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Trump Won the Internet. Democrats Are Scrambling to Take It Back. ( 417

In the era of big data, memes and disinformation, the Democrats are trying to regain their digital edge as the president and his loyalists dictate the terms of debate. From a report: The deceptively edited video that purported to show Joseph R. Biden Jr. endorsing President Trump's re-election bounced relentlessly around the internet, falsely painting the former vice president as too confused to know what office he was running for or whom he was vying to run against. The doctored video didn't originate with one of the extremist sites that trade in left-bashing disinformation. It was posted on Twitter by Mr. Trump's own social media director. [...] The video, based on a speech Mr. Biden gave earlier this month, registered five million views in a day before his campaign responded -- with statements to the press and cable interviews that largely focused on persuading Facebook to follow the example of Twitter, which had labeled the content "manipulated media." A direct social media counterattack, aides said later, would have risked spreading the damage. [...] As Mr. Biden closes in on his party's nomination, that digital mismatch underscores one of the Democrats' biggest general-election challenges: They are up against a political figure who has marshaled all the forces of the modern web to refract reality and savage his opponents. Yet they are starting from a deficit, struggling to regain their once-formidable online edge.

Now closing this technological divide has taken on deepening urgency, with public life shut down against the threat of the coronavirus. Already, Mr. Biden's allies have expressed anxiety about his ability to break into the national conversation around the pandemic as it reverberates from the president's daily briefings to social media feeds. If modern politics is increasingly digital politics, today even more so. In the three years since Hillary Clinton's humiliating 2016 defeat, the Democrats have been urgently scrambling to reorder the digital equation, an all-hands-on-deck effort that has drawn a range of new donors, progressive activists and operatives together with veterans of the tech-forward Obama campaigns and the old-line contributors and party regulars of the Bill Clinton era. So far, the Democrats and their allies have produced new apps to organize volunteers and register voters, new media outlets to pump out anti-Trump content and a major new data initiative to drive what the party hopes will be the biggest voter-mobilization effort in its history.

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Trump Won the Internet. Democrats Are Scrambling to Take It Back.

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  • It wasn't false (Score:5, Insightful)

    by saloomy ( 2817221 ) on Tuesday March 31, 2020 @11:48AM (#59893012)
    He clearly said he was running for the Senate. He's made quite a few gaffs. That's obvious. Nice attempt trying to change the narrative though.
    • Re:It wasn't false (Score:5, Insightful)

      by 110010001000 ( 697113 ) on Tuesday March 31, 2020 @11:54AM (#59893036) Homepage Journal

      The dude is senile. If you watch the video, he misspeaks several times and has been doing it the entire campaign. And this guy is a LIFETIME POLITICIAN and used to be a smooth talker (most white collar crooks are). So he has lots of practice giving speeches. The fact that he can't even finish a sentence means he is mentally done for.

      • Re:It wasn't false (Score:4, Insightful)

        by mi ( 197448 ) <> on Tuesday March 31, 2020 @12:20PM (#59893144) Homepage Journal

        He was done for in 2008, when — during his debate with Sarah Palin [] — he claimed to have "kicked Hezbollah out of Lebanon". And that Bush ruined that spectacular success, by refusing to send NATO-forces into the country...

        Had Palin made such a mistake, we would've had talking heads on every channel talking about it 24x7, but Biden was given a pass — and provided "foreign policy expertise" to Obama []! With that kind of "expert" by his side, no wonder Obama blundered so much on everything (Russia, Iran, Israel, Venezuela)...

        (That he was also a liar and a plagiarist [] at the much younger age is another story.)

        The best Democratic contender would've been Bloomberg — except for his unconstitutional stance on weapons he is not disgusting — but the party is too far gone to the Left to nominate a billionaire, even a self-made one.

        Torn between Avenatti [] happy to abuse the system at one extreme, and Sanders seeking to destroy it at the other, they are choosing Biden the centrist. Trump-2020!

        • The best Democratic contender would've been Bloomberg — except for his unconstitutional stance on weapons he is not disgusting — but the party is too far gone to the Left to nominate a billionaire, even a self-made one.

          The Democrats are looking like they're going to nominate Biden who is just as non left wing as Bloomberg.

          Torn between Avenatti [] happy to abuse the system at one extreme, and Sanders seeking to destroy it at the other, they are choosing Biden the centrist. Trump-2020!

          You have to dredge as far as Avenatti (someone whose most significant contribution to the Democratic party was thinking about running for the nomination) to bash Democrats? Really? We might as well start bashing libertarians for Joe Ex

    • Re:It wasn't false (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Snotnose ( 212196 ) on Tuesday March 31, 2020 @11:55AM (#59893050)
      In the past 10 years I watched both parents develop dementia. I, and anyone else who has been through it, know the signs. Biden is clearly suffering dementia.

      If the Dems make him the nominee then Trump is sure to get a second term. Which is scary as hell.

      Both parents are gone now.
      • Re: It wasn't false (Score:4, Interesting)

        by saloomy ( 2817221 ) on Tuesday March 31, 2020 @12:17PM (#59893126)
        My condolences. But I'm pretty happy with where trump took the country. He clearly has made his policy decisions about protecting the citizens of the United States and looked out for their interests at every turn. I'm less happy about the division in our country, but his tone is more a symptom than a cause; and I don't look to a POTUS to be a moral or ethics leader. I look to a POTUS to be a decision maker that watches out for his constituents, and protects the law. He's clearly done that, which I'll be honest I didn't think he would, much to my chagrin.
        • by Ly4 ( 2353328 ) on Tuesday March 31, 2020 @01:11PM (#59893452)

          that watches out for his constituents

          Where are the tests?
          Where are the masks?
          Where are the ventilators?

          Just yesterday, Trump was quoted as saying he "didn't know that tests were a problem".

        • by Ogive17 ( 691899 )
          I don't feel like you're living in the same country as me. I like how he stuck it to China. Everything else.. sacrificing long term stability for short term gains. Looks at he age of those making the decisions. Just trying to cash out before they check out (from life).

          Trump changes his mind every other fucking day.. just says whatever makes himself look the best at that moment. I don't want a guy who knife's his friends and allies in the back on a routine basis.. soon enough you've got no-one left t
      • If the Dems make him the nominee then Trump is sure to get a second term.

        I've heard this bouncing around, but it's seldom supported by anything. Certainly not polling. Here you're attempting to support it a little: you say that Biden has dementia, and you imply that a person with dementia would lose an election against Trump. I don't see sufficient evidence to conclude either one of those things.

    • by Austerity Empowers ( 669817 ) on Tuesday March 31, 2020 @12:00PM (#59893062)

      Two senile old men dueling for the right to have you pull their finger. Election 2020.

      • by Celt ( 125318 )

        thats basically it.
        How you think its ok to elect such old people intro such a position of power when in any normal country they'd be retired shows so much wrong with the US system

      • Lol, I keep saying. Cranky Bernie, Creepy Uncle Joe, Fake Indian Warren, and Con man Trump. THEY ALL SUCK. And to boot, all of them have one foot in the grave already. Why the fuck either party could not find someone younger to run, and chose them in the primary . Just blows my mind. I really didn't care which party put up someone younger, just wished one of them did.
        • Re:It wasn't false (Score:4, Insightful)

          by aardvarkjoe ( 156801 ) on Tuesday March 31, 2020 @01:11PM (#59893450)

          After 2016, Democrats had a chance to take a hard look at how they could have possibly lost an election against Donald Trump. Instead, they chose to try to deflect attention by blaming "Russian hackers" and coming up with all sorts of other excuses of why it was everybody's fault but their own for nominating the most dreadful presidential candidate in modern history.

          It's now 2020, and it's obvious that they didn't learn a single thing. The election this year could probably go either way, but if Trump wins again I wish I could say that Democrats will get serious about cleaning their own house. I'm not going to hold my breath, though.

      • by Kjella ( 173770 )

        Two senile old men dueling for the right to have you pull their finger. Election 2020.

        As opposed to the spring chickens Bernie? Bloomberg? I'm not American but I find it strange that the top candidates are people who in most other countries would be retirees. Sure we have our career politicians but prime ministers are typically people around their 50s like Obama and Bill Clinton. I'm not saying we're right and you're wrong, but it seems like the US system promotes very old candidates.

    • They're gaslighting us. Between this and the fact that Google makes anything counter to the narrative disappear over time, while promoting stories like this that would have you believe Biden has never made a gaffe in his life.

      We don't buy this now, but what will people looking back on it think in a few years when headlines like this are all you can find?

  • by Vandil X ( 636030 ) on Tuesday March 31, 2020 @11:55AM (#59893044)
    The man used to run Miss Teen USA and Miss Universe and TV shows like The Apprentice. He has been an active Twitter user forever. Clearly the man knows how to assemble the right people to manage his media presence. He's had a tremendous head start over any typical $1000/plate-dinner career politician who knows nothing about the Internet.

    Main Stream Media (MSM) has been negative toward him, so Trump has sidestepped them.
    • The man used to run Miss Teen USA and Miss Universe and TV shows like The Apprentice. He has been an active Twitter user forever. Clearly the man knows how to assemble the right people to manage his media presence. He's had a tremendous head start over any typical $1000/plate-dinner career politician who knows nothing about the Internet...

      Knows nothing about the internet? The internet is well over 20 years old now. Facebook is over 15 years old. Joe Biden is a career politician and former VP who relies on good communication to do every job he's ever had, and can certainly afford to pay someone to manage his social media presence (as if getting attention in a narcissistic world is some kind of unsolved mystery in marketing).

      That "I'm old-fashioned" excuse, has now worn the fuck out. There's a difference between inexperienced and ignorant.

      • If you want to help Joe, just go to 30330 [] and help him! No malarky, he's running to support voting sites to "make sure they can’t be attacked by cyber security as a consequence of cyber attacks". I don't think it's old-fashioned, I think it's a side effect of getting threatened with a rusty razor from Corn Pop and too much pulled leg hair in the pool.
  • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Tuesday March 31, 2020 @11:55AM (#59893052)
    And while my bias is obvious I wouldn't call Biden's confusion false. He keeps making gaffes that he just shouldn't be making. Something is obviously wrong, and he's in no shape to go up against Trump.
    • by ArchieBunker ( 132337 ) on Tuesday March 31, 2020 @11:59AM (#59893058)

      In all fairness Trump isn't much better at public speaking. He'd be much better sticking to the script instead of going off on his own. After every speech his staff has to release statements clarifying what he really meant.

      • Yes, Trump makes mistakes too. But when he does, he seems to catch where he messed up and is able to play it off and his supporters either don't notice or don't care.

        Biden, on the other hand, doesn't seem to know he's made the mistake.

      • by MikeKD ( 549924 )

        In all fairness Trump isn't much better at public speaking. He'd be much better sticking to the script instead of going off on his own. After every speech his staff has to release statements clarifying what he really meant.

        I guess we've already forgotten when he announced to the country that all travel was going to be suspended from Europe to the US (including cargo). But here's a refresher. []

        (For all the bullshit Obama got from using a teleprompter--at least he could actually read from it without fucking it up.)

  • Edit (Score:5, Funny)

    by ruddk ( 5153113 ) on Tuesday March 31, 2020 @11:57AM (#59893054)

    Maybe the democrats can deceptively edit a video where Biden is able to hold a coherent thought

    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      >> Maybe the democrats can deceptively edit a video where Biden is able to hold a coherent thought

      That's originally what I thought when I read "Mr. Biden's allies have expressed anxiety about his ability to break into the national conversation". You can't "break in" if you sound like your other hobby is yelling at squirrels.
  • by mi ( 197448 ) <> on Tuesday March 31, 2020 @12:04PM (#59893076) Homepage Journal

    The deceptively edited video that purported to show Joseph R. Biden Jr. endorsing President Trump's re-election bounced relentlessly around the internet, falsely painting the former vice president as too confused to know what office he was running for or whom he was vying to run against

    That's disgusting! Everyone knows, Joe Biden — like most other Democratic contenders — withdrew from the race and endorsed Joe Biden.

  • by Celt ( 125318 ) on Tuesday March 31, 2020 @12:05PM (#59893082) Journal

    Once again the USA is too busy working on dividing its people rather than focusing on your own leader who's extremely slow action and downplaying of a worldwide pandemic is about to needlessly cause the deaths of thousands of people in the USA. Regardless of which party he is part of you should be outraged, but you are not.

    Sadly it will mean the USA will be number 1 at two things, the number of infected and number of people that needlessly died because you elected a government who is more concerned about big business then lives.

    "Slow Clap"

    • by Xenographic ( 557057 ) on Tuesday March 31, 2020 @12:21PM (#59893176) Journal

      Which leader? Most people weren't too concerned about the virus, including many top Democrats, until things got out of control. I remember when Trump closed the borders early on and everyone said it was racist. It might have been a bit late by then, but given that things work exponentially, he probably flattened the curve by quite a bit, or everywhere would look like Washington and New York by now.

      I do blame the CDC for not getting the test right the first time and not allowing any other tests while working on theirs, but that's a call for doctors to make, not Trump, so it's just as well he didn't try to second guess the doctors.

      It's weird that his approval rate is going up while many are demanding that networks stop letting him speak. Funny how that's your solution to others "winning the internet" -- censorship. You guys were all against it until you got some power, funny how that works.

    • by Voyager529 ( 1363959 ) <voyager529@[ ] ['yah' in gap]> on Tuesday March 31, 2020 @12:28PM (#59893222)

      Once again the USA is too busy working on dividing its people rather than focusing on your own leader who's extremely slow action and downplaying of a worldwide pandemic is about to needlessly cause the deaths of thousands of people in the USA. Regardless of which party he is part of you should be outraged, but you are not.

      Well, I certainly don't envy the man. Let's go over the options:

      1. Trump takes immediate and decisive action. A few hundred cases come and go. The left: "Trump took drastic measures over nothing!"
      2. Trump defers to Congress. Congress spends 3% of the time debating the actual issue and 97% of the time figuring out how many unrelated things they can add to the bills and still get them passed. The left: "Trump isn't taking his role as the president seriously! People are dying and he's refusing to step in and tell Congress to get its act together!"
      3. Trump takes a wait-and-see approach, and when it's apparent that it's more than a bad flu season, then bust out the executive orders and emergency state. The left: "Trump waited to long and now lots of people are going to die!"

      Feel free to s/Trump/Hillary && s/left/right if you want; point stands. I'd love to see everybody vote third party candidates this go-round, or at least summarily refuse to re-elect incumbents. Replacing half of congress should scare the other half into doing their actual-job. But no, the worst of it will blow over in a month or two (through some combination of death, treatment availability, and ventilator supply), stimulus checks will go out, and come November, we'll be choosing between four more years of Reality TV or four years of What's My Line.

      • 3d party: in affect the 3d party candidates ARE Trump and Sanders. They're just using the system in place to run.
      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by swillden ( 191260 )

        1. Trump takes immediate and decisive action. A few hundred cases come and go. The left: "Trump took drastic measures over nothing!"

        Nope. The left listens to experts and the experts were very clear on what was going to happen, at least by February. Had Trump acted when the CDC and WHO started seriously sounding the alarm, the left would have been fine with it. The right very well might have lambasted him but this would clearly have been the right thing to do.

        2. Trump defers to Congress. Congress spends 3% of the time debating the actual issue and 97% of the time figuring out how many unrelated things they can add to the bills and still get them passed. The left: "Trump isn't taking his role as the president seriously! People are dying and he's refusing to step in and tell Congress to get its act together!"

        Deferring to Congress is the wrong thing to do, definitely. The reason we have a president is for the times when action is required and we can't wait on a debating committee.

        3. Trump takes a wait-and-see approach, and when it's apparent that it's more than a bad flu season, then bust out the executive orders and emergency state. The left: "Trump waited to long and now lots of people are going to die!"


  • Obama (Score:4, Interesting)

    by backslashdot ( 95548 ) on Tuesday March 31, 2020 @12:10PM (#59893100)

    If events had played out the same way under Obama, would the right wing nuts have acted the same?

    They blamed Obama for Ebola when not one single Americans died in the US from US contracted Ebola.

    No way people on the right would have accepted lockdowns, thousands of deaths, bailouts, corp welfare, regular welfare, and all this other BS.

    • by Celt ( 125318 )

      many of them start aren't even with Trump, how else do you explain the Q's buying guns.

      Guns will do shit to a virus!

      • Guns, well the bullets, would work great against viruses. Hold the gun barrel near enough virus and the heat from the explosive and from the bullet going through the air is enough to sterilize any virus it gets near. As the bullet travels further it would require more exposure to the virus so you do have a diminishing time period.
    • Sadly, the republicans who support Trump have abandoned all semblance of principles that once defined the Grand Old Party. They made a choice, conscious or not, back when Trump said " He's not a war hero. I like people who weren't captured" regarding John McCain. []" They looked at each other at the time and said, "Are we really doing this?" Apparently, the answer was YES.

      In that moment, reverence and respect for a tortured American soldier was thrown out the window in favor of a clownish reality tv host who
      • by CQDX ( 2720013 )

        President Trump could get away with insulting Senator McCain because he is reviled by the GOP conservative base. Trump was just expressing what his base was thinking all along. Note that they make the distinction between Senator McCain the GOP turncoat and Capt. McCain, the decorated pilot. His war record doesn't give him a free pass in politics.

    • They blamed Obama for Ebola when not one single Americans died in the US from US contracted Ebola.

      The amount of "fine print" bullshit you had to provide to justify this statement, invalidates the entire thing. Two Americans died in 2014 from contracting Ebola. The fact that it wasn't a US lab-grown flavor of Ebola hardly matters to the surviving families, and it certainly doesn't justify your political spin to dismiss lives that were lost.

      No way people on the right would have accepted lockdowns, thousands of deaths, bailouts, corp welfare, regular welfare, and all this other BS.

      If these events played out less than four years ago under Obama, the people would have acted the same; ignorant entitled idiots who always assume they won't catch it

  • False presentation (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Shaitan ( 22585 ) on Tuesday March 31, 2020 @12:13PM (#59893116)

    Look, Biden gaffs are just that. He said them and there is a reasonable question of Joe Biden's complete mental health at this stage of his life. Why do you think the right pushed so hard to make you think they wanted Bernie? Reverse psychology, they knew you'd be dumb enough to support Biden in response. Bernie probably beat them, this time and last time.

    The fact is, this election cycle is basically over. There is exactly zero chance that I or other Sanders supporters will vote for Biden. Last time many of us voted for third parties, none of the above, or voted Trump. This time many of the third party and none of the above voters will vote Trump after Bernie was shafted again.

    Of course Trump is getting the attention, he is the ACTUAL POTUS in the middle of a natural disaster. Stop the political bullshit and rally around team USA. Just because aren't a fan of the leader doesn't mean you try to undermine the POTUS in times of national crisis and war, all you are doing is help establish you aren't fit for leadership when you do so.

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Nidi62 ( 1525137 )

      Of course Trump is getting the attention, he is the ACTUAL POTUS in the middle of a natural disaster. Stop the political bullshit and rally around team USA.

      We will rally around Team USA when Trump does the same and stops rallying around Team Trump.

    • by klui ( 457783 ) on Tuesday March 31, 2020 @12:57PM (#59893398)

      This natural disaster you talk of is one of Trump's own making. From ignoring the crisis because he wants the stock market to continue unabated to not invoking the Defense Production Act until the US had over 10K cases per day, his non-response has amplified the pandemic in the US.

      He's POTUS in title only. He isn't POTUS. Every time he is in front of the camera he inserts himself into the conversation.

    • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Tuesday March 31, 2020 @01:50PM (#59893642)
      saying he was more worried about Bernie than anyone else.

      But it's not Trump that's worried about Bernie, it's the Establishment. Trump fell right in line as soon as he was elected. He did tax cuts for billionaires and slashed regulations just like they wanted. Put a couple of pro-corporate Supreme Court Justices on the bench, and is doing the same for every seat he can get his hands on. He's just another Establishment sell out, which given that he's a multi-millionaire we shouldn't be surprised.

      Bernie has, whether you agree with him or not, been fighting for the working class for over 50 years. You can argue that he's misguided, but he sure as hell isn't a member of the Establishment.

      Trump passed the Sheldon Primary []. Sanders did not. When the time came for Sanders to win there were 7 hour waits at the polls, they ran 3 primaries during the start of a pandemic (and multiple poll workers have now tested positive) and the exit polls were 8-11% off (the UN says 2-4% calls for a re-do).

      Face it, you have a ruling class, and they pick which candidates you get to vote for. This election you get to pick between Kang and Kodos, between a Turd Sandwich and a Giant Douche.
      • Bernie has, whether you agree with him or not, been fighting for the working class for over 50 years. You can argue that he's misguided, but he sure as hell isn't a member of the Establishment.

        That's not my argument against Bernie. My argument against Bernie is that he doesn't know how to work with people and therefore could accomplish absolutely nothing. He's great at raging against the machine, but couldn't competently direct the machine if his life depended on it.

        OTOH, since I completely disagree with most of what he'd try to do if he were in office, I would consider his inability to do anything other than shake his fist at the man a good thing. But on balance I'd much rather Biden. And,

    • by Rhipf ( 525263 ) on Tuesday March 31, 2020 @02:14PM (#59893766)

      So how was Bernie "shafted"? Seriously, if the majority of Democrats actually wanted Bernie to be the Democratic nominee he would be the Democratic nominee. He wasn't even able to get the youth (his largest demographic) to turn out to vote for him in the primaries and you assume that he would be able to win against Trump in a general election? Just because more people want to have someone other than the person you want doesn't mean that your candidate is getting "shafted". It was Bernie after all that wanted the caucuses to be converted to primaries. If he had stuck with the caucus system he may have actually had a better chance at getting the nomination. I also find it a little funny that people are complaining that Bernie is getting "shafted" by the Democratic party when he only joins the party when he wants to run for President. If he really wanted to run as a Democrat nominee maybe he should actually join the party and sit as a Democrat instead of an independent in the Senate.

      If people are having a problem with Biden's gaffs then they should be having just as much problem with Trump's gaffs. Maybe I just don't watch enough Fox News to see the Biden gaffs but It seems like Trump can't do a single speech (prepared or off the cuff) without at least a half dozen misspoken words (not to mention all the factual errors).

    • Look, Biden gaffs are just that. He said them and there is a reasonable question of Joe Biden's complete mental health at this stage of his life.

      Biden's gaffes have nothing to do with mental health; he's been making the same sort of gaffes for decades. They're just mistakes. Much like Trump's inability to pronounce words correctly, which late night hosts have so much fun with.

  • Die for Biden! (Score:4, Interesting)

    by CajunArson ( 465943 ) on Tuesday March 31, 2020 @12:20PM (#59893150) Journal

    NYT: Deceptively editing and lying about what Trump says to smear him is OK because the TRUTH is more important than racist "facts". Sure Trump never said that Nazis were wonderful people but DID say that left-wing protesters in Charlotte NC that weren't being violent thugs were wonderful people (talk about Hitler right there!) Sure, Trump never said that Coronavirus was a hoax but instead said that the Democrats who spent more time trying to impeach him than actually respond to it were perpertrating a hoax (uh... Hitler again!) But that's OK because we here at the NYT are the sole arbiters of TRUTH.

    Also the NYT: We will die in glorious martyrdom for the Holy Biden! How dare you blaspheem against him by uh... taking one of his gaffes and putting it into an ad without any editing of the actual gaffe whatsoever.

  • Trump is trash, (Score:4, Insightful)

    by fredrated ( 639554 ) on Tuesday March 31, 2020 @12:24PM (#59893204) Journal

    but if that senile dotard is the best the Democrats can do then we are hosed.

    • Sometimes I think the baby boomers will not leave this country alone. They will never release their grip on power. It's quite possible that after the 2020 election, the remaining boomers will have their heads placed into head jars, Futurama style, so they could rule us all forever.

  • politics at this level is a ruthless, law-of-the-jungle cesspool that requires a certain personality/character traits to be successful; both sides are filled with dirtbags and will use whatever they can for advantage

    people of this ilk have no moral high ground but yet decry others who do pretty much the same things differing only in which side they're on

    career politicians are un-American and cannot truly represent their constituency if they've not lived in the real world; I believe the Founding Fath
  • "A direct social media counterattack, aides said later, would have risked spreading the damage...."

    If you think labeling something as "manipulated" is going to win over the Photoshop generation of plastic narcissists, I've got a a beautiful beachfront lot in Nebraska on Flat Earth to sell you.

    ...As Mr. Biden closes in on his party's nomination, that digital mismatch underscores one of the Democrats' biggest general-election challenges."

    The foggy-brained democrats have selected a geriatric old man who is clearly on the mental decline, as their Presidential candidate. A fucking "digital mismatch" is not exactly the biggest general-election concern here. Hell, forget obvious dementia; we'll be lucky if the current candidates live until November. T

  • I haven't watched this video, or read the article, but the summary sounds less like: "Trump's team is better at internetting than Biden's team." and more like, "Willingness to lie is a great asset when spreading rumors."

    It's true that Biden is old-school, and that this is a problem when dealing with a campaign like Trump's, but I don't see any reason to believe that has much to do with technology.
  • Though both 2020 candidates are old and pre-Internet, it's the Democrats who have all the young people who have grown up with social media. Biden could have been shadowing Trump's rambling, self-glorifying plague updates with a series of "Here's what I would be doing right now..." online campaign events. Instead, he seems to be missing in action. Self-isolated, you say? Sure, but with strategic use of old campaign video such a person can be harvesting just as much Internet exposure as Trump. The party that

  • If they wanna win, they'll have to go full Sam Kinison.

  • by magzteel ( 5013587 ) on Tuesday March 31, 2020 @12:45PM (#59893316)

    Prior to Trump, all political ads were honest depictions of facts.

    How is it possible he can get away with this new form of deception?

  • When I look at Joe Biden, what stuns me is not his long train of dirty laundry, ranging from being stooge for the credit card industry, his pivotal role in Iraq war (which extends way beyond just one vote), the Ukraine corruption scandal, and accusations of sex harassment. The real issue is that this time Dems will be nominating a real zombie to be their presidential candidate. Maybe he hasn't bitten anyone yet, besides certain parts of female subordinates. However, the Republican smear machine is now going

  • by nrasch ( 303043 ) on Tuesday March 31, 2020 @01:01PM (#59893408)

    Can we please for the love of god get back to tech news and stop this endless political nonsense? If I wanted to read junk like this I'd watch the "news."

You can write a small letter to Grandma in the filename. -- Forbes Burkowski, CS, University of Washington
