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Internet Users Ask FCC To Ban Data Caps (arstechnica.com) 25

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: It's been just a week since US telecom regulators announced a formal inquiry into broadband data caps, and the docket is filling up with comments from users who say they shouldn't have to pay overage charges for using their Internet service. The docket has about 190 comments so far, nearly all from individual broadband customers.

Federal Communications Commission dockets are usually populated with filings from telecom companies, advocacy groups, and other organizations, but some attract comments from individual users of telecom services. The data cap docket probably won't break any records given that the FCC has fielded many millions of comments on net neutrality, but it currently tops the agency's list of most active proceedings based on the number of filings in the past 30 days.
"Data caps, especially by providers in markets with no competition, are nothing more than an arbitrary money grab by greedy corporations. They limit and stifle innovation, cause undue stress, and are unnecessary," wrote Lucas Landreth.

"Data caps are as outmoded as long distance telephone fees," wrote Joseph Wilkicki. "At every turn, telecommunications companies seek to extract more revenue from customers for a service that has rapidly become essential to modern life." Pointing to taxpayer subsidies provided to ISPs, Wilkicki wrote that large telecoms "have sought every opportunity to take those funds and not provide the expected broadband rollout that we paid for."

In response to Trump-appointed FCC Commissioner Nathan Simington's coffee refill analogy, internet users "Jonathan Mnemonic" and James Carter wrote, "Coffee is not, in fact, internet service." They added: "Cafes are not able to abuse monopolistic practices based on infrastructural strangleholds. To briefly set aside the niceties: the analogy is absurd, and it is borderline offensive to the discerning layperson."

Internet Users Ask FCC To Ban Data Caps

Comments Filter:
  • Fritz Post (Score:4, Funny)

    by TeknoHog ( 164938 ) on Wednesday October 23, 2024 @06:12PM (#64888659) Homepage Journal
    I tried to make first post but I'd used up my data cap
  • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Wednesday October 23, 2024 @06:16PM (#64888669)
    what does this article have to do with the US Republican Party?
    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      by rossdee ( 243626 )

      "what does this article have to do with the US Republican Party?"

        TFS does refer to Trump-appointed FCC Commissioner Nathan Simington

      One would assume that someone appointed by Trump would be a Republican.

      Although not all Republicans support Trump these days...

  • Throttle instead. (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward

    I don't like data caps, but at the very least traffic should be throttled if heavy users aren't being charged any more. I think my ISP does that instead of capping data and charging extra. My mobile carrier charges for traffic over the data cap, so I just don't use it for data.

    The reality of oversubscription means that ISPs simply can't guarantee a high minimum bandwidth if every single user is using as much as they can simultaneously. This is true for POTS, the cell network, and ISPs. Networks are sized fo

    • My ISP lost a lawsuit over oversubscription. In short, stop porming insane speeds you cant deliver.
  • Banning data caps is one of the dumbest ideas I've heard...and there are a lot of dumb ideas out there on this interwebs thing. Caps can be a way to keep usage to reasonable levels in order to provide a reasonable level of service to all users. Let the providers and customers work it out in the market. Like with anything else they'll be smarter than central planners.

    • Re: (Score:1, Flamebait)

      by Khyber ( 864651 )

      "Caps can be a way to keep usage to reasonable levels in order to provide a reasonable level of service to all users."

      Or, you know, maybe ISPs could quit oversubscribing their networks and use that 200 billion in tax breaks from 1996 to actually do what they were fucking supposed to do.

      You corporate bootlicking shill.

      • maybe ISPs could quit oversubscribing their networks

        That would cost more. You're welcome to ask your ISP for such a subscription (ask for enterprise connection pricing)...but most people want to pay less than that so oversubscription is the deal. Forbidding caps in the context of necessary oversubscription is just asking to subsidize the heaviest users who will negatively impact your experience. Pick your poison carefully.

      • You corporate bootlicking shill.

        What a logical, well-reasoned, and persuasive argument.

    • I've never had a metered broadband connection but the TOS includes the ability for the ISP to tweak things if I was using the full bandwidth 24/7. It is an obnoxious thing to worry about these days.
  • by sit1963nz ( 934837 ) on Wednesday October 23, 2024 @07:41PM (#64888875)
    Not seen these or data shaping, port blocking etc etc for probably 20 years now.
    My unlimited 900/600Gb with a fixed IP costs me US$48 a month (including taxes)
    I run my own servers, I have backed up 20TB one month with zero issues.
    Own my own modem
    I also have access to about 20 ISPs and if I want to pay more I can move up to 4Tb
    • LULz, you aren't getting 900Gb for $48. But your entire brag is just sad. No one cares.

      • Correct, it should have been MB, typo, my mistake, apologies.
        But as for caring... you did otherwise you would not have replied.
        But as far as broadband is concerned, the USA is not great, other countries do it far better, far cheaper.
    • Because fiber doesn't have the same bottleneck old copper did. But we still very much see this in the mobile space. Mobile providers promise insane speed but in reality, can't offer it up if people use it.
  • by Joe_Dragon ( 2206452 ) on Wednesday October 23, 2024 @07:55PM (#64888911)

    Comcast makes you pay more for your equipment to have umlimted vs renting from comcast with umlimted

  • Websites, services, and apps are generally getting more bloated, not less. So that means people are getting less and less value from their data plans as time goes on. Trying to tell these websites and services to stop bloating everything to hell and stop wasting ungodly amounts of data is as effective as walking out into a field and shouting at the moon, so the only thing to do is raise or eliminate the caps altogether. In other words "Prices for everything continue to skyrocket, but our paychecks are still
  • Comcast won't allow me a synchronous connection at my home. They only do this crap because there is no one else that offers even the speeds they have at my home. The only reason you get a upload increase is when other companies get close to them and start to threaten their monopoly.

As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality. -- Albert Einstein
