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Will Linux Win the Next Presidential Election? 453

i_like_spam writes "Douglas Karr has posted an interesting breakdown, complete with bar charts, of the operating systems and server software used by the websites for 23 declared and undeclared presidential candidates. The breakdown shows that there is nearly an equal split between Linux and Windows servers among the whole candidate pool. More interesting, all of the Democratic candidates except for Hillary favor Linux or FreeBSD. 69% of the Republican candidates, in contrast, prefer Windows. Is this preference for OSS or Microsoft a true reflection of differing political philosophies? And, more importantly, will Linux win the next election?"
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Will Linux Win the Next Presidential Election?

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  • by eldavojohn ( 898314 ) * <<eldavojohn> <at> <>> on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @12:54PM (#19664825) Journal

    69% of the Republican candidates, in contrast, prefer Windows.
    What's even more shocking is that the other 31% of the Republican candidates are running Ubuntu Christian Edition [] while it turns out in the end that the very core of their operating system is the same kernel that Ubuntu Satanic Edition [] runs on.

    Makes you think, doesn't it?

    And don't even get me started on Hillary, there's solid proof that her servers resolve to the IP address and that good packets go in but only packets with the evil flag flipped to '1' come out.

    I suppose that's politicians for you, though. 'Does not compute' with them, can't pretend we're living in a society where everyone feels equally represented without them.
    • by ringfinger ( 629332 ) * on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @12:59PM (#19664905) Homepage
      Did Ubuntu Christian Edition come fully formed as a distro? Or did it evolve?

      These stories of a Finnish student designing Linux must be garbage. We all know that Linux is too complex to have evolved over time to its current state. It could only have been created by an Intelligent 'designer'

      • by blhack ( 921171 )
        You're "joke" is pretty flawed. Linux does not have the ability to replicate itself without human intervention; therefore, it does not have the ability to evolve.

        Its possible that you meant that linux DOES very closely follow the evolution of humans. Linus created the original single celled organism (the shell he wrote to connect to his universities computers), then allowed it to evolve while keeping a close eye on it.

        But i doubt it.
        • > You're "joke" is pretty flawed. Linux does not have the ability to replicate itself without human
          > intervention; therefore, it does not have the ability to evolve.

          You confuse the general concept of evolution with the biological concept of evolution. The former does not require self-replication.

          And, although poorly stated, it is not really "just" a joke. One reason the "intelligent design" arguments are crap to me, is that my experience as a programmer tells me that the more complex a program is, t
        • Humans don't have the ability to replicate themselfs without a food source.

          Everything depends upon something else to replicate.

          Your point is?
        • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @01:57PM (#19665811)
          "You're "joke" is pretty flawed. Linux does not have the ability to replicate itself without human intervention; therefore, it does not have the ability to evolve."

          Last time I checked, I didn't have the ability to replicate myself without human intervention either :-) :-)
        • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

          by JebusIsLord ( 566856 )
          Yes, it does. Evolution just means change over time. Linux changes over time. Intelligent design runs counter to Natural Selection as a mechanism for evolution, not evolution itself.
    • Wow, You better warn them of that. And why your at it, inform the that W is the number 6 in the Hebrew language. So when they goto websites, WWW. well you get the picture.
    • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @01:08PM (#19665063)
      Don't forget also: Ubuntu Satanic Edition uses the text editor of the beast, Vi Vi Vi.
    • by coren2000 ( 788204 ) on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @03:30PM (#19667047) Journal
      ... and it was good.
  • Doubt it (Score:5, Insightful)

    by blhack ( 921171 ) on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @12:54PM (#19664839)
    Lets me honest, it is VERY unlikely that these candidates even KNOW what operating system their web server is running. Furthermore, i would doubt that most of them know what an operating system, or a web server even are.
    • Very true. The candidates themselves don't know and don't care. However, some of their staffers and volunteers do know and do care. The numbers presented in the summary are somewhat indicative of the attitudes of the teams as a whole towards copyright and business.
      • Re:Doubt it (Score:5, Insightful)

        by blhack ( 921171 ) on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @01:04PM (#19665003)
        I have to disagree. While one could assume that all of the staff members on a political campaign share the values of the candidate they are supporting, it is also very likely that there were just some nerds who needed a job. It is also quite possible that the decision was not even made in house. The choice of op-sys could have fallen into the hands of nerds who run the hosting company where the site is hosted.
        • Pure randomness? I'm sure someone here will be willing to calculate the odds against that for you, if you like...
          • by blhack ( 921171 )
            Sure: lets see, we have two possible outcomes. Given a perfectly random system....hrm, carry the 5...divide by 9....the inverse of the quotient times number of pirates in existance....should be...

            yep, about 50/50.
            • You're only commenting on the Republican side. I was referring to the discrepancy between the Democrats (1 out of X) and the Republicans (5 out of 9). As I implied elsewhere, I'm sure a Student's t-test [] would show this to be quite statistically significant. (Unfortunately, I can't RTFA to figure out what "X" is, but I'm guessing it's also about 9.) Also, your implied assumption is a priori 50/50 odds, which seems like a hell of an assumption. (Comparing the two groups requires no such assumption.)

              • by BlackCobra43 ( 596714 ) on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @01:21PM (#19665291)
                The lack of a sufficient population precludes a Student test; any sample would be meaningless.
                • Thank you. I was about to post this. You should be +5 Insightful.

                  These numbers tell us exactly nothing. The sample group is WAY too small.
                • Referring to my other calculations, one could argue that the chances of this happening by chance are about 1 in 7. So, yes, as you say, not statistically significant. What is interesting is that Hillary (arguably the most conservative Democrat) is the one Democratic Windows user, and two of the four Republican Linux users are Ron Paul and John McCain. So, I do not believe it is "pure randomness", but that hypothesis cannot be ruled out. (I.e., you're absolutely correct in every sense.)
                • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

                  The whole reason the Student test was developed was to work with small samples. You know... beer taste testing where you can't have the same tester drink a hundred beers at once.

      • by eln ( 21727 ) *
        It probably has more to do with what the college students running the site prefer. Maybe there is a direct correlation between preferring Windows and a propensity to join the Young Republicans, who knows. Maybe the Democrats get their IT folks from colleges and small companies where people are used to spending little or nothing on server software, while the Republicans tend to favor getting their IT people from larger companies that are used to spending a lot of money on that sort of thing.

        Either way, the
    • I don't plan on doing a students t-test or anything, but these results seem pretty significant to me. You're right that the candidates probably don't know what operating system their web server is running, so instead it speaks more to the kind of people they hire to run their web servers. One can easily make generalizations about both groups, so I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader.
    • Re:Doubt it (Score:5, Insightful)

      by sumdumass ( 711423 ) on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @01:12PM (#19665133) Journal
      Well, A more accurate survey might be how they actually stand on issues like open document, looking at open source as possible solutions instead of just buying MS products. It seems to me that more of this has happened in the last 8 years then the 8 before. But then again, a lot of strides in open source and alternative software has come around in the last 8 years so it might just be a maturity thing too.

      And this still doesn't touch the individual candidates position, it could very well be some staffer telling them to vote this way or what ever. But it would still be interesting to see what these candidates would say if confronted with the question of open source verses closed and what makes the best tool for the job.
    • by b0r1s ( 170449 )
      Absolutely right. Virtually zero chance of any candidate knowing/caring about the hosting platform. At best, there's a 5% chance that someone in their campaign considered .NET v. PHP when hiring a web developer, and that decision pushed them towards their hosting platform of choice.

    • Absolutely! I'll go further and state that their campaign committees don't have a clue either. The deciding factor is not what OS they like, but how they choose their hosting company.
  • by ehaggis ( 879721 ) on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @12:55PM (#19664847) Homepage Journal
    What do they use? We have more than two parties you know.
  • by jimbobborg ( 128330 ) on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @12:55PM (#19664849)
    Most, if not all, the candidates don't have a clue about what their website is running on, much less care about it. I really doubt that Hillary discussed Windows versus Linux versus BSD. Get real. It seems to me that most in Congress are technophobes, and have people do stuff for them.
    • by moderatorrater ( 1095745 ) on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @01:11PM (#19665117)
      Agreed. This tells us absolutely nothing about the candidates themselves. However, what it can tell us is what their supporters believe. And the prediction that linus will win is easy, linux is used by the most candidates. One study I'd like to see is if political affiliation correlates to a particular OS for average users.
  • by jellomizer ( 103300 ) * on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @12:55PM (#19664851)
    Not as much the Party Ideals that choose the Operating System, But the more active supporters who choose the OS.

    Democrats generally have a younger following then the republicans. More younger people know how to use Linux and know enough about it to use it properly. So Democrats will typically use Linux.

    Republicans tend to have an older following and they will use what they know. If they don't know then they will use what most people seem to use. So that will be windows.

    Also Open Source People tend to bereave in a more socialistic view that is more compatible with the democrats views so Linux and OSS People will be more likely to support Democrats.

    Hillary Clinton is a more of a moderate candidate so bulk of the Linux supporters (who are typically more liberal) will not be as much encouraged to help her, while the general moderate population will be more willing to support her, so they will use what they know and the general population knows windows.
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      Give me a break, why are you reading into this so much. If you believe that garbage you need a reality check.

      The campaign manager found a website project manager to construct and maintain the site. The campaign manager wanted x, y, and z to work like so. The web manager took those specs and choose an operating system, probably the only their company uses most, if not exclusively, and went that way.

      If even one of these 23 sites had its OS designated by someone other than the project manager, based on n
    • Some people believe Bush is the moderate (supporting Kennedy with no child left behind, his stance on immigration) and think Hillary is far left (socialized medicine). Personally, I think they are both politicians.
      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by Slur ( 61510 )
        Politicians.... well yes, but not in the better sense of the word. Politics used to be about advocacy and effective expression. Now it means - and I guess you mean - packaging up your corporate supporters' agendas into something people can swallow without choking. Ah, but I do miss the concept of noblesse oblige []!

        So, some people believe that everything Bush does is for an ulterior motive, and that by supporting "moderate" positions on the surface he is able to gain subtle advantages for the hard-line right-w
    • OK, normally I'd not nitpick any kind of typo, etc (I make enough of them myself), but this one just struck me as odd:

      Also Open Source People tend to bereave in a more socialistic view that is more compatible with the democrats views so Linux and OSS People will be more likely to support Democrats.
      What does that mean, that Open Source People believe in redistribution of grief? That Closed Source People tend to mourn in a capitalist manner?
  • by ringfinger ( 629332 ) * on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @12:55PM (#19664853) Homepage
    If Linux distro's were women... butions-were-women/ []
  • Sorry, I had to ask.
  • Weak (Score:2, Funny)

    This is one of the weaker examples of "News for nerds. Stuff that matters." that I've seen in a while...
  • Unreal... (Score:2, Insightful)

    by darken9999 ( 460645 )
    Of all the things going on in the world and the country, if you actually care about this, you shouldn't be allowed to vote.
  • Given Diebold... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Lord_Slepnir ( 585350 ) on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @12:58PM (#19664883) Journal
    Given the pervalance of Diebold machines, I'd say just about anyone could win the next presidental election.

    Seriously, people won't care about these crappy machines until either (1) some bat-shit-fucking insane neocon with a hard-on for starting WWIII is elected, or (2) Cowboy Neal is being sworn in.

    Wait, one option already failed. Slashdotters, you know what you must do.

  • by moderatorrater ( 1095745 ) on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @12:59PM (#19664899)
    Does anyone actually believe the candidates care about what they're running? If you look, almost all of them are using a hosting company which, to me, indicates that they just don't care what OS they're running. Like every other client in the world, they're just worried about having a web page up and running and they don't care if it's a kitten in a box typing out the html every time a request comes in. They just care if it works. While interesting, I can't for the life of me understand why people would think it's a political issue what OS their sites are running on.
    • by blhack ( 921171 )

      they don't care if it's a kitten in a box typing out the html every time a request comes in.
      but they don't have opposable thumbs! How will they hit the space bar?!?!?

      I'm going to need to see an RFC.
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      This issue is a subtle indication of how the campaign organizations of each party really work. Just as if you were to *ahem* discover that local operatives in one party were using caging lists that the candidates themselves were unaware of. It all speaks to the broader campaigning philosophies.
  • If Cthulhu []were running what OS would he prefer?
  • John McCain (for example) took time out of his preparation for upcoming primaries to chair an internal commitee on whether or not to use Windows or Linux servers. Furthermore, he took into consideration the political, secretive, subliminal implications of this choice and made a strategic move that would appease constituents. Or maybe he just asked an old buddy to coordinate his web site.
    • by ehaggis ( 879721 )
      He probably asked his neighbor's 14 year old nephew to design his website. Or maybe he outsourced it.
      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by sumdumass ( 711423 )
        Wasn't McCain the guy who used the templates and didn't give the credit were it said you needed to do on Myspace and even had the gull to pull the pictures from the template makers website which let him replace it with a joke image?

        It probably was the 12 year old neighbor.
  • Good to know (Score:5, Insightful)

    by bahwi ( 43111 ) on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @01:00PM (#19664929)
    But it's the last thing I care about in this election. With the Iraqi war, the illusion of "terrorism", Big Government Republicans(let's get rid of state rights AND build new, extraneous federal agencies like TSA and DOHS). I could care less if they thought apple iie was the newest type of computer on the market and urging everyone to upgrade to that that is fine. OSS needs to win on a technically better standpoint not a political motivation. It also needs to win because of an Open Government standpoint too, not just because it is OSS.
  • by HornWumpus ( 783565 ) on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @01:01PM (#19664941)

    Used rubber runs BSD.

    Vote Giant douche.

    • I think you implied that if you choose BSD over Linux or Windows you'll get laid. /me switches.
  • by CaptainPatent ( 1087643 ) on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @01:04PM (#19665001) Journal
    Even the more moderate Republican candidates such as Ron Paul and Rudy Guliani are running Linux whereas most of the true right wingers are running windows and most of the true left wingers are running linux or BSD.

    Perhaps this can be construed as a statement of American corporatism seeing as the fundamentals of a Republican viewpoint involve making sure there are plenty of jobs by making sure the corporations do well. This would mean that "buying American" is the way to go. The Democratic viewpoint however, encourages the little man to do well so saving money and being a savvy consumer on an individual level are preferred along with "giving the little guy a chance" so various flavors of linux and BSD come into play there.

    Definitely an interesting find!
  • No and No (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Dynedain ( 141758 ) <[moc.nilcmynohtna] [ta] [2todhsals]> on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @01:04PM (#19665017) Homepage

    Is this preference for OSS or Microsoft a true reflection of differing political philosophies? And, more importantly, will Linux win the next election?

    No and No.

    If you honestly believe that a candidate's webserver reflects their political leanings, you're sadly delusional.

    If you're planning your vote based on the candidates choice of webserver OS, then you're really missing the bigger issues.

    There is not a single thing done on any of the candidate sites that are platform specific. And I doubt any of them developed their sites "in-house" (within the campaign staff). I would bet that every single one of them found a developer and/or hosting company to design and build their site. And they probably went with whatever that developer/hosting provider recommended for a hosting plan.

    While looking at the differences makes for an interesting exercise in alleviating boredom, it says nothing about the overall race or candidate's positions and abilities.

    And I say this as a web developer who works on both Windows and *NIX servers and usually recommends Apache on Linux or FreeBSD.
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by TubeSteak ( 669689 )

      I would bet that every single one of them found a developer and/or hosting company to design and build their site. And they probably went with whatever that developer/hosting provider recommended for a hosting plan

      Okay, so you're saying it is an amazing coincidence the way the distribution shook itself out?

      You may not be aware of this, but some hosting companies do have political 'affiliations'. Either because the owners are partisan, or because partisans happen to flock to that company for hosting.

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Alchemar ( 720449 )
      I'm not so sure that it doesn't have an implication of their political leanings. While I don't think that any of the canidates are closely enough involved to even know what is running their web server, it had to be decided by someone. It gives a lot more insite into the beliefs of the people they surround them with than what they believe directly, but it has been my experience that most people surround themselves with people that have similar beliefs.

      It makes sense that people that have a
    • by Soko ( 17987 ) on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @01:52PM (#19665719) Homepage

      If you honestly believe that a candidate's webserver reflects their political leanings, you're sadly delusional.
      Sadly delusional? Sadly??? Dude, I like my delusions, which is why they're still around.

      /me goes to look for grandeur...

  • "Is this preference for OSS or Microsoft a true reflection of differing political philosophies? "

    Um, no. Candidate says "Gimme a website". Contractor says "ok". He may say things about the color he wants or which font to use, but he certainly is not interested in which OS is being used. He won't even know the difference between PHP and ASP.
  • They are running tubes on the internets Al Gore invented. Duh!
  • by WIAKywbfatw ( 307557 ) on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @01:11PM (#19665115) Journal
    I really don't give a damn what servers are driving their websites. I give a damn about what their policies would be, and what hopes, ideals and dreams they intend to realise.

    As a non-American, I don't get to vote for one of these people next year (heck, for that matter, neither do disenfranchised Americans) but that doesn't mean that this election doesn't effect me. In many ways (the "War on Terror", climate change, etc), those of us outside the US are just as effected by White House policy as Americans themselves.

    So, I implore those of you that can vote to a) do so; b) encourage everybody you know to do so; and c) vote for the candidate that will do the most to repair the damage done in the last six years by the current incumbent.

    Please, the last anybody needs is another head-in-the-sand US administration. We're not exactly at the last chance saloon just yet but four more years of politics ad absurdum isn't going to help make things better.
    • The fact that slashdot seems to think this is newsworthy is absolutely absurd. As many others said the candidates probably don't know anything about what servers their respective campaigns are running. Furthermore, this looks like an attempt at political influence based on this 'information'. If as a voter you choose based on a small thing like server OS, you really don't deserve to vote IMO. Maybe instead we could see more useful information on the candidate's respective views on OSS policy and DRM issue
    • by GodfatherofSoul ( 174979 ) on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @02:00PM (#19665857)
      Don't tell me about the importance of elections; we've seen the results of uninformed and apathetic voters over the last 6 years. Even some of the most die-hard dittoheads are abandoning ship (you'll hear a lot more people calling themselves "Libertarian" rather than "Conservative" nowadays). But, you're telling me that you don't find it interesting that there's such a disparity in Linux preference and that it doesn't belong on Slashdot?
  • Is this preference for OSS or Microsoft a true reflection of differing political philosophies?

    Most of these guys (and gals) know nothing of what kind of software their web server or such is running. They're just like most others who pay to have these kinds of things put together: they hire out another party to have them take care of the details. Or do you mean to tell me that people here really think that Obama is busy working on his HTML skills between campaign stops?
  • Ron Paul & Linux (Score:4, Interesting)

    by AnyThingButWindows ( 939158 ) on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @01:19PM (#19665261) Homepage
    If Ron Paul wins, then Linux will too.

    telnet 80
    Connected to
    Escape character is '^]'.
    HEAD / HTTP/1.1

    HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
    Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2007 17:17:44 GMT
    Server: Apache/2.0.52 (Red Hat)
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1

    Connection closed by foreign host.
    • by Khaed ( 544779 ) on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @03:16PM (#19666877)
      If Ron Paul wins I won't have to buy gas anymore because I'll simply catch a ride with a flying pig to work.

      Seriously, Ron Paul is the right version of Kucinich. He stands about the same chance of winning the Republican nomination as Hillary does of winning a beauty pageant.
  • What an utterly... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by stubear ( 130454 ) on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @05:41PM (#19668819)
    ...fucking stupid premise. If you base your vote on this, stop voting from now on, please.
  • by rdean400 ( 322321 ) on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @05:43PM (#19668831)
    I don't think it's a political thing. It's more likely that they hire their PR/marketing firm and they choose where to host the site.
  • by trianglman ( 1024223 ) on Wednesday June 27, 2007 @06:26PM (#19669257) Journal
    Do the candidates know what software their web servers run or even care?

Pascal is not a high-level language. -- Steven Feiner
