US Senators Question Indian Firms Over H-1Bs 415
xzvf sends us a link to a BusinessWeek report on the campaign of two US senators to get answers to how H-1B work visas are actually being used. Yesterday Senators Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Richard Durbin (D-IL) sent a letter (PDF) to nine Indian outsourcing firms that, among them, snapped up 30% of the H-1B visas issued last year. The senators want to know, among other things, whether the H-1B program is being used to enable the offshoring of American jobs. "Critics say outsourcing firms, including Infosys Technologies and Wipro, are using the visas to replace US employees with foreign workers, often cycling overseas staff through US training programs before sending them back into jobs at home."
Yes... (Score:3, Insightful)
H-1B visas are a boon for employers. They not just have the power of a job, but the power to send people packing back to their homeland, so of course, H-1B people end up very docile shills, as they have a lot to lose.
Re:Yes... (Score:5, Insightful)
Legitimate H1B - not from the contractor sweat shops are not taking any jobs aways. Tried hiring anybody decent recently?
Re:Yes... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Yes... (Score:5, Informative)
WRONG! Sorry to bust your bubble, but this has been studied. H1-B's average less than their American counter parts. You can't pull that one off here Buckwheat!
Have you been through an MBA program lately? Well along with my 15 years of engineering experience and my BS EE and MS CS, I earned my MBA 3 years ago. We studied these sorts of things. The use of H-1B's and offshoring were stressed as a means to bring down laybor costs (not just in tech, but in health care, accounting, etc).
And as a manager I can tell you that upper management EXPECTS us to lower costs using these "tools".
Re:Yes... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Yes... (Score:5, Informative)
Instead they view IT workers as cost centers. Accountants write their salary in red as a loss since I.T. does not make anything and brings 0 value. But something like Sales can be written as capital as they can show they bring money in for example.
Of course that is BS but alot of new MBA graduates whose professors spewed this crap when the
Re:Yes... (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Yes... (Score:4, Insightful)
I overheard an older businessman talking at lunch with a friend of his about the absurdity of these practices. The goal really is just to suppress wages, and it is undertaken in a series of discrete steps:
Re:Yes... (Score:4, Insightful)
I overheard an older businessman talking at lunch with a friend of his about the absurdity of these practices. The goal really is just to suppress wages, and it is undertaken in a series of discrete steps:
* 1. Downsize US workers.
* 2. Hire foreigners.
* 2 1/2. Get paid millions for "cutting costs".
* 3. Discover foreigners can't do the job.
* 4. Hire back US workers for less money/benefits
Slight revision
* 1. Downsize US workers.
* 2. Hire foreigners.
* 2 1/2. Get paid millions for "cutting costs".
* 3. Discover foreigners can't do the job.
* 4. Hire back US workers for triple their old salary as contractors
* 5. Diminish the economic power of the US
* 6. Witness a greatly diminished US dollar and waning international influence
* 7. become the new jersey of northern hemi-sphere
Re:Yes... (Score:4, Interesting)
A lot of people blame the American standard of living for this. They say if we didn't have to pay so much for American workers then there wouldn't be outsourcing but its just BS. The cycle that the parent post outlined is a concise way of showing what is going on. The cycle is going to finally get broken when foreign workers CAN do the job and we are all left out of the loop.
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You lie. You will not be able to easily find a substitute - for any money, for any of our H1B (we have just a few).
I am talking about top level talent. If you say it is easy to find it - you either lie, or do not know what you are talking about.
I am not defending Indian sweat shops by the way. I think contracting H1B workers out shuld be prohibited. It will stop most abuses.
Re:Yes... (Score:5, Insightful)
I think you miss how the whole deal works and why the parent makes such a bold claim. If you're willing to pay people what they are worth finding good people is not hard to do. That is the problem, they don't want to spend the money to make money so they take whatever shortcut they can despite the problems it brings. Especially in IT its very important not to have a lot of turnover as implementations are usually company specific. I've never seen two companies deploy their infrastructures in the same way. That means even talented people will take at least a little time to become familiar enough to properly take over a network. Turnover is a huge problem. The higher ups at my company used to just burn out every IT guy they came across until they met me, then they decide it was best to give me more money, open the wallet to get some quality equipment and now things are running smooth in a high redundant environment administered by myself.
I learn more and more about the business the longer I'm here and the more I learn the more I can do to help. I've more than made up my salary and equipment costs in other cost savings. That's the way at least in my opinion IT should work in a company. I got lucky of course as it was a combination of timing as well as skill.
Regardless, I've hired help that was inexperienced, we pay them competitively and teach them the environment and now I don't have to worry about help-desk work. It's simple, keep them around, problems will go away assuming you didn't hire an idiot which has happened to me in the past as well.
Their should definitely be more protections for H1B workers though, they should not have to live in fear anymore than an American should. Perhaps a complaint system could be created that would be government controller ensuring that the companies they work for would not know. If enough complaints are filed an investigation could then be triggered. This is much the same way sexual harassment works for ADP. Employees of member companies can file a complaint to them and they will start a 3rd party independent investigation. It prevents a lot of abuses of power.
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That when anybody who is actually doing hiring gets up and screams "Bullshit".
Believe me, we are paying just fine.
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No you aren't if you aren't getting any qualified applicants. Or else you aren't advertising the available positions enough for the qualified applicants to know they exist.
Re:Yes... (Score:4, Insightful)
I'm not judging anyone by myself.
If you offered a million dollars a day for someone to do the job you can't fill, do you think you could find a qualified applicant? I sure do, and I don't care what position it is, what sector, what country. You will find plenty of qualified applicants willing to move to you and do the job for a million dollars a day.
So the real problem you have is not "nobody is qualified and willing to apply for this job", it is that you can't get someone for what you're offering to pay them. Or you're not communicating with the qualified applicants.
How about... (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:How about... (Score:4, Interesting)
Or only give visas for jobs that pay over $80K or so. We want the best and the brightest, not a flood of low level people that drive down wages for recent graduates, discouraging people from entering these fields.
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good programmers, but hardly Top People. Good,
yes, a bit above the average ( you would expect
that ), but not ones we could not replace.
You may have had a different experience, but it does
not match mine.
I think the issue is finding top talent *at a given price*.
Re:Yes... (Score:5, Insightful)
There is no such thing as an "undocumented worker." We already have a phrase for that, and it's "illegal alien." These people are, by definition, not Americans. They are breaking the law, and as such, deserve capture, deportation, and probably they deserve some form of punishment to discourage future criminal activity. I have many friends and colleagues who are foreign-born or foreign-nationals who are here legally, and they endure a certain degree of expense and trouble to maintain their legal status because the benefits are worthwhile. Illegal aliens do not deserve your respect, protection or support. The mechanisms to permit a legal presence are easy to understand and readily available. There is no excuse.
To one degree or another, I agree with almost everything else you have posted. H1B has essentially destroyed an entire job market.
Re:Yes... (Score:5, Insightful)
That's like calling a drug dealer an Unlicensed Pharmacist
All sillyness aside, take a look at this:
about programmer Michael Emmons, who worked for Siemens ICN in Florida.
The company imported Indian workers to sit at the fired American's former desks, and do their jobs.
Not as employees, but as contract employees hired through an Indian agency.
The agency paid their salaries back in India, they made no money in the US, but were paid "expenses" which were then tax free.
So here you have people living here in the US, using our roads, sewage system, police services, etc.
Paying no taxes whatsoever since they made no money here. The company had to pay no social security or medicare taxes as they did for their American workers. They saved a bundle, even if the salary were the same (but I'm sure it's not).
That's a distortion of the way the system is supposed to work. Outrageous.
Re:I like maddox's take on this. (Score:4, Insightful)
It isn't HARD to come here legally. But you do have to pay taxes and do other things that make working here less compelling -- and for the rest of us, it sucks to face a job market where you're competing with somebody that can accept lower wages simply because they're not paying taxes, social security, insurance, and all those other things the rest of us have no choice but to pay.
It's far more complex than you make it out to be.
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If you worked in Europe, you would not believe how much shit Americans put up with.
H1Bs in normal companies, not the Indian bodyshops in question, can change jobs without much trouble - including going back. They are NOT cheaper.
So cut the crap. The problem is outsourcing and consultants - not H1B.
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However let's consider the other options w
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Re:Yes... (Score:5, Insightful)
It's not nearly as "simple" as you might think. It's fairly trivial to start sending business to a foreign subsidiary. So, we ban that. What's to stop the company from then having an "affiliate" company that gets 95% royalties on whatever they sell. Ok, ban that too. Companies can then "license" their technology to a foreign company cheaply, and operate the other company instead. Or, they can enter into business deals with the foreign company that cost a great deal of money, allowing them to funnel the money in the company to the foreign one. Finally, they have the option of just closing up shop, and when approached about business, say "we're not in business; however, we recommend the services of [foreign company] instead".
Legislating away all the ways one can move overseas would require such stringent legislation that nobody would want to do business here at all. It would take laws regulating (among other things) who you could do business with, require certain profit margins on all deals, impose requirements regarding ownership of multiple companies (remember that stocks convey ownership), regulate who you could recommend for services, and a number of other things which would greatly increase the size of government, decrease freedom for individuals and companies, cost a lot of money, and make the US a (even more) difficult place to do business.
I run a business in the United States, and I would like to continue to do so. We have a Hungarian engineer, not because he's cheap (he's not - he makes more than me), but because there isn't anyone better at what he does that we know of. We outsource to India on occasion because of the simple fact that for some jobs, we cannot compete at American wages. Which is better for America - an American company, paying American taxes, and hiring a few Indians as needed, or an Indian Company, paying Indian taxes, hiring only Indians?
If America started to take the steps to make it impossible to (effectively) move business overseas, regardless of the collateral damage, I would move. America is no longer the "shining beacon of liberty" it once was - we willingly, gladly trade real liberty for imagined security. Don't believe me? How is a Metal Detector going to stop a suicide bomber with some dynamite, a fuse, and a book of matches? George Bush has done more harm to this country's freedoms than any other person in history, congress and the police ignore the constitution at every occasion, we're turning into a police state, and we lose more life waiting in the airport security line every year than was lost on 9/11.
We squander money like it's going out of style, and our economy is doomed [housingdoom.com]. Housing prices are way overinflated, we have no savings, and the FDIC doesn't have enough cash to make more than a token gesture at fixing things when the inevitable crash happens.
So, if this country is so bad, why don't I leave? Well, it's (at the moment) a favorable environment for business, and I have family here. I also think that it may be possible to save our freedoms, and that an economic crash may help wake people up, and will be good in the long run (affordable housing, smaller government from lack of funding, etc.). So I stay, run my business, and work to make the country a better place. Take away my business, or threaten it, and I will lose much of my reason for staying. Companies aren't the only ones who can move.
Re:Yes... (Score:5, Insightful)
The law is littered with unintended outcomes:
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Re:Yes... (Score:5, Insightful)
Because there are advantages to hiring developers from the same culture as the intended customer market. Because intellectual property laws in third world countries are a joke. Because for some work, particularly defense work, it is actually illegal to use foreign developers. Because even though managers are happy hiring workers from overseas, those same managers don't want to move to the third world themselves, and there are certain advantages to having your development staff close to management and marketing instead of half a world away.
Most of the work that could go overseas is already overseas because it is so much cheaper. The jobs that are now left in the US is work that is harder or impossible to ship overseas. We can decide to fill those positions with US workers or foreign workers. If we decide to fill the jobs with foreign workers, then we are training our future foreign competition while telling US college students not to enter CS or IT. If we decide to fill the jobs with US workers, then we are going to keep high-paying jobs here in the US while telling US college students that they will have a bright future in either CS or IT.
Look in the mirror.... (Score:5, Insightful)
It's easy to bitch when you're losing out, but look at the bugger picture. Why should highly paid tech workers feel they should have protection yet are willing to let factory workers get screwed so that they can enjoy low-cost products?
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Ignorance and arrogance ... (Score:3, Insightful)
There's the "We got to the moon first, so we must be better" argument. But that ignores the fact that 99.9% of engineers in the USA had nothing to do with that.
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Why this years visas were filled in one day (Score:5, Insightful)
On a positive note though, over 100,000 visa holders are going home this year, and another 100,000+ in each of the next two years.
There were 190,000 visas issued in each of the years 2001, 2002, 2003, before the limit went back down to 65,000. THIS is the single reason why all of the H1-B visas were used up in one single day.
300,000+ H1-Bs is a VERY significant number of the IT unemployed. So this might look good, unless Congress changes things.
Unfortunately, Congress is debating RIGHT NOW on increasing this limit. The current proposals are to bump the number back up to 195,000; either directly, or indirectly through a new quota system.
If you don't want to repeat the years after the dot-com bust, you need to fax or write (preferrably not email) your representatives in Congress RIGHT NOW. That means this week. Otherwise, there's a very good chance that this limit will change upwards, as there's a lot of money driving the issue.
Also, the people driving the lobbying efforts have stated that if they don't get this passed this year, it won't get changed next year, as that's a major election year.
Re:Why this years visas were filled in one day (Score:5, Interesting)
Another positive effect would be that the people who actually are most valuable will get the visas rather than the people who got lucky in the lottery. Imagine a brilliant person whose employer would gladly pay $500K to sponsor getting sent home because some other average schmuck got the visa. Kind of sucks for everybody but the schmuck. That's not exactly what we were hoping for when the program was instituted.
Re:Why this years visas were filled in one day (Score:4, Informative)
Actually it was 130,700 in 2001, 79,100 in 2002 and 105,314 in 2003. But do not let poor facts get in the way of a good argument.
More interesting fact is that 50% goes to Indians, and 30+% to the Indian body shops. Put a nationality limit of 7% per country, and outlaw contracting on H1B, and most of the problems will be solved.
H1 transfers not so hard (Score:3, Interesting)
H-1B visas are a boon for employers. They not just have the power of a job, but the power to send people packing back to their homeland, so of course, H-1B people end up very docile shills, as they have a lot to lose.
They're not nearly so docile now that H1 transfers are _relatively_ easy to do. Many startup employers here in Silicon Valley don't want to deal with H-1B's anymore because the legal expenses/hassles really add up, but will still hire them for difficult to fill positions. I personally have hired for permanent positions about 10 H-1Bs over the past 10 years--always at competitive wages and never to replace a current employee (it is very hard to find highly skilled embedded/networking software engineers)
I don't get it... (Score:2)
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IBM says "Dig your own grave or we'll shoot you" (Score:2)
On the comments on Cringely's two recent IBM stories http://pbs.org/cringely [pbs.org], it was American IBMers training the very same Indians who were to take over their jobs. The Indians went back to India, and the Americans were fired (except of course, IBM's generously compensated CEO).
Re:IBM says "Dig your own grave or we'll shoot you (Score:2)
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Training overseas employees in the U.S. (Score:2)
who's surprised? (Score:2, Interesting)
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The non-intuitive solution (Score:5, Insightful)
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For the most part bringing in foreign workers results in a greater amount of workers; Immigrants who come on their own are more likely to start their own companies. Creating businesses requires risk taking, not a college degree.
US culture may not promote technical excellence, but it does promote entrepreneurship.
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Actually you can already see this trend in many (if not most) universities. Just go to any of the graduate programs around the nation and you will see that the vast majority of students are foreign students. Many of them stay and pursue teaching or research positions. That is why an ever increasing number of faculty are European, Indian or Chinese (at least in the sciences and engineering). The academic world requires a certain personality to succeed -- one that seems unappealing compared to the glitzy life
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I totally agree that an open immigration policy can help generate many new economic opportunities. My disagreement with the GGP is that a "pull" approach of immigration doesn't necessarily attract the type of risk takers who create business opportunties. An open Immigration policy provides the potential of new ideas and skills; but most i
Re:The non-intuitive solution (Score:5, Insightful)
Instead of complaining that foreigners take American jobs, you (not you personally but "you" as in the US) got to ask yourself, where the US would be today, if it wasn't for the immigrants. Not every foreigner is an idiot, just like not every American is the best choice for a certain job. Some immigrants will fail miserably and others will succeed and maybe even start their own, successful business and create new, American jobs. Those who fail will be replaced, be it by Americans or new immigrants.
Btw. US companies exploit workers from other countries as well and take jobs from others. I don't want to know how many companies have been bought by US based businesses and then closed down, since the only interest the US companies had, were the product portfolios and the customer base. So why should Indian companies care about US jobs, if the US couldn't care less about other peoples jobs?
What the US must never forget is that they need the rest of the world just as much as the rest of the world needs the US.
Re:The non-intuitive solution (Score:5, Insightful)
You don't have to say the US will loose if I myself leave (you don't know me to judge if it is the case), but I am sure there are many talented people out there in such a situation.
Fair trade (Score:3, Interesting)
Nice and needed enquiry (Score:3, Informative)
I really wish there was a limit of how many H1bs these companies can get...
Could We Train Away Their Accents? (Score:4, Insightful)
It's a very real problem in the business world. (Score:2, Informative)
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I demand that morari gets +5 and "Insightful".
Get off your stupid socio-moralistic high-horse. Just because you point out a problem with a group of people doesn't make you any sort of ist. Racist, sexist, nationalist... nor, is it truthfully a bad thing; for if the thoughts of others really bother you that much, a psychologist can help you and if not, there's the psychiatrist and shock therapy.
Indians do NOT speak English well enough for ANY kind of phone support. This isn't an American grudge, but as I
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Also this is not only a problem with technical support in the computer sector but it is a problem with most big companies today. The lack of LOCALIZED phone support for things is a big problem, if I'm calling a company's 1-800 number I want to speak to someone who understands and speaks the language that I know with at least enough fluency to understand them, I dont really care about accents so much as long as I can understand them. I can imagine that if the situati
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What a load of politically correct bullshit it is when speaking the truth, whether it hurts or not, is deemed a troll. If I lived in India, and I called and got support from Indian call centres, I would be happy. Living in the UK, it's an absolute pain to have to talk to people who barely understand English - I don't care if they're Indian, Nigerian, French, German, whatever.
What's really funny is that companies in the UK generally avoid putting people with stron
The US is the big loser in this abuse (Score:5, Informative)
In other words, by leeching those H1Bs from the pool, those companies harm the US economy by creating a shortage of qualified workers. And I do see this as grounds for investigation and, if they're guilty of such a practice, applicable fines and punishments.
Re:The US is the big loser in this abuse (Score:4, Insightful)
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This is definitely the case, at least in my area. I recently went through a bout of unemployment after getting laid off from my first Jr. Developer role. I applied for everything from phone support to mid-level developer
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Five years ago, when the IT sector really sucked, I would have agreed with you 100%. Thing is that a lot of companies already took a ride around the outsourcing / H1B wheel back then, and / or cut way too deep when they did their layoffs, and now understand that you *never* get the same quality you do with your own staff of native English-speaking folks who are full employees of the company. Too many projects never got done, or the quality sucked, or too many customers complained, etc. That type of cost-
This is the problem : (Score:3, Insightful)
...or at a low enough salary.
it seems to me that new generation i.t. workers in the u.s. have expected the initially skyrocketing pay rates of the early 70s and 80s to be valid for their own generations too, DESPITE the increasing supply of i.t. workers from WITHIN the united states. hence, their wage expectancy have remained high, instead of adjusting to the high supply situation, disproportionate with their qualifications.
hence when an american company seeks someone for a position from within the u.s., they find candidates th
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I was talking with a recruiter the other week who worked in as a recruiter in the area I was moving too for a couple of years. About 3 years companies started demanding Java programming skills, however there were not a lot of Java programmers in the area, and the ones that were there only had 1 or 2 years of experience. The companies said, "not enough experience" so those potential Java programmers moved out of the area.
Fast forward to today, the recruiter said there is a huge demand for, you guessed it,
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Why? (Score:2)
Every (American) company that I've ever seen employing H-1B workers would never stand for them being cycled through jobs and replaced this frequently. Typically, the Indian tech firms provide people who are vetted by the employer and then remain for the duration of their contract and/or their visa. There is no (sane) employer who would accept having contract employees swapped out frequently. Look at the cost of training they would stand to lose.
Unless of course, the American co
happy this is happenning (Score:5, Informative)
I worked at one of these firms in India before. The common practice there is to file for a H-1B visa in anticipation of future onsite trips. Many hundreds go unused. A number of my collegues got their visas stamped, but never travelled. Some were never intended to be used at all. The project manager told me they are just a backup in case of emergency situations (e.g., an onsite contractor might have to go back to India within short notice etc.) I think this is the main reason behind the recent inflation in number of H1-B applicants. This is certainly abuse of the H1-B program!
These companies should not be granted so many visas. If you want to increase competitiveness grant more visas to foreign students from top universities in the US. Giving out visas to these companies will only get you mediocre people who know nothing about computer science (yeah well, they know a lot about time sheets, status reports and how not to manage a team) - ofcourse there will be exceptions, but the largely the crowd that comes here aren't any super skilled programmers. They would just know a bit of their client's business and a few programs in some subsystem that is written in COBOL.
I am happy to have left that sweat shop in pursuit of my masters degree a couple of years ago. Never wanna go back to them! they do not do anything related to computer science there! it's all plain business. You are not allowed to fix ugly code if you feel like it - the client should be ready to pay for that too !! no smart ideas here please .. every solution to every possible problem is documented (hey we're a CMM level 5 company!) and no process that wassn't used before should ever be encouraged.
Trust me, tis nothing like cutting edge. Far from it. I laugh when Bangalore is called the silicon valley of the East!
Re:happy this is happenning (Score:5, Insightful)
This is insightful.
This isn't.
I work at an IT consultancy firm (not Indian; it is headquartered in Seattle, if you're tracking all this), and am based out of Singapore. I am required to, at times, fly in and out of some neighbouring countries at a very short notice. Now travelling in South East Asia (even for Indian passport-holders) is outrageously simple; you pack your bags, show up at the airport, fly in to, say, Bangkok or Hong Kong, and... that's it. All visas are processed on-arrival, you can stay for a month, and then fly out. It's a similar thing in Europe as well; the Schengen area covers some 17-odd countries, and it's very very easy to travel across countries in these globalized times.
For a variety of reasons (911, huge immigration numbers etc), US is not one of those countries where you can slip in and out quickly. While Wipro etc applying for H1-B's en masse is definitely a loophole, I'd still argue that they're doing it for a very valid reason; it is important for professionals to travel across the world without too much hassle.
This isn't really a problem with IT alone; any profession where you charge by the hour ('man-hours') suffers from the same problem. Consultant work is more time-bound, than delivery-based, for very good reasons.
I think you've had a bit of an expectations mismatch. IT consultancy was never about using the best and brightest technology out there; it's about understanding a customer's requirements, both said and unsaid, and about thinking what's the best thing the customers shouldn't do. In that sense, contemporary IT consultancy is closer to M&O from, say, 1980's, than it is to, say, implementing AJAX in that intranet application for that big-shot bank. You really shouldn't be expecting an Accenture or an IBM Global Services or HP Consulting to be in the forefront of technology development, because that is not their job.
Yes, Bangalore isn't a 'valley'; it's a plateau that's 1000m above sea-level, so calling it a Silicon Valley isn't really correct. Besides, very few of the companies in Bangalore use silicon chips the way the first wave of tech companies in the San Jose- Sunnyvale area did. So in that sense, you're right; extremely misleading to call Bangalore a valley, much less a silicon valley at that.
However, don't, for a moment, presume that there is no product-development (as opposed to project development, which is what TCS/Wipro/etc specialize in) going on in India. As I see it, that's the next big wave in Indian IT, and for the same reason that starting-up in the (real) Silicon Valley makes sense; proximity to potential customers, closer cultural ties and so on. In any case, Bangalore, I think, is in a much better position than of the other cities in the East are, both in terms of access to talent and markets. Much worse than starting-up in Fresno, if you will, but despite increasing land-prices and a rickety infrastructure, still better than Manila or Ho Chi Minh City.
Now, it would definitely have helped if our universities had that startup-ambience that American universities have, and for sure, it'd have been greatly beneficial if we were able to retain at least _some_ of that graduate population leaving the shores, but yeah, we're getting there.
I'm amazed no one's said it yet (Score:5, Interesting)
These overseas folks are here principally because of a lack of skilled US citizens in critical areas. The ire being posted on this thread is largely misplaced. Instead of ranting about foreigners suckling "your" jobs out of this country, perhaps we should have better funded engineering education programs and engineering-related incentives for prospective college students so we have enough Americans to do the work? Banning the H1Bs will only make it harder to fill these vacancies, which helps no one.
Honestly, I've never understood the sense of entitlement some have about their IT jobs. If you're half as good as you say you are, you should have no problem landing your next gig.
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Uh.. No. (Score:2)
That being said, there is a tremendous disadvantage for experienced American IT workers in the marketplace. The reason I see newbies getting trained on the job for things they should have known beforehand is because so many companies pass over quality applicants for cheaper hires.
Case in point: One of my employers cut costs by laying off almost all inter
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Says who, the companies who claim there is a shortage in a market that fairly clearly shows that no such thing is occurring?
perhaps we should have better funded engineering education programs and engineering-related incentives for prospective college students
Why should everyone else have to spend their time and money on your problem? Maybe the companies crying about this should have set up some medium-turno
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declining job market like computer engineering
Sorry, are you on crack?
However, the best opportunities await those who studied engineering, computer programming . . . [centralval...stimes.com]
AeA Announces Job Growth Despite Decline In U.S. Competitiveness [elecdesign.com]
Better hunting, bigger salaries greet graduates [denverpost.com]
You might want to do a quick Google News search [google.com] before posting a bunch of unsupportable crap next time . . . just a thought.
A Solution Proposal (Score:2)
The government uses surveys to determine what "fair market wages" are for H1B's and enforces a salary floor. This has the effect of setting a ceiling for local wor
why indian companies apply for more h1-b (Score:2)
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I've got two good Indian friends here, and neither of them are fucking named John either, so quit even TRYING, call centers.
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Just because they went to school doesn't actually mean they're smart. Standards [both academically and personally] vary
What about L-1B? (Score:2, Informative)
L-1B workers are paid far lower wages even though they are doing the same work as their H-1B counterparts.
To my knowledge there is also no cap on the number of L-1B visas like there is on H-1B.
Personally, I don't really worry about it either way. I survived before IT, I've survived a few outsourcing layoffs, and I'll survive if IT completely goes away.
My experience as an employer and former H1B worker (Score:4, Insightful)
Unfortunately due to the H1-B quota being hit on the first day, only two of our three H1-B applications were accepted. This doesn't help anyone, it means that the remaining person has to work remotely for at least a year (and therefore their taxes go to a foreign government), and its a PITA for us and them. Who wins here?
Frankly, any US software engineer that is having trouble finding a job in this economic environment should look in the mirror to see what their likely problem is, rather than trying to blame the H1-B visa program.
You can't handle the Truth (Score:2, Interesting)
This is less true of L-1 and L-2 visas, except for firms engaged in active outsourcing.
If they would just make it easy (as in FAST, 6 months max time) to have people with legitimate Ph.D's move here - without any right of having their "family" move here, other than a spouse - the program might work.
I find it amazng (Score:2)
It seems the brain drain has already happened in the senate.
The problem (Score:2)
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Make immigration easier (Score:4, Insightful)
WHY NOT GREEN CARDS ???? (Score:2, Interesting)
Lack of skills (Score:2)
There is always the story of some company needing a "critical" position filled and no one in America can fill it; and this is used to justify why they outsource.
There are a couple of problems with this assertion. One, 99% of all cases of outsourcing are for positions that any country have plenty of qualified people for the positions. Phone support cheifly, but even more intense jobs like software development. Most of the time, the outsourcing is for something that you know for a fact there's tons of peop
WIPRO!!!!!! (Score:2)
investigate employers here too (Score:3, Interesting)
I worked at Microsoft from January 2001 until May 2007 as a software design engineer at the corporate headquarters in Redmond, WA. Most of Microsoft's products, such as Windows, Office, Exchange, and SQL Server are developed here in Redmond. If you walk through the halls where the programmers are working, you will see that the majority of the workers are not from the US.
While at Microsoft, I interviewed job candidates for programming positions. Microsoft HR provided screened resumes, and my team interviewed and made hiring decisions. Microsoft HR publicly states that they make "diverse hiring" a goal. Race and nationality never are and never have been factors in my hiring decisions, but I was very rarely presented with American candidates, which is strange given that we are in America. Almost every candidate was a foreign worker. The positions we were trying to fill are not very unique that we needed to look outside the US - these were typical programming and testing positions. Microsoft has thousands of such positions, and the job functions performed by foreign programmers do not differ from those of American programmers.
In some of Microsoft's product development divisions, including one that I worked in for 5 years, foreign workers also participate in the hiring process as interviewers. Some teams are comprised almost entirely of foreign workers, mostly from India or China, from the bottom up through several levels of management. It is to a point now that many foreign workers are the ones conducting the job interviews and making the hiring decisions here in Redmond.
Being an American on a team with mostly H-1B visaholders is discouraging at times. As an American you want to live your life, work hard, and make your workplace the best it can be. Your coworkers are more concerned about navigating their way through the immigration system and ensuring that they keep their visa sponsor happy.
I don't have any ill-will towards H-1B workers, rather I feel sorry for them because of the leverage that their employer has over their lives as their visa sponsor. My gut feeling is that employers like Microsoft are either directly abusing the H-1B program or indirectly benefiting from its abuse. The program allows them to hire thousands of employees and relocate them to a place where they have no citizenship and can have their sponsorship revoked at any time. This naturally makes them more attractive to hire than an American who is already here and trying to get a job. Without the sponsorship component of the visa, this would not be possible.
My H-1B study (Score:3, Interesting)
http://panic.berkeley.edu/~akopps/paper/paper.pdf [berkeley.edu]
I looked at the correlation between the relative supply of H-1B workers and the wages of IT workers. Surprisingly, I found no significant correlation between the presence of H-1B workers and labor market outcomes. However, surprisingly, if you look at the impact at the impact on the wages of only male workers, then there is a slight but a very clear (statistically significant) 'impact' on their earnings. Even more surprisingly, if you also look at the correlation between the earnings of female domestic workers and the relative supply of H-1B workers, then there is a POSITIVE impact on their earnings.
Of course, I concede that there could be a A LOT of problems with the methodology I used and with the data employed in this study. My methodology was basically constrained by whatever data I had access to. However, if we assume for a moment that the data and methodology were more or less reliable, then I suspect that what's happening is that the IT labor market is somewhat segregated by genders (someone needs to test this hypothesis). E.g. the female workers tend to be employed in occupations that are complimentary to occupations that are dominated by male workers (e.g. QA, testing, etc). If this assumption is correct, then the H-1B workers (who are predominantly male) might indeed depress the earnings of male domestic workers a little bit, but at the same time the increase supply of male workers boots the demand for occupations that tend to employ female IT workers. So, if you look at the overall effect on earnings, there is no relationship, but there is clearly something going on once you break down the earnings data by genders.
A letter, how scary (Score:3, Funny)
If they give an honest answer, I'll pour curry onto my balls, and bite them off for YouTube.
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Extremely shitty software.
I don't work in IT, but the company I work for does depend heavily on a wide variety of computer systems. For years we've used some system developed in-house. It wasn't great, but for the most part it got the job done. However, a couple years back our management decided, for whatever reason, that we needed a new computer system. Somehow the contract was given to an Indian firm, based out of In
Wow; I see why u remain A.C. (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Wow; I see why u remain A.C. (Score:4, Insightful)
At anyrate, anyone who thinks that passing exams equates with being the best in the field is sadly mistaken. Usually, being good at your work is a product of having studied, which coincidentally leads to decent marks. But I've seen a fair number of straight A students who couldn't [or wouldn't] venture off on their own to do something that wasn't programmed into them.
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There is a 3-year bachelor's degree course and a 2-year masters degree.
Apart from that there is a 4-year engineering degree.
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This is just the long term result of globalization, is all. All those years you enjoyed the third world cranking out dirt cheap products? First the crap jobs went over, then they got smart and started taking the better ones. Thing is, once hungry third world cooperations without all the costs of first world labour standards at head office, or unions and whatnot start taking over internationally, then eventually the usa is just going to be another pl
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Thing is, once hungry third world cooperations without all the costs of first world labour standards at head office, or unions and whatnot start taking over internationally.........snip...
I have a feeling that when the Kyoto thingy, and other 'global' issues really hit the fan, those same countries will be burdened with the same responsibilities to the 'global community' that western countries are being held to now. Greenpeace is trying to do their thing as are others. I don't think the pendulum will swing full circle on the outsourcing thing before those 'now cheap' countries find themselves trying desperately to clean up the environmental and labor force messes that they are currently cre
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I hate that every time I went to the US for a meeting I was treated like an illegal alien trying to subvert the economy. I don't blame the states though, I blame Canada for not putting up a fight. In all honesty we should really have some more accommodating form of worker exchange. Cuz don't tell me that american
Offshoring for Dummies (Score:2)
Problem is really pretty simple: American Corporation fires Americans and hires cheaper Indians to please American Shareholders. American Shareholder feels smug and bugs Chinese-made Widescreen TV. American Congressmen purchased with cold hard cash won't do anything to stop it, and fired American employee re-elects him anyway. American Company and Country goes down the gurgler.
H1B Openness? Americans can't get
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Old mind trick: Think of the worst thin