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Clinton Promises 500 Million New Solar Panels 574

An anonymous reader writes: Hillary Clinton, widely regarded as most likely to win the Democrat nomination for the 2016 U.S. presidential election, has unveiled her campaign climate plan. Speaking at Iowa State University, Clinton said she would set up tax incentives for renewable energy to drive further adoption. She also set a goal of installing half a billion new solar panels within her first term, if elected. Her plan would cost roughly $60 billion over 10 years, and she intends to pay for it by cutting tax breaks to the oil and gas industry. According to The Guardian, "Clinton has promised to make the issue of climate change a key pillar of her campaign platform."
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Clinton Promises 500 Million New Solar Panels

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  • by acoustix ( 123925 ) on Monday July 27, 2015 @09:45AM (#50189177)

    How about attempting to end all federal subsidies and let us keep our own money and spend it how we see fit?

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Because that worked out beautifully so far.

      • by Maxo-Texas ( 864189 ) on Monday July 27, 2015 @10:59AM (#50189915)

        Things are so much better since we cut taxes for the wealthy.

        The infrastructure is crumbling and college tuition which was free or nearly free now costs more than a luxury car at state universities.

        We should have more of this dog eat dog stuff until we can share the glorious french experience of 1789 to 1799.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Monday July 27, 2015 @10:01AM (#50189319) Homepage Journal

      But then people should just buy the cheapest, dirtiest energy and consumer products that they could lay their hands on, regardless of the effect on others. After a very long time lawsuits might step in the sort things out I guess. Alternatively the government could just ban all coal, gas and nuclear energy but that doesn't seem very practical.

      Subsidy of the things we, collectively, need is a good idea.

    • by kenj123 ( 658721 )
      yeah, because you see you have an above average income and lifestyle and figure I know better that the average so I should be able to make all the spending decisions about my money. But the instant you hit the wall, you get long term disease, become permanently disabled in auto accident, or my fear get accidently shot by one of the gun nuts, you will be singing a different tune.
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by Immerman ( 2627577 ) on Monday July 27, 2015 @11:06AM (#50189997)

      Because market inefficiencies make certain necessary adaptations effectively impossible.

      For example, if Company A decides they want to be responsible corporate "citizens" and shift their energy consumption to sustainable sources, then they increase their costs and can no longer compete effectively with Company B unless there's a mass movement to purchase A's products because of their energy policy. And unfortunately the existence of Walmart and the like is proof enough that the mass of Americans consider up-front price to be the single most important factor in purchasing decisions, even when it increases their own long-term costs (a $50 appliance that needs to be replaced yearly is far more expensive than a $200 appliance that will last indefinitely), much less indirect social costs whose full weight won't be felt for generations.

      Granted, at the moment if we removed all fossil-fuel subsidies renewable energy would look far more competitive, but to really level the playing field we would have to also impose new penalties on "socialized-cost subsidies" that have long been grandfathered in: Coal for example imposes phenomenal pollution costs at almost every stage. If however we imposed well-structured penalties/taxes to reflect the actual cost of reversing that damage then it would be one of the most expensive energy sources available.

  • Too much (Score:4, Funny)

    by Impy the Impiuos Imp ( 442658 ) on Monday July 27, 2015 @09:47AM (#50189185) Journal

    She's getting a little ahead of herself there. She's assuming she will beat Trump.

  • Reaction (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday July 27, 2015 @09:47AM (#50189187)

    This is simply a reaction against Bernie Sanders. He is far more socialist than the original 'HIllary is a leftist (err center)' view and yet he is gaining ground (or beating Clinton in certain arenas).

    I expect we'll see some republican candidates become more conservative as an action against Trump.

    Also....who cares? These election promises are just hot smoke to blow up the public's collective ass. "Of course I love you, baby! No way, I'd never leave before breakfast!". etc.

    • Re:Reaction (Score:5, Insightful)

      by mc6809e ( 214243 ) on Monday July 27, 2015 @10:13AM (#50189439)

      Of course Hillary has no response to Bernie Sanders' honesty.

      Whether one agrees with Bernie Sanders' ideology or not, you can trust Sanders to be honest.

      Hillary believes lying is just part of playing the game and she will do anything to win.

      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by Anonymous Coward
        It is certainly starting to look that way isn't it? As someone who has been in the White House before as FLOTUS and then part of the present administration as Secretary of State, she knows that Congress will not sign off on this plan to spend $60 billion by taking it from oil and gas subsidies. It might (MIGHT) be a good idea, but she knows as well as we do that it won't fly and won't make it through Congress. So why promise it? It is the classic "chicken in every pot" promise that comes down to "I thought
        • Re:Reaction (Score:4, Insightful)

          by asylumx ( 881307 ) on Monday July 27, 2015 @11:24AM (#50190165)

          And SHE KNOWS BETTER.

          Sure, all the candidates know better -- but many voters don't. They believe what they want to believe. For example when gas prices go up under a democrat president you'll hear right-wingers crying about how the president causes it and left-wingers claiming he doesn't have control. When the prices go down you'll hear right-wingers claiming he had nothing to do with it and left-wingers claiming he made it all better. Vice versa for a republican president. Nobody cares what the president can actually do when they are at the polls, they only care that what the candidate said resonates with their world view, however rational or bat-shit crazy it may be.

          You and I can tell the difference between a blind campaign promise and a plan for something that's actually achievable, but many people either can't or won't make the effort to do that. That's what drags our political discourse down a series of tubes. We, collectively, get the candidates we deserve. The fact that the best candidates available right now are people like Donald Trump is a reflection of our own society, sadly.

  • by ArcadeMan ( 2766669 ) on Monday July 27, 2015 @09:49AM (#50189209)

    I hate that saying though... what did those poor little birds do to you?!

    Her plan would cost roughly $60 billion over 10 years, and she intends to pay for it by cutting tax breaks to the oil and gas industry.

    She wants to cut tax breaks to industries that are making billions in profit to help make her country less dependant on limited ressources.

    She'd have my vote except for the fact that I don't live in the U.S.A.

    • by DrXym ( 126579 )
      If they're making billions in profits then why are they getting tax breaks? Besides, who's to say that renewables won't make billions in due course? Not just directly either for the company but indirectly in terms of air quality, health (& premiums), pollution etc.
    • I hate that saying though... what did those poor little birds do to you?!

      And if you do want to kill birds, invest in wind, not solar!

  • by StikyPad ( 445176 ) on Monday July 27, 2015 @09:52AM (#50189223) Homepage

    I promise I'll vote for any semi-competent alternative candidate who is not part of the Clinton/Bush family. Hell, I might even just write in Elizabeth Warren.

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Karmashock ( 2415832 )

      ... can we try to vote for someone that hasn't been CAUGHT lying... yet?

      Look, I know all politicians are liars but do we have to be so desensitized to it to actually vote for people that were caught lying?

      There are plenty of politicians on both sides that haven't been caught lying. Pick one of them please.

      • by PopeRatzo ( 965947 ) on Monday July 27, 2015 @10:26AM (#50189565) Journal

        ... can we try to vote for someone that hasn't been CAUGHT lying... yet?

        So, you're a Bernie Sanders supporter?

        Which of the GOP hopefuls hasn't been caught lying yet?

    • Hell, I might even just write in Elizabeth Warren.

      Bernie Sanders is just as good, and actually running.

  • I know it is not enough to handle all our energy needs but this would be a good step forward, and presumably it would drive down the cost of solar panels. It is the kind of policy that would truly ve future oriented.
    • Its not going to make any difference because it isn't a systemic change. And what is more, people keep thinking the big corps don't like the green movement. THEY LOVE IT. The pork spending in the name of the environment has been legendary. All the corps are feeding on the issue at this point. They all have some green product or green initiative and they all get big grants from the feds for it.

      These solar panels... We're talking about the clintons here... there will be quid pro quo on who gets the contract.

  • Storage? (Score:2, Informative)

    If solar is stored in lead-acid,how does it become environmentally friendly?
    • Re:Storage? (Score:5, Informative)

      by kenaaker ( 774785 ) on Monday July 27, 2015 @10:01AM (#50189315)
      You use the electricity and solar heat to create methane with a Sabatier reaction, and dump the methane into the national natural gas pipeline system. The gas becomes part of the 7-30 day reserve supply and runs the gas turbine peaking plants. There is a German pilot plant that has been running since 2012 and further development is planned. has more information.

    • Re:Storage? (Score:4, Funny)

      by Lumpy ( 12016 ) on Monday July 27, 2015 @10:06AM (#50189367) Homepage

      By using it to electrocute puppies.

    • Re:Storage? (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Karmashock ( 2415832 ) on Monday July 27, 2015 @10:12AM (#50189427)

      The only way it becomes enviro friendly is if it is distributed.

      The big problem with the green power plant concept is that they are building power plants. These are distributed energy sources. Put them on houses.

      Instead of giving the subsidies to corporations, give them to TAX PAYERS to buy panels to off set their energy usage.

      Especially in places that are hot... because they have sun and their air conditioners will sync up with their solar power generation.

      Don't even worry about other parts of the country. Hit the suburbs first. Possibly some rural communities.

      here someone will say "what about the cities"... nuclear power.

      For hundreds of years to come probably that will be the best answer for cities. People will say "but they're dangerous"... power is always dangerous. The first person to discover fire said "Ouch"... You make peace with the danger and you respect it. But shunning it because it is dangerous means you sleep in the cold.

      Respect it. The Japanese plant that everyone is exercised about had shitty maintenance. They were doctoring their reports to make it look like they were doing their jobs but they weren't. Result? Problems. You don't follow procedure in a powder mill and don't be surprised when it explodes.

      That's how this works. Nuclear power is wonderful. We could completely remove fossil fuels from our power grid with nuclear alone. economically.

      No other technology will let us do that.

      "green" power makes up about 4 percent of US generation minus the hydro. If you want to add the hydro that's still only 10 percent. Nuclear even though we haven't built a plant since the 1970s and many plants have closed... nuclear is comfortably around 22~25 percent of our power. Coal alone is about 45 percent of US electrical generation. And the balance is other fossil fuels.

      Nothing short of nuclear is making a dent in that.

      So choose. Nuclear or coal. Because unless your country has lots of Hydro like Canada... that's what you're doing. Anyone else that tells you differently is blowing green smoke up your ass.

    • When you catch someone atomising lead-acid batteries and spraying them into peoples' faces at street level in municipal city centres and suburban estates, let us know.

    • Re:Storage? (Score:4, Insightful)

      by compro01 ( 777531 ) on Monday July 27, 2015 @10:36AM (#50189667)

      What's the issue with lead-acid batteries? They're one of the most recycled things around.

  • she intends to pay for it by cutting tax breaks to the oil and gas industry.

    Wow so now she is backing out of the race entirely? If she was actually serious about it she would never get elected. My guess is if elected those cuts would mysteriously change place and come from somewhere with less money flowing into Washington.

    • she intends to pay for it by cutting tax breaks to the oil and gas industry.

      Wow so now she is backing out of the race entirely? If she was actually serious about it she would never get elected. My guess is if elected those cuts would mysteriously change place and come from somewhere with less money flowing into Washington.

      Actually, one needs to specify what tax breaks she thinks she's talking about.. What tax break is given to oil companies that isn't given to other types of businesses too? I dare say, she's intending to cripple the whole economic system in this country, or she's intending to single out one specific industry for "special" treatment concerning things like capital equipment depreciation and deduction of business expenses for paying leases and insurance..

  • Comment removed (Score:5, Interesting)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Monday July 27, 2015 @09:57AM (#50189275)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Bernie Sanders is a sheep dog, herding 'hippie' money into the democratic party. He is not opposing Hillary. In fact he already said he will endorse her when she wins the nomination. This is a tag team. And the cynicism couldn't be more obvious. It's a shame people aren't seeing through the facade.

  • I'm kind of wondering where they would all go.

    If each panel was a square meter, that's 193 square miles of solar panels.

    • by ArcadeMan ( 2766669 ) on Monday July 27, 2015 @10:10AM (#50189413)

      The best way to maximize solar panel efficiency is to put them into orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

    • I'm kind of wondering where they would all go.

      If each panel was a square meter, that's 193 square miles of solar panels.

      Hillary is talking about solar panels from Solyndra. They take up very little space . . . because they don't exist at all.

      Instead of making promises about the number of solar panels, Hillary should be talking about how much power will be produced by them. In relation to how much power that comes from other sources.

    • by Jeremi ( 14640 ) on Monday July 27, 2015 @10:43AM (#50189725) Homepage

      I'm kind of wondering where they would all go.
      If each panel was a square meter, that's 193 square miles of solar panels.

      193 square miles is 0.006% of the surface area of the United States.

      Or, if we wanted to only put the solar panels on existing residential roofs -- there are currently about 6184 square miles of residential roof space in the USA. (ref [])

  • by Lumpy ( 12016 ) on Monday July 27, 2015 @10:05AM (#50189355) Homepage

    I'll even do the install on my home myself.
      give me 30 monocrystalline current tech 300 watt panels. 9000 Watt Hour will reduce my carbon footprint dramatically, in fact I will use a syncing inverter that will push my excess power back to the grid so that my neighbors can benefit from it.

    I'll even put a sign in my yard for her if she does this.

    Note to the uneducated that will pipe in, This is how most solar installations work, grid intertied syncing inverters without battery storage are incredibly common for solar installs. No it doesn't cost the power company anything.

    • by bobbied ( 2522392 ) on Monday July 27, 2015 @11:07AM (#50190009)

      Yes, it DOES cost the power company.... Even if they don't pay you for the power you generate.

      The electric grid needs to be stable, that requires that every watt of power being used, must be instantly available when the demand for it happens. When you hit that light switch, the power to run the light must be instantly generated someplace, turn that light off and the system must stop providing that power, instantly. This instant power on/off capacity is actually done using mechanical storage in the spinning parts of power generation plants.

      Solar panels and inverters have no such storage capacity, they push power into the system when the sun shines, and stop doing that when it doesn't. This means that on cloudy days there is a large variation in the power available from photovoltaic solar sources. This variation can be averaged over large areas, but there remains a lot of uncertainty in how much power will be available at any instant, because it's really hard to forecast with accuracy where a cloud or thunder storm will be formed and where it will go.

      So, this leads to how photovoltaic solar has "cost" for your electric provider. Because of the uncertainty of how much power your solar panels will have available, the provider must maintain sufficient margin available to handle the instantaneous load of the entire system. So they are burning fuel to be ready to produce electricity they are unlikely to use because of the unpredictable nature of photovoltaic solar and not knowing if they will get what they expect from that source or not.

      In addition, there are transmission grid efficiency issues that come into play. It is really hard to keep the grid efficient when you know where and when you've scheduled power to be available and when and where it will be used. With the load variance introduced from a photovoltaic power source this problem becomes even more difficult. Power companies respond by using less efficient, but more stable configurations and power flows because of this varying load within the system. This inefficiency costs them as well.

      So, I'm not saying that it's all bad for power companies. Being able to buy power from your solar panels at your retail rate during peak load where the going spot rate may be triple or more is a good thing for them, but I am saying that there ARE costs in efficiency and complexity for them.

      Then there is a safety issue that's not talked about too much when the power grid goes down in local areas. Your Photovoltaic system can be pretty lethal for linemen if left connected when the power grid is down. Hopefully you have an inverter that figures out pretty quick when the line voltage and frequency is out of working range and shuts down, but there is a risk things won't work as expected and somebody gets hurt. It's a minor issue, but it does have cost for electric providers.

  • by RogueWarrior65 ( 678876 ) on Monday July 27, 2015 @10:13AM (#50189443)

    What this means to the layperson is, "The solar industry can't survive on its own and needs a crap-ton of subsidies to keep it afloat."
    This didn't work in the 70s but I guess because "the right people" will be in charge, it'll work this time around.

    • by ArcadeMan ( 2766669 ) on Monday July 27, 2015 @10:15AM (#50189455)

      The same could be said for the oil and gas industries. With billions in pure profits, why the fuck are they still getting subsidies and tax breaks?

      • The same could be said for the oil and gas industries. With billions in pure profits, why the fuck are they still getting subsidies and tax breaks?

        The effect of subsidies to the oil and gas industries is not to increase their profits, it is to lower the price of oil and gas, and increase consumption.

        So why did they ever get subsidies? Basically because mainstream America wanted lower gas prices and wanted to drive more.

  • That will cost a minimum of 75 million dollars. []

  • by Applehu Akbar ( 2968043 ) on Monday July 27, 2015 @10:20AM (#50189515)

    Rooftop solar is a great offset for energy usage in sunny parts of the country where the construction is all one-story. Now what about the high-rise apartment buildings in cities where the roof area per inhabitant is tiny and where buildings shade each other at different times of the day? Renewable power sources are highly situational, in that the type and availability of each source, and how they might mesh together, is heavily dependent on location. Then consider demand: a household may not mind having to wait to turn the oven on until the sun is high, while an industrial user has no such option.

    If Hillary wants the government to help, there is a better way to do it than having it subsidize all the "good" energy and hope for the best. Fix the legal system so that all forms of energy construction are limited only by the siting and safety standards that apply to that source, with the religious preferences of political pressure groups losing all legal standing to interfere. Capital will then flow to energy projects that are the best for each place.

    • by Jeremi ( 14640 )

      The technical problems you mention have obvious solutions.

      Not enough roof space on a high-rise to supply power to all of its residents? No problem, just put the solar panels somewhere else instead. Wires make it easy to move electricity from one place to another.

      Need more power when the sun isn't shining? That's a bit more expensive to solve, but the solution is obvious -- generate excess power in advance and store it in batteries, so that it is available when you need it. The cell phone, laptop, tablet

  • Does the US manufacture a significant amount of solar panels, or will much of this money go overseas?

  • by div_2n ( 525075 ) on Monday July 27, 2015 @10:40AM (#50189711)

    Current projections I've seen show about that many being installed regardless of what political efforts are underway. So she's basically pulling a Canute. That's really bold and ambitious of her. /s

  • Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Monday July 27, 2015 @10:43AM (#50189729)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by 140Mandak262Jamuna ( 970587 ) on Monday July 27, 2015 @11:23AM (#50190157) Journal
    Romney in 2012 made dramatic and what he thought would create shock value by promising 2$ a gallon gasoline. Obama actually saw 2$ gasoline for a brief period! Free market has a way of doing things no one predicted.

    The current trend is 500 million new solar panels without any special action by any legislator/executive. Simple market forces and trend lines. Residential solar is becoming competitive with subsidies and net metering. Utility scale solar is on track to become competitive with natural gas in a few years []. It is already competitive with coal for fresh installations. No new coal plant has come on line this year and last. The pipeline is dry too. Number of coal plants have fallen from 633 to 518 [] in the last decade. Coal has lost 20 GW of capacity in that time, and is on track to lose another 40 GW. Natural gas providing base load and solar meeting the peak load is going to become the norm in the next 10 years. No new breakthrough in energy storage, no battery wall made by Elon Musk, no widespread investment by home owners needed. Simple existing technologies, free market forces, interest rates and world flush with 2 trillion in capital not knowing where to invest for good returns.

    So half billion new solar panels might happen no matter who wins, Hilary or Jeb! or Walker or Trump or Bernie. We might even look back and see Hilary's half a billion solar panels the same way we look at Romney's 2$ gasoline.

  • by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Monday July 27, 2015 @11:32AM (#50190277)

    She also set a goal of installing half a billion new solar panels within her first term

    Come on, even working four years straight there's no way she can install that many solar panels!

    On the other hand, if she's doing that there's no way she has time to screw up the country like past presidents... OK, i'm in, as long as she keeps her promise to just install solar panels.

  • by WindBourne ( 631190 ) on Monday July 27, 2015 @11:53AM (#50190497) Journal
    We need to drop the subsidies and simply say that all buildings less than 6 stories are to have enough on-site AE to equal the energy used for the HVAC (and require AC as well). In addition, the local utility must buy any daily extra at the maximum price that it costs them to buy electricity from elsewhere.

    If she gets that passed, then not only will it put a stop to energy growth, but it will pretty much encourage cheaper buildings, and storage mechanism.

Whoever dies with the most toys wins.
