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EU Government Power Politics

Iran Complies With Nuclear Deal; Sanctions Lifted ( 229

An anonymous reader writes: Iran has shipped most of its nuclear fuel out of the country, destroyed the innards of a plutonium-producing reactor and mothballed more than 12,000 centrifuges. This compliance with the nuclear accord struck in July has caused the U.S. and Europe to lift financial sanctions on Iran, releasing ~$100 billion in assets. "Under the new rules put in place, the United States will no longer sanction foreign individuals or firms for buying oil and gas from Iran. The American trade embargo remains in place, but the government will permit certain limited business activities with Iran, such as selling or purchasing Iranian food and carpets and American commercial aircraft and parts. It is an opening to Iran that represents a huge roll of the dice, one that will be debated long after Mr. Obama he has built his presidential library. It is unclear what will happen after the passing of Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has protected and often fueled the hardliners — but permitted these talks to go ahead."
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Iran Complies With Nuclear Deal; Sanctions Lifted

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  • Israel won't like it (Score:5, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 17, 2016 @02:43AM (#51316865)

    During election time, if Israel doesn't like it, then expect every candidate to dance for Israeli money.

    About 20% (> $500 million) of the $3.15 billion that flows into Israel as military defense aid, flows back into US politics via commercial conduits (Israeli/US companies that receive lucrative government contracts, whose US subsidiary in turns drives US politics directly and indirectly.

    So a large part of this election cycle will be dominated by pro-Israel lobbies.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      It's insane that a tiny client state, that's not even in the G20, can have this sort of influence. Not that you can blame them for trying. How do so called 'constitutionalists' square this with their ideals? The 'one-dollar-one-vote' system in the US makes its democracy a running joke. If it were any other nation, it would be referred to as wide-scale, systemic corruption. Except the corruption has been legalized, and is by definition no longer corruption.

      • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

        by ScentCone ( 795499 )

        It's insane that a tiny client state, that's not even in the G20, can have this sort of influence.

        No, it's insane that some people still don't understand that it's the entire middle east, as a region, that is influential because of its geography (which includes key shipping routes) and its oil deposits. The fact that Israel is the closest thing to a rational actor in the entire region is what makes supporting its existence appropriate. Would we support Denmark in a similar fashion if every country around it was wallowing in medieval theocracy, swearing to destroy it, lobbing missiles at it every day fo

    • by Mashiki ( 184564 )

      During election time, if Israel doesn't like it, then expect every candidate to dance for Israeli money.

      Well Israel won't like it, Qatar won't like it, Saudi Arabia won't like it. And you can bet that ever since Israel and Saudi Arabia signed a treaty basically becoming a military co-pact against Iran adhering and only if they prove it and they were lifted gradually, you can bet that shit will hit the fan.

  • systemd (Score:1, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward

    Iran didn't like the centrifuges with systemd and enrichd?

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Another pure political topic with no tech relevance. slashdot has become a very mediocre, even bad tech news web site. Much like Fox News is for politics.

    • by Futurepower(R) ( 558542 ) on Sunday January 17, 2016 @06:51AM (#51317285) Homepage
      That is certainly NOT a "purely political" story; although I can understand why someone would make that mistake. It's a story about the decline of technology in the United States caused by those who make money favoring secret actions by secret U.S. government organizations.

      NSA = No Sales for America.

      Boeing Might Lose $4B Brazil Deal For F-18 Jets After NSA Surveillance Scandal; Analysts Say Politics Won't Trump Business [] (09/12/13)

      Three months later: President Dilma Rousseff Announces Brazil Is Buying Sweden's Saab Gripen Jet Fighters [] (12/18/13)

      NSA = Not a Sensible Arrangement.

      The NSA does not provide "Security". Instead, the secrecy makes everyone feel insecure. Anyone can claim that a secret organization did something destructive; that's an easy sale when a small group wants violence. Suppose an NSA manager wants a promotion. The manager can arrange something likely to cause violence; there is no outside review; new violence can be used as a reason for new authority.

      Consider the Culture of fear []. Nazi leader Hermann Goring: "The people don't want war, but they can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. This is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and for exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country."

      Quote from that same Wikipedia page: 'Former US National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski argues that the use of the term War on Terror was intended to generate a culture of fear deliberately because it "obscures reason, intensifies emotions and makes it easier for demagogic politicians to mobilize the public on behalf of the policies they want to pursue." '

      Another quote: "... journalist Adam Curtis argues that politicians have used our fears to increase their power and control over society."

      NSA = No Structural Authority.

      There are complicated problems in running ANY organization. Managing secret organizations sensibly is impossible. Each manager of a secret organization has an excuse to hide his or her mistakes. There can be no outside ideas to fix problems because no outsiders are allowed to know what is happening.


      The U.S. government allows secret government agencies to go to any executive in any company, make demands for "security", and threaten the executive with prison if he or she doesn't do what the secret agency wants. Is that the reason that U.S. computer equipment has backdoors? We are not allowed to know. Secret agencies are allowed to lie, so even if an agency says it didn't force a backdoor, no one can know if the statement is true.

      A few of the many stories about backdoors in U.S. hardware:

      D-Link: Reverse Engineering a D-Link Backdoor [] (Oct. 12, 2013)

      Arris: 600,000 Arris cable modems have 'backdoors in backdoors', researcher claims [] (Nov. 20, 2015)

      Juniper Networks: Juniper drops NSA-developed code following new backdoor revelations [] (Jan. 10, 2016)

      Cisco: Snowden: The NSA planted backdoors in Cisco products [] (May 15, 2014)

  • Wow (Score:1, Interesting)

    by mentil ( 1748130 )

    What a great achievement for the Obama administration. Hopefully we won't piss it away with the coming wave of rising Islamophobia. I could imagine some politicians *cough*Trump*cough* reinstating the sanctions with the justification that their theocratic regime is inherently evil.
    On the other hand, the handling of the Iranian protests after the sketchy election isn't doing them any favors in that regard.
    The real question is, did the strikes against nuclear scientists, and sabotage of centrifuge SCADAs help

    • Re:Wow (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 17, 2016 @03:56AM (#51317001)

      It won't matter if a Republican president takes this step. It will just mean more business for the EU, Russia, etc. No one outside the US takes this buffoon seriously, and Iran's demographics make the theocracy's grip on power increasingly tenuous. Wouldn't a future with good relations between US-Israel-Iran be so much better than one with the disgusting Saudi regime?

      • Too bad you're posting as an AC. I would have modded you up into the sky, not only for agreeing wholeheartedly, but also and especially for the (admittedly tiny) sound of common sense, a sound all to rarely heard here on /.

        • Re:Wow (Score:4, Insightful)

          by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 17, 2016 @04:27AM (#51317051)

          Too bad you're posting as an AC

          People like you who forget what the moderation system is for only make me want to post anonymously even more.

        • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

          by Anonymous Coward

          Too bad you're posting as an AC.


          Too bad you're a douchebag and don't mod posts according to their merits.

  • by MrL0G1C ( 867445 ) on Sunday January 17, 2016 @04:32AM (#51317061) Journal

    Iran have seen the light - from the sun and realised it's much cheaper to use solar panels and renewables than to waste huge amounts of money on more expensive systems like nuclear power.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 17, 2016 @04:41AM (#51317071)

      Solar panels are greedy and absorb up all the sun's power. When you don't allow the sun's rays to hit the earth and bounce back into space to refuel the sun, you're literally causing the sun to run out of energy faster.

      I bet you drive a gas guzzling SUV too, shitlord.

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Suomi-Poika ( 453539 )

      7000GW of nuclear power is coming to Iran right now. Iran signed a deal with Rosatom, Busehr is going to have three more 1GW units and they are going to build four 1GW units to the coast of Caspian sea. It seems that "someone" noticed this, especially when you look through Google Earth. Busehr 2nd unit renovation started this autumn and suddenly there is a bi-monthly picture update on it.

      However I am not saying that solar power is a flawed solution for Iran, on the contrary: Iran is also a good place for so

  • The agreement with Iran is about as polarizing a subject as any can be; our own nation is thoroughly divided on it, and Israel, one of the U.S.'s allies and bitter enemy of Iran, is very much violently opposed to it, to the point of perhaps being irrational in their response.

    For myself, as I suspect it is for many others, I am internally divided on it, as I am both a cynic and hopeful at the same time.

    On the one hand, continued hostilities towards Iran serves to maintain and promote tensions between Iran,
    • But at the same time that my cynicism reads the potential subtext, I'm hopeful that while Irans' secular leadership is (excuse the turn of phrase here) hell-bent on destroying Israel and the U.S. and (likely) our other allies and anything that doesn't fit into their limited, rigid world-view, it's non-secular leadership is more open-minded and far-thinking, realizing that the World of today has become too small and all Irans' neighbors too close, in the literal as well as figurative sense, to allow the lead

      • That's my opinion on the matter, yes. If it was 100% up to the religious leadership, they would never have even considered negotiating in the first place. Also, teaching schoolchildren to chant 'Death to America' has a certain influence on my opinions.

Honesty is for the most part less profitable than dishonesty. -- Plato
