) on Sunday June 01, 2008 @08:24AM (#23616255) Homepage Journal
    Which means Bush W.==Windows XP, Bill Clintion==Mac OS9, and Bush Snr==Win98/96.
    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by Darkn3ss ( 812009 )

      Which means Bush W.==Windows XP, Bill Clintion==Mac OS9, and Bush Snr==Win98/96.
      No no, W. 1st term was Windows XP. Second term was Vista. It got worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse. Then a service pack came out, and it got worse. Then again, definitely a MS error here. Afganistan blows up our buildings. Clicks Go to War button. Clicks Afganistan. 100,000 troops are then deployed to Iraq.
  • Oh God (Score:5, Insightful)

    by MindlessAutomata ( 1282944 ) on Sunday June 01, 2008 @08:36AM (#23616307)
    Is slashdot going to turn into Obama propaganda like digg and other sites too? The Obama campaign is looking for people with server and programming experience. Big deal.
    • Re:Oh God (Score:5, Interesting)

      by gorbachev ( 512743 ) on Sunday June 01, 2008 @09:39AM (#23616643) Homepage
      Can't seem to remember OSS being used by any other presidential candidate in the past, ever.

      So, in a community championing OSS, yes, I would say that's kinda of a big deal.

      If you take this to its logical conclusion, there's a good chance, if elected as President of the United States, he (or rather his technology people) might be advocating for more OSS within the Government. THAT would be a Very Big Deal (tm).
      • Re:Oh God (Score:5, Informative)

        by Dausha ( 546002 ) on Sunday June 01, 2008 @09:51AM (#23616709) Homepage
        IIRC, in 2000 Gore's site was taken down because it used Microsoft. So, he switched to Apache. So, OSS has been used in previous campaigns. I'll bet Apache has been used enough to invalidate your assumption that OSS is only now in the ascent in politics.
      • Re:Oh God (Score:5, Informative)

        by yelvington ( 8169 ) on Sunday June 01, 2008 @12:03PM (#23617739) Homepage

        "Can't seem to remember OSS being used by any other presidential candidate in the past, ever."

        Here are several, then.

        Howard Dean's 2004 campaign used Drupal [] to build a website aimed at helping grassroots supporters self-organize. The resulting package was released as a fork called Civicspace, which eventually was reconciled back into the Drupal core and the CiviCRM [] constitutent relationship management toolkit.

        Wesley Clark's 2004 campaign open-sourced an array of projects [].

        John Edwards has endorsed the concept of open-source software for voting machines and has blogged about open source. [] Note that Redhat is based in his state.

        This year, Christopher Dodd's website was built on Drupal 5, Bill Richardson's with Zope, and all of the Democratic candidates except Hillary Clinton ran Linux or BSD. (Clinton and most of the Republicans ran Windows servers.)

        And I'm sure there are other examples.

    • by Epistax ( 544591 )

      Is slashdot going to turn into Obama propaganda like digg and other sites too? The Obama campaign is looking for people with server and programming experience. Big deal.
      Er.. what? I thought slashdot was a Ron Paul propaganda machine (or whoever is the most libertarian in any particular election). I chalk this one up to slow-news-day.
  • No, it doesn't need to be polluted with some politicians lies. ( i dont care which one, they are all the same )
  • No, not SourceForge (Score:5, Interesting)

    by hacker ( 14635 ) <> on Sunday June 01, 2008 @09:10AM (#23616487)

    Please don't encourage the use of SourceForge for things like this. Not only is SourceForge a dead-end for time-limited projects, it is also full of dead, empty or completely abandoned projects.

    A good 60% or more of the projects there have seen no activity at all (because people think creating a project there will automatically write itself), and many projects haven't been touched in 4, 5, 6 or more years.

    They've consistently crippled the use of standard OSS tools like CVS, Subversion and Mailman just so they can try to retain control of projects by limiting the ability to use them effectively. They don't support other tools like git and proper MTA support for mailing commits to developers.

    Also, quite a few projects have pulled the source to previous releases (a violation of the GPL that these projects were released under; gaim is one of them). Their management of projects and overall administration leaves MUCH to be desired.

    Lastly, SourceForge was originally going to be called "Cold Storage", and it was supposed to partner with Freshmeat to permanently archive projects. I've seen many projects vanish from SourceForge, which completely negates the whole policy of its existance.

    So while I respect and encourage the use of OSS tools, LAMP, retaining the mindshare of key developers who can help support a candidate they support, I don't think choosing SourceForge to host the project is a wise move.

    Do you choose the type of hammer and nails you're going to use, before you draft the plans to build your new house? Do you choose the kind of vehicle you're going to drive before you know your destination and travel route? Of course you don't.

    Why choose the hosting service before you've even chosen what kinds of components and requirements the project will need?

    • quite a few projects have pulled the source to previous releases (a violation of the GPL that these projects were released under; gaim is one of them).

      It's only a violation if they continue to provide compiled binaries for download. See the bottom of section 3 of GPL v2.

      • by hacker ( 14635 )

        Incorrect. I am entitled to the source of the binaries they have already distributed. They've pulled all binaries and source from the site, which does not meet GPLv2 guidelines and requirements.

        You skipped Section 3b of the GPLv2 verbage. They are not in compliance at this point due to that, and their removal of the source is a direct violation of the SourceForge TOS.

        • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

          by hankwang ( 413283 ) *

          You skipped Section 3b of the GPLv2 verbage.

          Section 3b is about physical media (e.g., cd, dvd). Do you expect to be able to order a cd with the source code for every GPL program you download from the internet?

          From the GPL FAQ:

          How can I make sure each user who downloads the binaries also gets the source?

          You don't have to make sure of this. As long as you make the source and binaries available so that the users can see what's available and take what they want, you have done what is required of you

          • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

            by hacker ( 14635 )

            Section 3b is about physical media (e.g., cd, dvd).

            Not according to our FSF-appointed attorney (who incidentally, teacher IP and Copyright law). The traditional use of it is for vendor-supplied products which ship with GPL components, but this most-definitely is not limited to physical media distribution.

            We've actually used 3b before to leverage a company to provide source for the binary copies of their project they were "beaming" and allowing downloads for, for their users and partners. None of this ha

  • by 1 a bee ( 817783 ) on Sunday June 01, 2008 @09:13AM (#23616511)
    I'm an Obama fan. Reading his book, and look to maybe contributing some time to his campaign. And I love to discuss politics. But this story is stupid. It's not even an ask /. entry.

    No, it would be silly to put up a sourceforge project for a candidate. Better concentrate on how best to use existing tools.

    Have USB will travel - []

  • by assertation ( 1255714 ) on Sunday June 01, 2008 @09:34AM (#23616613)

    Another reader notes that the Obama campaign is also searching for a security expert to plug the holes that allowed a hacker to redirect Obama's site (Linux/Apache hosted by GoDaddy) to Hillary Clinton's (Windows/IIS hosted by Rackspace).

    If I was an Obama campaign manager I would actually be thankful that happened. People like me, who started off being fans of the Clintons, have gotten turned off to them because of the negative tactics they and their strong supporters have used.

    I had a refrigerator magnet that read "Come Back Bill, All Is Forgiven". I just moved and decided not to put it back up. In one day Geraldine Ferraro's reputation was ruined for me.

  • by unity100 ( 970058 ) on Sunday June 01, 2008 @09:47AM (#23616693) Homepage Journal
    yea, our generation. this guy is practically 10 years older than me. and many years younger than many of you here.

    despite im 33 years old and many of you are over 40, and many of you below 25 even, we belong to a single generation - information age generation. this super generation is people who got influenced with the advent of information technology, from 60s and on. at those decades, the impact was limited to whomever worked in the i.t. field. but with the spread of the ibm personal computer compatibles, it reached a broader segment of the society (and internationally too) and with the internet it reached the masses. however, up to this point, the world has been ruled by representatives who had little to do with those changes. either because they are too old, and information revolution did not affect them (because they werent in field of i.t. in 60s and on) or because they were much older, derelict of cold war era.

    clinton is an example of the former - despite she was young at the onset of 60s and 70s, the real start of this information revolution, she had nothing to do with i.t., wasnt working in an i.t. field, and henceforth remained out of these changes.

    im not even talking about mccain.

    obama is different. he is young enough to have lived his youth at the time when information revolution was reaching masses, and he had enough exposure to i.t. (and very probably to open source ideals) during his time working in community service.

    he is an example of how the future will be. as the older generation of (i say dinosaurs) phase out, this new generation - practically 'our' generation, because internet causing people to do everything together regardless of nation and location - is going to take over the world step by step. rightly so, because that is the nature of life.

    and things will change. see this difference in approach in between those 2 candidates (one seeking lamp developer, not even asking a college degree, and hosting their stuff on lamp servers, the other is going all old big buck style, hosting their stuff on microsoft iis) signifies the difference in understanding in between them.

    change will come faster in europe, because europe did not experience mccarthyism of america, that killed the potential change a few generations would be able to bring in 50s and 60s. therefore the transition there is smoother, because there didnt happen a lost generation that was not able to take positions of government, power due to scaremongering.

    in u.s. it will be a bit harder. because mccarthyism scaremongering in between 50-60s caused that period to be one of stale progress up until the end of 60s. big corporations are going to fight back in u.s., whereas in europe they are already kept in check with Eu institutions.

    im turkish, i live in turkey, irrelevant to many stuff that is happening in u.s., and im an obama supporter. that is because he is one of the spearheads of our broad information-age/new generation to bring change, regardless of where that change happens, we all should support each other.
  • Honestly neither McCain, Obama, or Clinton is going to be good for F/OSS. None of them are programmers, none of them know much about computers, Obama doesn't proclaim to use Linux, McCain isn't a Gnome (or KDE) fanatic and Clinton's favorite text editor is probably Notepad. Just because Obama wants to use some F/OSS guys in development of his website that doesn't mean that he is for F/OSS any more then any of the candidates are. And no, if Obama uses Linux in his servers and it runs on Apache that doesn't m
  • I love LAMP (Score:5, Funny)

    by rAiNsT0rm ( 877553 ) on Sunday June 01, 2008 @10:22AM (#23616897) Homepage
    /that is all
  • by xyourfacekillerx ( 939258 ) on Sunday June 01, 2008 @11:24AM (#23617355)
    Why would *anyone* politicize software and platform preference? So now, I'm a liberal because I use Linux, or I'm a conservative because I use Windows? The last thing we need is more division and resentment among us. I like the software (programming) world because as computer nerds we are happily removed from the greater social issues that give everyone else so much consternation. Why would anyone want to ruin this?
  • by Doofus ( 43075 ) on Sunday June 01, 2008 @11:36AM (#23617473)
    $Candidate: So what kind of people do we need on the technology side?

    $SeniorTechAdvisor: Open source, Windows, Mac OS/X, Linux, etc. We're platform neutral.

    $Candidate: As long as we have someone on the team with DIEBOLD experience, I'm satisfied.
  • Oh boy (Score:5, Funny)

    by soccerisgod ( 585710 ) on Sunday June 01, 2008 @12:39PM (#23618003)

    Obama -> GoDaddy

    Clinton - Rackspace

    Am I the only one who's laughing his ass off at this?

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