Political Stock Market Simulation 41
Elphaba Thropp writes "Zack Coburn (of ArsDigita fame) recently released Politics on ZackCoburn.com, a political stock market simulation in which 'political figures are the symbols. The price of each symbol will fluctuate as users rate it either positively or negatively.' Each user starts with $1,000,000, and can rate a symbol's performance every twenty-four hours. The site also offers user blogs, and contains a unique statistics page, in which the top users and symbols are shown, as well as the most liberally-owned and most conservatively-owned stocks are shown (based on a political survey each user can take). Interestingly enough, George W. Bush currently has the most liberal ownership."
Wow. (Score:4, Interesting)
We've sure gotten away from that. The whole Swift Boat thing has made a great distraction from any meaningful issues that could be raised. And now a 'political stock market simulation'?
What's wrong with politics that we do everything we can to stop from looking at it objectively? Why make it a game?
Re:Wow. (Score:1)
You are absolutely right that politics is, for the most part, not about real issues. Things like SBVFT and Bush's (non-existant) Alabama National Guard record are supposedly character issues. But they're from 30-40 years ago. Why is the validity of Kerry's purple hearts an issue, but the fact that Bush was on coke as recently as 1991 (See Kitty Kelley's new book) not an issue?
Kerry is trying as hard as
Re:Wow. (Score:2)
Second, why doesn't kerry run on his senate record? Could it be that he hasn't done much in the 16+ years he has been in DC?
Lastly, both major sides do not want to talk about the issues because both have a public record of what they have done, and it ain't much.
Re:Wow. (Score:1)
I think you misread the grandparent. My impression was that he was about to mod the great grandparent up, but then saw the sig. He decided to respond instead of mod because he thought that the sig meritted a dialog. Obviously, the original poster had been up modded now anyhow.
Re:Wow. (Score:1)
If it was I would not be mod bombed when I post unpopular ideas as I do not think it is a coincidence that multi posts of mine, on totally different topics, get modded down with in minutes of each other.
Re:Wow. (Score:1)
Re:Wow. (Score:1)
Re:Wow. (Score:1)
Re:Wow. (Score:1)
Shorting the Stock (Score:2)
Re:Wow. (Score:2)
What's wrong with politics that we do everything we can to stop from looking at it objectively?
Politics is inherently subjective; you're choosing someone to govern, to give authority over yourself to some degree. Like any human relationship, you'll need to establish trust with that person before you choose them.
And the candidate will do everything to convince as many as possible that such trust is well placed.
Unfortunately, well-developed deception skills can sell "I'm trustworthy" to many people.
Why is Kerry trading at 3x Bush's value? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Why is Kerry trading at 3x Bush's value? (Score:2, Informative)
no real moey behind this! (Score:1, Insightful)
Huh (Score:4, Informative)
Disclamer: Not associated with this site, just remember it from a
Re:Huh (Score:1)
Re:Huh (Score:2, Interesting)
Bush's liberal ownership (Score:3, Interesting)
Maybe they're trying to short the stock?
Re:Bush's liberal ownership (Score:1, Informative)
Shorting the stock means to borrow it and then sell it, hoping to buy it back at a lower price.
I don't think they are shorting it, just betting that he is going to win (I would bet on that myself. The polls show Bush in the lead right now).
Re:Bush's liberal ownership (Score:2)
Yeah - I was hoping the comment would be funny even with the inaccuracy. Going by the moderation I was wrong.
liberal stock (Score:2)
Well as a democrat, I would love to see George Bush lose. As a rational person I know he will probably ending winning, due to big business, or the senior vote which usually goes overwhelmingly to republicans. Combined with the fact that Kerry's war record is in doubt, and how Nader is gaining more votes. I really dont want bush to be president and I will vote against him, but I would also put my money on Bush
Vote Nader (Score:1)
Re:liberal stock (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:liberal stock (Score:1)
Re:liberal stock (Score:1)
Re:Liberal Ownership (Score:1)
Re:Liberal Ownership (Score:3, Interesting)
What the country needs is for one of the two political parties to shift its platform to being socially progressive and fiscally responsible. Bush opened the door for the Democratic party to choose this by taking the exact o
Re:Liberal Ownership (Score:1)
Re:Liberal Ownership (Score:1)
Methinks Pat Buchanan took a wrong turn somewhere...
Taxation with representation (Score:1)
I'm sure they're pleased with freedom to trade in this market...
Re:Taxation with representation (Score:1)
Bad Design (Score:1, Interesting)
Also, there appears to be an infinite surplus of stock, so there are no market effects in this stock market.
Hot tip: Afghan elections to be held next early
I want a Michael Badnarik symbol (Score:1)
Yours truly,
Mr. X
Re:I want a Michael Badnarik symbol (Score:1)
p.s. Keep the faith. I like your blog.