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Sunlight Foundation Announces 'Sarah's Inbox' 227

Eponymous Hero writes "In a sequel to, the publicly released emails of Supreme Court justice Elena Kagan, Sunlight Foundation has unveiled to offer you easy access and search to Sarah Palin's recently released emails. If that doesn't flip your bits, have a gander at some of the tools Sunlight Foundation offers relating to government watchdogging, like Poligraft, or Inbox Influencer."
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Sunlight Foundation Announces 'Sarah's Inbox'

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    Keep our attention off of what is really happening that could make a difference in our lives. Don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain!

    • by Hazel Bergeron ( 2015538 ) on Thursday June 16, 2011 @02:36PM (#36467186) Journal

      Indeed. Call me when we have a similar facility for people on this list [].

  • by CLaRGe ( 2267700 )

    I can understand govt watchdogging; we need that. But she's not even in the govt.

    • by NeutronCowboy ( 896098 ) on Thursday June 16, 2011 @02:57PM (#36467428)

      But the emails stem from a time when she was in government. Just because of that, I say that they are fair game. Now.... if people would stop reporting on her every waking minute (and don't watch it, for god's sake!), she would disappear into the night. She is nothing without publicity.

    • The FOIA request for the mails was put up when she actually was in the government. They just managed to drag the process along until these day. Telling in itself.
    • The number of justifications given is just endless. Whenever I encounter someone with PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome) I have learned it is best just to walk away. It gets really silly if they start spouting Tina Fey lines when they try to show their intelligence.

      If anything the e-mail episode proved beyond a shadow of a doubt the partisan traits of two certain papers.

      Now, lets see someone try this with those on the other side of the political spectrum, say someone who ain't white, and see how far it gets.

    • I can understand govt watchdogging; we need that. But she's not even in the govt.

      But she and at least a few other people would like for her to be. I'm not optimistic enough to say for sure "America would not vote Sarah Palin into the white house," so the more insurance we have that she won't get there, the better.

  • by RobotRunAmok ( 595286 ) on Thursday June 16, 2011 @02:40PM (#36467242)

    ...this ...this ...what do they call it? "Palin Derangement Syndrome." Yeah. "PDS." But I see it now, with this whole e-mail witch hunt, and man, is it ugly and perverse. And from the people who typically whine the most about "privacy," no less!


    • But I see it now, with this whole e-mail witch hunt, and man, is it ugly and perverse. And from the people who typically whine the most about "privacy," no less!

      If you don't want the public looking through your work related e-mail, don't get elected to public office.

  • Can we please... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by mattgoldey ( 753976 ) on Thursday June 16, 2011 @02:43PM (#36467278)
    Can we please stop paying attention to this nitwit? Wasn't her 15 minutes up a LONG time ago?
    • Its not people that support her that are calling all this attention to her, its the people that have the irrational dislike/hatred of her.
      • by bmo ( 77928 ) on Thursday June 16, 2011 @03:27PM (#36467722)


        Speak for yourself.

        As someone living up here in the Northeast, when you come up here to lecture us about history (there are 391 years of it here), you'd better know your shit.

        But no, she came up here, didn't know, tried to make some sort of point that I'm still trying to figure out, and is arrogant about it. And that's just recent history. Just trying to parse her word salad on a day to day basis must make any political aide or reporter go insane.

        Yet she has aspirations to be President some day.

        Stupid isn't bad, if you're not bull-headed. Arrogant isn't bad if you know your stuff. Stupid *and* arrogant? You really want that?

        The hatred is not irrational.


        • There should be a word for when one is both in error and arrogant, such as "errogant".

          • by Toonol ( 1057698 )
            There should be a word for when one is both in error and arrogant, such as "errogant".

            Amusingly, that's one of the most common problems with slashdot posters; they're frequently wrong, often stupid, and always convinced of their truth.
            • Amusingly, that's one of the most common problems with slashdot posters; they're frequently wrong, often stupid, and always convinced of their truth.

              Thank god you and me are completely different!

        • by jmottram08 ( 1886654 ) on Thursday June 16, 2011 @03:56PM (#36467990)
          I would like to introduce you to Joe Biden, Vice President and first in line to become POTUS. . . . . You were saying?
          • Biden makes a lot of gaffes; I have not seen him steadfastly refuse to admit he's wrong when he's wrong.
          • by osgeek ( 239988 )

            No kidding. Joe Biden would be this decade's Dan Quayle if he were a Republican. They'd be showing the bit where he asked the guy in the wheelchair to stand up over and over on the Daily Show. You'd see constant mention of his quote that "J-O-B-S, JOBS!" is a three letter word.

            It's funny how the press seems to give him a pass. Such a mystery of the universe.

          • I would like to introduce you to Joe Biden, Vice President and first in line to become POTUS. . . . . You were saying?

            Are you freaking kidding me? Are you so enamored by Palin that you refuse to see any of her follies?

            Perhaps you should re-watch the 2008 Vice Presidential Debate.

        • As someone who lives outside the US and has no dog in this fight (as it were), I'm really hoping she stands for the Republican nomination, purely for the entertainment factor. Every time I see her on TV and hear the latest buffoonery that spills from her mouth, I laugh and laugh and laugh. Still its not my government she potentially could be heading, so I guess I can afford to laugh. Although now I think about it, she will be in charge of a big bunch of nukes, so maybe I ought to worry more. On the other ha
        • >irrational

          Speak for yourself.

          As someone living up here in the Northeast, when you come up here to lecture us about history (there are 391 years of it here), you'd better know your shit.

          But no, she came up here, didn't know, tried to make some sort of point that I'm still trying to figure out, and is arrogant about it. And that's just recent history. Just trying to parse her word salad on a day to day basis must make any political aide or reporter go insane.

          Yet she has aspirations to be President some day.

          Stupid isn't bad, if you're not bull-headed. Arrogant isn't bad if you know your stuff. Stupid *and* arrogant? You really want that?

          The hatred is not irrational.


          Not irrational? Hmmm... I suppose we have different definitions about that. However, that being said I have to ask if you merely accepted the story that Palin was an idiot on those comments or did you bother to look around and do some reading? At least NPR [] did do some asking around and such.

          • by bmo ( 77928 )

            I didn't so much pay attention to what NPR or what anyone else said.

            I saw the transcript and made my own deductions.

            I wrote about this earlier.


            You cannot cram for Northeast history. You simply can't.

            "He who warned, uh, the ⦠the British that they werenâ(TM)t gonna be takinâ(TM) away our arms, uh, by ringinâ(TM) those bells and, um, by makinâ(TM) sure that as heâ(TM)s ridinâ(TM) his horse through town to sen

      • My dislike of Palin is entirely rational. The woman is catering to a demographic that has been playing la-la-la-I-am-not-listening with any news about the changes of the last 50 years. These are people who want to go back to the grand days of the 1960s have the very dangerous idea that they can somehow do that. Things have changed: there are now 6+ billion people instead of a couple billion; the Chinese way of life is in our face instead of a very, very long way away; the very climate is different and is pr

    • People are drama addicts. Palin's 15 minutes was just enough time to launch a whole new domain of reality TV. It's a brilliantly manufactured PR campaign. no less.

  • Not necessary (Score:5, Insightful)

    by nharmon ( 97591 ) on Thursday June 16, 2011 @02:43PM (#36467282)

    This sort of email sifting is more about drumming up negative publicity for one's political enemies than watching out for government abuse.

    If you really want to find government abuse all you need is Most if it is documented there.

  • by gubers33 ( 1302099 ) on Thursday June 16, 2011 @02:46PM (#36467304)
    "At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."
  • Palin's not running for office. Focus on the currently elected leaders instead. This article sums it up pretty well. []
    • She was in office when this FOIA request was made. It's just that the stated purposefully delayed for enough years that it wasn't until after she left office that they released anything.

      • by osgeek ( 239988 )

        But she's not in office now. The level of zeal in pursuing an out-of-office governor turned vice presidential candidate fits in perfectly with my observations that the mainstream media in this country is biased against those to the right of the US political spectrum.

  • When I saw the url, I thought maybe it was her box in a box: []

  • I'm not likely to agree politically with the crowd of DailyKos readers or whatnot who are so into this, but even if I did, why the big interest in Palin's official emails rather than, say, Mitt Romney's, Tim Pawlenty's, or Gary Johnson's? They're ex-governors as well, and they're actually running, while Palin isn't and probably won't be.
    • I'm not likely to agree politically with the crowd of DailyKos readers or whatnot who are so into this, but even if I did, why the big interest in Palin's official emails rather than, say, Mitt Romney's, Tim Pawlenty's, or Gary Johnson's? They're ex-governors as well, and they're actually running, while Palin isn't and probably won't be.

      Because they aren't Sarah Palin and for some reason some people think we MUST DESTROY SARAH PALIN!!!11!!one!!!111!!!

      As to they why.. no clue..

    • I mean serious burning, seething hatred.

      They have an obsessive compulsion that she must be destroyed!

      She must be mocked at every turn. Even when she says something historically correct, mock her for being incorrect and ignorant. The mainstream press will likely only report the mocking, not the fact that she was right and her attackers were ignorant.

      I have seriously never seen anything like this before. Even though the left hated Bush, it didn't rise to this level of obsessiveness. Even the birthers don't se

      • I agree, but I was asking in the hopes of finding what the left expects to get out of it, beyond fun. From outside, it just looks like "let's get together and jeer and boo and hiss at someone we hate." Nothing wrong with that, if you enjoy it. I wouldn't mind a Noam Chomsky dartboard for my loft, myself. But in the equivalent position I wouldn't be making as big a deal out of this as they are unless there was something politically useful to be gained.
  • They desperately wanted them for the 2008 election, but didn't get them. Now the media was drooling over their release coming into this election season, even openly enlisting readers to dig through them to find damaging material to kick her out of this election.

    And all they show is a governor doing her job.

    Oh horrors, she arranged a baby shower for her kid with the media, demanding all gifts go to families of deployed soldiers. What a bad person!

  • Beyond all of the comments about how this is all standard Palingazing. I think there's a lot to be said for the sunlight foundation and this sort of analysis of a public official's emails.

    Sure you could get this sort of information by FOIA request but it's reasonably apparent that politicians aren't tremendously afraid of the public reading their every word.

    I gave the emails a quick glance and one of the things I'm most surprised by is how informal most of the emails are. I think if I were sending an email

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