Vint Cerf and Others Form Advocacy Group 118
Omega writes "Vint Cerf, father of TCP/IP, and several Nobel Prize winners have formed a 527 committee called 'Scientists and Engineers for Change.' Among their major complaints are that the Bush administration has ignored and misused scientific findings to achieve political goals and that it has stifled scientific research. While the group isn't officially endorsing Kerry, Dr. Cerf points out it's pretty obvious what their goal is."
Obvious (Score:5, Insightful)
Yes, it is obvious. They are circumventing campaign finance laws by campaigning for Senator Kerry, and against President Bush, in the guise of an issue advocacy group.
I thought we all decided 527s were evil and borderline-illegal ever since the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth started airing out Senator Kerry's dirty laundry. I guess they are a good thing this week.
Re:Obvious (Score:2)
527's are tools, nothing more nothing less. Just like Jesus needing a Tax exemption.
Re:Obvious (Score:1, Funny)
Re:Obvious (Score:2)
Re:Obvious (Score:1, Insightful)
Re:Obvious (Score:3, Informative)
If you're going to send our boys to Iraq to fight and possibly die, then their leader should be someone who has actually killed someone with their hands, who knows what it is.
Bet you weren't expecting that kind of response from a liberal.
Re:Obvious (Score:1, Insightful)
Also, the only evidence that Bush ever "went AWOL" came from a single nut-case with an axe to gr
Re:Obvious (Score:1, Flamebait)
If you believe all the lies about Kerry, then there's something wrong with your BS detector.
Re:Obvious (Score:2)
This crew got away with much bigger prizes:
William Casey
William Colby
Mel Carnehan
Paul Wellstone
Thos are the ones we know of...
Re:Obvious (Score:2)
One man's opinion: Evidence indicates that Wellstone crash was no accident
Minnesota Sen. Paul Wellstone was a serious man who cared profoundly about his fellow citizens. He took courageous stands against an administration that he viewed with profound suspicion, arguing eloquently against tax cuts for the rich, the subversion of the Constitution, and violating international accords. He would have led the opposition to the war in Iraq if only he had had the chance. Everyone
Re:Obvious (Score:2)
Re:Obvious (Score:2)
You mean like that?
Vote for Kerry. He killed a man, face to face. He's a bad motherfucker, and the conservatives just hate that. BTW, he's got a chestful of medals too. The Pentagon even did a review of the medals, and all were cleared as being above board.
Re:Obvious (Score:1)
Bush volunteered to go to Vietnam (See http://www.libertypost.org/cgi-bin/readart.cgi?Ar t Num=67867 )
Kerry didn't want to go to Vietnam, and He has said himself that he joined the Swift Boats because they weren't going. (He said this during his War is Bad phase, talking to anti-war people. He may have flip-flopped)
Kerry is everyone's candidate. Think service in Vietnam war was wrong. Kerry's your man! (He protested didn't he? He even said all the soldiers committed war crimes while th
Re:Obvious (Score:2)
What a flip-flopper! What a waffler!
Only a fascist would vote for a war. By the way, are you in Iraq right now? How many of the enemy have YOU killed?
Re:Obvious (Score:2)
Re:Obvious (Score:2)
PICK UP A RIFLE, soldier! Cut your hair. Get your ass out of bed. While you're arguing on the Internet, the enemy is making preparations. Your brothers are dying. Are you a patriot, or a pussy?
Right. You're a pussy. You vote for the Prez who looks tough and acts tough, because that's all he can do, just like you. And you call a man who is REALLY tough unpatriotic. You should be ashamed of yourself, you little maggot. You turned the rear of your swift boat to the enemy long ago. Y
Re:Obvious (Score:4, Insightful)
Let's say one of the Soros funded 527s, like America Coming Together [act4victory.org], goes and registers 45,000 new Democrats in Florida (which they have) based on Bush's horrible policies on three issues: Iraq, the Healthcare system and the Economy. Now let's say that Kerry wins Florida by less than 45,000 votes. ACT, a 527 with no alligance to Kerry or the Democratic Party was a dealmaker for Kerry. Now, fast forward a couple of years into a Kerry Presidency and Kerry is now persuing policies opposite to the goals of ACT. ACT is free to take it's organization, it's membership lists, it's money and go support another candidate or another party, including a third party. This could prove damaging to a Kerry and the Presidency if ACT were to swing another, say, Senate election or a couple of House seats.
527's are able to band together and also are able to work with PACs. ACT regularly teams up with MoveOn.org-PAC and others like the Sierra Club and Planned Parenthood under the umbrella 527 America Votes to coordinate voter registration drives. I've personally spent all of my political energy this election helping to build groups like this rather than work directly with the Democratic Party. This way, I can help make sure the Dems when they win, stay honest. If they don't, we'll go support a Green Party candidate or maybe form a new party and support them. Similarly, if one of the groups in our little coalition starts to piss everyone off, we can dump them just as quickly.
Just to illustrate the power of these groups, MoveOn.org-PAC has a goal of getting out 500K votes in swing states this Nov. Acorn.org-PAC has registered 140,000 new Kerry supporters in Florida since January and ACT has registered 45,000 new Kerry supporters. It is very likely that these groups will hand Florida to Kerry. For anyone who complains that their vote doesn't count, you're crazy. Get out and walk, go door to door, set up mailing lists, form a 527 and build an organization, then bring it to bear on your elected officials.
I have a problem with 527's like the Not-so-Swift Veterans because they are lying. I have a problem with people and organizations who lie. I would have a problem with Soros funding campaigns of lies, but changing campaign laws will not do a damn thing to stop political operatives from lying. So, 527's like Dr. Cerf's are a good thing; lying ones, like that tool of Nixon, John O'Neil, suck.
Re:Obvious (Score:1, Interesting)
However, not a single one of their "lies" has
Re:Obvious (Score:2)
I just find it odd that some people hate 527s when they are for the other guy, but love them to pieces when they bash a candidate they don't like.
Maybe "odd" is the wrong word. Hmmm... "Typical" is probably better.
Re:Obvious (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Obvious (Score:2)
527's that support Kerry = Good
527's that support Bush = Bad
Re:Obvious (Score:2)
Re:Obvious (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Obvious (Score:2, Insightful)
Vietnam? Been there, done that.
Lost friends and schoolmates in combat? Ditto.
It's 25 year old history; nations and people have changed since then.
As a Vet, I was not, and am not, insulted by Kerry's testimony against unethical behavior during a conflict spanning Eisenhower-Kennedy-Johnson-Nixon.
As wartime soldiers, some of us did good, some did bad, and most of us did both during our tours.
I don't recall any of our ranks attaining sainthood while in country.
Re:Obvious (Score:2)
Anyone who believes that either of the candidates are good for the presidency needs to do some home work on the candidates. This is not a choice of who is good for the job, but who is least damaging for the job. So far, Bush has proven to be exceptionally damaging. Kerry has not, yet. He may well prove to be as bad as Bush, but that would be a challenge. Kerry has a history of glorifying himself, liking the camera, spinning
Re:Obviously in DENIAL (Score:1)
Re:527's are always good, SBVT are a pack of liars (Score:2)
Well, maybe they do spew out obvious lies but that's different, because they... um... are the Good Guys.
It's all becoming clear.
zerg (Score:1, Flamebait)
Re: zerg (Score:1)
> Vint Cerf, the father of TCP/IP, formed a 527 something-or-other, but he couldn't be bothered to make a fucking website!
527 Page Not Found
Re:zerg (Score:2)
Re:zerg (Score:2)
I'm in full agreement but expecting little impact (Score:1)
Re:I'm in full agreement but expecting little impa (Score:1)
And your platform is? (Score:3, Interesting)
Robert Hopkins, a spokesman for the Office of Science and Technology Policy, disputed that opinion. "I don't know where their accounting is coming from," Mr. Hopkins said. "The president has been a strong and generous supporter of science, increasing federal R&D budgets 44 percent to a record $132 billion."
A quick Googling [google.com] doesn't show anything for their group's name, either.
What the hell? Are they just a few people that doesn't like Bush and decided to form a soft-money group to campaign against him? This article made it to Slashdot how, again?
Re:And your platform is? (Score:1)
Re:And your platform is? (Score:1)
Re:And your platform is? (Score:2)
How do they know? (Score:2)
Re: How do they know? (Score:4, Insightful)
> What proof do they have that Kerry will be any different?
Sometimes the devil you know is so bad that you're willing to give the devil you don't know a try.
Re: How do they know? (Score:2)
Sometimes the devil you know is so bad that you're willing to give the devil you don't know a try.
I'm sorry, but I can't believe this got modded up as insightful. This is the exact same bullshit that's helped to ruin the democratic system by setting up a a near-perpetual power monopoly by the two parties that are currently serving up the schlock of the country as our proposed "leaders."
You want to vote for the devil you don't know? How about
Re:How do they know? (Score:1)
If he's exactly the same, no loss. If he's better, gain. I can't imagine how he could be worse... but my tinfoil is getting thin anyways. ;)
As for scientific research, at least for one thing, Kerry isn't as likely to bend over backwards to stop stem-cell research.
Re:How do they know? (Score:2)
Re:How do they know? (Score:2)
Not that Bush is any better- I'm not sure if he's a Baptist, a Presbyterian, or a Methodist (I've heard all three), but none of them actually condemn stem cell research as a blanket statement, which leads me to suspect he's only doing it to once again get votes from people who have no business voting Republican. Kind of like his abortion stance.
Re:How do they know? (Score:2)
Kerry is a lying bastard - either he's Catholic, and believes what the Church teaches [vatican.va], or he's not.
But trying to pretend he is Catholic [excommunicatekerry.com] while voting for so-called "abortion rights" is a travestry.
It's even worse than Kerry pretending to be pro-gun [nrapvf.org].
I mean, c'mon, at least be open about what you stand for! Sheesh.
Faith by force? (Score:5, Insightful)
On the one hand Kerry says he is personally against abortion. On the other hand Kerry has support Roe v. Wade and keeping abortion legal.
Some people insist there is some contradiction in these two positions. These people see the world as black and white and like simple slogans such as, "you're either with us or against us."
Kerry has a personal, possibly religious, opinion on an issue. Why is it a sign of weakness or deception if he doesn't insist everyone in the US of A (or the world) adhere to that same viewpoint? The church says it's a sin to eat meat on Friday. Is it a travesty Kerry doesn't insist on that law as well? Opps, apparently that's not a sin anymore. Guess the pope likes to flip-flop on the issues.
Anyway, those who like to insist someone's political stands must conform to their religious beliefs should remember, the government operates by force. Laws are enforced at gun point, whether by police or armies. I know the US of A is not under martial law, I don't see tanks rolling down the street, so it's easy to forget.
Almost all the people work well in the construct of society almost all the time without the physical manifestation on the government's powers. But every law, every regulation, is backed with that final threat of enforcement. So when you take matters of faith and institute that into law, you are trying to ensure faith by force.
I'm not saying politicians should equivocate and play both sides of an issue without reproach. I'm saying we should expect a politician's personal actions to support what they are saying are their political and personal beliefs. Kerry's record supports what he says is his political stand. As to his personal actions and his religious beliefs--how he would council a family who was considering an abortion--I do not know. How does that make him a lying bastard?
Holding a religious belief makes you a person of faith. Using force, or the threat of force, to make everyone else conform to your religious belief makes you a wakko nut job. These are the people who shoot doctors, kill children, fly planes into buildings, and in general ruin the game for the rest of us.
Re:How do they know? (Score:2)
Both could care less, they just want your vote and your money.
Re:How do they know? (Score:2)
One example would be my sisters, both of whom miscarried several times. Those events were emotionally tramatic enough without having a
Re:How do they know? (Score:2)
Let him make his own decisions, reject what the Church teaches, and join one of the thousands of Protestant churches. There are many ways to believe in Jesus and be pro-abortion. But to claim to be Catholic (which is a very specific, and large portion of Christianity) and support abortion is not honest. Why bother? The only reason I can think of is
Re:How do they know? (Score:2)
Catholics, like everyone else, can have different opinions on different subjects.
And as an Episcopalian (like that other, older Bush), I think calling protestant churches "pro-abortion" isn't correct at all. Again, most church leaders (bishops/clergy/etc.) from all the protestant churches in America met with the president on the eve of the war to urge him against it. Yet I am
Re:How do they know? (Score:2)
THAT is insightful.
Re:How do they know? (Score:2)
Catholics, like everyone else, can have different opinions on different subjects.
Correct, if those subjects are not a matter of Church teaching!
Catholics can believe whatever they want about what is on Pluto, but they can't, for example, deny that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, because that's one of the tenets of the Catholic Faith.
Similarly, the Church has decreed that its teachings on the issues of abortion are doctrine and cannot be denied by a Catholic in good standing. In fact, the worst punish
Re:How do they know? (Score:2)
We do not live in a theocracy, and no sane person would advocate that our nation should adopt any one religion's teachings as law, lock-stock-and-barrel. Bu
Re:How do they know? (Score:2)
And so as a Catholic you must be opposed to laws that promote abortion, or provide govenment funding for it.
But you could argue that you'll be against laws that prohibit it, but then how do you argue for prohibiting anything?
After all, the Catholic Church teaches that murder is wrong, do you suggest that we repeal laws against murder? Obviously the line has to be drawn somewhere.
What I think should be legal and illegal for
Re:How do they know? (Score:2)
An odd example. Any American should be opposed to any law that tries to impose any particular religious beliefs on the entire society. Allah, Yahweh, the Wicca Witch of the West, whatever. There's no Catholic teaching involved there.
I hope you'
Re:How do they know? (Score:2)
Since you are not an official representative of the Catholic Church, you have no business making such statements. Only the Catholic Church has any right to say what a Catholic must or must not believe or do. Furthermore, the fact that the Church does not try to force lay Catholics to take a stance against anti-abortion should tell you that you are plain wrong ... as well as talking out of turn!
Re:How do they know? (Score:2)
Exactly right. The Catholic Church has this mechanism of "excommunication" to expel members who go against their teachings.
So, please give me a URL to the Pope's press release announcing Kerry's excommunication. Or just show me a news article about some priest refusing him communion, even
Re:How do they know? (Score:4, Insightful)
I'm not expert on Catholic theology, but I'm pretty sure there is wiggle room in Catholic orthodoxy for this.
Kerry is anti-abortion (almost all pro-choice people are). That is, he thinks the best world would be abortion-free, and that the government should encourage sex ed, birth control, adoption, counseling, etc. to reduce abortion and its causes. That is a fine Catholic position.
But Kerry also opposes criminalizing abortion, which the Catholic church is silent on (AFAIK).
Re:How do they know? (Score:2)
Frankly, the fact that Kerry only had two daughters means he was breaking this one.
That said, most American Catholics ignore this piece.
How do you know? (Score:2)
Re:How do they know? (Score:2)
Is it? The Code of Canon Law [vatican.va] makes 4 references to abortion, and all of them talk about actually performing abortions. Have you got a source for official Catholic doctrine on legislating abortion?
Unlesss you've got a cite, I don't buy it.
Re:How do they know? (Score:2)
I think the Church more or less considers "legislation" to be an artifact of decisions made by individuals (those who create the laws), and things like that are related to the concept of scandal. The Catechism of the Catholic Church [vatican.va] says:
Re:How do they know? (Score:2)
Good enough?
There is no "wiggle room" in the Catholic Church (Score:2)
Here's the official hard line: [catholicculture.org]
Re:How do they know? (Score:2)
Yes. Paragraph 23 seems pretty clear to me. I wonder if there is a similar call to legislators on the subject of the death penalty?
Re:How do they know? (Score:2)
There is a WORLD of difference between personal beliefs and what should be codified into law. WE DO NOT LIVE IN A THEOCRACY. Last I checked, our sons and daughters were dying to prevent the spread of theocracy in the Middle East.
The Catholic Church hierarchy has been lately taking the stance that any politician who doesn't think the laws of the Uni
Re:How do they know? (Score:2)
Re:How do they know? (Score:2)
Re:How do they know? (Score:1, Insightful)
Of course there's no proof, but it'd be a safe bet that Kerry will be different, considering he doesn't make decisions based on religious dogma.
Perhaps his 20+ years in the Senate? (Score:2)
Too many in this election are operating under the ideal of "Anyone but Bush" and are failing to seeing the possibility that it could actually get worse.
I am not a Bush voter but at least I know where he stands, contrasted to the fact I can't tell where Kerry stands on anything. Is there ANY candidate for the rest of us?
As for 527s, I have no objection other than the fact that they came about with that garbage Campaign Finance reform bill which was an assa
Re:How do they know? (Score:5, Informative)
- Provide substantial research increases for clean energy, medicine, advanced manufacturing, information technology, nanotechnology, and other priorities.
- Extend the Research & Experimentation tax credit
- Provide a tax credit to ensure that broadband access is universal and affordable
- Expand spectrum that is available for wireless broadband
- Remove restrictions on federal funding of stem cell research
These and other ideas are laid out in fairly impressive detail on the site. The first point is most important to me. Bush completed the planned 5-year doubling of the NIH budget only by a technicality in 2003, and both it and the NSF are taking a big hit this year. His budgets plan further cuts in following years. Science is not a priority for him. It is for Kerry.
I used to work with Vint. (Score:1)
This guy has a presense IDENTICAL to Timothy Leary (RIP). I thinkt hey were separated at birth. He's cool though..
Heartening (Score:2)
In light of the whisper campaigns and the dirty tricks of copresident Rove, and the rhetoric of the RNC ("Iraq was our response to 9/11" etc), I don't know whether to hope liberal 527's play fair or not. I haven't seen enough politics to have an opinion other than blatant cynicism (all politics is dirty, right?). My gut says that a group headed by an engineer would be more interested in facts than slander... but does anyone win anything wi
Re:Heartening (Score:2)
And unfortunately, it's the single human endeavor we can ill afford to play dirty. Love, business, sports... whatever. But politics? We literally need saints, and we get the most evil of demons.
Kerry deserves to be demolished.
Bush deserves to be demolished.
Anyone belonging to either party deserves to be demolished.
Anyone belonging to a third party that would like to take over after we've demolished the previous, deserves to be demolished.
Re:Heartening (Score:2)
Re:Heartening (Score:2)
See OpenSecrets.org [opensecrets.org] for more details. Notice how much more money MoveOn.org has compared to the Swift Boat boys. Wonder at the difference in outcomes.
Huzaah! Look here! [opensecrets.org]
Re:Heartening (Score:2)
Re:Heartening (Score:2)
For proof, check out how many people actually saw the SBV4T ad on TV (vanishingly few) against how many watched it on the news or otherwise heard about it through the media (everyone in America).
Re:Heartening (Score:2)
My jaw is simply dragging on the floor. Check your facts [opensecrets.org], the pro-Democrat 527s have spent about 10 times what the pro-Republican 527s have. MoveOn alone has sponsored not only television ads and protests but a friggin movie [imdb.com] this year.
learn something every day (Score:2)
And since I'm on a roll.. I understand that the first blogged co
Re:learn something every day (Score:2)
The problem with your logic is that no respectable news source, which CBS was considered before this, would have aired these documents. Calling it a gambit would have been wishful thinking...assuming that CBS wouldn't thoroughly fact check them and wouldn't listen to the experts they DID call on is preposterous.
Liberal 527s DO hit below the belt...look at Outfoxed as an example. That piece of trash they passed off as a documentary is laughable...it's as much a slam on Bush as an at
Re:Heartening (Score:2)
When Kerry wins and we have to put up with 4 years of complaining when everyone realizes his election was purchased by $150M+ in 527 campaigning, 10x that of Bush...
Well, anyway, I'm going to keep a link to this comment on hand. Thanks for that.
ol' Cerf has been more productive than I thought (Score:2)
Kyoto Treaty, anyone? (Score:1)
Guess what? President Putin, of all people, has solidly supported the treaty and intends to sign it.
Want another example? The Bush administration refused to enact tough standards for automotive emissions and claims that they are unfeasible. Yet, the California government has just enacted such legislation. Furthermore, the technology is quite feasible. Both Honda and Mazda m
Re:Kyoto Treaty, anyone? (Score:2)
You should also look at what Putin is trying to do to Democracy in Russia, it ain't good.
Re:Kyoto Treaty, anyone? (Score:1)
Re:Kyoto Treaty, anyone? (Score:2)
First, the US Senate voted *unanimously* not to sign the Kyoto Protocol, as it was recognized that it would be devastating to the economy. The only thing that Bush did differently than Clinton was actually admit that it was a lost cause.
Second, most if not all signatory countries have not implemented the reforms required by Kyoto. This is because a certain number of nations (a "trigger" number) must ratify the treaty before it becomes binding. So Europe and other count
Give Us More Pay and You're Okay (Score:2, Insightful)
http://scientistsandengineersforchange.org/inde x
which is apparently Mr. Cerf's (and other's) website on this issue, is "Science isn't being given enough money." I wonder if these boys and girls realize that Joe Undecided typically takes that kind of approach as admission that this is a special or vested interest speaking, angry that it is being put on a diet after previously being given more generous portions of public funds. Scientists saying "Candidate A is bad because
MCI/WorldCom. (Score:2)
Re:Good Lord!! (Score:5, Insightful)
Stem cell research (Score:2)
Re:Stem cell research (Score:1)
Re:Stem cell research (Score:2)
However when these lobbyists couch their arguments with assertions that the research is not useful or that the restrictions will not hamper the experiments then it is a matter that should concern scientists. It is one thing to ignore scientists (and perfectly understandable) but it is another matter to mis-speak their wo
Re:Stem cell research (Score:2)
There is no moral issue about stem cell research. Morally, you may believe tiny embryos have a right to life, or not.
But scientifically, stem cell research does not destroy embryos. It merely recycles embryos that were being destroyed in other lab processes (mainly assisted fertility).
There are two reasonable positions on embryos:
1) They don't deserve protection, go crazy.
2) They deserve protection, so ban in-vitro
Re:The difference is... (Score:2)
Re:The difference is... (Score:4, Insightful)
This is NOT a case of looking at the science and then deciding other economic/moral factors outweighted it. This is a case of actively sabotaging science itself. Of figuratively smashing a calculator with a hammer and twiddling the wires until 2+2 yeilds 3.
The Bush administration pressured the Environmental Protection Agency until it completely eliminated the section on climate change from the report. Stacked an enviornmental lead-level commitee with lead industry employees in order to raise permissable levels of lead pollution. Directed mining impact scientists to exclude certain information and reccommendations from their submissions and stated that if they did submit that information and reccommendations it would not be included in the report. Suppressed another EPA study that showed that the administration's proposed Clear Skies Act would do less than current law to reduce air pollution and mercury contamination of fish. The Department of Health and Human Services (including the Center for Disease Control if I am not mistaken) deleted information on disease prevention from its Web sites because it runs contrary to the president's preference for "abstinence only" sex education programs. The Office of Foreign Assets Control made it much more difficult for anyone from "hostile nations" to be published in the U.S., so some scientific journals will no longer consider submissions from them. The Office of Management and Budget has proposed overhauling peer review for funding of science that bears on environmental and health regulations--in effect, industry scientists would get to approve what research is conducted by the EPA. The National Cancer Institute misrepresented the scientific consensus that abortions do not cause breast cancer. A U.S. Department of Agriculture microbiologist who found antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the air near hog confinements was prevented from presenting his findings due to pressure from pork producers. The EPA told rescue personnel and residents that the air around Ground Zero in New York was safe soon after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, despite evidence to the contrary (all the sooner to reopen Wallstreet?).
Not only have scientific committees and panels been stacked with people with severe conflict-of-interest industry ties, but in some cases they are stacked with people who have absolutely no scientific background, because those people will supply the reports the administration wants to receive.
The list just goes on and on. All you have to do is hit Google News: Bush nobel science [google.com] for countless links.
Re:The difference is... (Score:2)
All approve by michael, who is vehemently anti-Bush and does not apologize for spreading his bias to Slashdot.
including some 48 Nobel laureates and 62 National Medal of Science recipients
Even they can be partisan. I'm sure there are just as many who support Bush.
Re:The difference is... (Score:2)
Show me where I said it was "Bush bashing", partisan, or a call to have Bush replaced. Please, show me. Again, like I mentioned, the reason the story appeared on Slashdot 3 times is because michael is heavily anti-Bush, and he flat out admits his bias.
I defy you to find Nobel laureates who reject this Restoring Scientific Integrity paper
I actually did find well written, long, and plausible response written by several political professionals (don't know if it included Nobel laureates or
Re:The difference is... (Score:2)
I would be troubled if that joint statement on scientific integrity *hadn't* run on Slashdot, even if it were somehow pro-Bush and anti-Kerry. If a scientist-based 527 group formed pro-Bush/anti-Kerry I would certainly want to see that on Slashot as well. I'd be quite interested in seeing what science issues motivated it. I don't recall the third story off hand.
Michael may have been dancing in glee at posting them, but I do not think the appearance of thes
Re:Good Lord!! (Score:5, Insightful)
Except they are giving lectures on how this administration has been insanely worse than any previous administration when it comes to science. Former administrations simply ignored scientific reports from within the government they didn't like, knowing that few would read a 500 page report on some toad's habitat. But this administration has been so paranoid that they actually rewrite them. Plus there is increasing evidence that they use very shallow political judgements decide how grant money is allocated. This is an issue that effects scientist directly and they have just as much right as lumberjacks to talk about how the administration's contempt for them hurts truck drivers and shop assistants too.
This probably isn't the most important issue on most people's radar this year, but it's still an important issue if you, or someone you care for, plans to live on this planet 10, 20, 30 years from now. The world won't come to an end, but our economy will suffer, and hence people will die, if we don't remove our collective heads from the sand.)
Re:Good Lord!! (Score:1)