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Senate Nominee Claims Scientists Have Created Mice With Human Brains 11

jamie writes "Delaware Republican Senate nominee Christine O'Donnell claimed in 2007 that: 'American scientific companies are cross-breeding humans and animals and coming up with mice with fully functioning human brains.' Current polls indicate that 39% of Delawareans plan to vote for her." If elected, O'Donnell and staff promise to do the same thing they do every night: try to take over the world.
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Senate Nominee Claims Scientists Have Created Mice With Human Brains

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  • Entertainment value or sanity..... I mean sh just keeps bringing the comedy nuggets, as she is the anti-masturbation candidate.

    • If I lust in my heart for my wife, is that a sin? If she masturbates me, is that still a sin? What does the bible have to say about phone sex with my wife?
      • I'm pretty sure it just talked of the sin of spilling one's seed... so I guess our Lord is fine with women helping themselves out, just not men... and they say men got all the rights.
        • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

          by Locke2005 ( 849178 )
          You're misunderstanding the story of Onan. Spilling his seed upon the ground was a sin because, as the brother of an infertile man, it was his duty to impregnate his brother's wife. Had nothing to do with wanking off (a subject I won't go into here, because all slashdotters are already intimately familiar with the subject.) Remember, these stories come from a time when a culture's prosperity and even survival were closely tied to it's birth rate, hence the prohibitions against the open practice of homosexua
          • That gives a whole new thought bubble when "THIS IS SPARTA!!!" is heard... :-S
          • Thank you for making this clarification. All to frequently people take one verse and ignore the context (both Christian and non-Christian).

            My memory is fuzzy on the details, but there was something also about "pulling out" (either in this story or a similar one). It came down to that he was cheating her (by not letting her get pregnant), so she dressed like a prostitute, he didn't recognize her, ???, and profit... er baby.
  • You sheeple just don't understand. If you just watch this documentary [] you will see that everything that O'Donnell said about the mice with human intelligence is TRUE!!!!

  • Well, what do you expect - if you genetically engineer a human with a brain of a mouse, of course she is going to start claiming that the inverse is also possible.
  • The writer is obviously a Commucrat. Reducing government is the only issue worth talking about. Everything else is a scam until that happens.

If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith
