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The Military United States Politics

The United States Just Might Be Iran's Favorite New Nuclear Supplier 164

Lasrick writes: Nick Gillard from Project Alpha points out that for more than 3 decades, Iran has purchased goods for its nuclear program largely from the shadows. With the Framework Agreement, that will almost certainly change: "According to the US State Department, one of the agreement's provisions creates a dedicated procurement channel for Iran's nuclear program. This channel will monitor and approve, on a case-by-case basis, the supply, sale, or transfer to Iran of certain nuclear-related and dual-use materials and technology." That is terrific news for US companies, because Iran is known to covet US-made parts required for their program, most of which are "dual-use."
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The United States Just Might Be Iran's Favorite New Nuclear Supplier

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  • What could POSSIBLY go wrong?
    • by Anonymous Coward

      What could go wrong? The US could again refuse to supply fuel for the Iranian nuclear program, that the US began with the Atoms for Peace program, and additionally coerce other countries from supplying Iran, thereby leading Iran again to develop their own ability to produce their own fuel.

    • Re:gosh (Score:5, Funny)

      by FatdogHaiku ( 978357 ) on Thursday April 30, 2015 @12:56AM (#49583257)

      What could POSSIBLY go wrong?

      Their shiny new centrifuge bearings seize up, ruining a few hundred thousand dollars worth of equipment, and they end up waiting 20 minutes for help from a Manila call center?

    • What could POSSIBLY go wrong?

      I dunno, maybe they'll get nukes and the warmongers will have to find another country to bomb?

      Or, who knows, maybe we could get attacked by Saudi-sponsored terrorists again?

    • Considering the equipment supplies of the past, this too, will bite US in the ass. Russia controlled Afghanistan, Israel, Central and South America, Saudi Arabia, Africa (ie Benghazi, S. Africa and elsewhere). I personally see no good coming from this.
  • ...conquers ALL.
    • "peace and commerce with all nations, entangling alliances with none."

    • As Marx pointed out, a capitalist will sell the rope used to hang him.

      More precisely, additional factors are in place here

      • shortsightedness
      • US government corruption
      • US government incompetence
      • defective ideologies coming from the White house, a mix of anti-Americanism, socialism, sympathy toward violence, and sympathy toward Islam.

      The intellectual caliber of the current administration is so minuscule that there's no realization that their policies are literally suicidal.

  • That is the idea, isn't it?

  • by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Thursday April 30, 2015 @01:37AM (#49583405)

    Diplomacy, old definition:

    "The art of saying 'Nice Doggy' until you can find a rock". - Will Rodgers

    New definition:

    "The art of handing rocks over to the doggy until it can bury you, while hoping that it is nice".

    • If we attack Iran militarily, they will race and have nukes in a few months. The idea that we can prevent that with a military strike is naive or maliciously dishonest.

      We were told toppling Saddam would lead to dancing in the streets of Baghdad and mature democracy and peace in Iraq. Hasn't exactly worked out that way. Now we have lies and foolishness about striking Iran. Iran could pursue nukes in the center of a number of mountain bunkers and we could not capture or find all off them in time before a bomb was created and *used* in Israel or Europe or the USA.

      Yes, *used*.

      If we invaded Iran, our threat to the regime would be existential. Nations build nukes precisely for deterrence against existential threats.

      Therefore, by invading, we will hand Iran a perfectly legitimate reason for using a nuke, on a silver platter. If someone was toppling our government in Washington DC militarily, you can be certain nukes would be flying out of bunkers in North Dakota. You think the same standard for using nukes doesn't apply to Iran?

      And all you need is an anonymous lead lined shipping container out of tens of thousands delivered to a port. No need for a stinking ICBM.

      Are some of you braindead chickenhawks sobering up yet?

      Do some of you morons think invading Iran will be a breeze? Fucking pathetic Afghanistan wasn't even a breeze. The blowback from Iraq and letting Saddam's entire Baathist military establishment walk away is still going on in the form of ISIS. You chickenhawk morons just don't fucking learn do you you pathetic assholes? How many trillions in national treasure and thousands of young vital lives do you want to waste now? While you complain about taxes and welfare recipients from the other side of your ignorant mouths? There are some seriously stupid assholes in this world isn't there, you chickenhawk assholes gung ho for war are exhibit A.

      Iran is not Iraq, wide open flat desert, it is mountain fortresses. We played hide and seek in the mountains of Afghanistan for years with scruffy pushovers who continue to mount destabilizing attacks. The Revolutionary Guards of Iran are not pimply teenagers promised religious lies from Al Qaeda and Taliban stooges, they are a serious and professional fighting force, fighting on their land, for their country. Remember Vietnam you moronic chickenhawk douchebags? Is someone going to tell us our intelligence on Iranian nuclear sites is ironclad, we know all of them? Really, you're certain of that? You want to bet an Iranian nuclear strike on that conviction you arrogant smarmy pricks?

      So we will pursue a deal. Not because it will work with certainty. But because all other options are clearly worse.

      Diplomacy simply serves our national interest. A deal is better than no deal. Pragmatism. Shrewd intelligence. Not that you warmongering assholes know what those words mean. You don't have to trust the Iranians, you stupid fucks, no one trusts them. Verification is in the deal.

      All the assholes with hard ons to invade Iran are genuinely ignorant or maliciously cavalier about the severe blow back we would experience. Fuck the irresponsible braindead chickenhawk assholes: the crappiest deal is still 1,000% better than the best case military scenario.

      • by Dog-Cow ( 21281 ) on Thursday April 30, 2015 @02:14AM (#49583483)

        The obvious solution then is to nuke Iran now, before we know they have their own. Because when Iran has what they consider a sufficient number of warheads, they will start WWIII. So either way we will have to nuke Iran; may as well do it before they can kill us too.

        • i know you're joking, but there are people in the world who really believe that


        • Yes, Nuclear bomb owning Pakistan would love a country being nuked upwind from them. The prevailing winds in the altitudes above 3km would give them all that precious nuclear fallout.

        • by Vermifax ( 3687 )

          Except not only do we know they don't have any, the CIA and Mossad have confirmed that they aren't working on any either.

      • No need to attack (Score:4, Insightful)

        by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Thursday April 30, 2015 @04:17AM (#49583757)

        All we have to do is nothing. The sanctions are working, it's greatly slowing progress they are making to obtaining nuclear weapons.

        If we lift the sanctions, we CANNOT restore them (the Iranians have said repeatedly it's absurd to think we could). They will absolutely have a nuclear weapon inside a year, probably much sooner.

        The real assholes are the people like you willing to put the world to the torch because of your imaginary fears of invading Iran, which no-one wants to do. It makes no sense because what do you invade? The people are generally friendly to the U.S., it's only the rulers that are not - and they will use the entire populace as a human shield (that is also incidentally why they rightfully think they can use nuclear weapons against enemies without similar reprisals).

        If the sanctions are lifted and millions die I hope you have the decency to at least feel a tiny bit guilty.... but then people like you so often rationalize all repercussions of your mistakes away.

        • by silentcoder ( 1241496 ) on Thursday April 30, 2015 @06:09AM (#49584019)

          Just out of curiousity... why exactly should Iran NOT have a nuclear weapon ?
          You got them... you have THOUSANDS of them and your track-record with them is atrocious, you've accidentally dropped some on your own people at least 50 times, you've left them unguarded and forgotten on civilian runways more than once. On at least one occasion they were discovered by the damn catering staff.

          You have not been very responsible with yours. Yet you maintain you have the right to have them. If you do... so does Iran. Either EVERY country has that right, or NO country has that right.
          You can't make selective laws for countries anymore than you can for people.

          Now take that as a fundamental premise and rethink your entire view of hte world. You'll find you come up with one that doesn't make the rest of the world hate Americans. One that produces a world where Al Queda could never have existed. One where your nation is not seen as a bunch of arrogant imperialists comparable to Elizabethan and Victorian England.
          Take it as a basic premise that your country can ONLY do what it allows EVERYBODY ELSE to do as well - if something is truly to scary for North Korea to do - you can't do it either. Give COUNTRIES equal rights.

          Then maybe we can negotiate in good faith. Then maybe the world can know some peace and stability. Then you'll have gained some philosophical soundness in your arguments. Go on. Think about it. I'll wait.

          • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

            by Anonymous Coward

            You got them... you have THOUSANDS of them and your track-record with them is atrocious,

            70 years and thousands of nuclear weapons in the possession of the United States, and exactly zero people harmed by one since Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Including a period of time post-WWII when NO ONE ELSE had any, when much of the world was in ruins. When the world was truly helpless to resist the power of a United States fully mobilized for conventional war, with a monopoly on nuclear weapons, with a proven willingness to use them. If the United States had the desire and will to employ that power, no one

            • And the facts prove that luck was mostly good luck. There was no anger in my post your defensiveness is clouding your judgement .
              My own country was a nuclear power. We gave it up voluntarily (we still generate electricity with it though). Dismantled our bombs.

              I didn't ask more give a crap about whether the us is a good steward or not. I said countries should have equal rights. I said it's impossible for you or anybody else to ever have moral authority when you prohibit other countries from actions you st

            • by Greyfox ( 87712 )
              Um, and that minor incident at the Bikini Island Atoll. Entire island nation loses their homes permanently and a bunch of people get cancer and die within a couple of years. But you know, you want to make an omelette, you need to break a few eggs. The USA and the USSR were doing open-air testing until nearly 1960, when the USA finally screwed the pooch hard in the south pacific. And then there was that time some jackass decided to detonate a nuclear bomb in the Van Allen Belt. That was in the mid 60's and
          • Just out of curiousity... why exactly should Iran NOT have a nuclear weapon ?

            Because of their frequently asserted world view and actions.

            • How many countries has Iran invaded since the revolution in '79?
              How many has the USA in that same time period?

              • How many countries has Iran invaded since the revolution in '79?

                Iran, or their armed and funded proxies?

      • by Hodr ( 219920 )

        I enjoyed your well reasoned and thorough argument, which I imagine was delivered in an even and temperate tone, with it's occasional turrets style invectives. I want to believe you use the same style when talking with your spouse, attending formal functions, at work, and at the PTA.

  • Disney Replaces Longtime IT Staff with H-1b Workers [slashdot.org]

    As I posted there:

    Corporations only have one goal: making the upper management as rich as possible. They will throw anyone under the bus to achieve that end: employees, stockholders, customers.

    I underestimated just how greedy the bastards really are. They will sell anything, including the ultimate weapon of mass destruction, to a country who's foreign policy goals include getting the US out of the Middle East, the end of the State of Israel, and replacing

    • if a crazy person wants to shoot you, and you make a deal with him to not shoot you as long as you feed him gun parts...

      then when the time comes and he pulls out an assembled gun and fires at you... do you really think that gun is going to work?

      • Crazy does not necessarily imply incompetent. Anyway, in your example, Iran is better represented by an enemy soldier or a man with avowed criminal intent.
        • and shall we proceed down the slope of retarded alterations to a throwaway analogy and miss the demonstration of the simple point?

          the USA is stupid in many ways, but it's not THAT stupid, maybe you are.

          • The Obama administration is that stupid. B.H.O. just wants to get out of office before the bomb drops.
  • graveyard, it will have been American parts that put it there.


  • Michelle Obama: "Iran, you're eating unhealthy. Your food purchases are questionable. If you buy from us, we'll make sure you only buy good foods without processed sugar and trans-fats."
    Iran: "Oh, this is an excellent idea!" *buys healthy food from FLOTUS, then sugar and trans-fats from usual suppliers*
  • Certain items are classified as "dual use" for US export control laws because they have 2 major use classifications - military and non-military. The only way to ensure that goods sold for non-military purposes are not later used for military purposes is by monitoring and controlling.

    We all know how effective the US's monitor and control systems worked in Iran.

"I may be synthetic, but I'm not stupid" -- the artificial person, from _Aliens_
