Lessig Decides Not to Run For Congress 80
micheas writes "Larry Lessig has decided that running for U.S. Congress himself in a special election would be too risky to his Change Congress movement and has decided not to run. 'With lots of mixed feelings, I have decided a run for Congress would not help the Change Congress movement. I explain the thinking in this 5 minute video (a new record for me!). First question: What happens to the contributions to Lessig08? As explained on the ActBlue page, all will go to (the yet to be established) Change Congress organization.'"
Interesting (Score:5, Funny)
redundant (Score:3, Insightful)
mastershake (Score:5, Funny)
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If by that your meaning he is retiring from politics *cough* to become a lobbyist in order to gain a wider influence for his cause, then yes, you probably are correct. He still needs to be able to show lots of voters backing him with donations so he can influence votes in regards to his cause and in the process
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It typically doesn't matter what office they run for. But it is mor
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However, there is a conversion rule that could muddy things up. Especially if he was taking a paid position at the charity or political party. And there is some question (to me at least) on how this would play out is the charity or party didn't officially exist at the time of the initial contribution.
Even if he is a lawyer, he should get separ
Bait and Switch (Score:2, Insightful)
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I've never heard of that happening before, and while I think it would be rather slimy to simply take the funds for his own personal gain, there's nothing wrong with donating them to the cause he was running to support.
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People donated to his campaign. He dropped out. That's par for the course.
What you're suggesting is that either by dropping out or by not doing what no other politician has ever done, he did something wrong. I'm just looking for a LITTLE precedent, here....
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And that precedent is from a LONG time ago (although in a galaxy far, far away).
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But I can't feel too bad for folk who parted with their money on the expectation that he was going to run before he told us some pretty important information like, which party ticket? if as an independent then who would he vote for as speaker?
The party system exists for a reason and its not all bad. Saying that you are going to change congress without saying how or why is just more rhetorical bullshit. Bush delivered that m
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he was going to run before he told us some pretty important information like, which party ticket?
I thought he made it pretty clear that he was considering running for the Democrat nomination against Jackie Speier.
But if he had continued the run the most likely outcome would be that he would split the progressive vote and let a Republican in.
Apparently you haven't paid any attention at all to what's been happening but have no problem at all spouting off a bunch of BS.
I know, I know, I must be new here.
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Not until this podcast he didn't. And then only if you bothered to listen in to his tedious windbaggery. It was like watching a rerun of Sagan in Cosmos.
You have to get to the point quickly in politics. The Podcast is a dreadful medium for communicating news. The content of that podcast could be stated in three short paragraphs. He took five minutes.
If you are going to do a podcast you h
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Not until this podcast he didn't. And then only if you bothered to listen in to his tedious windbaggery. It was like watching a rerun of Sagan in Cosmos.
He talks about it in his blog post which was posted on the 21st. The link: http://lessig08.org/blog/?p=3 [lessig08.org]
This proves that YOU are the "tedious windbag", blabbering on with no knowledge of what you are talking about, and making up "facts" as you go along.
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The post is titled "the day after". In other words he failed to make the point in his original release. There is no reason to expect that people would check back the next day for information that should have been presented at the start.
This proves that YOU are the "tedious windbag", blabbering on with no knowledge of what you are talking about, and making up "facts" as you go along.
I criticized St Lessig for crapy media management. He had
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he was going to run before he told us some pretty important information like, which party ticket?
I thought he made it pretty clear that he was considering running for the Democrat nomination against Jackie Speier.
Not until this podcast he didn't (emphasis added).
He talks about it in his blog post which was posted on the 21st.
The post is titled "the day after". In other words he failed to make the point in his original release.
I accept your apology.
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Why do they all have to be pigeonholed into a big bucket that half the country inevitably hates ? Why can't one smart individual campaign on the basis of their own views rather than the regurgitated habits of either large faction, none of which have proven much success since the creation of government centuries ago ?
Let's f
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If I collect funds to support my entry into a Congressional race, and then decide not to go through with that entry, I damn well better give my supporters their donations back, because I haven't spent anything on the campaign yet, because I haven't entered the campaign.
The only races candidates "drop out" of are for president, and that's because the playing field narrows. They either drop out or are voted out. That of course, isn't applicable here, because presidential
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Either run, or send our money back.
I donated. I am perfectly happy with Larry using the money for fund his Change Congress initiative. I agree with the goals of the movement that aim to end abusive pork-fat career politicians. If he channels energy and research into exposing the cretins from the pure souls, I would feel like my donation was money well spent. If he can convince the major political parties not to endorse bad politicians in the first place, that would be even better.
Best yet, if Change Congress could launch a political
change congress (Score:1)
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I don't have flash on this computer, making both the links in the summary a complete and total waste of time.
You are righter than you might have imagined—I do have the latest version of Gnash with my Icecat, and it doesn't play. Given the source of inspiration for the free culture movement (which, in turn, is the basis for this change congress movement), one might have thought that Lessig would ensure that the video would play in the free implementation of flash, but no.
I suppose there's not real harm done, since it's not like I need to see the 5-minute presentation to understand why he shouldn't fight a fi
Come on (Score:5, Insightful)
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However, I pulled up the google cache [google.com] of that same page and there is no mention of what will happen to the funds if he decides not to run. That seems somewhat shady, and I personally think he should have decided whether or not to run before starting to take donations.
Re:Come on (Score:5, Informative)
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Good move (Score:5, Insightful)
This also makes him available for appointment to some post in the White House. Imagine the work he could do in Commerce, overseeing the Internet, at the FCC overseeing information flow, or at Justice, overseeing IP-related enforcement.
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Perhaps, but Norm Coleman needs to go. That backstabbing SOB needs to be dealt with decisively, and Al is probably the best person to do this.
Besides we need more people in Congress with a sense of humor!
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He's good enough.
He's smart enough.
but no one likes him!
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You mean like Obama's planned CTO position [typepad.com] for the United States government?
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Lessig wouldn't have to win. Sometimes running is enough to guide and elevate the public discourse in that it gives the voice a microphone to make sense into.
At least, that's the way it's supposed to work.
Jackie Speier is a better candidate anyway (Score:2, Informative)
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Speier a better candidate? She hasn't put forth her position on IP Law reform OR Net neutrality! Just silly issues like "the economy" and "Iraq".
I guess all politics is local. Dash our hopes of banding together to have our own Congress-critter to represent the national nerd constituency. Surely we (not just Slashdot) make up more than 1/435 of the populace.
Exactly (Score:1)
You just hit the nail on the head. Although it may not always seem like it, there really are a lot of very intelligent people here in the US. And by that, I don't mean tech/engr intelligence. I'd almost call it wisdom, but that may be too strong of a word.
But more or less, they're distributed geographically evenly. And bec
Translation: (Score:4, Funny)
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Why start so high? (Score:5, Insightful)
I dislike this notion that anything below the federal level is not worth their attention. True, it's not as bad as the Edwards or Nader position, "If I can't be president, I'm not going to bother." But if a new movement can prove itself on the local level, it can gain both the infrastructure and momentum necessary to advance.
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Who is Lessig and what is 'Change Congress" (Score:1)
I'll assume it was posted by someone who assumed slashdotters worldwide would have an interest. For all I know right now, it could be someone wanting to change the dress code.
Or improve the look of congresspersons web-sites. (Aka 'congressees', 'congressites', 'persons engaged in congress'. I'm open to a language lesson as we
Re:Who is Lessig and what is 'Change Congress" (Score:5, Informative)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence_Lessig [wikipedia.org]
http://lessig.org/blog/ [lessig.org]
In short, he's a very smart (arguably brilliant) legal mind who thinks that the current copyright system is the result of corrupt practices by media corporations and the complicit congress. He has unsuccessfully tried the legal route (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/technology/articles/eldredprimer_100902.htm [washingtonpost.com]) and is now working on the corruption aspect of the issue.
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Lessig himself is the author of Free Culture [free-culture.cc] and one of the architects of the Creative Commons licence (although this isn't the issue he's running on, it's an anti-corruption ticket as far as I can make out).
He'd probably do well in a proportional representation system, as it is he has to convince a limited geo
silly notion (Score:3, Insightful)
1971: Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA): contribution disclosure
1974: FECA expanded to limit contributions
2002: McCain-Feingold limits speech and soft money
Guess what? No big change.
Ron Paul raised $35 million, and he didn't see much in the way of votes.
Politicians love to spread anti-business rhetoric to get votes, but they all know that if they screw up the economy by destroying businesses they will lose those votes, thus they act more like economists in action, and talk like economically ignorant people on the stump.
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Then the government will get to choose who gets money to run for the government, consolidating power 100%.
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In Australia, most employment is provided by SME's, I wouldn't be surprised if it is similar in the US. Making things harder for large corporations and easier for small business could well stimulate the economy rather than screw it up.
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Politicians only want power. They will say whatever is needed to get the votes of the majority, and do whatever is needed to not get voted out.
I called this guy a tool on DIGG and imagine ... (Score:1, Flamebait)
What a shameful waste of an opportunity... (Score:3, Funny)
Ron Paul Republicans are running (Score:1)
These guys are worth considering.
Especially Murrary Sabrin running for the Senate:
http://www.murraysabrin.com/ [murraysabrin.com]
Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead (Score:1)
Obligatory... (Score:1)
if con- is the opposite of pro-, what is the opposite of Progess?
Errr (Score:1)