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Scientific American Endorses Joe Biden For Its First Presidential Endorsement In 175 Years (scientificamerican.com) 646

goombah99 shares a report from The Washington Post: Four years ago, the magazine flagged Donald Trump's disdain for science as "frightening" but did not go so far as to endorse his rival, Hillary Clinton. This year, its editors came to a different conclusion. "A 175-year tradition is not something you break lightly," editor in chief, Laura Helmuth told The Washington Post on Tuesday. "We'd love to stay out of politics, but this president has been so anti-science that we can't ignore it." In a nod to Trump's embrace of anti-science conspiracy theories, Scientific American editors compared the people each candidate turns to for expertise and insight. Biden's panel of public health advisers "does not include physicians who believe in aliens and debunked virus therapies, one of whom Trump has called 'very respected' and 'spectacular,'" the editors write. The editor in chief of Science Magazine, the "apex predator of academic publishing," according to Wired, also denounced Trump but stopped short of endorsing presidential candidate Joe Biden. goombah99 writes: "This may be the most shameful moment in the history of U.S. science policy," writes H. Holden Thorp, a chemist and longtime university administrator. The editorial's key point is that it was negligence but more like malice. "As he was playing down the virus to the public, Trump was not confused or inadequately briefed: He flat-out lied, repeatedly, about science to the American people. These lies demoralized the scientific community and cost countless lives in the United States." This follows on an august issue's lament over the dangerous policies of the unqualified presidential coronavirus advisor Scott Atlas: "Although Atlas may be capable of neurological imaging, he's not an expert in infectious diseases or public health -- and it shows. He's spreading scientific misinformation in a clear attempt to placate the president and push his narrative that COVID-19 is not an emergency." Thorp concludes his article in this prestige journal with a searing indictment "Trump was not clueless, and he was not ignoring the briefings. Listen to his own words. Trump lied, plain and simple."
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Scientific American Endorses Joe Biden For Its First Presidential Endorsement In 175 Years

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  • Off hand I'd say the readers of Scientific American are already inclined to vote for Biden

    • That's a silly assumption. Trump is a bumbling idiot made worse because of Powers which Congress has ceded to the Office with a "gentleman's agreement" to not abuse them. With Democrats likely to take both House and Senate, we have a good chance of muzzling Trump AND preventing abuses by future Presidents, turning him into a Lame Duck. But if Biden wins, it's more likely that with control of both Branches the Democrats will run wild in the opposite direction, and not only enact a great number of reckless po
      • by stabiesoft ( 733417 ) on Wednesday September 16, 2020 @11:41PM (#60513862) Homepage
        What I'd really like to see is the next administration recognizes how close to the precipice of a dictatorship we got (hopefully we just get close, it ain't over yet) and decides we must neuter some of the prez power. DOJ should be stripped away from the prez. Redirection of congressional budgeted money should be cause for immediate termination of the prez. No Senate trial, just you are gone. I'm sure there are others, but this shows how easily the US can be a banana republic.
        • by Dread_ed ( 260158 ) on Thursday September 17, 2020 @10:17AM (#60515316) Homepage

          When Obama signed a bill that made it legal for the US government to imprison US citizens indefinitely without trial we got a dictatorship.

          I wondered at the time why his supporters didn't say anything. I was amazed at the lack of response from his detractors as well.

          It was then I learned that the most politically vocal and active among us aren't concerned with liberty, justice, and freedom. They are power-centric people who view government specifically as a tool of oppression, designed to subjugate those they do not like, up to and including their indefinite incarceration.

          • by Ksevio ( 865461 ) on Thursday September 17, 2020 @12:17PM (#60515908) Homepage

            A lot of Obama supporters were quite angry about the 2012 NDAA being signed, but the bill was fairly bipartisan and amendments to remove the indefinite detention sections didn't pass. It's a big problem with these large "must pass" bills where something like this gets slipped in and congress is too afraid to vote "against national security"

      • by cusco ( 717999 )

        When Obama entered the White House the Democrats owned both the House and Senate for two years. What did we get? We bailed out the banksters and then refused to prosecute them, protected the prior mAdministration in spite of having committed **war crimes** for which the Nuremberg Commission had executed people, torture and renditions continued, drone strikes increased, and once the Democratic "leadership" declared "Single payer is off the table" we had the insurance industry's wet dream of Romneycare fois

      • RE: You're first paragraph.

        Nah, bro.

        The Democrats have had full power before and they did diddly dick with it because as much as they preach progressive policies, in the end they're still bought and paid for and they absolutely DO NOT want to upset the current status quo. Of course, the last time they had the ability to enact real change they kept talking about how important it was to get Republican buy-in for each change they wanted to make so that it would stall out as the more rabid shit-talkers in cong

    • by Shaitan ( 22585 )

      Agreed. In other news unlike Scientific American, SCIENCE has debunked neither aliens nor virus therapies.

    • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Wednesday September 16, 2020 @09:33PM (#60513458)
      Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by JoshuaZ ( 1134087 ) on Wednesday September 16, 2020 @08:20PM (#60513146) Homepage

    I urge people, especially those who consider themselves centrists or slightly right-leaning to take this really seriously. There's an obvious incorrect explanation if one doesn't want to pay attention to this. One can dismiss this as evidence of the politicization of science and that SA has been taken over by "the liberals." But that's not what this is about. This administration has been uniquely awful in terms of paying attention to basic science. This isn't just even about climate change and environmental issues. We now have over 200,000 dead Americans and more to come https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm [cdc.gov].

    The high death rate from COVID is not completely due just to Donald Trump. Bill De Blasio and Ron DeSantis have been other politicians who have handled this very badly; and this isn't a Republican v. Democrat thing. De Blasio is a Democrat and DeSantis is a Republican. But Donald Trump is the one politician who oversees the entire US. And his repeated failures to listen to scientists is the major cause of where we are today. We know from the Woodward tapes that Trump knew how dangerous this was early on https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2020/09/politics/coronavirus-trump-woodward-timeline/ [cnn.com] , but that he decided not to tell anyone. We know that they backed off taking serious steps when they decided that more deaths would occur in predominantly blue areas, a horrific decision that somehow Americans who voted for Trump were worth more than others, a bizarre reaction to the person who is supposed to lead all Americans https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/07/trumps-war-on-blue-states-is-worse-than-previously-thought.html [nymag.com], and in good contrast to the last Republican President who when New York was faced with 9/11 did everything he could to help a city which had voted strongly against him.

    At this point, Donald Trump's narcissism, cynicism, selfishness, and refusal to listen to scientists has put us where we are today. The US has had 6 approximately million COVID cases, one 20% of all cases worldwide, even as the US is about 5% of the world population. Nor can one blame this on China. The Chinese government did try to hide details from the world, and millions around the world might be alive if China had been more transparent. But even given that, other countries are doing far better than the US is. The US's uniquely bad response is not due to China. It is due to almost completely in who sits in the Oval Office. This is but one example of many of how Trump's antiscience and antireality attitude has caused harm for all of us. Scientific American didn't do this when Mitt Romney ran, it didn't do this when John McCain ran, and for good reason. We would not have the problems we have today if either of those were President. Indeed, SA didn't even do this in 2016, because it wasn't apparent then that some of the worst possibilities for Trump really would come to fruition. But now we know.

    This is not about partisanship. This is about facts and a President who does not care about them.

    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by _Sharp'r_ ( 649297 )

      Florida has had literally 1/3 the deaths/million population as NY has and is below the national average.

      If you think both states handled COVID equally badly, then you haven't been paying attention to anything except partisan news. DeSantis actually followed "the science" by protecting the most vulnerable (older nursing home patients).

      When a group which is 90%+ comprised of Democratic Party candidate supporters announces that they're supporting a Democratic Party candidate, that's not "news", nor indicative

      • by JoshuaZ ( 1134087 ) on Wednesday September 16, 2020 @09:56PM (#60513546) Homepage

        Florida has had literally 1/3 the deaths/million population as NY has and is below the national average.

        Florida has about 13,000 deaths from COVID https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/coronavirus-us-cases.html [nytimes.com], with a population of around 21.5 million. For a ratio of about 600 /million. US has had around 200,000 COVID deaths with a population of around 330,000 million, which is around also 600/million. But that's with the official COVID death total for Florida, while using the estimate for excess deaths. The official US death total is 196,000 which gives around 580/million. So when when we make a comparison, we get that Florida is slightly worse than average. It is also worth keeping in mind that New York was the initially most hard hit location, which meant that they were less prepared, and we knew less about how to treat the disease. In comparison, Florida had far more warning, and as with some other state governor, he squandered it.

        If you think both states handled COVID equally badly, then you haven't been paying attention to anything except partisan news.

        Curiously, neither I, nor anyone else in this thread said anything about both states handling things "equally badly"- the statement was that Bill De Blasio and DeSantis have both handled things badly. Note comparison was made in that sentence, and it would be pretty tough to make a comparison when one is a mayor and one is a governor. (And your mention of nursing homes seems to reflect that you are thinking about the activities of Cuomo, the governor of New York State, rather than the mayor of New York City.) But this really is secondary to the central topic which is Trump's activity and direct harm he has caused.

        When a group which is 90%+ comprised of Democratic Party candidate supporters announces that they're supporting a Democratic Party candidate, that's not "news", nor indicative of any new information.

        What isn't surprising that individual members of the group in question would support the Democratic candidate. I'm pretty sure if you had polled the editorial board of SA in 2012, or 2008, it would have been almost equally high a percentage voting for the Democratic candidate. What is notable here though isn't them as individuals, but the endorsement as a group. Teacher's unions endorse candidates all the time. That's normal. Scientific American endorsing a candidate is not. The editorial board decided in this case, that Trump really is awful on science issues to an absolutely unprecedented degree. And that's something that should get one's attention and not be dismissed as simply liberals being normal liberals.

  • The magazine "Unscientific American" is endorsing Trump.
    When asked about the endorsement, their editorial board replied, "Seriously?"

    [ Man, if there were *ever* a time for that magazine to actually exist ... ]

  • by zkiwi34 ( 974563 ) on Wednesday September 16, 2020 @08:41PM (#60513242)

    That Congress and most states completely ignored whatever Trump said or did the opposite.

    Who knew that Trump being an asshole would make people go crazy. If they were rational, they might have done something useful, but no.

  • How is this a remotely relevant article for Slashdot ? Christ it really is circling the gurgler now

  • Endorsement like this has a better chance to turn Trump supporters anti-science than anti-Trump. It would be much more helpful if through inclusive non-partisan presentation of science it would turn Trump supporters pro-science and eventually to resolve an internal conflict, some of them would turn out anti-Trump.

  • THis has nothing to do with Biden's suitability as a president other than his acknowledgement that anthropogenic climate change is real.

  • by HotNeedleOfInquiry ( 598897 ) on Wednesday September 16, 2020 @08:59PM (#60513320)
    Is nothing but another pulp pop sci magazine. There was a time when Scientific American was a highly respected journal of science that non-scientists enjoyed. It has since fell into the entertainment genre of magazines after being bought by a German publisher. If they want to endorse Biden, fine. Just don't cloak it under scientific authoritativeness.
    • Scientific American has always been pop-sci. Not quite as low brow as Popular Science, but a bit overboard to call if a Journal !

      Regardless, I find it hard to believe their are too many people with a real interest in science, even pop-sci, who don't realize Trump's anti-science agenda is not good for science.

      Trump's whole "it's only the flu. it's fake news, like a miracle it'll go away, don't wear a mask" schtick is why USA it looking like a third world country today rather than the leader in science it use

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Now your ad-hominem attack is out of the way do you have any specific criticisms of their reasoning? They say Trump is anti-science and that is hurting the USA, do you disagree?

  • by RightwingNutjob ( 1302813 ) on Wednesday September 16, 2020 @09:51PM (#60513524)
    trust in hard nosed and apolitical science. The fact that the same people who are telling you that their pronouncements ate grounded in empirical science are also acting like partisan players who believe that 57 genders is as good a number as any is not lost on the unwashed masses.

    Nor is the fact that "scientific consensus" very conveniently lands on political positions that are anti freedom and anti capitalist.

    Nor is the fact that when they go on Twitter, a lot of these scientists and science cheerleaders forget that the rest of us are listening and proceed to repeat batshit crazy far left insanity that they marinate in in their faculty lounges.

    Trust in science took millennia to gain. Now it's being pissed away in what looks like minutes. Simply awful.
  • by AndyKron ( 937105 ) on Wednesday September 16, 2020 @09:54PM (#60513532)
    Isn't "Scientific American" a bit of a oxymoron these days?
  • by argStyopa ( 232550 ) on Wednesday September 16, 2020 @09:57PM (#60513554) Journal

    ...you know, back when I cancelled my 20+ year sub.

    Like when they outright lynched Bjorn Lomborg.

    This is just more of the same, SciAm + TDS = Biden endorsement.

    • Yup. Spent subscription money on SciAm for many years. Then they lurched hard left into crazy land, editorially. Totally transparent political pandering, to the point of embarrassing themselves with their choices about what was or wasn't "scientific." Stopped buying it, have never looked back. This endorsement news, backing the Harris administration, is hardly a surprise.
    • by Ragica ( 552891 ) on Thursday September 17, 2020 @11:35AM (#60515688) Homepage

      I was curious who this lynched scientist was, so did a quick wikipedia lookup. Turns out he actually is a "political science" (science?) educated person who wrote a controversial book which talked about climate change -- not denying it, but apparently advocating de-prioretising addressing it for economic reasons.

      Interestingly complaints were filed to the Danish Committees on Scientific Dishonesty (some sort of government-related oversight committee) and his book was found "contained deliberately misleading data and flawed conclusions". This finding was later annulled on some procedural technicalities, but not on the substance. Also a bunch of scientists protested it on the basis that the book in question was "opinion" and not real "science" -- though the author himself appears to have disagreed with this. So basically the usual big stupid mess often seen when non-scientists attempt to cherry pick science to support their preferred political views.

      This all happened around 20 years ago, so I assume this is the topic of the "lynching" being referred to. From what I'm reading about htis it seems more likely that around 20 years ago certain political biases started becoming more and more detached from scientific reality. And people who were called out for their lack of rigour and/or qualifications are considered to be "lynched". But I haven't read the primary material so I can't say for sure. "Lyching" certainly seems like probably an overstatement, however.

  • "Scientific" "American" has now abandoned science in favor of leftist politics, and abandoned Americanism in favor of socialism or perhaps Europeanism. It actually happened long ago, which is why I cancelled my subscription to Scientific American in the late 1990s, when it became obvious.

  • by misnohmer ( 1636461 ) on Thursday September 17, 2020 @08:47AM (#60514966)

    Biden will substitute his ideology for facts too, remember the recent "A black man invented the lightbulb, not a white guy named Edison" speech? When facts don't support their ideology or political goals, politicians just to substitute their own. Biden does goes one step further, not only does he spread misinformation himself like Trump, he also advocates his "facts" should be taught in schools, a technique borrowed from North Korean leadership perhaps.

    • by Ksevio ( 865461 )

      > "A black man invented the lightbulb, not a white guy named Edison"

      There's a lot of truth in that statement since a black man was working under Edison and invented a lightbulb that could last a reasonable time period. Sure it's been simplified quite a bit, but it's nothing like Trump's "coronavirus is a hoax" lies

What good is a ticket to the good life, if you can't find the entrance?
