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Democrats The Internet Communications Government Network United States

House Democrats Plan April Vote On Net Neutrality Bill ( 140

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer announced that the House will hold a vote next month on the Democrats' bill to reinstate the Obama-era net neutrality rules. "Hoyer said in a letter to colleagues that the House will consider the Save the Internet Act during the week of April 8," reports The Hill. From the report: The Republican-led Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted along party lines in 2017 to repeal the popular regulations prohibiting internet service providers from blocking or throttling websites, or from creating internet fast lanes. Democrats and consumer groups are fighting the repeal with a legal challenge in federal court and have pushed net neutrality regulations at the state level.

While Republicans have floated their own bills to replace the rules, many oppose the Save the Internet Act because it reinstates the provision in the 2015 order that designates broadband providers as common carriers, opening them up to tougher regulation and oversight from the FCC. Though it enjoys widespread support among Democrats, the legislation may have a hard time getting through the GOP-held Senate.
The "Save the Internet Act" was introduced earlier this month by Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other House and Senate Democrats.
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House Democrats Plan April Vote On Net Neutrality Bill

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  • F_ck Ajit Pai (Score:1, Insightful)

    About bloody time, for this. Save the internet!!!
    • About bloody time, for this. Save the internet!!!

      It is just a political stunt. It will pass the house. Then it will die in the senate without even being considered.

      This isn't about passing NN. It is about framing the issue for the 2020 election, and cornering the Republicans into voting "No", so the Democrats can hammer them for it.

    • I would have preferred if they called it the "F_ck Ajit Pai Act"
    • The internet is doing fine without government terrorism.
      Your faith in government meddling is strong.
  • by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Monday March 18, 2019 @08:28PM (#58295836)

    Nothing worse than an endless parade of bills that are voted on just to virtue signal, with no chance of accomplishing anything.

    Would be nice if everyone would try to work together to solve real problems.

    • It's not a sham (Score:5, Insightful)

      by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Monday March 18, 2019 @09:32PM (#58296032)
      it's to get the GOP on record as opposing net neutrality. Right now a lot of the ones that run in unsafe districts will tell you with straight face that they love Net Neutrality... much like Senator Palpatine Loved Democracy, but they can't stand those icky bureaucrats misusing the Telecom Act to force it and oh, if only there were a law.

      This is put up or shut up time for those schmucks, and with how much cable money and AT&T cash they're sitting on it'll be shutup. In turn that'll be an issue in 2020 that might cost them their seat and give it to a Democrat. If that happens enough times then the Dems will pass the bill.

      This is how the sausage is made. Don't like it? Go vote for a Democrat in 2020. And if you don't like the candidates vote in your primary dammit.
    • Nothing worse than an endless parade of bills that are voted on just to virtue signal, with no chance of accomplishing anything.

      It's not virtue signalling if they really do want to pass it into legislation. It indicates to voters who is preventing legislation from being enacted that is widely supported by the public.

      Would be nice if everyone would try to work together to solve real problems.

      Alternatively, the public can be shown who should be voted out because they are not acting in the interests of the public.

      • Sorry, you're taking the theatrics too seriously. This is a very obvious PR sham. It's been done many times before. "Sometimes the magic works, sometimes it doesn't"

        People vote on promises and bullshit. If they judged politicians on their actual voting record, reelection rates would be closer to 20% instead of 95%.

    • I became politically aware during Reagan and Bush1's presidency, with control of Congress split. I thought it was was the worst thing ever that Congress couldn't get anything done. Then I got to experience the Democrats controlling both branches of Congress under Bush1, Clinton, and Obama; and the Republicans controlling both branches under Clinton, Bush2, and Trump. Trust me, it's better when control is split.

      See, Americans are on average centrist. Unfortunately, our plurality wins election system
      • >"The only real fix is some sort of instant runoff voting system"

        +1000 []

      • Then I got to experience the Democrats controlling both branches of Congress under Bush1, Clinton, and Obama; and the Republicans controlling both branches under Clinton, Bush2, and Trump. Trust me, it's better when control is split.

        Democrats never had both branches at any time under Clinton. For a brief period the Democrats had the Senate under Clinton but never had the House.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by Z80a ( 971949 )

      The real fix, that is opening the local markets to allow actual competition (that naturally generates net neutrality in the process), this no one wanna touch.

      • The real fix, that is opening the local markets to allow actual competition (that naturally generates net neutrality in the process), this no one wanna touch.

        Do you mean: eliminating state granted monopolies to the landline phone companies, eliminating gross revenue taxes levied on cable companies by local governments (aka "the franchise fee"), or both?

      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • by Shotgun ( 30919 )

        The real fix is giving putting the government in charge of the infrastructure. The cable lines should never have been privately owned in the first place. I lean Libertarian, but the libertarian ideal of all roads being privately owned is insane. The ridiculous debate we're having over NN exemplifies how.

    • by tlhIngan ( 30335 ) <slashdot@worf.TEAnet minus caffeine> on Tuesday March 19, 2019 @03:32AM (#58296722)

      Nothing worse than an endless parade of bills that are voted on just to virtue signal, with no chance of accomplishing anything.

      Would be nice if everyone would try to work together to solve real problems.

      You want government to Do Something(tm), you'll get stuff like the Patriot Act.

      In general, when government is tied up and unable to accomplish anything useful, things outside of government get done.

      Also means stuff that requires fine details to be sorted out, like gun control, to either not go forward, or for it to take its own time to be hashed out, rather than rushed out and full of holes.

      Beware when some bill passes quickly - it usually means something in there is set to screw you over. When government is log jammed it means they're not making up laws to screw you over.

      • You want government to Do Something(tm), you'll get stuff like the Patriot Act.

        Also remember: the Patriot Act was written in 1999 and was sitting in committee until 2001.

    • Would be nice if everyone would try to work together to solve real problems.

      What is there to work out? Pai refuses to do what his position mandates is his job. By now he's been caught lying about the NN "DDOS" attacks. Congress has oversight over the FCC, but up until the Democrats took control of the House have been unwilling to do anything about Pai and the FCC.

    • They force lawmakers to take a stand and vote.

      Is that what you mean by virtue signalling?

      I can think of plenty of worse things.

  • This is only "Team Red" and "Team Blue" arguing in public, desperately trying to maintain the illusion of two separate political parties.

    When all is said and done, nothing will change.

  • But in the end, we can see the real damage to the Internet is from Silicon Valley monopolies enforcing restrictions on speech and suppressing their competition to prevent any actual free speech supporting platforms from starting up. Then they say their don't "editiorialize" and thus get to benefit from protections from law enforcement when they let actual unlawful behavior roam free while at the same time, enforcing their own politics in their moderation.

    What we need now is not to suppress ISP. We need an

    • We also need to make sure to remove protections from prosecution from Social media platform when they fail to remove unlawful content.

      Nope... Censorship is wrong.

      • by RedK ( 112790 )

        Censorship is wrong. Removing child pornography, Terrorist recruitment material, live stream killings, threats of physical violence is not censorship.

        Maybe if they concentrated on that stuff rather than Steven Crowderâ(TM)s latest rant or Charlie Kirkâ(TM)s opinion.

        • Who gets to decide what is censorship when it comes to a private company? Do you get to decide? Censorship really applies to the government in that the government can't decide what you can and cannot say.
        • Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • Removing child pornography, Terrorist recruitment material, live stream killings, threats of physical violence is not censorship.

          Yes it is. You have no right to interfere with private communications. It is none of your business.

          And please sanitize your input, we don't do unicode here

    • But what are you really advocating? You're advocating that you get decide what a private company allows or does not allow under the guise of free speech.

    • by h4x0t ( 1245872 )
      So you are still onboard with Net Neutrality, you just now want platforms responsible for what users post on their sites...
      Are you sure you know what NN is?
  • To keep your internet slow thanks to new federal rules and laws.
    No innovation, what of new innovative community broadband?
    Back to more federal rules and laws to keep existing network speeds.
    • Under Pai, the FCC proposed to downgrade the meaning of broadband to 10 MB up / 1 MB down until strong opposition to keep it at 25 / 3. While everyone may not like what the FCC did under Wheeler increased it from 4 / 1 and his predecessor increased that from 200 K / 20 K.

To be awake is to be alive. -- Henry David Thoreau, in "Walden"
