Scientists Invite Kerry And Bush To Chat Online 96
Buzz Skyline writes "Several groups representing the nation's scientists, engineers, and doctors are inviting presidential candidates Kerry and Bush to participate in a "Virtual Town Hall" meeting, according to an Associated Press article that appeared in USA Today. Planned topics include stem cell research policy and technical research funding. More information is available at HiTechTownHall.org. Kerry's people say he is eager to take part, but Bush has yet to respond."
Re:Fun afterwards (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Fun afterwards (Score:3, Funny)
And, all his citizens are standing around without a JOB!!!!
zug zug (Score:2)
Strangely astute... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Strangely astute... (Score:2)
Warcraft III should really be called Battlecraft. It's fun, but it's no way to actually fight a war.
Re:Fun afterwards (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Fun afterwards (Score:1)
look at research going on in the rest of the
Re:Fun afterwards (Score:3, Insightful)
Isn't this just a slippery slope fallacy on your part?
Bush still to respond (Score:1, Funny)
Re:Bush still to respond (Score:3, Funny)
1. Bush won't do it because he is afraid of typing and mispelling a word. He doesn't want to make Potatoe a republican thing.
2.Bush is probably stupid enough to think that he couldn't have someone actually type for him.
Likely outcome (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Likely outcome (Score:2, Flamebait)
But not very unusual.
During the Presidential Debates, the questions will be given out beforehand so that the Professor and Doctor can train the candidates on the correct answers, correct posture, correct voice inflections, etc.
We wouldn't want either candidate to accidently say anything unscripted now, would we?
Re:Likely outcome (Score:2)
Re:Likely outcome (Score:1)
How the fuck is this flamebait? It's obviously true. Mods on crack...
Re:Bush = Anti-Science (Score:1)
right-wing christian anti-science
<sarcasm>Gee, uh, thanks for appealing to logic, reason and examples rather than reverting to ad-hominem name calling.</sarcasm>
disingenuous (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:disingenuous (Score:1)
Oh, and don't be a total wus, Kerry. At least get account before you post.
They simply don't care. (Score:2)
The present goverment corruption often costs the taxpayer $100 or $1,000 for every dollar stolen. The simply don't care how much money they waste as long as they get theirs.
Re:disingenuous (Score:5, Insightful)
This crap is really amazing. I don't particulary like Bush or Kerry, but to put the entire blame of your misfortunes on a sitting president is stupid. It's takes more than one person to create the situation we have, including, but not limited to: Senators, Congressmen, Mayors, Counsel Members, Governors, etc.
Many problems can be blamed on individual states ramping up their budgets when "times were good", and living the high life. When things started going south nobody wanted to give up the gravy train.
So, next time you're farting around without a job, spend some time at the local library and actually learn how the country works. You might be surprised to learn how little power the president really has.
Maybe IHBT, but sometimes it's hard to tell with AC's. You have to wonder if they can really be that poorly informed.
Re:disingenuous (Score:3, Insightful)
Living the high life? I'm sorry I thought that was investment in infrastructure that had been ignored since the 60's. Tax cuts for the rich seems to be much more aligned with "living the high life" than fixing crumbling schools and environments.
As for entire blame on a President, you are correct. However, it wasn't Madeline Albright in India this spring telling the Indian business co
Re:disingenuous (Score:1)
And why are those factual errors? Could you give me some pointers rebuting them?
Re:disingenuous (Score:2)
It is very hard to disprove a negetive that isn't true. Unless your counting the number of new coal burning powerstations that were placed online (they take around 5 to 10 years to complete so they were aproved and built durring the clinton years) there is no significant rise in murcery levels outside what would normaly be happening. This is some "i didn't get my way" liberal wacko crying because bush
Re:disingenuous (Score:1)
Re:disingenuous (Score:2)
Trust me, i am not thrilled with Bush one bit. saddly, i am even less thrilled with Kerry. Every time i hear how he is going to save the econemy and raise taxes, penalize industry that goes abroad or
Re:disingenuous (Score:1)
In my opinion, it's not even about Kerry being this or that. It's about Bush being untrostworthy, and not pursuing what's in the best interest of the country, let alone civilization.
I can't say I was all that excited with Kerry, but he's trying. And you know as well as I do that the president is just a face - it's the underlying machine that rules the country. And I for one wouldn't be abl
Re:disingenuous (Score:1)
English is the third language i speak, and i dont think i could make as many errors even if i tried!
That makes me wonder if you are a troll or even american.
That aside, and excuse me for bringing it up, I wont even try to argue against you. You say IT people are brainwashed (wich i have no idea why, because as with everything in life, you will get smart IT people, dumb IT people and so on and so forth), but let me just say this.
I know what is a brainwash. I've seen it in action, I saw what brainwas
Re:disingenuous (Score:2)
oh' i couldn;'t agree with you more on this. I think i made that clear in my post. The problem is that nothing i said to credit bush is false.
As i stated earlier, if some one other then Kerry was running against him i would most likley vote for them. That however does not give me the right to spout inacuracies about stuff going on in the co
Re:disingenuous (Score:2)
I'm unaware of the mercury issues. I can't understand how you can say that our military is not over-extended -- remember the controversy about length of tours of duty and moving National Guard to Iraq and the like? And, frankly, I'm not very happy with the existing intelligence situation.
Re:disingenuous (Score:2)
Re:disingenuous (Score:2, Funny)
Typical liberal crap. I'll have you know that all the top executives of Halliburton are doing quite well. And trickle-down economics works: by outsourcing the jobs of lazy Americans, the execs are able to hire lots of illegal immigrants as servants at sub-minimum wage market rates.
True, some of the guys actually doing the Halliburton's work in Iraq are getting killed, but, they should be proud to be allowed to
Re:disingenuous (Score:1, Flamebait)
Well, you would know since you've apparently memorized the Marxist class warfare handbook.
Let me give you a hint. Good humor is based in a parody of reality, not a recitation of Democrat talking points.
Bush won't be the one online, in any case (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Bush won't be the one online, in any case (Score:4, Insightful)
99.99% of all online chat sessions with stars, canidates, axe murderers, etc. are done with transcriptionists (people who get paid to type faster than most people can speak) present.
No one wants to wait around 6 minutes for person XYZ to type out a response to a question. Believe it or not, a lot of people don't spend their days in front of keyboards.
Re:Bush won't be the one online, in any case (Score:3, Funny)
Yeah, it's too good to be true.
Besides, you know how it will all go ahead of time anyway.
Questioner: "Precisely what are your plans to restore fiscal solvency to the operations of the federal government?"
Kerry: Good sounding populist rhetoric about giving Americans jobs, vague on cost details, delivered with hound dog face, slighting the current administration for screwing up even if the current administration isn't sufficiently competent to orchestrate such a screwup.
Bush:Random, disconnected homilie
Re:Bush won't be the one online, in any case (Score:2)
Just like last year, eh?
Re:Bush won't be the one online, in any case (Score:1)
Badnarik??? Nader??? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Badnarik??? Nader??? (Score:2)
Re:Badnarik??? Nader??? (Score:2)
Re:Badnarik??? Nader??? (Score:4, Funny)
1) petition each state with a simple signature count of 300% of the state population
2) to include the recently formed state of Atlantis
3) provide a simple proof that your great^4 grandfather was a citizen of the united states, ate only the chocolate portion of neopolitan ice cream, and owned exactly 2 dogs.
4) lift 3 times your body [politic] weight over your head
5) demonstrate faster than light travel
That's 6 [1] easy steps! Come on, stop whining.
[1] 6th step omitted, file a simple FOIA request to obtain it
Re:Badnarik??? Nader??? (Score:2)
Re:Badnarik??? Nader??? (Score:2)
I fail to see how that's relevant in this case. I don't cast my vote or make my decision based on who's likely to win. I cast my vote on who I think best represents by views. Who wins the election may be a popularity contest, but who gets *my* vote is not. I'm not alone in this.
If Badnarik is not even asked the same questions as the two governmentarians, the how can voters possibly be informed of their options?
Re:Badnarik??? Nader??? (Score:2)
The current system causes the debate to focus on a few issues that frankly aren't very important except to distract from those that do matter. I don't expect the most important issue of election reform to ever be seriously debated by to dominant partiies. It works just fine (for them) the way it is.
The best way to get Libertarian viewp
Instant Runoff (Score:2)
As it is, when the Democrats and the Republicans are close, the voter has more reason to vote for one of them than to vote for who he really wants. This suits the Demos and the Repubs just fine so we won't get a change unless a third party candidate makes reform of the electorial system a major compaign issue.
Nice Idea... (Score:1)
bush? (Score:4, Funny)
Re:bush? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:bush? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:bush? (Score:2)
Re:bush? (Score:3, Insightful)
Certainly a lot more than Kerry. Look for science related articles on both of their campaign sites. Kerry's says nothing at all of substance. The first point he talks about is how he would use tax breaks to "create a business environment that encourages investment". Imagine how wild the anti-business trolls would go if Bush lead off that way. Kerry's science and technology platforms highlight how he would bring broadband to "every corner of America". Like I use my 1.5mbps for conducting scientific exp
Re:bush? (Score:2)
Re:bush? (Score:4, Interesting)
Bush has a reliable record of squelching good science in favor of his chosen industries/religious beliefs.
For example, his administration has overruled his own EPA on recommended arsenic levels/clean air regulations, et cetera. His administration has intentionally suppressed independent expert research on global warming. Why? Occam's razor might suggest it has something to do with the MASSIVE CAMPAIGN DONATIONS made by the polluting industries.
Complicated subjects? Sure. But the subversion of science to political goals is what has many independent scientists irritated with the administration. Science is supposed to be intellectually free research, not dictated from the president.
Finally, your line about stem cell research is just asinine. People who want embryonic (NOT FETAL, thus no abortion, you asshat) stem cell lines aren't advocating abortion, they're advocating the pursuit of lines of research that could lead to some of the most significant advances on critical illness that we've ever seen. Ever.
Suppressing that simply to cater to the Christian Right, most of whom wouldn't know science if it bit them in the ass, is simply wrong. Intellectually and morally.
Look, I'm not pleased with Kerry. But I'll be voting Anyone But Bush on election day, simply because I'd like to see independent science back in action.
Re:bush? (Score:4, Informative)
When looking for facts and figures to back up your argument, I suggest you go to a source that is controlled by neither party.
"And unlike Kerry, Bush mentions specific areas: space exploration, nanotechnology, hydrogen power, fusion, etc."
With no shuttles launching, how is he putting money into space exploration? With our access to new oil reserves in Iraq, it has been at least a year and a half since Bush has even mentioned hydrogen power (although he did once proclaim that his administration would focus on hydrogen to make us energy independant). All Slashdot readers should know that recently the U.S. fusion program was cancelled. Besides, when you deny the No Child Left Behind Act nearly 40% of the funding you promised, how can you expect there to be future scientists to work on these breakthroughs?
Read the Kerry/Edwards platform book. There are some very interesting ideas on how to find funding for the important scientific and environmental projects that this administration has routinely ignored.
Or just go to http://www.ucsusa.org/ and look for the report on the Bush administration published in Febuary of this year and updated to include more troubling facts recently.
Re:bush? (Score:2)
"The reason I would run, were I to run, is I have a great belief in this country as a country, and in this people as a people, that go into making this country a nation with the greatest natural resources and people, educated people.
We have the greatest technolgy of any people of any country in the world along with the greatest--not the greatest, but very serious problems confrontin
Re:bush? (Score:1)
Not t
Is this thing on? (Score:5, Funny)
Plea for money (Score:2)
"Fuck everyone else. Which one of you candidates will pledge to funnel more money to scientists?"
This would be the equivilant to attending a forum by any focus group. The intent is to get a bigger committment to that focus groups interests (and that always means more money). Doesn't matter if it's business, education, science, the military, whatever.
So they should just ask the candidate "Who promises to
Re:Plea for money (Score:1)
The word Science can represent the "focus group" that you're talking about - mostly in the form of government-funded research, in this case - but it can also represent a process by which we grow our understanding of the univer
what debate? (Score:1)
With that said, this so called debate seems to be primarily to see which candidate will cut loose with the most money as government grants to various academics who would be forced into a real job if said grants weren't available. It is no wonder then that they don't want a Libertarian candid
Why would GWB accept? (Score:2)
This could get interesting! (Score:3, Interesting)
If he agrees to take part, though, I expect there will be some pretty tough questions... and although I don't live in the States anymore, I'd sure like to follow the exchange. The sad thing about such a Q&A, though, is that most people are so science-illiterate that (a) they won't care, recognise its significance, or follow it; and (b) they probably wouldn't understand most of it anyway.
Which is a pity, because the whole election mess could use some more rationality - at least from my perspective across the border. Cheers!
(Disclaimer: I'm a US citizen by birth, Canadian by naturalisation, and thinking seriously of voting in this US election - which would be a first.)
Re:This could get interesting! (Score:1, Troll)
Junk science (Score:2)
Simply put, science is not - in itself - political. Scientists may be political, but science is just an idea (well, lots of them, including some really big ones we call theories, but you probably know what I mean) of how the universe works. That's it, that's all.
There are of course disagreements between scientis
I can see it now (Score:2)
Kerry: STFU N00b I'll pwn y0u in naaahhm!
Bush: Don't make me go Halliburton on your ass.
As if either of these guys are in touch with reality. All you're gonna get is canned answers from the campaign droids.
How it might go (Score:3, Funny)
Kerry2004 is online...
[Kerry2004]Guess I'm here a bit early.
[Kerry2004]Sure is quiet. Reminds me of Nam. I fought there, you know. Won 3 Pur--
Bush2004 is online...
[Bush2004]whoa! so this is the internet huh
[Kerry2004]Hello, Mr. President.
[Bush2004]howdy howdy
[Kerry2004]I was just telling everybody about the 4 med--
[Bush2004]hey john, how do you spell 'seneter'?
[Bush2004]never mind johns all right isnt it?
[Bush2004]you went to Veitnam didnt you john? were you in the shit?
[Kerry2004]Senator Kerry. Yes I was "in the shit." In fact, I won 5--
[Bush2004]bet that stunk! lololol
[Bush2004]so n-e-way lets get sireis about forein policy for a bit. what do you think about nuking Canada?
[Kerry2004]That's insane! You're joking, right? I would like to assure everyone that if you elect me instead of this nutcase, we will get America back on the track of a rational foreign policy. I think that my character has been proven by the 6--
[Bush2004]uh...i got to go make a phone call
[Bush2004]damn it, the neos said that it would impress everyone with my leadership.
Bush2004 has quit (Abort! Abort!)
Re:How it might go (Score:2, Insightful)
I'm a Conservative also. Unfortunately, Mr. Bush is not. He stands for expanded government regulation, fiscal irresponsibility, nation building, and special interests. All non-conservative positions.
Re:How it might go (Score:2)
Re:How it might go (Score:1)
Yeah I mean, let's just bring the immigrants in by the truckload if they want to come. And if they don't want to come we'll just give them the jobs of American workers so they're still happy. Does Mr. Bush think he is the President of the world, or does he just feel that he needs to give equal benefits to US citizens AND non-citizens.
Re:How it might go (Score:2)
Vote for someone real this year (Score:1)
don't think it will happen (Score:1)
Bush unwilling to talk science (Score:1)
Re:Bush unwilling to talk science (Score:1)
Unfortunately, I know some very smart people who will vote for Bush. Some of them have picked a specific issue (e.g. gun control) and ignore all the other issues. Others simply live in a delusional dreamland where Fox News is Fair and Balanced and all Republicans are "good guys" simply because they are Republicans. At least one is just an intolerant, homophobic, racist a**-hole, and knows "W" is with him all the way.
Re:Great idea! (Score:1)
Maybe he could prattle on about how after years of alcoholism and drug abuse he learned what we all should already know and there is no "science" only GOD!
Dubya at meeting (Score:1)