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Reddit Quarantines Pro-Trump Forum Because of Threats (thedailybeast.com) 743

The r/The_Donald subreddit has been "quarantined" by Reddit administrators after a series of threats against police were posted there. Slashdot reader AmiMoJo shares an excerpt from The Daily Beast: "Recent behaviors including threats against the police and public figures is content that is prohibited by our violence policy," a Reddit spokesperson said in a statement. "As a result, we have actioned individual users and quarantined the subreddit." The new quarantine was brought on by anti-police threats posted on The_Donald. Some users had apparently encouraged violence against law enforcement, angry that officials in Oregon were trying to bring back GOP state senators who fled the state to avoid voting on a climate-change bill. In a note to The_Donald moderators, Reddit administrators said they had "observed this behavior in the form of encouragement of violence towards police officers and public officials in Oregon." The report notes that The_Donald has roughly 754,000 subscribers and is "one of the largest forums for Trump fans on the internet, and by far the largest on Reddit." Donald Trump himself answered questions from the forum's members during the 2016 campaign.
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Reddit Quarantines Pro-Trump Forum Because of Threats

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  • BigTech Censorship (Score:2, Insightful)

    by NFN_NLN ( 633283 )

    Reddit has now sunk below slashdot in my books.

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by poemofatic ( 322501 )

      Reddit Literally has a subreddit called fu*kthepolice. Go on the chap trap house reddit or any lefty reddit to see daily calls for violence. The Donald is perhaps the most well heeled subreddit out there that deals with politics, but the admins can't stand that it exists.

  • It Makes Sense (Score:5, Interesting)

    by eepok ( 545733 ) on Wednesday June 26, 2019 @08:14PM (#58831666) Homepage

    Disclaimer: I'm a hippy-dippy liberal who thinks Trump is a stain on our already-broken federal political system.

    But I'm an ACLU liberal which means I'll be the first to jump up and say, "Hey, that's stupid! Even if you're NOT the government, you should still facilitate free speech as a principal." For that reason, I don't like that Ravelry has banned all support for Trump on their forums. It's bad to normalize these types of policies simply because they presume that the tables will never turn and the popular sentiment will always be in your favor.

    But if your population is calling for the physical harming of people or issuing threats (even if just to instill fear with no intent of following through), then the hammer has to come down. A communications platform doesn't need related lawsuits hitting them. That's too much liability.

    All freedoms have limitations. Even speech. And especially in privately controlled areas. And necessarily when it deals with severe risk/liability.

    • In the U.S. websites are by law shielded from what their users post so there's really no liability as long as the site itself isn't participating in anything that might be illegal. If this weren't the case Reddit and most other sites would have been shut down long ago over things far more vile than some random asshole making threats.

      If Reddit thinks this was a good idea they're sorely mistaken. At best it's going to lead people to reason that just by going into other forums and making similar violent thr
    • But if your population is calling for the physical harming of people or issuing threats (even if just to instill fear with no intent of following through), then the hammer has to come down. A communications platform doesn't need related lawsuits hitting them. That's too much liability.

      Slashdot wouldn't ban a user for posting that kind of thing. There's some very offensive stuff that gets left up, if you dare read at -1.

      In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if this post gets some extremely offensive replies that never get deleted. Seriously though, how offensive can it get? Doesn't bother me. [smbc-comics.com] I mean, Doesn't bother me [existentialcomics.com].

    • If you're an "ACLU liberal" that now means supporting censorious hate speech laws and policies. The ACLU publicly announced they will no longer defend speech when it 'hurts marginalized communities'. Link [wsj.com]
  • by Nova Express ( 100383 ) <lawrenceperson@nOspaM.gmail.com> on Wednesday June 26, 2019 @08:29PM (#58831756) Homepage Journal

    Doesn't sound like a level playing field at all [humanevents.com].

    It happened following the publication of a Media Matters article calling for the community to be shut down.

    Reddit’s decision to censor the group also falls on the day of the first Democratic primary debate.

    Reddit placed the community in “quarantined” status, preventing mobile users accessing it—among other penalties.

    The community can’t be searched for, it can’t appear on the main page in any capacity, and visiting users are greeted with an ominous message to warn them away from it.

    Likewise, non-members cannot view the page unless they sign up for a Reddit account, something few Reddit users do.

    The official reason given is alleged threats aimed at law enforcement in relation to a post about a police standoff in Oregon.

    According to the moderator, the post “didn’t really contain threats toward [Law Enforcement Officer], given that T_D is probably the most pro-LEO place on the internet.”


    he pro-MAGA community is the only one on the Reddit that has to follow a special set of rules that every other community on the website does not adhere to. In almost every other community (or “subreddit”), the post with the most votes will land on the front page, provided it has more upvotes than submissions in other communities.

    “Reddit has been finding methods to methodically censor The_Donald for years now,” explained the moderator. “Enforcing special rules that only The_Donald has to follow, largely screening our submissions from reaching the front page, allowing far-left communities to harass and dox our members (to the point of creating a chrome extension that marks anyone that posts on The_Donald).”

    Despite usually enough votes to dwarf other submissions on Reddit, posts on The_Donald are regularly prevented from appearing on the front page. In contrast, posts from far-left communities like r/ChapoTrapHouse and r/LateStageCapitalism grace the front page of the Conde Nast-owned platform, providing leftists with a far bigger voice than their conservative counterparts.

    “This is their next step, and is generally Reddit’s step just before outright banning a community,” he said. “Their reasoning is hardly sound, given that they claim they’ve had to spend too much time removing content on the subreddit that violates site-wide rules, yet their own logs show less than one removal/day.”

    “Technically they claim you can get out of quarantine by following the rules, but we already follow the rules, and no subreddit has ever gotten out, generally just gotten banned,” he added.

    The time certainly seems convenient for Democrats...

    • by burtosis ( 1124179 ) on Wednesday June 26, 2019 @09:56PM (#58832188)
      Part of the issue with the front page views was massive botting of upvotes. Prior to modish 2018, if memory serves, posts from T_D made the front page/popular often. Mods didn't crack down on the bot brigades and this along with other abuses eventually did get those front prominent placements removed, but they had to fight tooth and nail for each freedom removed. If you don't believe me just look at the state of the sub today - posts are getting 1-5% of normal upvotes, something I haven't seen when a sub goes quarantine.
      • by Ksevio ( 865461 )
        The sub has always had very suspicious upvotes with thousands or tens of thousands of upvotes for links that only have a few dozen comments. It's probably just the bots have to be updated to work with the quarantine.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 26, 2019 @08:43PM (#58831846)

    Threats were made against police during black lives matters. Nobody batted an eye. I don't know why right wingers do this to themselves, but they wont get a fair shake on leftist controlled propaganda websites. Thankfully we have people like msmash and Beau who will stand up for free speech on Slashdot.

  • A Knitting Club (Score:5, Insightful)

    by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Wednesday June 26, 2019 @08:48PM (#58831882)
    had to ban Trump supporters [youtube.com]. Let that sink in for a moment. A knitting club.

    And then we've got that mess in Oregon [slate.com]

    This is not normal. This is what happens when the working class gets desperate and turns to a demagogue. Now is the time to nip this in the bud. We need pro-worker laws that take the pressure off. Otherwise those camps [twitter.com] down south are going to turn into the real deal in 10-20 years. Maybe sooner.
    • by Mashiki ( 184564 ) <mashikiNO@SPAMgmail.com> on Wednesday June 26, 2019 @10:13PM (#58832232) Homepage

      No, they didn't *have* to. Rather they're so unhinged that they banned Trump supporters because even saying "I support President Trump" caused users who don't to freak the fuck out and cause massive community issues.

      That mess in Oregon? The same one where democrats who did the same thing and were cheering on when the roles were reversed is suddenly an issue. Hmm...isn't that strange. Including having their own protestors and militias show up...well fuck me.

      It's sure not normal, but ask yourself why only one side freaks the fuck out and starts banning people for saying "I like Trump." This isn't the "working class" getting desperate, this is the non-city elites getting desperate because the last 30 years of left wing politics pissing their soup is making them desperate. Just think, you could stop it all from happening...if you stopped labeling all Trump supporters as racist xenophobes that hate gays and want to put 'immigrants' into camps. But you probably just started nodding mentally to that entire screed thinking it's the proper descriptor.

      Then again, maybe while you're at it. You can get left wing politicians to stop supporting groups like Antifa and BAMN, and so on. And engaging in tactics like they did ~100 year to drive people away from any type of leftwing political discourse.

      • That mess in Oregon? The same one where democrats who did the same thing

        No Democrat threatened violence. No Democratic supporters offered to provide armed protection.

        you could stop it all from happening...if you stopped labeling all Trump supporters as racist xenophobes that hate gays and want to put 'immigrants' into camps.

        Yes, we could stop it all - by giving our country over to people who support racist xenophobes,support people who hate gays, and support people who want to put immigrants into c

  • by burtosis ( 1124179 ) on Wednesday June 26, 2019 @09:02PM (#58831954)
    They literally could not be censored in any way as long as they did one thing - not moderate and organize calls to violence, especially (it appears) the organized murder of police officers. Mind you, people posting about murdering people seemed to fly, but they couldn't have mods endorse this. Thus, like the forbidden fruit on the tree of knowledge, they ate it and were cast from the heaven of thier safe space. Well, not really. Quarantine just means you can't access it without a registered email, or from mobile without accepting the quarantine on desktop. It also means no guilding so no revenue - more of a centsorship of you will. With the truly massive income from that sun gone, it's likely going to lose favor and go to an all out ban soon, it seems to have tried to top Trumps record on violations of terms of service.

    I didn't much like obama, but his AMA was amazing and one of the highest rated threads on Reddit for a long ass time. T_D started out as a joke sub, eventually devolving into a wretched hive of scum and villainy that likely got a warrant canary removed, and now this. America, what have we become?
  • False Flag (Score:3, Informative)

    by J Story ( 30227 ) on Wednesday June 26, 2019 @09:35PM (#58832106) Homepage

    I have never seen anti-police comments there. Whoever at reddit did this is either a dupe or a bigot.

    Thanks to this person, reddit has opened a can of worms, in that the other areas on that site, some well-known for advocating violence, will now be exposed for what they are.

  • I tried to go on T_D and voice my support for free speech but unfortunately had been banned years ago for going on T_D and expressing free speech.
  • What a necropolis (Score:3, Insightful)

    by smittyoneeach ( 243267 ) * on Wednesday June 26, 2019 @11:15PM (#58832452) Homepage Journal
    I hadn't logged in to /. in three years, and I see a vast swath of basement-dwellers trying to sound all tough for their fellow Antifa weenies here.
    Twitter is a comparative oasis of highbrow discourse.
  • so... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by argStyopa ( 232550 ) on Wednesday June 26, 2019 @11:26PM (#58832504) Journal

    ...if I were to create an id, go into a subreddit I didn't like and start threatening violence, I could get that sub blocked?


    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Wouldn't work if the moderators were willing to delete your posts and maybe ban your account. It's the fact that the moderators didn't act, and in fact joined in with replies, that got them quarantined.

      • Re:so... (Score:4, Funny)

        by argStyopa ( 232550 ) on Thursday June 27, 2019 @12:39PM (#58834956) Journal

        LOL @ the admins.
        I was banned from r/atheism. (Honestly, to this day I genuinely don't know what for. TBH I'm not even Christian myself, but I do enjoy attacking the ironically-sacred-cows of Atheism probably too much....)

        When I got their "you've been banned" note, it had a link "if you have questions about this ban, message ..."

        When I messaged that a single time, asking only "What did I say that got me banned?" (Again, being totally honest, I wasn't going to apologize, I just wondered what I said that was so effective at tweaking their nose.)

        In reply I got a permaban for 'harassing' the mods.

        When I sent this conversation to the admins (again, a single message), I got a warning about harassing mods and admins.

        I took it as a life lesson that Reddit really is a cesspool and while it might have been trollishly entertaining baiting people about their beliefs, it was probably making me more of an asshole than was healthy. So I stopped going to reddit.

  • by Britz ( 170620 ) on Thursday June 27, 2019 @09:26AM (#58833982)

    What amazed me about that particular sub was the masterful propaganda it provided. It goes so far that not even the heavy users realize how much they deceive themselves. How? This way:

    It was always very, very heavily moderated. They don't delete comments, they simply ban users. Anything that looks like dissent or not agreeing with the current (subject to change) political opinions and lines from Trump will get banned right away. And the comments will get deleted. Lots of users of this forum reported they were banned themselves, even if they are ardent fans of Trump. Just because they happened to deviate from the line an inch or so one time.

    This breeds complience. Thus even the most bullshit articles will only have cireclejerk comments. Since the expectation on Reddit is that bullshit content will get called out in the comments, because all subs work like this, this exception to that rule makes the outrageous bullshit content, which is mainly weird conspiracy theores (Trump also frequently peddles conspiracy theories) believable. So much so, that I think the users deceive themselves that the shitposts of QAnon, Seth Rich, Pizzagate, Project Veritas, etc. are real or in any way credible.

    Quite amazing. It's a breeding ground for pure ignorance. If you want to find out about bad effects the internet is having on democracy and society, /r/the_donald is prime research material.

  • And? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by cascadingstylesheet ( 140919 ) on Thursday June 27, 2019 @10:17AM (#58834222) Journal

    If /. editors were looking for Dems threatening Reps they'd have no shortage.

    In a nation of hundred of millions you can find anybody to say anything. Not to mention we know the left runs troll campaigns with fake "Trump supporters".

    If you look at who actually does violent crimes, i think you'll find Democrats slightly over-represented, lol

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