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Trump Halts US Funding For World Health Organization As It Conducts Coronavirus Review ( 580

President Trump is following through with the threat he made last week by suspending funding to the World Health Organization while his administration reviews the agency's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Slashdot reader schwit1 first shared the news. CNBC reports: "Today I'm instructing my administration to halt funding of the World Health Organization while a review is conducted to assess the World Health Organization's role in severely mismanaging and covering up the spread of the coronavirus," Trump said at a White House press conference. Trump criticized the international agency's response to the outbreak, saying "one of the most dangerous and costly decisions from the WHO was its disastrous decision to oppose travel restrictions from China and other nations" that Trump imposed early on in the outbreak. "Fortunately, I was not convinced and suspended travel from China saving untold numbers of lives," he said.

It's unclear exactly what mechanism Trump intends to use to withhold WHO funding, much of which is appropriated by Congress. The president typically does not have the authority to unilaterally redirect congressional funding. One option might be for Trump to use powers granted to the president under the Impoundment Control Act of 1974. Under this statute, the president may propose to withhold congressional funds, but it requires congressional approval within 45 days. Absent this approval, the funds must be returned to their original, congressionally mandated purpose after 45 days.
Trump also said Tuesday that he believes some state economies may be able to open for business by May 1st. "It's going to be very very close. Maybe even before the date of May 1st," he said.

Trump's announcement came a day after governors from the country's East and West coasts announced they would form their own regional pacts to work together on how to reopen from the stay-at-home orders each has issued to limit the spread of the virus.
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Trump Halts US Funding For World Health Organization As It Conducts Coronavirus Review

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  • Seriously? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 14, 2020 @07:34PM (#59947338)

    What a petulant child...

  • I can not see any sanity in this.... WTF?

    There is a Polish (I think) expression, "not my circus, not my monkeys". Trump is that backstabber in the office that you just want to punch, hard , in the face.....

    So, how long to anarchy? anyone?

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by medv4380 ( 1604309 )
      Sanity? The WHO was put in charge of fixing the issues that made SARS worse then it needed. China hid the issues with SARS, and this time the WHO helped them hide things until it was too late. No evidence of human to human transfer when Taiwan has given them that very information, but no upsetting China's feelings is totally worth letting a disease go unchecked. Most country's behavior with this has been due to that initial miss information that the WHO purposefully put out. Pull all the money out of the WH
    • by HiThere ( 15173 )

      A lot of people seem to feel that when there's a problem, the most important thing to do is find someone else to blame. Whenever you hear a comment about something emotional, you need to ask yourself if that's what's going on.

      That said, if someone is obstructing action, then the most important thing to do can be to find some way around them. Blaming them is less important, even if it's merited.

    • by gweihir ( 88907 ) on Tuesday April 14, 2020 @09:41PM (#59947824)

      Well, I think this is actually good for the world, as it makes it completely clear that the US is a complete and persistent failure as "world leader". The WHO will survive.

    • by khchung ( 462899 ) on Tuesday April 14, 2020 @09:56PM (#59947888) Journal

      I can not see any sanity in this.... WTF?

      This is how blamestorming works. I have seen it played out numerous times at work.

      • Blame someone, anyone or everyone, so you won't get all the blame.
      • Throw mud around so everything became so muddied that no one bothered to look for the truth anymore.
      • Punish someone on the "other side", so you have "done something".
      • Who cares if it would actually make the situation worse.

      Typical American management. Have you seen The Office?

  • Priorities (Score:4, Insightful)

    by quantaman ( 517394 ) on Tuesday April 14, 2020 @07:44PM (#59947374)

    Most of the world is busy fighting the pandemic.

    Trump is busy looking for other people to take the blame.

    • Re:Priorities (Score:5, Insightful)

      by JustAnotherOldGuy ( 4145623 ) on Tuesday April 14, 2020 @07:54PM (#59947414) Journal


      No matter what happens, nothing is his fault. Ever.

    • Re:Priorities (Score:5, Insightful)

      by tinkerton ( 199273 ) on Wednesday April 15, 2020 @03:36AM (#59948836)

      Haven't you noticed? Everyone on this thread is fighting about who to blame most: WHO, China or Trump.

      In reality the timeline is this: most people get it right in the end. Before they get it right they get it wrong. Some got it spectacularly wrong, others merely thought the proof was not convincing enough yet.
      It is a standard modus operandi to blame others for the time when you got it wrong and to refer to citations which are old enough to prove it.

      China had a period where some early adopters claimed this disease was human-to-human transmissible while the consensus was they didn't know yet. This changed very fast. They very quickly suspected nonsymptomatic contagiousness as well.
      In the US you can see that Fauci's switch came much later than China's, and Trump's switch also arrived eventually. His switch was more spectacular but no less real.

      The very predictable outcome is that everyone in the US will blame China and Russia , with some blame to spare for Trump.
      This has nothing to do with China and Russia really. It's just blaming the bad guys.

      The bleeding obvious which is drowned out by the american craving for external enemies is that China did a very good job, and its neighboring countries took lessons from it and did so very quickly.

  • by dangermen ( 248354 ) on Tuesday April 14, 2020 @07:45PM (#59947382) Homepage

    He had time to pardon Blagojevich. He doesn’t get to blame anyone else or say he was distracted by impeachment. Clearly his ego is responsible for the failure of the government to do its job. President Trump failed. It’s not fake news, it’s his failure pure and simple.

  • by RyanFenton ( 230700 ) on Tuesday April 14, 2020 @07:58PM (#59947424)

    Which is weird, since more testing is the only logistical way we get people confident enough to start working again without major reservations.

    I think his philosophical objections is that the only way to ramp up testing in the timeline palatable to conservatives is to involve major government actions beyond what the market will deliver on their own.

    That would cause some level of confidence in the government as a thing to rely on above and beyond the market.

    And that's something more threatening than mass death itself.

    A future where wise use of government is a valid tool in the belt of America.

    So yeah - the WHO, with their independent testing, and specter of INTERNATIONAL governance - hoo - that's basically holy water to their market vampire ideals.

    Ryan Fenton

  • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Tuesday April 14, 2020 @08:06PM (#59947480)
    because they followed well established protocol from experts. They have many times fewer deaths than countries that relied on intuition.

    This is what happens when you don't put experts in charge, and when you stop believing in science and prioritize business acumen above all else. It doesn't work. And this nonsensical fight with the WHO is just an extension of that same way of thinking.
    • by Joerg Sonnenberger ( 6186994 ) on Tuesday April 14, 2020 @08:48PM (#59947646)
      Speaking as a German, we are not exactly doing fine. We still have a working hospital system, contrary to all the pressure from economic think tanks. But we also have a lot of death that could have been avoided. At the same time, it is very easy to forget that the last time the WHO pressed the pandemic button, it received a lot of very noisy and loud complains afterwards. Seriously, there is no right solution in this situation. It could have been a containable disease, it could have been as bad as a regular flu. Noone could tell for sure in mid-January. Heck, there are still enough morons that don't understand that hospitals that exclusively threat a single disease is very far from a regular flu.
      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Wednesday April 15, 2020 @04:34AM (#59949002) Homepage Journal

        Germany is doing so much better than the UK, and Italy and Spain, but especially the UK. For all the problems you have just be glad you are not Britain and your government isn't just a bunch of incompetent disaster capitalists who only look out for themselves, or ideologically driven to the point sacrificing other people's lives on their altar.

        We have the highest per head death rate, our economy is trashed and the government is already trying to prepare us for another decade of austerity and pain off the back of it. It's like staring into the void, all you can do is hope you and anyone you care about doesn't fall in because any more is too much to dare contemplate.

  • by morcego ( 260031 ) on Tuesday April 14, 2020 @08:26PM (#59947542)

    Trump will fight anyone that opposes him. Anyone who threatens to steal the spotlight for a second.
    This is 50% ego and 50% wanting to blame someone else for his blunders.
    He had the information and failed to act on it. He has the information now and is saying business will reopen.
    This has nothing to do with the many failures by the WHO (nothing new there, there are books and books on all their mistakes during the H1N1 pandemic) and everything to do with Trump.

  • Ebola (Score:5, Interesting)

    by backslashdot ( 95548 ) on Tuesday April 14, 2020 @08:46PM (#59947636)

    Great so when a disease emerges in a poor country we won't know until it has already asymptomatically infected half of the world population. Then how are we going to stop it? Furthermore we won't know anything about the virus. At least we had a head start when it was in China, we got copies of its genome. I had a copy of its genome in January. We at least knew it was a coronavirus etc. We knew a lot about it, we knew its spike protein was wonky. We knew it had the good old coronavirus RdRp etc. Heck we even got a few vaccine designs done in January. I mean here is an open source vaccine design from late January [] . It's pretty clear viruses are evolving to human stupidity. I mean, we already have the technology to cheaply screen every sick person for at least the top 20 pathogens (isothermal LAMP RT-qPCR) or diseases and then refer them to further to testing to find out if they have some new & improved disease, but nope we don't do that. And we don't do routine screenings. What would you do, if you were a virus? Obviously it would evolve to play nice in the body in high viral load so that asymptomatic transmission is feasible. I mean, viruses strive to be aerosolizable like measles, and then be asymptomatic for as long as possible like herpes. I mean they teach that to viruses in the 3rd grade.

    • Great so when a disease emerges in a poor country we won't know until it has already asymptomatically infected half of the world population.

      Exactly. Without another mouthpiece telling the world the truth, it would be much easier to control the story.

      Then how are we going to stop it?

      We aren't. That's just a waste of money. It costs much less to just bury the dead while making sure that we note they died of something normal like "pneumonia". Above all, we must keep the slaves working!

  • by ClarkMills ( 515300 ) on Tuesday April 14, 2020 @08:49PM (#59947652)

    You can fool some of the people some of the time...

  • US Collapse (Score:5, Insightful)

    by lorinc ( 2470890 ) on Tuesday April 14, 2020 @10:15PM (#59947950) Homepage Journal

    If you would have told me 20 years ago that I would witness the end of the US as a meaningful power in my lifetime, I wouldn't have believed you. I wonder whether history books will remember 9/11 or Trump as the starting date of the downward spiral. I also wonder what this means for Europe in the future.

    • Re:US Collapse (Score:5, Insightful)

      by DNS-and-BIND ( 461968 ) on Wednesday April 15, 2020 @12:19AM (#59948256) Homepage

      And the world erupts in thunderous applause as it finally gets an end to US bullying like it has long wanted.

      Europe, in particular, has suffered under US "leadership". It has been dragged into wars it wants no part of, and America has created refugees that have swamped European welfare states. Germany or Russia don't have military bases, don't dominate their media, politics, cause wars or influence elections like the USA does to Europe, the USA hates Europe and independent countries, the USA only guarantees war, misery, poverty, shame, decline, death and humiliation. Europe needs to stand up to big, powerful, arrogant nations who wish to profit off of suffering and extension of neo-imperialism. The US is a parasitic nation run by banks and corporations and constantly meddles in the affairs of other countries, despite the fact that many millions of Americans themselves are literally starving and live in poverty.

      The US is a bit like the schoolyard bully of international politics. Strong, but not the brightest bulb in the chandelier. Everyone knows it, but nobody really wants to say it because the bully isn't just strong and dumb but also quite sensitive about being told that he's not only dumb but actually universally hated. So the other kids suck up to him because every time he beats someone up for his lunch money, some of the pennies drop to the ground and whoever pretends to be his buddy gets to pick those up himself.

      America is a dumpster fire of a nation that is racist, lazy, homophobic, nationalistic, Islamophobic, obsessed with non-democratic forms of leadership, shitty food, rednecks with buck teeth that look like they got curb stomped.

      As the late Howard Zinn, author of "A People's History of the United States," the most widely used American history text in high schools and universities said, the world was not better off thanks to the founding of America.

  • "The Governor of California, @GavinNewsom, has done a terrible job of forest management," Trump tweeted early Sunday. "I told him from the first day we met that he must 'clean' his forest floors regardless of what his bosses, the environmentalists, DEMAND of him. Must also do burns and cut fire stoppers. Every year, as the fire’s rage & California burns, it is the same thing-and then he comes to the Federal Government for $$$ help. No more. Get your act together Governor. You don’t see close to the level of burn in other states."

    Trump threatens to pull federal aid for California wildfires []

    I can see the argument for not renewing funding for something that you feel is being mishandled, but to do so when Americans were losing their homes and dying in fires or when people all around the world including our own country are getting sick and dying in large numbers is sociopathic, IMO.

    The middle of an emergency or crisis is not the time to deny help.

    So it's no wonder Trump wants to deny help for the World Health Organization. He was all too eager to abandon Americans in their time of need.

    Also, "No ventilators from the federal stockpile for you, Cuomo. These are mine! You should have bought your own back in 2015 or whenever it was."

"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer
