Peter Quinn Resigns 129
An anonymous reader writes "Andy Updegrove is reporting on his blog that Peter Quinn, CIO of Massachusetts and focus of the recent media feeding frenzy, has decided to step down. Quinn stressed that his departure does not signal any major changes in policy nor was he forced to resign. He did say that a large part of the decision was made by the Boston Globe's unfounded (and quickly disproven) charges."
No good deed goes unpunished? (Score:2)
As any kid in England will tell you... (Score:2)
The cost of doing the right thing (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:The cost of doing the right thing (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:The cost of doing the right thing (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:The cost of doing the right thing (Score:2, Insightful)
Sure. There's always going to be someone there to second guess, be it the media or someone else. It's the reponse to those opinions (usually made without even bothering to understand the issue) that causes the problem. Do you honestly think there wasn't some pressure put on this guy to leave? Pressure comes in many forms. They can say nothing to you at all while simultaneously conveying
Re:The cost of doing the right thing (Score:1)
Re:The cost of doing the right thing (Score:4, Informative)
Stick with legacy whenever possible. It is often cheaper and more effective.
Re:The cost of doing the right thing (Score:1, Insightful)
Mod Parent Up! (Score:2)
Re:The cost of doing the right thing (Score:2)
Re:The cost of doing the right thing (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:The cost of doing the right thing (Score:2, Insightful)
Shit, you didn't even read the article summary. Even that mentions the al
The heat of public life (Score:3, Interesting)
The same thing happens to all politicians and anyone in the public's eye. George W Bush sloughs off criticism about his military past. Bill Clinton was able to sidestep allegations of sexual harassment in the Paula Jones case and tackled the issue head on in the Lewinsky witchhunt. Vince Foster blew his brains own brains out.
Public scrutiny really shows the true character and intestinal fortitude of the scrutinized.
Re:The heat of public life (Score:3, Insightful)
It's important to remember that it doesn't matter how true the story is, what matters is the impression that sticks with readers.
If you tell people a lie, the ones who want to believe it will, probably because it meshes with their preconcieved ideas about the subject. If you tell them later that it was a lie, it doesn't really matter, because their perception of the issue has already
Re:The heat of public life (Score:3, Insightful)
Well, CEOs don't have to stick their neck out like a president has to. CEOs can basically work in total privacy as far as the company is concerned. Also, CEOs, or rather the companies they work for, *do* have a PR department that makes the company look good.
Historically, the pr
Re:The heat of public life (Score:3, Informative)
The headline of the first story is Romney administration reviewing trips made by technology chief [boston.com].
The headline of the second story is Review backs trips by technology chief [boston.com] with a sub-headline of "No conflict found for aide."
I suspect that the first story would have been clearer if Eric Kriss, Peter J. Quinn's former supervisor, had returned the Globe's phone calls. The second article m
Re:The heat of public life (Score:5, Insightful)
Basically, the reporter didn't get in contact with the guy's boss before writing his article and (falsely) implying that there was something about the trips worth investigating.
Might seem like a tempest-in-a-teapot to us, but to the people in that teapot, it was obviously a big enough issue that the guy quit.
Re:The heat of public life (Score:3, Insightful)
I've known more than one politician to resign when they realized what really could happen. He had a front-page article explaining that he is a cheat and an embezzler. He probably also realizes that the attention that he gained with his large change to the policy would make him a target for more such stories. Why would he put up with that? I like my job, but if I had the choice to do m
Re:The heat of public life (Score:2)
Re:The heat of public life (Score:1)
Do you know of a good site debunking the swift boat stuff?
A friend of mine works for the production company that was hired to do the swift-boat commercials and has consquently been 100% brain-washed into believing them (they were quite liberal with the kool-aid it seems). Now that the election is long over, nobody seems interested in following up on all the hue and cry - but if someone has done a good job (not just another part
Re:The heat of public life (Score:3, Informative)
Though IMO the biggest torpedo that sank the Swift Vets claims came from the New York Times.
Re:The heat of public life (Score:1, Informative)
From the same article:
Re:The heat of public life (Score:5, Insightful)
Feel free to quote Hoffman all you like because the man has no credibility.
But this highlights yet another tactic of the smear campaigns that are making a mockery of democracy in America. Start with an outlandish and dishonorable claim, such as claiming that Kerry's three Purple Hearts and Bronze medal were undeserved. Wait until the election time rather than disputing their worth in the decades since they were awarded. Then bury the counterclaims in trivia and minutiae that doesn't even have to be true; the barrage of lies and half-truths simply has to be so overwhelming that it overwhelms the common man so they tune out before the protests can be heard. The barrage of nonsense from Hoffman is simply part of this carpet-bombing media tactic.
I'm not American and I couldn't give two hoots about Kerry but I'm disgusted with the way you partisan idiots are destroying your democracy. You are turning democracy into a childish football match, with teams and cheerleaders and points to be scored. Waiting several decades before calling somebody's war record into dispute is pathetic. It is a grave dishonour to somebody who risked their life to serve your country. Everybody who defends these SBV numbskulls should be ashamed and appalled at what you've turned your political system into. Between the partisan hackery and the voting scandals your democratic process is quickly becoming the laughing stock of the world.
Pay attention to people like Jon Stewart and Stop Hurting America. Your country deserves far better than you partisan idiots are providing.
Re:The heat of public life (Score:1)
Pisses me off.
I voted for dubya the 1st go around, so I'm not just speaking from my liberal pulpit either.
Re:The heat of public life (Score:3, Interesting)
That is, unless everyone else does. I admit, voting in a member of the Liberitarian or Green parties as President would probably throw the Democrat and Republican parties for a loop...
Re:The heat of public life (Score:2, Informative)
I did. All of the rebuttals I found, and I believe all that you cited, are prior to a lot of follow-up and counter-responses from the swift boaters during the august-october timeframe. I was unable to readily find any follow-up rebuttals to the stuff they published during that timeframe.
Imagine my embarrassment (Score:1)
Nasty Photos (Score:3, Funny)
A few phone calls the guy resigned. Who wouldn't?
Re:I doubt it (Score:5, Insightful)
Oh, this has MS ALL over it.
Activism is for everyone. (Score:2)
Re:Nasty Photos (Score:1, Insightful)
Re:Nasty Photos (Score:1)
What's up with the Boston Globe? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:What's up with the Boston Globe? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:What's up with the Boston Globe? (Score:2, Troll)
Re:What's up with the Boston Globe? (Score:2, Informative)
bought by the NY Times (no, really) (Score:5, Informative)
In a move that didn't sit well with many Boston residents, The Globe was bought by the NY Times. Editorial standards, even just on a basic proof-reading level, seem to have gone nowhere but down ever since.
Really a shame, because the Globe's Spotlight Team was (and still is, to some degree) an excellent group; they do in-depth investigative journalism, perhaps comparable in some ways to PBS's Frontline.
Also, if you're in the Boston area and interested in commentary on news stories of the day, tune in @7for Greater Boston [greaterboston.tv], with Emily Rooney on WGBH (Channel 2), with repeats on 44, I think. The "Beat The Press" Friday episode is especially good- a panel of journalists talk about the news media's behavior over the last week. John Carroll(sp?) is a master at amusing introductions. For their end of the year episode (Dec 23, 2005) he did a complete synopsys of the White House/CIA agent leak in the style of "Hollywood Squares", which was hysterical...and very effective. It's currently watchable in quicktime format....look on the left side of the homepage for the link.
Re:bought by the NY Times (no, really) (Score:2)
Why am I not surprised? [woz.org]
Article was no accident (Score:2)
Let them have taco! (Score:1)
Re:What's up with the Boston Globe? (Score:2)
The Republicans had tapped a well groomed and attractive young man as their Lt Governor candidate. The Globe the next day mentioned in passing that he would be the first gay Lt. Governor if elected. He was at that time not out of the closet.
I am a Democrat. I think this particular person, if he had by some chance become governor, would not have been a good one. He was too inexperienced. He had been mayor of my town and while earnest and w
Sounds like... (Score:4, Interesting)
"They posted all this crap about me, it wasn't true, I had to quit, I couldn't find a job, and by the time I could, I was out of touch and not hireable... gimme $8 million".
Re:Sounds like... (Score:5, Insightful)
He didn't have to quit.
It's unfortunate he got mistreated this way. The only people he could possibly sue are at the newspaper and they're safe unless he can prove that article was written with malicious intent.
Re:Sounds like... (Score:3, Insightful)
It's depressing and somewhat pathetic that the political environment breeds the kind of shoddy, "investigative" journalism that seems to be running rampant, all in the hopes of gaining market share.
I really feel for this guy and the situation he was thrown into, and I hope he gives the "journalist" a nice swift kick in the sack.... financially speaking, of course.
Re:Sounds like... (Score:1)
Being held in an MS prison camp? (Score:1)
The Original Boston Globe Article (Score:3, Informative)
By Stephen Kurkjian, Globe Staff | November 26, 2005
The Romney administration has launched a review of several out-of-state trips that its top technology officer took to conferences sponsored in part by companies who stand to benefit from a change in computer software used by the state.
Peter J. Quinn, director of the state's Informational Technology Division and its chief information officer, has traveled to 12 out-of-state conferences in the last two years, visiting Brazil, Ottawa, San Francisco, Japan, Puerto Rico, and other locations, records show. Most of the conferences were sponsored by technology and information companies.
Romney administration officials are investigating whether Quinn violated travel procedures by not obtaining written authorization for six of the trips -- to Brazil, Ottawa, San Francisco, and other cities -- since September 2004. For six other trips, he received written approval from his supervisor.
The state launched its inquiry after the Globe began asking questions about the trips earlier this week; it is being conducted by Thomas H. Trimarco, the head of Administration and Finance. Two Romney administration officials, who asked not to be identified because the inquiry was ongoing, said Trimarco will seek to determine why Quinn did not obtain written authorization for the travel and whether having trips paid for by conference sponsors would have violated the state's conflict-of-interest law.
On most of the trips, Quinn said, his travel and other expenses were paid for by the sponsors of the conferences. On two of the trips -- to Tucson and Washington, D.C. -- Quinn paid his own way, according to state records and an interview with Quinn.
Eric Fehrnstrom, director of communications for Romney, said Wednesday that ''we have discovered there is not a complete record for all of Mr. Quinn's travels, and we are reviewing the matter," referring to a state requirement that employees obtain authorization for travel. State rules also require employees to provide a detailed estimate of the cost of travel sponsored by private firms and other outside groups.
Quinn was appointed in September 2002, before Romney won election. In an e-mail responding to questions from the Globe, Quinn said that former administration and finance secretary Eric Kriss had told him that he did not have to receive written authorization for his 2005 travel. He said Kriss had given him verbal approvals for the trips. Most of the trips for which he did not get authorization occurred this year.
Kriss, who left state government in September, did not return phone messages left at his home yesterday and Wednesday.
Quinn is at the center of a controversial decision to require all documents produced by the state's executive branch to be stored in a new, universal format, called Open Document, that would work with many brands of software and is less likely to become obsolete. The change, closely watched in the information technology business, would require modifications to software running on thousands of state computers and is widely seen as a challenge to Microsoft Corp., which makes the Microsoft Office software used to generate documents.
In the interview, Quinn said that he was in demand at the conferences because of the state's initiative to move toward ''open standards" for its computer systems, which would be able to read or use documents that are written with programs other than Office.
Quinn said he sought the legal advice of Linda M. Hamel, the lawyer for the Informational Technology Division, on the propriety of his appearing at a conference in which his travel and room were being paid for by the sponsors of the conference. He declined to provide the specifics of which trips he discussed with her or the advice she gave him.
But in general, Quinn said, he sought Hamel's opinion ''if I thought there might be an issue."
Hamel confirmed that she and Quinn had dis
NOTE: This story was proven wrong! (Score:5, Informative)
I realize you didn't say otherwise, but I just thought it best to point that out, prominently, wherever this information is mentioned
After all, the first Boston Globe article was front page news. The retraction was burried deep in the middle of a section not many would see
Re:NOTE: This story was proven wrong! (Score:1)
No, the story was not proven wrong. The original article stated that Quinn went to those conferences without filling out the official Travel Authorization Form [mass.gov] and by not doing so he is in violation of the state's Travel Guidelines [mass.gov] and state regulations. These regulations are in place so that state employees prove that the conferences they are about to go to are real conferences and not wine and dine junkets. The story was very slanted. It could be described as sensationalistic or yellow journalism. The st
Re:The investigation found NO WRONGDOING. (Score:1)
I'm sorry, but I don't think you comments are quite accurate. You probably just skimmed my post above, and didn't notice where I already addressed your points.
You said Apparently his boss could give verbal authorizationI wrote The later article explained how Quinn's new boss requested that he supply the missing paperwork, that it was turned in and that it was determined that all of the conference were legitimate conferences. For further supporting evidence, let me point to a quote from the governor's di
Re:That's not really Quinn's fault, is it? (Score:1)
Re:Hmmm... (Score:1)
I have a user name that is only a slight variation on my given name, so you can google all sorts of stuff I've written. In postings to slashdot, I've talked about my work. You can tell who I know personally based on references to out-of-band conversations.
The "Post Anony
The power of the Unfounded Charge (tm) (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:The power of the Unfounded Charge (tm) (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:The power of the Unfounded Charge (tm) (Score:2)
Re:The power of the Unfounded Charge (tm) (Score:2)
Re:The power of the Unfounded Charge (tm) (Score:5, Insightful)
Maybe; maybe not. In this case, the "scandal" was the charge of irregularities in his expenses for trips related to ODF adoption. A charge that was later shown to be false. But that doesn't matter. After the Boston Globe printed the story, he was branded by them as "guilty", despite their lame retraction. He could no longer be an effective proponent of the move to ODF because, thanks to the Globe, he would be busy ducking questions from reporter scrums about his trips, instead of staying on message about the benefits of moving to ODF.
Frankly, this whole thing really sucks. However, I think he did the right thing by stepping down, so that the issue would go back to ODF and not his trips.
I am Bill Gates, behold my power!!! BWAHHAHAHAH! (Score:2)
If you can't take the heat... (Score:4, Insightful)
As the old saying goes. Looks like he took it to heart. Smart too, it's never good to let the cult of personality interfere with policy. While I'm sad to see him go, I realize why he did it, and understand the need to step aside so the argument isn't about him. I'm sure he will be working from the sidelines as best he can. I wish him all the best of luck in his future endeavors.
Re:If you can't take the heat... (Score:2, Insightful)
With the dirty tricks that certain companies will use to pay off or bully decision makers his resignation seems to take away their second tactic which seems to have been employed because the first was not an option. So now with Quinn out of the picture and a super
Re:If you can't take the heat... (Score:2)
> so the argument isn't about him.
Yea, good he resigned so that everyone else will realize that not buying Microsoft is a career limiting decision. Sure will inspire a whole new batch of martyrs to leap forth and do battle with the forces of darkness.
Yes, for the slashbots without much clue, that was sarcasm.
Re:Come all without, come all within, (Score:2)
fscking ignorant fool...
Re:CIO eh? (Score:4, Interesting)
Really should take some time off.. (Score:3, Interesting)
Trust the man on the spot. (Score:1, Troll)
Like M$ does not have the resources to buy more bullshit?
I think he needs to spend some time on revenge. Microsoft should be punished for this and hopefully will be. There's a clear path between the "story" and it's source and very clear malicious intent. It's called slander and whoever did it should pay. When it hit a paper, it became libel and he will be tarred with it forever.
He should just take some leave, then come back recharged and ready to
Story? (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Probably a typo (Score:2)
Re:Story? (Score:2)
You must be new here. Check out the bluetooth story a couple of days ago.
Quinn was a good civil servant (Score:5, Insightful)
Sharing their disgrace should be Fox News reporter James Prendergast for reprinting alarmist, baseless, claims by Microsoft front organization "Americans for Technology Leadership" about OpenDocument, further speading disinformation on the whole topic.
What Peter Quinn and others in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Office of Information Technology was trying to do was set a sane long-term document strategy for a state government whose records include the oldest constitution in the world (predates the US Constitution.)
If we can't read documents that were generated by proprietary formats only a few years old how can we manage laws, deeds, and other material looking forward decades and centuries? At least with OpenDocument there will be a published freely re-implementable file format that can be widely used as time goes on.
As to MS claiming their formats are "open" they've sung that song over and over yet each time it has proven to be untrue as critical portions of their formats are consistently undocumented or legally encumbered. Heck they can't even reliably read back their own material from products a generation or two prior.
MS's real fear is that by breaking the cycle of locked-in file formats they'll have to compete on a level playing field with alternative products. The truth is it would take them a few days to come up with an OpenDocument converter, the same as they've done for dozens of competing formats.
Whoever hires Peter Quinn will be getting a fellow with considerable professional integrity. Whether his replacement shows the same level of honesty and dedication is a serious concern, particularly considering Governor (& future Presidential candidate) Mitt Romney's willingness to whore out critical appointments in return for special-interest campaign contributions.
I wonder how MS will be funneling the money this time? Will they be washing it through Republican stronghold Staples Corporation or through some other ersatz 'grass roots' astro-turfing front like Americans for Technology Leadership?
Rock and a hard place (Score:1)
The Globe wen
but he's my hero (Score:1)
SCALE to host ODF Workshop for .gov (Score:2, Informative)
Keep up the heat (Score:2)
The US political system needs an enema at pretty much all levels.
Guys like this CIO, who are trying to do the Right Thing, and meeting evil at every turn, deserve to be write-ins on ballots.
Atlas Shrugged (Score:1)
Re:Atlas Shrugged (Score:2)
I would comment, but the NSA is monitoring my posts and Cuba is too damn hot in the summers.
Re:New Slashdot FAQ: (Score:2, Redundant)
OT:Re:New Slashdot FAQ: (Score:1, Offtopic)
So please, STFU.
Re:OT:Re:New Slashdot FAQ: (Score:2)
2) Most of the time I "go with the flow" or make lame jokes... but I get fed up when I see crap like this.
Re:Good (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Good (Score:1)
Re:Good (Score:2)
I should have been more liberal with the
's. Plus I left out the last line, which should have been "Forest ... trees."
Why is ODF "in the guise of OSS?" (Score:3, Interesting)
>>ODF is a tool used by MS competitors to try to win marketshare>in the guise of OSS
The guise? Why is ODF only the guise of OSS, and not the real thing?
Flamebait? (Score:2)