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Jib-Jab Releases New Bush and Kerry Parody 77

AKAImBatman writes "Our friends over at JibJab have just released a new flash movie called, 'It's Good to be in D.C.'. As per 'This Land', this movie pokes fun at both Bush and Kerry, with some stop-overs for the Vice Presidents former, current, and hopeful. Check it out before they get sued off the 'net again!"
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Jib-Jab Releases New Bush and Kerry Parody

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  • by Skyshadow ( 508 ) * on Friday October 08, 2004 @12:36PM (#10470870) Homepage
    This afternoon while I'm sitting in some useless status meeting, I'll be hating myself for checking that out.

    Although it will be nice to never again see John Ashcroft's scary face again without picturing a Pride shirt under his suit....

    Seriously, though, none of JibJab's stuff this year as been as good as the couple they did in 2000 with the rapping Al Gore/Dubya or (my personal favorite) the monster-sized Hillary, Guiliani and Rick Lazio attacking New York. I can't find any of those online anyplace now -- does anyone know if they're out there someplace?

  • by RealProgrammer ( 723725 ) on Friday October 08, 2004 @12:38PM (#10470896) Homepage Journal
    It's great.

    The Republicans are in bed with Big Oil and the Democrats are in bed with everybody else.

  • Biased? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Confessed Geek ( 514779 ) on Friday October 08, 2004 @12:49PM (#10471078)

    The last one seemed just a tiny bit right leaning, though enough of an equal opportunity offender to just be amusing... This one seems VERY Right leaning. There are shots of B&C with buckets of money but they have Bin Laden and Saddam holding a Pro Kerry banner, and portray Edwards and Kerry as Gay lovers. All politicians deserve a good mocking now and then - well often, but this seems mildly duplicious when one side gets a mild tease and the other gets a full blown character assasination... And it was supposed to debut on the Tonight Show. Wonder if that had anything to do with the increased slant?
    • I must be losing my edge :)

      This one did attack Kerry while letting Bush off easy. I thought the first one was as fair as I could hope for in these anti-dissent "with us or against us" times. I wouldn't be suprised if JibJab got some flak - or some cash - or both to take Kerry down a peg and take up Bush's banner while riding the coattails of their prior, more balanced anim.

      Raging Bush apologetics from b-baggins, j0nb0y and N3WB13 in 3... 2... 1...

      • Um, they were both equally attacked- Bush/Cheney for Halliburton, Kerry/Edwards for being gay... the former is true, the later is not true as far as we know. So, it was a funny parody that equally attacked both sides- I failed to see any bias.
        • not biased? (Score:5, Informative)

          by phyruxus ( 72649 ) <jumpandlink @ y a h o> on Friday October 08, 2004 @02:03PM (#10472125) Homepage Journal
          let's look again..

          Bush: Halliburton reference in opening scene.
          Bush/Cheney in money barrels.

          Kerry: Showed with Kim Jong Il, Saddam Hussein, and (I think) Ayatolah Khomeini;
          Edwards says "I love to hug and kiss this guy" (gay reference #1),
          Gay man asks "are they gay", Kerry/Edwards respond "we won't say" (gay ref #2),
          Kerry/Edwards in bed in a pink room with a "Justin" poster on the wall (gay ref #3),
          Daschle says he's gay (gay ref #4),
          Clinton appears & is slapped twice by Hillary,
          Dan Rather of CBS appears,
          Teresa Heinz-Kerry burns a bra and bursts into flames,
          and Kerry is shown holding Heinz ketchup (this last one is minor so I'm counting it 1/2).

          The count of knocks is Bush 2, Kerry 8.5. I agree it was a funny parody, but the bias is obvious. Unless you saw 6 insults to Bush I missed, which I doubt, but please point them out to me if I did.

          One last thing... good on you Squinky86 for disagreeing in a mature way instead of just flaming (as usually resort to.) []

          • Daschle says he's gay (gay ref #4),

            That was Ashcroft, our esteemed Attorney General, a guy on the right.

          • I had counted all the gay references as 1. If you are to count the money/oil references, they are equivalent. The parodies against each party are equivalent. Kerry/Edwards/Clinton/Heinz/Ginsburgh... was parodied only 2 seconds longer than Bush/Cheney/Scalia/Rhenquist/Daschell... It was a funny parody, there was no bias in it. I believe your views are a bit distorted in one direction...
            • I only saw 2 money/oil references, the ones I listed. Did I miss some?

              As for my views being distorted, do you mean biased? I do support Kerry. I am liberal. So I have a bias. However, I think "distorted" is a little strong here. I won't take offense but I will point that out.

              • Yeah, I didn't mean it in a harsh way at all and I apologize for that. I just meant to point out that Kerry/Edwards et al were knocked on for about the same length of time as the Bush/Cheney crew. I didn't see any bias in the video.
          • > Daschle says he's gay (gay ref #4),

            Assuming you didn't mistake him for John Ashcroft, you mistook him for Governor McGreevey of New Jersey (who, faced with mounting corruption charges, admitted that he cheated on his wife with another man.)

            I thought the video was funny, but too many gay jokes. They should have dropped either McGreevey or Ashcroft. (In the interest of humor, I'd say keep Ashcroft. He's more well known, and his gay bit was funnier.)

            Also, I thought that jab at McCain was a RIOT.
          • > Unless you saw 6 insults to Bush I missed, which I doubt, but please point them out to me if I did.

            #1 - Ashcroft admits he's gay. (A play on his supposed homophobia.)

            #2 - Supreme Court says they might have to decide the election outcome. (Reference to the myth that the Supreme Court stole the election for Bush.)

            #3 - Cheney swears. (Only swore publically once, as did Kerry.)

            But you missed one against Kerry: Kerry says he's "sensitive"

            Also, I don't think that was Tom Daschle.
    • Re:Biased? (Score:3, Interesting)

      by philbert26 ( 705644 )
      The last one seemed just a tiny bit right leaning, though enough of an equal opportunity offender to just be amusing... This one seems VERY Right leaning. There are shots of B&C with buckets of money but they have Bin Laden and Saddam holding a Pro Kerry banner, and portray Edwards and Kerry as Gay lovers.

      I thought This Land hit both candidates equally. This one wasn't as funny. The gay stuff didn't bother me (they did Ashcroft too), but the Osama thing was bad. Especially since some terrorists have

      • Is NBC and/or the Tonight Show pro-Republican?

        Not really sure. I know MSNBC has at least a few "news entertainment programs" that are far right, but honestly I havn't watched any of the big 4 Networks for so long that I really don't know :(

        It was an honest question not an insinuation.
      • The Tonight Show definatly has a pro-Bush feel to it.
        They make efforts to retain the viewership of as many people as they can, but they bash Kerry with more enthousiasm.

        Also, Kerry was on Letterman the other day, and Leno went into a heavy Kerry-bashing stint for a little while.

        I watch too much late night TV...damn insomnia.
    • As a conservative, I felt the opposite. I think hitting each side where the other would do it was the right way to go.

      After all, what if they had shown Bush/Cheney as lovers and Kerry/Edwards as pawns of Soros, Heinz, and the ABA?

      Not as funny.
      • Mock Bush's intelligence and his fake accent, his monkey face. Mock Cheney for his haliburten connection and words on the floor (that was good), Mock Kerry as a Mass. Snob and Edwards as a "boy wonder" and ambulance chaser. That would have been parody and satire. THat woud have been funny since it has SOME reference to truth, but this one just felt, well like they splashed some raw sewage around on one side and tweaked a nose on the other.

        After all, what if they had shown Bush/Cheney as lovers and Kerry
      • I think hitting each side where the other would do it was the right way to go.

        But, if one side is lying and the other isn't, then endorsing a lie isn't the right thing to do.
        Whichever side that might be...

        After all, what if they had shown Bush/Cheney as lovers and Kerry/Edwards as pawns of Soros, Heinz, and the ABA?

        Presenting the right-wing "lets change the constitution so that all men, unless gay, are created equals" as gay lovers? That wouldn't have made any sense. Pawns of Heinz? You think that if
        • You've got my total agreement. With all the possible issues they could have used in their satire, they chose to make some up? This piece not only reeks of bias, it also stinks of a half-assed job by jibjab. This is the best they could come up with?
          • it also stinks of a half-assed job by jibjab

            Sure does.
            The last one was too sucessfull, they HAD to make a sequel, wether they had anything good to do it with or not.
    • And for my part I thought it was very left leaning. It made some clearly false accusations about Kerry (gay? Bin Laden supports? Right!) but pulls a few punches about Bush and Co going staying in Iraq purely for money, which is not so clearly false. Who cares about ketchup? The only 'possible' issues it brings up about either candidate are bad for Bush.

      Doesn't matter, though, I thought it was funny. If you believe it will affect the undecided then you are essentially saying that enough of the americ
      • I thought it was very left leaning. It made some clearly false accusations about Kerry (gay? Bin Laden supports? Right!) but pulls a few punches about Bush and Co going staying in Iraq purely for money, which is not so clearly false.

        So, putting something totally made up next to something at least partly true, and presenting them as equals.
        Does that make the made up stuff more believable or the true stuff less so?
        Would you say that they presented the current administration's apparent money-driven policies
    • This one seems VERY Right leaning.

      Wow! You got mod-bombed into oblivion there.
      I guess some people didn't want to hear it huh?

      • The last one seemed just a tiny bit right leaning, though enough of an equal opportunity offender to just be amusing... This one seems VERY Right leaning. There are shots of B&C with buckets of money but they have Bin Laden and Saddam holding a Pro Kerry banner, and portray Edwards and Kerry as Gay lovers. All politicians deserve a good mocking now and then - well often, but this seems mildly duplicious when one side gets a mild tease and the other gets a full blown character assasination... And it was
    • It DID debut... (Score:3, Interesting)

      "And it was supposed to debut on the Tonight Show."

      It DID debut on the Tonight Show, last night, 2004-10-08. The Tonight Show paid for it to be made.

      Anyone smart enough and knowledgeable enough about current events to be a comedian is smart enough to understand a few of the facts about George W. Bush's lack of analytical ability. Both David Letterman and Jay Leno joke about that, perhaps 3 times a week.

      Inside the U.S., it is possible to get fired from advertising-supported media for being too obvi
      • If 15 of the 19 where so upset about the influence the US has with Saudi Arabi, why didn't they attack the Saudi Royal Family and try to remove the people that are allowing the US to have that influence?
    • Oddly enough I thought the first one was somewhat left-leaning, and I'm left-leaning as well! Perhaps the thing is more balanced than anybody thinks, considering how confused everybody is!

      (I have not seen this new one so I can't say anything about it)
    • I really think you're pretty far off on this one. On the Republican-mocking side, we've got an obvious sign of a Halliburton-bought presidency, the Supreme Court deciding the 2004 election, a gay John Ashcroft, and a flip-flopping McCain. The folks at Jib Jab seem to really focus much more on the comedy aspects than they do on striking a precisely equal balance of mocking.
    • I just wanted to say that I found it left leaning. The charges against the right are valid, whereas the charges versus the left are silly. Money and oil vs gay lovers? Their Kerry bashing is complete silliness while their Bush bashing is truthful.

      I'm not complaining about it at all, I am just suggesting you look at it a different way.
  • Lacked the genius of "This Land," but this whole election cycle has become so divided and embittered, it felt good to laugh at it once again.
  • Mock the Vote [] released one I think is even better...
  • Does somebody have a link to the swf that does not go recursive and keep spawning frames within frames?

  • I saw this on Jay Leno last night. It was commisioned by NBC/The Tonght Show (according to Leno).
  • The first one was much funnier, but this one has a much more important message. I really appreciate this one because it encourages people to go vote.
  • Er... gay? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by darken9999 ( 460645 )
    What's with all the gay jokes? Take them out, and there's not a whole lot left. Looks like the Jib Jab guys are out of ideas.
    • What's with all the gay jokes?

      That's the natural result of the base song they selected.

      They took "Dixieland" and made it "DC Land". The original frequently used "away":
      1. I wish I was in Dixie, away, away

      2. In Dixieland I'll make a plan to live and die in Dixie
        Away, away, away down south in Dixie

      The only thing they could come up with for "away" was "I'm gay".
  • Who was the guy that shouted Hooray, Hooray?
  • Funnier than Jib-Jab ??? Football Fans for Truth []

    The evidence is compelling:

    Last month, John Kerry lauded "Lambert Field" during a visit to Wisconsin. He has yet to acknowledge Lambeau Field, the historic home of the Green Bay Packers.

    John Kerry also praised the Ohio State Buckeyes football team--during a visit to Michigan.

    John Kerry throws a football like a girl. []

    In the first debate, John Kerry promised the American people he'd keep his eye on the ball. In the first presidential debate, John Kerry sai

  • The previous one, "This Land", managed to be pretty fairly balanced and funny, but this one definitely spends most of the time on Kerry and let's Dubya off lightly. I don't think it was coincidental that this one had corporate sponsorship, and I'd like to know what degree of interference they got from their new owners.

    "I, for one, welcome our new 'Tonight Show' overlords."

    Jon Stewart [] is much funnier.

  • The new JibJab animation uses the tune of "Dixie," which is quite a bit older than "This Land Is Your Land." I'm not quite sure how old, but I do know that Abraham Lincoln ordered it played shortly after Lee's surrender in the Civil War, suggesting it was well-known as of 1865. It's decidedly in the public domain by now!

Pascal is not a high-level language. -- Steven Feiner
