Secret Gov't Documents Will be Declassified 12/31 301
mozzwald writes "This New Year's Eve, at midnight on the dot, hundreds of millions of pages of U.S. government secrets will be revealed. Or at least they'll no longer be official secrets — it may actually take months or more for the National Archives and Records Administration to make those pages available for public consumption."
in other words (Score:5, Funny)
in other words, it takes the government a few months to go over every line on every page with a black marker. The pages might be declassified (but see if you can read the information!)
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That's not censorship! They're just making us a favor by highlighting [theonion.com] all the good stuff.
Re:in other words (Score:5, Funny)
Don't worry. Perhaps they'll release the blacked-out material as Word docs.
You'll be able to read everything then!
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Yes but the real reason for the slow up is not the actual marking out things with a black marker, but the bidding process to provide the government with the correct mil-spec markers.
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elvis (Score:3, Funny)
I can see what will happen though
govt: Here you go, everything we know about aliens, i.e, they haven't been here.
Conspiracists: Ah yes, but you'd say that wouldn't you...
govt: No really, it's true, look, it's got official stamps and everything.
Conspiracists: Well that may be so, but if we believe you, our million dollar book and convention industry will go down the pan [koff], ah no, we mean that you'll have succeeded in hiding the truth.
govt: ok, let u
Re:in other words (Score:5, Funny)
Too many exeptions. (Score:5, Interesting)
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Finally (Score:4, Funny)
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There is no release except death.
Now get back to posting inmate #953670
attack of the twelve-foot lizard people .. (Score:2)
It's in Wikipedia, so it must be true
was Re:Finally (Score:3, Funny)
Call it cynicism, but... (Score:5, Interesting)
Hearing him talking about how much fun it was being in a foxhole 1.5 miles from ground zero, and digging out the rad badges and other stuff he kept as a souveneir, then seeing that there is no record to be found ANYWHERE that his unit was anywhere near where the tests were done has always fascinated me with the subject; hopefully someone will slip up and release a unit list for the Guinea Pig troops.
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What kind of super powers does he have?
Re:Call it cynicism, but... (Score:5, Funny)
Apparently to have the ability to still have children after 13 nuclear tests.
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It's nice to see they've solved the problem (Score:5, Informative)
I was recently pleased to discover that our leaders have hit upon an ideal solution for the perennial problem of that pesky public eventually getting their hands on documents like this. It's so simple, I don't know why they didn't think of it sooner.
Don't produce the information that will make you look bad in the first place.
For instance:
Of course, the old trick of covering up / reclassifying things is still in use as well:
Still, I think the new approach is much more elegant and will probably save the taxpayers a lot in the long run.
--MarkusQ P.S. Sources and many more examples here [tpmmuckraker.com].
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http://www.tpmmuckraker.com/archives/002237.php [tpmmuckraker.com]
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And of course, there was strong evidence of CW use by the Soviets in Afghanistan and Chechnya.
Interesting to know if any of this was true or not.
An unnecessary secret is a failure (Score:4, Insightful)
I'm not talking specifically about the USA here -- I'm not an american -- but the same thing applies to any state.
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There should be measures taken to ensure that everything that can be revealed is revealed
And there are such measures! And you are looking at them. It is required that US documents be declassified after a certain period of time. That's the point of an article like this.
What I think you meant is why are secrets ever kept in the first place. Well, for very good reason. You can't have military plans circulating weeks before an attack can you. Secrets are there for good reason. The public can't be trusted with everything. This is the very same reason why the US doesn't use a popular vote to elec
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The ability to keep secrets from the public is a form of power. This power can be used sparingly and responsibly - like your example of keeping battle plans secret before the battle. I don't think anyone would claim that absolute transparency should be expected - I don't want the nuclear launch procedures and authentication information to be public information!
Like most forms power, the ability to keep secrets can also be
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Who decides who is the Public? The elected president, or the King? You seem to be like Dick Cheney, who thinks Executive power is absolute and anything NOT specified in the constituion belongs to the President by Right. Which includes detention of US citizens without trial in Gitmo
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Released... as Confetti (Score:2, Funny)
UFOs!!!!!!! (Score:5, Interesting)
UFOs are at the top!
Considering the rest of that list, its very interesting how pervasive the questions around UFOs are. Sadly, sasquatch has fallen out of public favor...
the date is wrong? (Score:3, Insightful)
um..... (Score:2, Informative)
http://del.icio.us/ClintJCL/911 [del.icio.us] http://clintjcl.wordpress.com/?s=911 [wordpress.com]
How is that "will" to be understood? (Score:3, Insightful)
I've seen my share of US politics lately, so I'm compelled to ask.
Media Apathy (Score:3, Insightful)
Then there are minutes of meetings that provide evidence of war crimes by certain individuals. For example, minutes were released of Henry Kissinger saying "Anything that flies on anything that moves" , which were his bombing orders for Cambodia. If they had evidence like that against Milosevic, his trial would have been over within days.
Fortunately these damning revelations are largely ignored by the US media. If they were not, perhaps they would stop releasing them in the first place.
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Google Classified Secrets Engine (Score:2)
Expected response to information request (Score:2, Funny)
2007 = Sputnik + 50 (Score:2)
I've been looking forward to 2007 for a while, since it's 50 years since Sputnik 1, and lots of stuff gets declassified after 50 years. Witness the enormous amount of new WW2 material in the 1990s. Let's see some real dirt!
The U.S. government isn't the only one with secrets.
Re:Can't wait... (Score:4, Insightful)
> counting! Very sad indeed. More American lives have now been lost in Iraq as compared to those that died on 9/11.
I don't know what you expect to find. There's nothing unique about the US intervention in Iraq - it's for exactly the same reasons as all the other meddling in other countries affairs going back through most of the 20th century. No cover ups or conspiracy theories are required - it's been taking place quite openly. You might want to start with `manufacturing consent` or `hegemony or survival` by Noam Chomsky for what's been going on, and how the a free media like that in the US handles it.
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And yet he only speaks one language. How funny is that?
Umm... (Score:2)
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Mod Parent Troll (Score:2)
People like you hate chomsky because he has a history of critizing/exposing american foreign policy to the world. Chomsky owns EVERYONE who he debates with. He is a cunning linguist and a maverick political thinker. Stop being so jealous of chomsky ok mr internet troll?
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You like sticking people into nice little labeled cubbyholes, don't you?
this 1972 article [chomsky.info] reprinted from the New York Review of Books, should go some way towards explaining what linguistics are, and Chomsky's reputation in the field.
And if linguistics still sounds rather esoteric, and inapplicable to, other things, say, Artificial Intelligence, what of it? Would he be more qualified to speak of East Timor if he taught political science or worked for Fox News
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Never heard of a self-hating jew?
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Oh, well that completely excludes him from being able to comment on the semantics and euphemisms used by the mass media to mask the truth.
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Che Guevarra was a notorious pompous asshole. He was known in particular for belittling anyone who he felt was intellectually inferior. Please read your own source in its entirety.
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Re:Can't wait... (Score:4, Interesting)
I only slightly jest. The concept is the same. Potential energy is a lot stronger than you think. I've been next to an avalanche and I could see how a landslide as such can make you think there was an explosion. The sound is spectacular. Probably a similar idea, only there was no slide, just buckling girders wrapped in concrete falling straight down 1300 ft.
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Substantially more force the a cat 5.
Peopelalso neglect to relize that the weight is designed onlt to be in specific points, want ot shifter a certien number of degree beyond it's design, it will fall STRAIGHT down.
I have seen computer simmulations of many different types of building collapses, there all pretty much the same visually.
But the most telling way that there is nothing wrong with the way it fell is all the simulations
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Re:Can't wait... (Score:5, Insightful)
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How many would Saddam have killed if he'd remained in power?
He had gassed his own people, killing far more than have died in this current 'war'. The Iraq/Iran war was so horrendous it was almost like WWI was in Europe, only with more effective weaponry including but not limited to--yep, you guessed it--chemical weapons. Iran had some soldiers whose job it was to walk, unarmed and unequipped, over land mines to clear them out f
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Your own what? Race? A more important human?
Re:Can't wait... (Score:4, Insightful)
182,000 [yahoo.com] gassed in the late 80's by Saddam.
57,617 MAX [iraqbodycount.org] Iraqi deaths in this war.
Your own what? Race? A more important human?
My beliefs were not the point of my post, I was just revealing my 'bias'. I will now further elaborate on my beliefs:
I don't feel this country owes anybody else a thing. Meddling in the affairs of others is likely the most avoidable cause of terrorist attacks on this country and a poor public image in the eyes of other nations. All we have to do is nothing, and nobody can blame us for anything. Obviously, we don't have the cash to be doing this stuff anyway (look at our deficit), and we NEVER get paid. IMO, if we're to go out and be the world's police, the world should pay us back (and more than just buying our Gov't bonds).
If the US had stayed out of WWI, there may have never been a WWII. If the US hadn't helped the Sudan kick Bin Laden out, he may not have been in Afghanistan. How big do we have to F'up, and how much money (which we don't have) do we have to waste before we stop with this foolishness?
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By the way did the Versailles Treaty have anything to do with the US? I know there were other causes of WWII but wasn't that the main one? (My history is genuinely poor, I'm not being rhetorical)
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So, I stand by my original post.
Also, it have to be noted that the 182k figure that you're quoting came up in the Saddam trial, which is not impartial by any standards and I wouldn't rely on it. The internationally
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I wouldn't be so sure that study is reliable.
655,000 War Dead? A bogus study on Iraq casualties [opinionjournal.com]
The Iraq Body Count project take on it [iraqbodycount.org].
Some additional discussion [seixon.com].
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The Iraq Body Count website only tallies deaths on an incident-by-incident basis that are reported in reputable media. A minimum of two independent agencies need to publish a report before they are willing to add it to the count.
There are many deaths that are never reported for a variety of reasons (eg lack of journalistic coverage in many areas), let alone twice. As such, even the "max" number on the website can be considered to be a "minimum" actual number.
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So you're saying there were no chemical weapons [wikipedia.org] used in World War One?
Bush did not go into Iraq to stop Saddam from killing Iraqis; he went in because of an imagined threat [wikipedia.org] to US national security.
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I didn't mean to, but I guess I sort of implied that.
I knew about the chem weapons on WWI, but they weren't very effective, just really horrible. The nerve agents the Iraqi Gov't used were far more effective at killing people, but the corpses didn't look as ugly and the survivors weren't physically maimed like in mustard and chlorine gas attacks.
As a side note (and not directed at you), keep in mind when reading about 'casualties', they m
from a compassionate perspective .. (Score:2)
How many would Saddam have killed if he'd remained in power?
It didn't matter how many he killed as long as he was an ally [gwu.edu] of the US.
"He had gassed his own people, killing far more than have died in this current 'war'. The Iraq/Iran war was so horrendous it was almost like WWI was in Europe, only with more effective weaponry including but not limited to--yep, you guessed it--chemical weapons"
With weapons and machin
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Secondly, and most importantly, no one will care. In 2002 the documents which showed the US had basically been knowingly supplying Sadam with materials to develop chemical weapons (yes Mr Rumsfeld you) emerged and no one batted an eyelid.
Re:Can't wait... (Score:5, Insightful)
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We don't need to open secret archives to know the Iraq war was a bunch of bullshit but no one really cares.
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Those are the guys who write the memos that embarrass the heads of state.
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Re:Can't wait... (Score:4, Insightful)
Why exactly did you draw that comparison? They're two unrelated events. Why not say: more American lives have been lost in Iraq than in Pearl Harbor? Even if 10,000 lives had been lost on 9/11, there would still be no justification for attacking Iraq based on it, and thus no bench mark to compare against.
Re:Can't wait... (Score:5, Funny)
The president said "Hey let's attack Iraq" and Congress said "America!...Fuck Yea!" and then Congress said to Americans "Hey let's attack Iraq" and they said "America!...Fuck Yea!" and that's all there is to it.
There are no bench-marks or justfications for war just details and more importantly the willingness to goto war.
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Besides that, a senior administration official gave this justification [snopes.com].
Oh wait... he wasn't in the Bush administration.
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All that is required for anything is willingness and maybe ability, justifactions be damned. Justifications are the details we use to paint a pretty picture we paint for ourselves to make events appear moral or imoral, but since there are no such thing as morals, only things we are willing or unwilling to do, we end up right back where we started.
My whole point was to make fun of people who go on and on about how the President missled everyone, which was horseshit. The
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Sadam killed everyone in Iraq...everyone that stood against him. Terrorists, Muslims, Christians, football (soccer) players, left handed people, right handed people, . So what exactly is your point?
Saddam Hussein was a secular leader who kept a lid on the power of the religious radicals in the country. He fought a war [wikipedia.org] against the Islamic fundamentalist government of Ir
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Those two events are closely related. Nobody would have supported our "War on Terror" or the invasion of Iraq had we not been attacked on 9/11.
Re:Can't wait... (Score:4, Insightful)
It makes perfect sense to compare two deadly events by counting deaths. For example, the Asian tsunami was far deadlier than hurricane Katrina. That doesn't make hurricane Katrina justified, but it does give one some perspective.
In this case, it's clear that Bush is deadlier to Americans than Osama bin Laden. The comparison suggests that we reevaluate our priorities.
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Seems black and white, no?
Re:Can't wait... (Score:4, Insightful)
Why exactly did you draw that comparison?
Look at it this way:
By his orders Bin Laden sent 2,700 Americans to their deaths.
By his orders George W. Bush sent 3,000 Americans to their deaths.
Who is America's enemy?
Re:Can't wait... (Score:5, Interesting)
Mod Parent Up (Score:2)
There's been some serious wingnut misuse of moderation points lately. People modding comments as troll or flamebait just because they disagree.
That's how the right-wing works in this country. Small-minded bullies. Every one.
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In addition, you could also blame the vast majority of todays Iraqi deaths on:
1) Muslim clerics who continue to stir up the populace.
2) Foreign terror groups who intentionally target civilians.
3) Iran and Syria, for funding the insurgency and the terrorists.
4) Iraqi politicians/clerics who maintain their own personal armies.
5) Corrupt leftovers of the Saddam era regime, who are currently trying to subvert the ING and IP forces to their own purposes.
In other words, war is a complex business, and saying that it's "a single product of a single administration" is so ignorant that it shouldn't even warrant a response.
Every reason you gave would mean diddly if our troops were not in Iraq. Who sent the troops there? The current administration.
Now go back into your hole, shill.
"Where is the outrage? Where is the horror?" (Score:2)
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Re:Can't wait... (Score:4, Funny)
It sounds like a dastardly good killer. But does it offer the value and performance I've come to expect with my laser sharks?
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American automobiles have created the greatest single demand for oil in the world. Demand for oil and the need to control oil supplies was one of the key reasons for invading Iraq, and why we are so reluctant to leave now.
Automobiles are one of the greatest contributors to atmospheric pollution, which kills many people from things like cancer and severe lung problems.
There are definitely peopl
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Every history book on the Iraq War is going to mention 9/11, just as every history of World War I mentions Francis Ferdinand. The plain truth is that 9/11 was used to stir up fanatical nationalism and loyalty to the central government, which set the stage for the abuses of power that led to the Iraq War. I'm not saying that 9/11 was necessary for Bush's plan; it was simply available. Similarly, the assassination of Francis Ferdinand was not necessary for WWI to ignite.
I suppose comparing the Iraq War to 9
Re:What do they have to do with each other? (Score:5, Insightful)
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What version of CNN were you watching?
IIRC, most of the pundits at the time were doom-and-glooming the US' plans to take Bin Laden from Afghanistan by force. Although they tried to hide it through sheer quantity of verbiage, the underlying message seemed to be, "How can the lowly US POSSIBLY succeed where the mighty Soviets failed for so many years?"
In fact, the pre-Afghanistan protests were what enabled GW to get a free pass (
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Actually, people were extremely upset in the months after WWII began. Hitler claimed that the invasion of Poland was an act of self-preservation but everyone knew that he really wanted to expand his dominion. In the end, WWII was a tremendous disaster. The death toll was huge and it didn't get Hitler anything but an early grave. I'm not sure I'd put even the Iraq War in the same category of disaster as WWII.
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I served in the Army. I was ready to defend my country. I am thankful, that I was not in the military when this all went down, because it's a mistake and wrong. To perpetuate it is even more wrong.
If a cop was given information that a van was stolen, sure he has a right to stop it and arrest the people in it. When it is determined that it ISN'T stolen, then you say oop'
Everyone else, RTFEO (read the freakin executive order) before posting.
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