Governer Dean Becomes Chair of DNC 219
sg3000 writes "It's official: the Democrats elected Howard Dean as Chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Dean won the position after a particularly contentious run for chairman, as reported in The New Republic. Governor Dean became a national figure during his impressive run for president in 2003, where he started as an outsider and long-shot candidate but became the front runner, only to see support fail to materialize during the Iowa caucuses."
Spelling Mistake? (Score:2)
Former Republican Governor of Vermont... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Former Republican Governor of Vermont... (Score:5, Insightful)
Gay rights are not a core Democratic platform. Every democratic presidentcal candidate EVER has been against Gay marriage. At the most expansionist, they're in favor of it being up to the states.
(Gay rights are included within a few other party ideals, but they're hardly a major issue.)
Re:Former Republican Governor of Vermont... (Score:5, Insightful)
But if they remade themselves as the Party of Tolerance, I think they could do a lot better. They could brand the Republicans as intolerant, exclusionist, backwards. They could make gay rights into the Civil Rights struggle of the new generation that it will inevitably be and call themselves the champions of it. They could personalize all of the anti-gay policies the GOP pushes under the sterile cover of "protecting the sanctity of marriage." Put some very charismatic, very likable gay people on TV. Have them tell their stories. "Why does President Bush hate this man? Why doesn't he deserve the right to marry someone he loves? Why does the Republican Party think they're more moral than him, when he's just trying to live his life with the hand God dealt him?" The Republicans are VERY vulnerable on this front, and the Democrats could make a lot of headway pushing at it. They could also make the world a much better place.
Re:Former Republican Governor of Vermont... (Score:3, Insightful)
Kerry ran and was fairly open about wanting tolerance -- and he lost to a President with the lowest par-approval rating EVER.
Re:Former Republican Governor of Vermont... (Score:2, Flamebait)
I'm really, really sick of people associating the Republicans with Hitler. Lets take a look at Hitler's political beliefs.
He was for:
abortion (like the democrats)
censorship (like the democrats.. under the mask of being politically correct)
euthanasia (like the democrats/left)
gun control (like the democrats)
vegetarianism (like the democr
Re:Former Republican Governor of Vermont... (Score:2)
You are obviously justified in your anger, but your attempts to link Hitler with the Democrats are no less suspect.
From http://www.politicalcompass.org/ (where Hitler is presented as an authoritarian in the middle of the left/right divide, and so he might do well with the authoritarian elements of either party in their primaries):
'You can also put Pinochet, who was prepared to sanction mass killing for the sake of the free market,
Re:Former Republican Governor of Vermont... (Score:2)
Linking him with either party in America is silly, but I was proving a point. His political beliefs were in line with some on the left (perhaps more-so than the right).
From http://www.politicalcompass.org/ (where Hitler is presented as an authoritarian in the middle of the left/right divide, and so he might do well with the authoritarian elements of either party in their primaries):
I d
Re:Former Republican Governor of Vermont... (Score:2)
However, although I still contend that Hitler was not a strict vegetarian (and I'm a vegan, so I know this means never consuming any animals or animal products, such as cow's milk or chicken's eggs), it doesn't matter unless he was a vegetarian for leftist moral reasons. As a leftist vegan, I object to the consumption of animals because of the viole
Re:Former Republican Governor of Vermont... (Score:2)
I didn't. I said that, if the Democrats did swing hard-left and make gay rights a platfrorm issue, the Republicans could literally elect ANYONE THEY CHOOSE.
(And you forgot that Hilter was also for Expansionist warfighting and discrimination based on religion -- two things that made him a villian, and either of which are Democratic [or really Republican] issues.)
Re:Former Republican Governor of Vermont... (Score:2)
Watch the debates?
Right then and there.
Re:Former Republican Governor of Vermont... (Score:4, Insightful)
What the Dems really need to do is convince the American people that they are more fiscally responsible than Republicans. After all, this is actually true, and it appears that the fiscal profligacy and incompetence of the Republicans isn't likely to ever end.
They also need to make sure that people know that the core values of the Democratic party are affordable healthcare, protecting american jobs, and affordable education, and that these can be achieved while being far more fiscally responsible. They also need to do a better job of pointing out that the Republicans have failed us with respect to all of those goals.
I am all for gay rights, and am disgusted by the cynical and twisted rhetoric that the Republicans use to try to use people's fear and hatred of gays to push their agenda, but I don't think that should be the focus, as it really isn't going to give that much headway. There are a lot more bigoted jerks in this country than there should be, and many of them will be more motivated to vote based on hate and fear than anything else. While the Dems should be progressive, they shouldn't be holding up their banner about an issue that they have consistently gotten bloody noses on.
Re:Former Republican Governor of Vermont... (Score:3, Insightful)
I guess you missed the Clinton administration...
Re:Former Republican Governor of Vermont... (Score:2)
The dot com bust hurt the economy, but whether it had to get as bad as it got under Bush, and whether the Dems could have straightened things out if they were given more time are only speculative.
My speculation is that since the Clinton administration really did put fiscal discipline, principles and policy over politics a great deal, and since Bush II's & co. appear to make no
Re:Former Republican Governor of Vermont... (Score:2)
There was much more going on in the economy in the 90's. Check all the growth we had in sectors outside of technology. If your view of the economy is so narrow minded as to focus solely on if you like the administration in the whitehouse or not why even bother.
A HUGE component of economic health and garnering foreign investment is how the deficit is looking. These deficits continue on their current pace and the economic troubles that come our way
Re:Former Republican Governor of Vermont... (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Former Republican Governor of Vermont... (Score:3, Insightful)
In order to win, the Democrats need to co-opt some Republican issues.
Look at the most successful Democrat president of the past generation. Bill Clinton co-opted a few Republican issues. Even though he didn't do it, he ran with a promise of a "middle class tax cut" in 1992. After he pushed the "don't ask don't tell" policy for the military in 1993, rescinded the "glo
Re:Former Republican Governor of Vermont... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Former Republican Governor of Vermont... (Score:3, Insightful)
It's pretty much been that way since WWII. The president who is more likeable usually ends up the winner.
John Kerry and A
Re:Former Republican Governor of Vermont... (Score:2)
I highly doubt it. The majority of Americans oppose gay marriage but support civil unions.
I am within this majority. I believe that gay couples should have equal protection. I do not believe however that the definition of marriage should be changed.
I think Dean was a bad choice for the DNC chairman. Dean is seen as a far left person even though this may not be true. The Dems need a moderate
Re:Former Republican Governor of Vermont... (Score:2)
Well, besides that whole "being considered a wedded couple under the law" thing. But hey, that only determines things like being covered under your spouse's health insurance, so it's not that important, right?
Re:Former Republican Governor of Vermont... (Score:3, Insightful)
It's just like anti-miscegenation laws. A black person couldn't marry a white person any more than a white person could marry a black person, but we still consider this horribly bigoted.
Except, in a way, it's worse. Because gay people through no fault of their own only want to marry people of the same gender, whereas straight people don't. So the law prevents one class of people from engaging in consensual and fulfilling marriage
Re:Former Republican Governor of Vermont... (Score:2)
And the difference is that heterosexuals, in general, are allowed to marry who they want to marry.
Re:Former Republican Governor of Vermont... (Score:2)
Or if you're one of those people that ignores logic and common sense, believing that being a homosexual is a choice, replace "whites" with "Christians" and "blacks" with "Jews."
Re:Former Republican Governor of Vermont... (Score:3, Insightful)
DNC for Presidential ... (Score:4, Informative)
But, if you lean that LP way, and alot on
What Libertarians actually support. [lp.org]
Go LP!
Re:DNC for Presidential ... (Score:5, Insightful)
The candidate who gets the "lesser evil" votes doesn't have a party at campaign HQ celebrating the fact that he's less evil. He sees every vote, regardless of why it was cast, as an endorsement of his policies. Vote for the D, he sees it as you voting for the welfare state, affirmative action and all the other un-libertarian Democrat policies. Vote for the R, you're voting for the War in Iraq, the War on Drugs, and all the other un-libertarian Republican policies.
If you're a Libertarian, please vote for Libertarian candidates or stay home. Anything else is harmful to the Libertarian movement.
Re:DNC for Presidential ... (Score:4, Interesting)
If libertarians were more willing to vote for primary candidates, the primary candidates might actually try to accommodate libertarian voters. As long as they throw their votes away on all-or-nothing, politicians can continue to ignore them completely. After all, what possible incentive can there be for a Democratic or Republican candidate to adopt libertarian precepts if the libertarians won't vote for him anyway?
Re:DNC for Presidential ... (Score:2)
Voting for candidates and then expecting them to cater to you won't work, because they already have what they want: your vote. You have to convince them that they need your vote, which means showing them what happens when they don't get your vote.
What you have to do is get people to vote for the third-party, then talk to the major party candidate you want to compromise with you, vote totals in hand as proof of your faction's clout. If you hav
Re:DNC for Presidential ... (Score:2)
What nonsense. The U.S. first-past-the-post elections suffer from the "spoiler effect," because of which most third-party voters are effectivly voting for the opposite of what they want.
If you really care about your third party, or accuracy in any "spoiled" election (i.e., with any third party participant), then support instant runoff voting (IRV) [fairvote.org] with all of your politic
Re:DNC for Presidential ... (Score:5, Interesting)
Long, long ago, Democrats believed in limited government. Then the Socialist Party came along and started running candidates with the strategy of taking votes away from Democratic candidates. The Democrats had to start catering to Socialist interests in order to stop losing votes. I wish I had my copy of Lever Action [amazon.com] on hand so I could quote the example given there: the 1932 platform of the Democratic Party called for limited government. The Socialist Party platform of the same year called for everything the Democratic Party stands for now: heavily progressive income tax, higher minimum wage, welfare state, more regulation of business, etc. The Democratic Party has become the Socialist Party in all but name.
Libertarians are in an even better position than the Socialists were, because we're capable of taking votes away from both the left and the right. Paleoconservatives who oppose preemptive war and "compassionate conservative" welfare programs are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the neocons who now run the Republican Party. At the same time, anti-war liberals don't like how much the Democrats support Bush's War in Iraq. The Libertarian Party can siphon off votes from both of these factions.
For example, the 2004 gubernatorial race in my home state of WA was decided by 127 votes. The Democrat, Gregoire, beat the Republican, Rossi, only after two recounts. The Libertarian candidate, Ruth Bennett, is openly lesbian and ran a campaign focused on gay rights, with the specific strategy of taking votes away from Gregoire. It worked. Bennett got 63,000+ votes. Remember that the margin of victory was only 127 votes. If even 1% of the Bennett supporters had voted for Gregoire instead, she would have won outright, without the need for two recounts.
You are correct that in the long run, the Libertarian Party will need to compromise with one or both of the major parties. However, the major parties won't compromise with us unless they have to. The only way to make them realize that they need to deal with us is by taking away their voters until they realize we are a force to be reckoned with. To that end, in the short run Libertarians MUST vote Libertarian instead of Democrat or Republican, and encourage any Libertarian-leaning friends or acquaintances to do the same. We'll either force them to compromise with us, as the Socialist Party did, or we'll supplant them entirely, in much the same way the Republican Party came to power over the Whigs.
Re:DNC for Presidential ... (Score:3, Interesting)
Land Value Taxation [wikipedia.org]-- a policy that some Libertarian sympathizers like Milton Friedman have kinder things to say about than many of the other policies.
Democrats like Huey Long [wikipedia.org] did adopt policies like a tax on concentrated wealth-but
Re:DNC for Presidential ... (Score:2)
Re:DNC for Presidential ... (Score:3, Interesting)
so I could quote the example given there: the 1932 platform
There's a year to remember.
A few more years of the current environment of cutting taxes, increasing spending, cheap borrowing and there will be a few more reminders of that era.
The 2004 data showing CPI about 1% higher than the growth in wages is indicative of what's to come as the Asian central bankers are willing to pay for $80/bbl oil using $ 1.5 trillion in U.S. Treasury bonds.
Oh behalf of the Republican Party.... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Oh behalf of the Republican Party.... (Score:2)
Re:Oh behalf of the Republican Party.... (Score:4, Insightful)
its pretty sad how the parent is considered insightful on slashdot. have all the adults left?
No, because of moderation abuse by the liberal majority here on Slashdot, nearly all of the conservatives and moderates have left.
The politics section has become an echo chamber of malcontent liberalism--the epitome of what's wrong with the Democratic party. With them, there's no room for legitimate disagreement. They're right and George Bush and everyone who voted for him are wrong and evil (or, at the very least, stupid).
This is great news! (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:This is great news! (Score:2)
Re:This is great news! (Score:2)
Re:This is great news! (Score:5, Insightful)
"But his views on things like health care, welfare, social security, environmental policy, tax reform and foreign policy range from the standard liberal platform to extremism."
Here is a translation for those people who don't speak extreme wingnuttian...
Dean's Views on:
Google really should develop a language tool for extreme wingnuttian.
Re:This is great news! (Score:2)
Re:This is great news! (Score:4, Insightful)
Bush isn't particularly interested in making Health Care more affordable unless by that you mean, "don't allow class action lawsuits across state boundaries".
Likewise, he isn't for (in the sense of watching what he does) helping the poor or making sure our environment is taken care of. He's atrocious on all levels here.
I doubt very much that Bush would be willing to stipulate Tax Reform should be based on a "People should pay according to their means more or less" policy. He's more like, "the richer you are the less you should pay" policy.
As for a foreign policy that doesn't promote lying to the people to foster support for wars of aggression... Seriously, try to say Bush is for that without laughing.
Re:This is great news! (Score:2)
Wow... you completely missed my point, didn't you? You're so blinded by your own paradigm that you fail to even concede that someone else might have a different point of view than yours.
Re:This is great news! (Score:2)
Re:This is great news! (Score:2)
And yet, I have no doubt that you want to scream every time you hear a Republican propose a new law to "protect the children." Well, guess what: that works both ways. Do not use "for our kids" as a justification for increased regulation. It doesn't solidify support from those who agree with you, and it disgusts people who don't.
5. Tax Reform? People should pay according to their means more or less. EXTREME!
Re:This is great news! (Score:2)
Re:This is great news! (Score:2)
Who can't afford it? The poor? Well you just answered that problem with the next point.
Welfare? We should take care of our poor. EXTREME!
For how long? I know people who have been on welfare for their entire ADULT lives. That's not helping.
Social Security? We should keep it and protect it. EXTREME!
Sure. Why not. I saw a plan by the IBEW that said that if TAXES were raised, everyone's taxes that is, SS could be saved.
Environmental poli
Re:This is great news! (Score:2)
Re:This is great news! (Score:2)
Re:This is great news! (Score:2)
Remember, Slashbots, disliking a given Democrat (or Republican) != supporting the "other" Republican (or Democrat). I didn't vote for Bush or Kerry.
congrats governor dean! (Score:2)
Re:congrats governor dean! (Score:2)
Not such a bad thing (Score:2)
Dean=Good Thing (Score:5, Insightful)
The right's gotten a strong wind recently, and we need to fight back accordingly, not start letting go of core values. And it's well-needed, even with such a poor candidate as Kerry, we still got 48%* of the electorate. Kerry ignored most of the issues at hand and only attacked Bush's strongpoints. I don't think Dean will let our newer candidates make the same mistakes.
Maybe I'm an old romantic, but I don't think homophobia (gay rights), subordination of women (abortion), warmongering (iraq), and the extortion of the lower classes (taxes, social security) are American values.
* debates over the remnants of fair voting aside
Re:Dean=Good Thing (Score:2)
Please clarify this. I see SS as extortion in that I am required by law to provide money to a pension plan that I want no part ot. As for the taxes, I also see that the progressive tax system we have is extortion but only for those who make more. Why not just ahve a flat tax of something like 25% (for starters) and adjust it from there? That way everyone is paying the same amount proportional to their income. And eli
Re:Dean=Good Thing (Score:2)
Remember that SS was put into place because most Americans weren't putting any (or enough) money away for retirement. History has s
Re:Dean=Good Thing (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Dean=Good Thing (Score:2)
Re:Dean=Good Thing (Score:2)
Of course this has gotten twisted and manipulated into something else by the media. They just report what they want and very little in the way of fact. Objective journalism is an oxymoron these days for either side. It's probably better being relegated to a philosophy class than journalism.
on dean and the scream (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Uh bullshit... (Score:2)
well, i don't think so. fwiw, i also have a video of the event that also shows while he did yell, it sounded nothing like the audio pushed on the news, talk shows, etc. and used as "proof" of dean's "excessive emotionalism".
Re:Uh bullshit... (Score:4, Insightful)
But if you think Gore did NOT play a major role in creating the Internet, then you've bought into a big lie circulated by right-wing politicians starting with Dick Armey, who originally misquoted Gore.
Gore was discussing his legislative record. Anyone who looks into that record can easily see that Gore was a leader in the 1980s of a faction called the "Atari Democrats," who believed the industrial base of the United States had to shift from heavy industry to technology.
When DARPA pulled back from funding non-military uses of the fledgling TCP/IP network, Gore was instrumental in getting the National Science Foundation both the funding and the jurisdiction to create NSFNet, which became the core of the public Internet.
It is conservative economic dogma that private enterprise will make everything just peachy if we just keep the government from intervening.
But private enterprise had no incentive to create a public Internet; on the contrary, private enterprise had an incentive to create instead a series of private networks (generally running proprietary protocols).
By declaring that the nation needed an "information superhighway" for the new era and throwing government support and funding behind an open network standard, Gore was instrumental in breaking that logjam and -- yes -- creating the Internet.
It is hard these days for simple things like facts and public records to compete with the drumbeat of spin, misinformation and outright lies that has come to characterize "political discourse." Both the mischaracterization of Gore's statement about the Internet and the miscasting of the pragmatic moderate Vermont Governor Howard Dean as a screaming "ultra-liberal on social issues who is out of the mainstream and wrong for America" are examples.
Surprise (Score:5, Interesting)
The reason why Dean exploded the way he did is because the media turned against him because he was "unelectable". It was a bunch of bullshit because he was not your typical "say only what you want to hear" politician. I think people in this country would have been smart enough to see that, and it would not have been a landslide win for Bush like the media said it would be. Unfortuntly the media has a lot of effect on the primary elections.
I gave $100 to the Dean campaign, and I do not regret it. That money indirectly helped him become the chair of the DNC, and I am very happy to see it.
BTW, at the Iowa Caucus (I was there) Dean had at least 3x as many people there as Kerry. To be honest, I am still a little amazed how quickly things fell apart.
Want to show the DNC that you support Dean (Score:2)
Head to We've got Howard's Back [actblue.com] and donate some money. Some folks are of the opinion that if enough money is donated right from the get-go, it will remind the Democratic National Committee to listen to the people and not the consultants all the time.
Yessssss (Score:2, Insightful)
Few things are as amusing as watching people get all worked up into a lather denouncing the choice. What, exactly, is wrong with having an intelligent, passionate leader? America has become such a country of clucking chickens that we not only accept the degradations to our liberties performed by the current monke
Thankyous from the GOP (Score:2)
So to all the GOP supporters jumping for joy, I'm jumping with you. If you're going to be this easy to distract, it will make it a lot easier to
Oscillations of the political pendulum (Score:5, Insightful)
Dean is clearly on the left side of the spectrum, but BushCo is much more clearly on the *FAR* right side. The rightwingers have become so dominant that the system is falling out of balance, and there are basically only two outcomes now. One possible outcome is a swing back to the left, and Dean is of course going to be pushing for that. The stronger the swing to the right, the stronger the counterswing will have to be.
The other possible outcome would be bankruptcy and collapse. The United States has already lasted far longer than the average government, and it's showing plenty of symptoms of the kind of senility that often appears before a government collapses.
why non americans think the US is crazy (Score:3, Interesting)
* Why Libertarians Support
Equal Rights for America's Gun Owners
* End Welfare
* The Libertarian Party: Working to slash your taxes!
* Do you remember when the standard of living in America was the best in the world?
I mean, really, this is all just nuts
Re:why non americans think the US is crazy (Score:2, Insightful)
Why Dean isn't going to help the Democrats (Score:4, Interesting)
He's hanging with the GOP on unpopular issues like immigration(where he basically endorses Bush's Open Borders policy) and failing to properly handle the social issues like Gun Control, Gay Rights,Drugs, Abortion(which constitutionally should all be state issues.
This could work (Score:3)
The Boston Globe [boston.com] had some bits to say regarding Dean:
"I'll pretty much be living in red states in the South and West for quite a while," Dean told reporters after he was elected to the post on a voice vote. "The way to get people not to be skeptical about you is to show up and say what you think."
"If we want to win nationally, we have to start by winning locally," said Dean, who repeated his pledge to rebuild party organizations in each state. "We can't run an 18-state strategy and expect to win. This party's strength does not come from consultants down, it comes from the grass roots up."
In a news conference after his speech, Dean said he planned to reach out to evangelicals, a bloc of voters that forms the core of Republican support. "We are definitely going to do religious outreach," said Dean, whose recent speeches routinely cite an example of a conservative evangelical who now supports him because of his support for expanded healthcare.
If I understand correctly the attention to local politics is a significant shift in DNC policy, which has in the past decade had a tendency to almost completely ignore local and state campaigns, focusing almost entirely on failed bids for the presidency. I have my fingers crossed that the Democrats will take up the nigh-forgotten banner of "States' Rights," which the Republicans seem to have dropped like a lead brick (particularly when it comes to things like gay marriage, euthanasia, abortion, and medical marijuana).
Also, I'm curious to see if Dean's grassroots approach can actually manage to reach beyond those who are already True Believers. Before, it just seemed to basically be Dean supporters (including myself) telling each other how much they hated Bush, which would get them riled up, which would have the end result of them telling each other how much they hated Bush.
Re:Democratic Attempt? (Score:5, Insightful)
I agree with you that Dean wasn't the one striking a chord with the common man, but I don't think that was the reason. As much as I, and many here, hate George W. Bush, the reason he's in office is "striking a chord with the common man."
He comes off as "common man" with his poor speaking abilities. He goes to schools, and reads stories to children. He went out in the crowd of terrified family members after 9/11, shaking hands and pausing to listen to frightened citizens stories. Then shortly after, he stood up and told the country that he was going to make us safer, and make it alright.
"Common men" don't care about secret tribunals, election fraud, attacking the wrong guy, invading soveriegn nations, alienating the world, or any of that stuff that "nerds" (of all types) care about. They want to be told that their leader empathizes with them, and that by golly, he's going to make it right. That's the stuff that makes the "common man" sleep easy at night.
Re:Democratic Attempt? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Democratic Attempt? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Democratic Attempt? (Score:4, Insightful)
The reason Bush won is because people knew what Bush was about, knew what he stood for, and agreed with some of his ideas.
The Democratic party needs to put forth someone with a message that the people like, and positions the people agree with. It's that simple. The Democrats are having somewhat of an identity problem, and that was reflected last election.
The fiscal liberals (i.e. people who want to involve the federal government more in economic transactions) are a strong component of the Democratic party. However, for better or worse, those ideas just don't get votes. Neither do politicians who support gay marriage.
There are really two options:
(1) Try to be honest about core values, like fiscal liberalism, abortion as a civil right, gay marriage, and more involvement with the U.N. This will initially cost the Democrats many positions, but will provide an opportunity to convince people of their ways.
(2) Continue their policy of Republican-Lite. The Democrats will hold more offices, but never will they gain the dominant position in the nation. They will never be able to convince anyone that liberalism is the way to go, because they can't even stand up and say it (or they'll lose votes).
Now, I'm not a member of the Democratic party, so maybe you shouldn't take my advice. I just want a healthy political landscape because that is better for me too. If the Democrats are constantly pandering and compromising and never really come up with a main issue that really creates a following, that means we have a bunch of Democrats, none of whom actually agree with the Democratic party.
Re:Democratic Attempt? (Score:2)
I take offense to this. I am a "nerd". I am young, I have a degree in computer science, live in a blue state, and work in anothe
Re:Democratic Attempt? (Score:3, Interesting)
Americans are smarter than you think.
Oh, if only they were.
Re:Democratic Attempt? (Score:3, Interesting)
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Clinton+Hitl e r [google.com]
Note especially that WND article about halfway down the first page.
As for your crack about Americans, what makes you think they are stupid?
I don't think that they are stupid. I just don't think that they're particularly smart, either.
Did they just stumble into being the greatest nation in the world?
No, they got there on the shoulders of their forefathers. Ame
Re:Democratic Attempt? (Score:2)
That said, Dean is definitely the wrong person for the job. This is going to push moderates even farther away from the party, not bring them in.
Re:Democratic Attempt? (Score:2)
Oh, yes, Howard Dean is a joke among the common man. That must be why thousands of individuals generated over $106,061.77 [actblue.com] in Democratic contributions in just two days [dailykos.com] in order to endorse his leadership.
Nay-saying's a lot of fun, isn't it?
Re:And Democrats Think...? (Score:2)
governor dean governed the state of vermont for a number of years. feel free to look over his record during that time and explain what part of it is "far to the left."
while you're at it, please
Re:And Democrats Think...? (Score:3, Informative)
The chairman's job is to coordinate and get candidates elected. Dean proved that he's very good at doing this. Dean's Internet fundraising and the Democracy for America organization proves just how well suited Dean is for the position.
Re:And Democrats Think...? (Score:2)
I can see how you have this impression. Not only is it gleefully pushed by the right, but it was also pushed by the other Democratic nominees in the running because they were afraid of not looking "strong on War" and desperately needed to differentiate themselves from Dean. But in fact, if you actually listen to what the man was saying through his whole campaign, he was saying that the democratic party ne
Re:And Democrats Think...? (Score:5, Insightful)
He may be overly antagonistic, but the Republicans managed to succeed despite having twice as much hate and venom as the Democrats--and at least Leftist hate is just anger at another point of view, not Ann Coulter-style racism. It was Kerry and the party establishment's attempt to seem moderate that doomed the campaign. Besides, if you were willing to go with Zell Miller, you've got no right to talk about venom.
It's good that he's a fiscal conservative. We might expect a lot of former Republicans (like myself--I voted for Bush in 2000) to realize their party no longer cares about fiscal conservatism--it's just big government for the sake of big business. The medical overhaul Bush insisted on is a great example of that--he has promised to veto any attempt to limit the windfall to drug companies. As politics switches its focus to domestic issues, Dean could end up looking like a moderate.
The promising thing about Dean is that he knows its not about moving to the center--Americans won't respect someone who capitulates for political convenience. But he also understands that strategic retreats are necessary on certain lost cause issues--like gun control.
The worrying thing about Dean and the Democratic party in general is that they've misunderstood the power of the internet and decentralized organization. They see it in terms of collecting money and volunteers to send to campaign in other states. But that's a foolish plan--people are alienated by out of staters coming to convince them to change their minds, as Dean should have learned in Iowa and Kerry should have learned in Ohio. Instead, internet resources should be aimed at getting people engaged in their own communities--whether its just getting people to volunteer in their own neighborhoods or even encourage people to run for local offices.
Re:And Democrats Think...? (Score:2)
Re:And Democrats Think...? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:And Democrats Think...? (Score:2)
(As for your other suppositions, it may interest you to know that there are many channels on your television other than Fox News. Try them. Or just try the "off" button.)
Re:And Democrats Think...? (Score:2)
Re:And Democrats Think...? (Score:2)
He won't. He'll lead the democrats into being a viable and strong non-Republican major party. Which, i'm sure you'll agree, will keep the Republicans honest and ensure that if they do stay in power, they're there with the will of the people.
Re:And Democrats Think...? (Score:2, Insightful)
Kind of like 2.5 Trillion (+Iraq +Prescription Drug costs I lied about) Bush is doing?
Re:And Democrats Think...? (Score:2, Insightful)
Since you're implying that "far to the left" is a *bad* thing, would you consider the right-wing paramilitaries in Nicaragua who introduced the term Death-Squad to our vocabulary, a *good* thing.
Letting gays have rights similar to those that married doesn't create thousands of dead bodies. Invading a country for money in every sense, from military contracts, cheap oil, new free trades zone, cheap labor, etc.., kills thousands as we are witness to it in Iraq. Don't forget, we didn't find WMD, or ties to A
Re:And Democrats Think...? (Score:2)
You might be interested to know, as I was, that WWII did require selling to the American public. Howard Zinn covered this very topic in his chapter on "A People's War?" in his "A People's History of the United States."
By certain evidence, it [WWII] was the most popular war in which the United States had ever fought. Never had a greater proportion of the country participated in a war: 18 million served in the armed forces, 10 million overseas; 25 million workers gave of their pay envelope reg
Re:And Democrats Think...? (Score:2, Interesting)
Cutting taxes deprives state funding for the various programs they have, like education. (The Fed does give public universities lots of money you know.) I was directly addressing college education. So tuition is increased to make up for the lack of federal funds. Pretty simple.
Taking your money from you at gun point? Nice hyperbole. I never said it was moral, I said it was the intelligent thing to do. Educating people is the only way you're going to strengthen your country and its economy.
Every tim
Look in the funhouse mirror, bub (Score:2)
Let's see -- you think Howie Dean was "full of venom and hate" but you're a supporter of Zell Miller's. How do you ever live with that sort of cognitive dissonance?
Zell Miller gave a speech at the convention this year in which he contrasted unamerican "agitators" -- pronounced with glowering eyes, foaming mouth, and around 18 syllables -- with our sh
Re:And Democrats Think...? (Score:5, Insightful)
And as a Democrat, I was rubbing my hands with glee. This guy is a nutcase, I thought. He'll take the Republicans down into permanent ruin. They're finished. I can't believe they let this guy get this much power. Heh heh heh.
That politician's name was Newt Gingrich.
Re:And Democrats Think...? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:And Democrats Think...? (Score:2, Insightful)
As a percentage of GDP, not even close.
Do you value shifting the tax burden from the wealthiest individuals to the middle class, while health care and education costs skyrocket?
The welthiest are now paying a higher percentage of the total than they were before the cuts.
Do you value people who state that the cost of their prescription drug plan will cost about $300 million, when in reality it will cost over $1 trillion?
I'm not sure wh
Re:Dean says ... (Score:2, Informative)
As might be imagined, the roar of the crowd at the event must have been deafening. This is a definite problem for those who want to use a microphone to speak- a balance must be struck between sensitivity and volume. However, what is instead used is a noise-cancelling microphone that reinforces the speaker's voice and blocks out background
I still say (Score:2)
Sure he had just lost the Iowa Caucus but he still had a lot of political momentum built up... But that disappeared almost immediately as the scream kept getting played and replayed and replayed... so much so that it became an in