Democrats Hire Army of Lawyers for Elections 108
Neil Blender writes in that the Democrats are hiring tens of thousands of lawyers to contest election results. This is nothing new, except for the apparent magnitude of it, and it gives the idea of tort reform a whole new meaning. The Republican party is relying on state parties to hire the lawyers, if necessary.
Comment removed (Score:4, Funny)
Headline should have been: (Score:2)
They really couldn't say that though, because these are just changes in assignment. After all, with the SCO suits winding down, Boies' firm had to do something with their junior attorneys. $31M only goes so far.
Re:Headline should have been: (Score:2)
Perhaps misleading? (Score:5, Insightful)
I'm not sure of the implications, but the final paragraph tells us the Bush campaign has $6 million in their legal fund while the Kerry has $4.6 (as of the end of august). I suppose it's unclear whether that's a result of expenditures Kerry has already made or if it indicates the Bush campaign's willingness to engage in similar tactics.
Regardless, I think I agree with the spirit of the poster. This is depressing. Is it better for there to be fierce litigation, proving the affair to be the horse and pony show it is, or for one of these rather lackluster candidates to win a definitive victory?
Do you know your candidates? At least go to http://www.vote-smart.org/ [vote-smart.org] and learn their names.
Re:Perhaps misleading? (Score:2)
Re:Perhaps misleading? (Score:1)
Just out of curiosity, how does the rabid interest of so many prove this to be merely a farce? Now, maybe it is, but I'm not sure how you're getting that impression from the dems (and republicans) passion...
Re: Perhaps misleading? (Score:2)
> The article tells us the democrats "plan to mobilize tens of thousands of lawyers on Election Day."
You'd think they'd try a simpler solution first, such as nominating a candidate that more than half the public would prefer over Bush.
Re:Perhaps misleading? (Score:2, Insightful)
Also, I believe the plan is for the volunteer attorneys to intervene or document instances where people are excluded from the polls. Democrats believe that more voters at the polls will favor them (that's the conventional wisdom [go.com]). Assuming Repulicans also believe this, t
Republican plans: targeting 30,000 precincts (Score:2)
Re:Republican plans: targeting 30,000 precincts (Score:1)
> for another Florida, primarily because more than two-thirds of voters will
> use punch-card ballots similar to those that produced the infamous hanging
> chads of 2000.
We've used those punch-card ballots since time out of mind in Ohio, and we've
never had any problem with them. Apparently, most folks in Ohio know how to
follow an arrow; whereas, as a certain comedian pointed out, the driving in
Miami proves that voters th
YES!! (Score:2)
Great. (Score:3, Funny)
Republican Party may Schism check this out! (Score:5, Interesting)
Bush's problem is that true conservatives remember their history. They recall that in recent years when the nation enjoyed the fruits of actual conservative fiscal and security policies, a Democrat occupied the White House and Congress was controlled by a Republican majority that actually fought for a substantive conservative agenda.
History's a troublesome thing for presidents. Even though most voters don't take much of a historical perspective into the voting booth with them, true conservatives do. Hmmm. Who's the Libertarian candidate again?
If someone like bob barr endorses Badnarik, this could get REALLY interesting.
Re:Republican Party may Schism check this out! (Score:2)
On the republican side you have Bush doing everything he can to piss off conservatives, and on the Democrat side the only thing you have is 'he's not Bush'... Not really a solid base for either party..
Re:Republican Party may Schism check this out! (Score:2)
I suspect that would be the end of the Libertarians...
Bob Barr is an asshole who paid for his (ex?)wives abortions and then ran on a Pro-Life platform. A known adulterer who called for the head of President Clinton when he was accused of such things.
Oh, could go on but I realized Bob Barr is not worth it.
Dangerous game politics..... (Score:2)
Bob Barr deserves death. (Score:1)
Yes, in a democracy, our representatives are out there making sure our vote doesn't count. The city estimated that it only cost a few dollars to tabulate the votes, since it was electronic tabulation, but they could not get the authority to do so until the ACLU sued. Finally the votes
Re:Bob Barr deserves death. (Score:2)
Now that I think about it the citizens of D.C. voted it on in. But since there is a congressional committee that controls the legislature of D.C. they had the final say. He basically vetoed the idea with one gavel drop.
Re:Bob Barr deserves death. (Score:1)
If you live in D.C., your vote only counts becuase they let it. That is not democracy. And the "D.C. is not really a state" argument grows tiresome too. It's a legal neutral zone like Guantanamo.............
Yawn... reruns. (Score:3, Funny)
Guess who won.
You are wrong. Fox did NOT (Score:1, Flamebait)
Don't believe anything michael moore said, he's a liar and that movie you saw was full of lies. I honestly can't even believe that you believe something that has been proven false countless times already.
Re:You are wrong. Fox did NOT (Score:2)
According to the article I cited, the decision by FOX News to call the election for Bush was made by Bush's cousin, Dale Ellis. It was done at precisely a time when Bush's lead was shrinking rapidly. In fact, the lead evaporated in the few minutes between the time Gore's campaign announced that he would give a concession speech and the time Gore was scheduled to actually gi
Re:You are wrong. Fox did NOT (Score:2)
Simply provide a list of which networks called Florida for Bush, and at what times.
That's something you should do. As the accuser, it's your responsibility to prove your claim. So you provide us with the times each network called for Florida.
Re:You are wrong. Fox did NOT (Score:3, Informative)
In fact, Fox did not retract its claim that Gore had won Florida until 2 a.m.--four hours after other networks had withdrawn the call.
Please note
Re:You are wrong. Fox did NOT (Score:1)
If you think that information is wrong, than you have a problem. I suggest you stop listening to people like Mr. Moore, who has only a fleeting relationship with the truth, and start looking up the information yourself, from reputatable sources.
What time each of the networks called the Florida election, and for whom, and when they retracted those calls is a matter of public record.
Would it matter (Score:3, Interesting)
We (the US) don't need lawyers, we need UN monitors, and we've got those. Of course it wouldn't hurt if the media would hold off reporting a winner until there actually is one; the "gentlemanly" thing to do would be to stop depending o
Re:Yawn... reruns. (Score:2)
Still less than the Republicans. (Score:4, Informative)
Kerry had about $4.6 million in his legal fund at the end of August, and Bush had about $6 million, commission reports show
Re:Still less than the Republicans. (Score:3, Insightful)
Also less experience than the Republicans. (Score:3, Interesting)
Let me quote a few paragraphs:
It's your patriotic, anti-terroristic duty! (Score:2, Funny)
That's a scary headline.... (Score:2, Funny)
Hey, if you hire tens of thousands of lawyers, that becomes a veritable "army", you say? Hrm. While we suffer from an excess of lawyers in this country, we need to send tens of thousands of more personnel to Iraq in order to win...
Could it be that the Democrats have a secret plan for how to win the war?
Not rocket science (Score:5, Insightful)
This is a great example of the contradiction and hypocracy where people want each vote to be counted, verified, and validated, but they are unwilling to put into place a mechanism that properly validates the voter. There are plenty of ways to legally identify yourself, and if you don't take the time to obtain and provide the proper identification, you deserve the consequenses for your lack of responsibility. This is not rocket science.
WTF. You have had four years since the last election to register. You have had four years of multiple state and local elections and primaries to go and verify that you are properly registered. If you decide not to be involved in the process, then don't expect the process to involve you.
The real problem is gradual the removal of personal responsibility from the process through poltically correct and partisan legislation that is killing a process that should not be rocket science.
Re:Not rocket science (Score:2)
in 1996 Both parties decided to exclude Perot from the debates, in 2000 it was nader. Now the democrats have went even further than keeping Nader out of the debates, they are actively trynig to kick him off the ballot all together! I think that not requireing ID is amazingly stupid, given massive fr
Re:Not rocket science (Score:2)
Oh man, you're right.
I recall thinking after the 2000 election that some serious damage had been done to the nations credibility, but it never occurred to me that things would get this bad...
Re:Not rocket science (Score:2)
WTF. You have had four years since the last election to register. You have had four years of multiple state and local elections and primaries to go and verify that you are properly registered. If you decide not to be involved in the process
This is all about "laying the groundwork" (Score:3, Insightful)
Combined with the ever famous use of the race card (Kerry's little speech recently promising that they will NOT allow millions of African Americans from being "disenfranchised" AGAIN") it only shows how low the political parties are willing to go.
If you live in a battleground state I fully expect you to see more local evidence of "election protetection" squads and such. Nothing could be farther from the truth. This is a form of intimidation. It also is an insult to the many public election officials who do a great and THANKLESS job. Remember, 19 out of 20 counties in Florida with voting issues were adminstered by Democrats and the last by an independant. How would you feel if your party was making you out to be a buffoon?
There is just too much money in politics. Political parties are the worst incarnation of a corporation ever seen. Worse they are funded by our money.
I wonder if there will ever be an election where 10% of the House turns over.
Lawyers, Bah! (Score:2)
Britain's Silly Party Goes One Better (Score:1)
Blatant Lie about GOP Lawyer funding (Score:2)
The Republican party is relying on state parties to hire the lawyers, if necessary.
This is a blatant lie. Only a few days ago, my wife recieved the following email from BC04 (lord knows why she's on their mailing list, but she is):
Please stop with the "election stolen" crap. (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Please stop with the "election stolen" crap. (Score:1)
So it appears that every election from now on will happen twice. Once with the voters, and then with the courts.
Is there any hope that the posturing and silly parisanship will end? Is there any point where "winning" for the party will be less important than improving America?
Re:Please stop with the crap. (Score:5, Insightful)
When an election is very close (and the 2000 election was *extremely* close) you can always ask what would have happened if, say, voters weren't improperly purged from the rolls. There are a million ways in which things didn't turn out as maybe they should have.
So please don't ignore the obvious problems of the 2000 election. Pretending that Bush was the obvious winner shows both ignorace and disrespect for democratic values.
Re:Please stop with the crap. (Score:3, Informative)
"Pretending"? He won. Later recounts showed he would have won had the existing (unconstitutional) recount completed. This is all entirely factual, and obvious. No pretending necessary.
Re:Please stop with the crap. (Score:2)
They also showed that if a recount had happened across the entire state of FL (much more than what the Democrats were asking for), Gore would've won.
Gore got more votes in FL, and yet Bush won the state.
Re:Please stop with the crap. (Score:2)
Yes, but that is hardly relevant to anything I can think of. No one seriously proposed doing that.
Laws govern elections. The votes were counted according to the laws. There is no "correct" final tally except that which is done according to the law. Every possible method of counting according to the law had Bush win.
Re:Please stop with the crap. (Score:1)
Re:Please stop with the crap. (Score:2)
Re:Please stop with the crap. (Score:3, Insightful)
I almost agree with you, here. It doesn't get any closer than Bush vs. Gore, but I don't think we're going to see a landslide for another 12 years. In other words, get used to these legal battles.
You lose me when you start with a salient point, but conclude with partisan BS. There were dozens of lawsuits filed by/on behalf of Bush and Gore, with respect to different issues, in Florida. Republicans initiated many of these suits, but Democrats initiated the rest. IIRC, the majority of these suits were b
Re:Please stop with the "election stolen" crap. (Score:2, Interesting)
Where the head judge who oversaw the recount effort was friendly enough with Dick Cheney to go duck hunting.
That story has nepotism and corruption written all over it. Sounds more like a corrupt 3rd world country then the great, fair United States.
Here is the bright side of things-- even if Bush does win the 2004 elections, history will be the ultimate judge.
In 2
Re:Please stop with the "election stolen" crap. (Score:2)
I imagine you're referring to J. Scalia?
First, he's an Associate Justice, not a judge. Second, he's not the Chief Justice; C.J. Rhenquist is. Third, the Supreme Court didn't oversee anything, really.
Many lessons will hopefully be learned from our current times.
And there's three of them.
And IIRC, the duck hunting thing didn't happen until well afterwards, but I don't know for sure.
Re:Please stop with the "election stolen" crap. (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Please stop with the "election stolen" crap. (Score:2)
Thank You for articulating what I have believed. May God Himself bless your every step and every endeavor, may My Lord Jesus Christ find in you a prophet - because you surely are one. Bless You Sir, inverse to how He has cursed the Neo-Cons.
Yet another "big lie" (Score:2)
You're right about the "trying times to come", though. Don't try and paint me as a Bush partisan, because I plan to vote for Badnarik in November. Bush may be bad, but you folks just scare me.
Re:Please stop with the "election stolen" crap. (Score:2)
40,000 (i believe is the number, check me) voters were dual registered in NY and FL, and could have cast votes in both states.
There were more conspiracy theorizing, but the facts elude me, at the moment.
Re:Please stop with the "election stolen" crap. (Score:2)
There was more wrong with the florida election than just that. For the hardcore, Nader had 1.3% of the vote, Bush won by less than %0.1. So had Nader not ran, it is reasonable to say Gore would have won.
Sorry, but what are you smoking? What does people legally casting legitmate votes for a legitimate candid
Re:Please stop with the "election stolen" crap. (Score:2)
Unfortunately, at the time of that post, I could only think of two facts (points, rather) about the election... Thus, I started the sentence about Nader with "For the hardcore,
Florida h
Re:Please stop with the "election stolen" crap. (Score:2)
And you said one of those things was that people voted for Nader. And I can't see how that is in any way "wrong."
Which, in my opinion, Nader DID play a significant role because of how close the presidential race was.
Fine, but there is nothing remotely *wrong* with that.
Re:Please stop with the "election stolen" crap. (Score:2)
Nader isn't the extreme left wing of the Democratic party. He's a populist.
I consider myself conservative, and I voted for him in 2000.
Re:Alright Libertarians. (Score:2)
Wrong topic. Wrong ideaology. I'm not sure where you get the idea that Libertarians nly care about their own property rights but....erm, okay.
What's done is done (so far as I'm aware, is there some outstanding battle to get back land?), so as my wife loves to keep telling me, don't try to do the absurd to attempt to undo something that can't be undone.
I grew up in a home where I had a stepmother that expected the insane to simply make a point when I'd done something incorrect that couldn't be '
Silverware Police (Score:2)
No, you dirtied the wrong spoon. You do know what spoons are for, don't you? Didn't that mother of yours teach you anything important?
Sorry. I think your stepmother and my ex-wife could have been good little harpy friends.
Re:Alright Libertarians. (Score:2, Insightful)
Many Native people work every day to get the land back that they would have recieved from their forefathers.
Your forefathers did, yes, and you recieved it from them. It is stolen. What you are saying is as that if your father stole a painting, and you received it from him, then the true owner or the inheritor of his estate doesn't have any right to it anymore.
Perhaps, you're right, perhaps it can't be reasonably undone completely, but it can be undo
Re: Alright Libertarians. (Score:2)
> I'm not sure where you get the idea that Libertarians nly care about their own property rights
In my case, it was from reading their posts on Slashdot.
Re:Big shocker here, huh? (Score:2)
Re:Big shocker here, huh? (Score:4, Informative)
How often do people substantiate their charges in a 20-second radio snippit?
Especially when it can be substantiated so easily:
I am committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year. [google.com]
Re:Big shocker here, huh? (Score:1)
The "clip" was actually live coverage and had been going on for more than 10 minutes. During the time, she continued to list other reasons why The Evil Republicans were already underway with a huge election coup without referencing a single source or fact.
Re:Big shocker here, huh? (Score:2)
I believe they've given money to both political campaigns. It's in their financial best interest to be cozy with the parties that control how elections are run. It is obviously a source of potential election fraud. If not for the Republicans in particular, than at least for Diebold . Why is that an irrational "mindset"?
(And what is the relevance of the senator's race, you idiot fuck
Re:Big shocker here, huh? (Score:1)
Maybe because it implies that they are somehow going to rig their machines?
To state that the companies higher ups support a certain candidate is perfeclty fine. Any sane person would not care. But to imply that because they support a certain candidate and are therefore somehow planning to tip the election to their favor?
Do you honestly not realize the seriousness of that? The senator clearly didn't, and I'm shocked that people here aren't either, blinded as they
Re:Big shocker here, huh? (Score:4, Insightful)
They have rigged their machines, and that is also accepted fact. They have rigged them to remove the possibility of a legitimate audit.
That is certainly different from rigging it for a particular candidate, but the fact that they are willing to do this lesser form of fraud makes it seem completely plausible that they could do a greater form of fraud.
While it is certainly not proven that Diebold machines will be used to give an advantage to GW, it is also not irrational to suspect them. Their machines are begging for election fraud, in favor of either candidate.
Re:Big shocker here, huh? (Score:2)
No, a person publically supported his candidacy, not the company.
Re:Big shocker here, huh? (Score:2)
You're right.
Re:Big shocker here, huh? (Score:1, Offtopic)
Re:Big shocker here, huh? (Score:2)
There machines have been hacked into numerous times. Right there in the booth, for testing puproses, they have been compromised. There are 3-5 line scripts that can be run on the machines that can cast
Re:Big shocker here, huh? (Score:1)
Ummm actually th
Re:Big shocker here, huh? (Score:1)
RTFA (Score:1)
I can't say that I blame either party for preparing ranks of lawyers; litigation is apparently how you win close elections is this country.
Re:I wonder why.... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:I wonder why.... (Score:2)
Re:I wonder why.... (Score:4, Insightful)
- Republican president
- Republican-controlled House
- Republican-controlled Senate AND
- 5-to-4 Repuglican control of the Supreme Court
And here's How A Bill Becomes A Law [infoplease.com]
Did we learn NOTHING from Schoolhouse Rock?
Re:I wonder why.... (Score:3, Insightful)
- Republican president
- Republican-controlled House
- Republican-controlled Senate AND
- 5-to-4 Repuglican control of the Supreme Court
President: Yes
House: Yes
Senate: From 2000 - 2002 the Democrats held the majority 50-49-1 (D) - (R) - (I) with the defection for Jeffords who was a republican, went indep, and caucases with the Democrats.
Supreme Court: Neither party controls the court, the court rules for the boy scouts one day, and against the ten commandments the next, the day after
Re:I wonder why.... (Score:2)
Since the Supremes don't really come into the lawmaking process until after the fact(so to speak), and then have a proven 5-4 track record as far as the whole voting issue goes, I think my point's pretty valid.
Re:I wonder why.... (Score:2)
It does not matter, the democrats controlled the agenda! They decided wht bills came up when, so exactly what bill did they bring that would address the issue that the big bad republicans voted against?
Since the Supremes don't really come into the lawmaking process until after the fact(so to speak), and then have a proven 5-4 track record as far as the whole voting issue goes, I think my point'
Re:I wonder why.... (Score:2)
Bzzzzt! Wrong answer! Jeffords didn't defect until 2001, it was because of the way the Bush administration treated him. He appearently wasn't ideologically pure enough for the Bushies so Karl Rove decided to hold a dinner for Vermont Teachers and not invite him. That tended to piss him off so he changed his affiliation to Ind
Re:I wonder why.... (Score:2)
Thank you for correcting me, so in 2001-2002 what bills did the democrats bring? (I was off by 5 months)
He appearently wasn't ideologically pure enough for the Bushies so Karl Rove decided to hold a dinner for Vermont Teachers and not invite him
All I know is Zell Miller gives a speech at the RNC and people are aflutter with massive reasons why he is only looking out for #1, Jefford changes parties thus shifting the balance in the senate and he is
Re:I wonder why.... (Score:2)
Re:I wonder why.... (Score:2)
Re:I wonder why.... (Score:1)
... there's no good light to be shared. (Score:1)