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Congressman Wants To Cut Funding For President's Teleprompter 4

Rep. Steve Womack, R-Ark., proposed eliminating funding for president's Teleprompter but ultimately changed his mind. Womack says he pulled his amendment because he was unable to determine exactly how much the president's teleprompter costs. Evidently electricity remains a luxury in Womak's district. "I think we made our point," Womack said. "We're asking people to do more with less. And I think the president ought to lead by example. He is already a very gifted speaker. And I think that's one platform he could do without."


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Congressman Wants To Cut Funding For President's Teleprompter

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    If we are really trying to save money, wouldn't it be a lot more cost effective to cut the entire budget for the President and Congress? How much good does it do us to have a King and Nobility?

    I would be more confident in a government run by a wiki than one run by jerkoffs like this who spew random BS. Seriously, can anyone honestly tell me that this guy is somehow superior to, for example, MediaWiki?

    • Seriously, can anyone honestly tell me that this guy is somehow superior to, for example, MediaWiki?

      Probably not - I don't think your mind is open enough to receive such a statement, so I won't even try.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Evidently electricity remains a luxury in Womak's district.

    Well he is from Arkansas after all.

How come financial advisors never seem to be as wealthy as they claim they'll make you?
