RNC and Voter Suppression 182
Indomitus writes "Slashdot recently listed the story about a voter registration company tearing up registration forms from Democrats but the story is quickly becoming much more than just that one story. Daily Kos is keeping track of the many folks digging up more and more information on this scandal-in-the-making. This is not only an important story to get out to voters, it's a great example of power of the internet to facilitate participatory journalism."
Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)
Indeed! (Score:4, Funny)
Wait, I'm sorry, I should have said "living-impaired people".
Re:Indeed! (Score:2)
Ah yes . . . and our current Attourney General was such a piss-poor republican he lost a Senate race to a dead man [cnn.com]. Interesting political times . . .
Re:initial thoughts? (Score:2)
I am biased, but I try very hard to look at things objectively. I can see plenty of shenanigans starting that look like they're coming from both sides, but no indication that the parties themselves are behind it.
There are similar stories of intimidation from numerous Republican campaign office being vandalized or stolen from. There are insinuations that the unions are involved, and
Re:initial thoughts? (Score:2)
I don't know about NV, but I recently registered to vote in Florida at Chik-Fil-A. They had a booth going with both parties represented (with signs/banners, not humans). My wife brought me the form and I handed the completed form to the cashier. My wife got to eat the ice-cream brownie they were using to bribe registrants with.
Re:initial thoughts? (Score:3, Informative)
Well, three people who resigned [keloland.com] from the South Dakota GOP over the voter fraud scandal, have now been hired to work for the Bush-Cheney campaign in Ohio [argusleader.com]. I think that's more than just a "wink, smile and nod" system. They are actively being encouraged to maintain these tactics.
If the DNC is involved in this sort of thing, lets see some evidence. And no, the Colorado election day manual is
Re:initial thoughts? (Score:2, Interesting)
Could this be grounds should Bush win? (I don't have a clue - it is a question for those more knowledgable in these matters than me).
Re:initial thoughts? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:initial thoughts? (Score:2)
That would be a good analogy if the real story was that somebody asked a waiter for a clean knife; and then got charged with a stabbing murder for cutting the steak.
Re:initial thoughts? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:initial thoughts? (Score:2, Informative)
What's the word after "tax and spend"? (Score:3, Interesting)
One of my complaints about conservatives is that they are hypocritical.
One of my complaints about "conservatives" is that they are not only not honest, they are not conservative. Look at Democrat and Republican spending patterns. [hevanet.com]
Re:What's the word after "tax and spend"? (Score:2)
True conservatism lies in a third party.
Re:What's the word after "tax and spend"? (Score:2)
Don't equivocate republicans with conservatives. Conservatism is a political ideology, along with liberalism and socialism. "Republican" is one of the U.S's national parties. Yes, it is reasonable to say that many conservative minded people vote republican, but that does not mean that every conservative votes republican, nor does it mean that every republican is conservative.
Then again, the modern day "liberal" that Rush Limbaugh likes to rail against is not the same as the liberal political ideology.
Reagan borrowed money for corrupt programs. (Score:2)
My understanding is that Reagan ran up a big bill by asking for the "600 ship Navy" [cbo.gov]. Reagan also spent a lot on the Star Wars Missile Defense [thirdworldtraveler.com], which was entirely government fraud, because it could not work with present technology.
My understanding is that Reagan did this to embezzle money for his friends in the weapons industry. Both of these programs were entirely government corruption.
Note that the last few presidents have come from alcohol-influenced families: Reagan was an ACOA. George H.W. Bush is
Re:initial thoughts? (Score:5, Insightful)
My advice to everyone on this particular issue:
1. Send those involved to jail. The GOP should oust the people who decided to fund this fraudulent organization. Yesterday.
2. States affected should pass emergency legislation to allow late voter registration for this election, and encourage everyone who registered this year to double check that they *are* registered. This should be heavily publicized. All this is expensive, but much better than the alternative.
I'm a republican, btw.
Re:initial thoughts? (Score:2)
Re:initial thoughts? (Score:2)
Don't, however, think that if this was cleaned up that it would show more illegalities on the Republican side of the fence.
Re:initial thoughts? (Score:2)
AKA the politicians.
Re:initial thoughts? (Score:2)
Re:initial thoughts? (Score:4, Interesting)
My advice to everyone on this particular issue: 1. Send those involved to jail. The GOP should oust the people who decided to fund this fraudulent organization. Yesterday.
No, that would be the ethical thing to do. Instead they just fired them, and then moved them to Ohio [argusleader.com] to do the same damn thing.
I'm a republican, btw.
I was too, until I realized how deeply criminal the party has become. From Tom Delay to Cheney to Rowland to the treason committed against Valerie Plame to the almost innumerable criminal investigations [kuro5hin.org] into Republican activities, it just sickens me. I *was* an Eisenhower Republican, but today that makes me a bleeding-heart liberal.
Re:initial thoughts? (Score:2, Insightful)
Cool. I like being proven wrong every once in a while. Like so many other liberals, it is easy for me to put republicans in one neat little group. Easier to vilify.
Re:initial thoughts? (Score:2)
On the other side, there are extensively documented instances of voter registration fraud among democrat organizations in Colorado, Ohio, Illinois, New Mexico and Iowa.
So extensive, you couldn't even link to one.
Re:initial thoughts? (Score:2, Insightful)
Your fellow citizens are quite likely being denied their civil right to vote. All you can think about is how this is some conspiracy fueled by partisanship? Unless you can provide some proof that the Democrats are doing something shady regarding the right to vote, your speculation is useless. All the Democrats have done is make their people aware of these problems so that they may be used to insure that the vote is
Re:initial thoughts? (Score:2)
In that case, I won't be terribly bothered when you have no rights. Me, I'll be sitting in a country where people actually give a damn.
Thanks for clearing things up for me - for a minute, I felt a twinge of guilt sbout you poor suckers.
Re:initial thoughts? (Score:2)
Re:initial thoughts? (Score:3, Insightful)
These people are impugning my integrity as someone who attempts to register new voters and insure that my n
Re:initial thoughts? (Score:2)
People are being disenfranchised even when they decide to participate. If you don't understand that, *you* should not be allowed to vote yourself!
Re:initial thoughts? (Score:5, Informative)
Like how he was kicked off of the ballot in Pennsylvania(?) because he had enough signatures obtained in a timely manner, but the signatures were from Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.
Re:initial thoughts? (Score:2)
Well since RNC funded organizations have been getting Nader on the ballet as a spoiler in places where he wouldn't normally be on, it's not as simple as you make it seem.
Re:initial thoughts? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:initial thoughts? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:initial thoughts? (Score:2)
Re:initial thoughts? (Score:2)
And more people turn 18, and more are born, and yes new people move in who are just as unlikely to nor register as the people who moved out..
Oh well... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Oh well... (Score:2)
Never goes just one way (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Never goes just one way (Score:2)
There's news like that all over. Not sure what the right answer is except to maybe classify voter fraud (of any stripe) as a capital offense.
Re:Never goes just one way (Score:2)
The same puppeteer has the Dubya sock puppet on his right hand, and the Lurch puppet on his left. He's so fat that the curtain no longer hides him, but I'm still supposed to believe him when he tells me I have a choice to make....
Re:Never goes just one way (Score:2)
Re:Never goes just one way (Score:2)
Re:Never goes just one way (Score:3, Insightful)
their corruption NEEDS to be pointed out again and again, and fought, not just letting it happen.
Re:Never goes just one way (Score:2)
Re:Never goes just one way (Score:2)
Well, I looked at that site, which seems to be a rather vague interpretation of an election handbook. Not willing to trust the clearly partisan tone of the article, I tried to look at the original source, which is stated as drudgereport.com.
drudgereport.com has a link to the story on its front page... which links back to the story you linked to!
Looking at drudgereport.c
Oh the shock and surprise. (Score:5, Interesting)
Rock the Vote versus the RNC [dailykos.com], Ed Gillespie told MTV to stop talking about the draft. MTV responded very succinctly, IMNSHO: Now this is probably flamebait, but I think it's poignant given this thread:
Conservatives: Still trying to enforce the 3/5ths compromise!
Re:Oh the shock and surprise. (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Oh the shock and surprise. (Score:2)
It's not bogus. There's a very real possibility that the MTV generation could bear the majority of human costs of our current series of military operations. This could be through a draft or through a volunteer army, but it doesn't change the probability of the age group most likely to get killed. Without political power, these people will not be able to make that decision. Did you read Gillespie's letter? He's claiming that they are violating the
Re:Oh the shock and surprise. (Score:2)
Mind you, Dubya is just as bad. Anyone ever stop to consider that both sides want this, and that they're doing a little theater show for us just so we don't realize what's going on?
Re:Oh the shock and surprise. (Score:2, Flamebait)
And you take this letter seriously.
Look -- if you're stupid enough to buy this argument, you're too fucking stupid to vote.
Re:Oh the shock and surprise. (Score:2)
Re:Oh the shock and surprise. (Score:2)
The truth is, "soldier" is increasingly a high-tech, high-training sort of job. You can't learn it sufficiently quickly to do it in a two year draft, and you really want people to be motivated and enthusiastic anyway.
The biggest need, in any case, is special operations (Special Forces, Air Commandos, etc) people, and you just don't draft those people.
Now, Kerry has suiggested an obligatory "national service" requirement, but that wouldn't be useful for the military.
Re:Oh the shock and surprise. (Score:2)
Re:Oh the shock and surprise. (Score:2)
The military has little say in it. They take their orders from Congress and the Executive Branch.
Who do you mean, specifically? Rumsfeld? People with connections to the current regime^H^H^H^H^H^H administration aren't going to come out in favor of a draft in an election year.
It's illegal to reinstate the draft? According to who? Why are we bothering with Selective Service?
It's "illeg
Re:Oh the shock and surprise. (Score:2)
Okay, he wasn't being a dolt. He was maliciously raising fears of the Republicans doing something they don't want, in order to use his lies against them in an election.
Yes, I feel so much better about it now.
Re:Oh the shock and surprise. (Score:2)
To get you back on topic: Your original post implied that it was ludicrous to think that our congresscritters were even considering reinstating the draft. You offered four points of evidence, and I refuted them in turn.
Rather than discuss the merits of my refutation, you decided the best response was to castigate the gu
Re:Oh the shock and surprise. (Score:3, Insightful)
(1) the military doesn't want a draft. Your response: the military can't turn down a draft if one is established by law.
You neglect to ask the essential questino: if the military can't use draftees, why would one be instituted?
(2) DoD doesn't want a draft either. Your response: they wouldn't propose such a thing in an election year.
True. But then, since there is no reason to imagine that the military wants one -- it doesn't fit with the way a US military works
Re:Oh the shock and surprise. (Score:2)
The biggest question still lingering in my mind is, what happens if Bush stays in office, and throws a couple more potential quagmires into the mix. Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria? Unless Bush gets better at alliance-building and diplomacy (
Re:Oh the shock and surprise. (Score:2)
Well, you apparently think, fuzzily, that these are mutually distinct, which isn't encouraging, but
Forcing what issue? For a number of purely military reasons (as I've described above) there is no military reason to even want a draft; politically, the Republican Party knows that it wouldn't be acceptable anyway; practically, by the time a draft could be reorganized, and the first recruits trained, the poten
Re:Oh the shock and surprise. (Score:2)
If you're worried about a draft, you should be worried about Kerry and the Democrats -- they're the ones proposing a revival of the draft.
Re:Oh the shock and surprise. (Score:2)
I'm voting for Kerry, but I agree their tactics are pretty questionable.
Re:Oh the shock and surprise. (Score:2)
Re:Oh the shock and surprise. (Score:2)
Re:Oh the shock and surprise. (Score:2)
Flawed elections (Score:5, Interesting)
That's were I start to worry already. Why do obscure private companies carry out tasks that important to build trust in an election's result?
Where I live (in the old world), my administration knows I'm a citizen and when there's elections, they send me all necessary stuff automatically. That's what a public administration is for, after all.
It's still before the elections, and I already know I'm not gonna trust the result.
But we'll have to live with it anyway, so please, dear Americans, take a wise decision.
Re:Flawed elections (Score:2, Interesting)
Therefore, the government would have to surmount a lot of bullshit in order to determine who can vote and who cannot. Whenever the government does make a determination about who can vote and who cannot, there is invariably a huge battle. Furthermore, it would worry me that our cur
Excruciating Editorial Bias (Score:2, Informative)
A submission from Indomitus [mattorama.net], a left-leaning reader (nothing wrong with that) comes in citing the dailyKOS as a source of news, and the editor doesn't even explain that that site is so unbelievably slanted as to be unreadable.
Just as a test, I've submitted the following story just to see what response I get. I'll be FLOORED if it gets through, although it is at least as accurate as the post Michael approved.
The DNC has now conf [rockymountainnews.com]
Screaming "Liberal!" is not a rebuttal to the fact (Score:2)
A submission from Indomitus, a left-leaning reader (nothing wrong with that) comes in citing the dailyKOS as a source of news, and the editor doesn't even explain that that site is so unbelievably slanted as to be unreadable.
If you have a problem with the facts, say so. Otherwise please stop with the incessant whining about "bias." The facts as they stand are that the RNC is encouraging if not sponsoring massive vote fraud, the DNC is NOT, and all the movement conservatives seem to be able to offer up in
The "facts" are that there's no PROOF... (Score:2)
The rest of the accusations of registration destruction is all hearsay and could very well be a counter campaign by the DNC to smear the Republicans. Not true you say? Well what does page 66 of the DNC manual say? "pre-emptive" strikes on vote intimidation and f
Let's see the RNC playbooks (Score:2)
If you read the DNC training manual, it asked the staff to review local DNC tractic and remind the media of past RNC practices. So what's wrong or fraudulant about that? It's certainly a far cry from destroying voter registraion cards.
Sinclair sotry even more so (Score:3, Informative)
My media biased opinion (Score:2)
What I'm reading on news sites (mostly left leaning) is that this particular election is quickly becoming the farces that you only see/hear about from third world countries (I should know, I live in one), where the stories of election theft are so fantastic people would feel like laughing out loud
Re:My media biased opinion (Score:2)
Having your election decided by a razor thin margin in a state run by your brother and elections presided over by your campaign manager of the state destroys trust in the election process. Admitting defeat after following
For all you democrats (Score:2, Redundant)
No-one except 1 person in each state vote!!!! (Score:2)
If everyone campaigns and elects a single person in each state to vote, only one person does that, and there is an easy way of counting the electoral college votes.
So really, the democrats need to convince the republicans that they have it won so easily that they all sit at home and don't bother voting while secretly all the democrats go and vote mwahahahahahha. Or is that what the Republicans are doing to the democrats
Might as well get the whole story (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Might as well get the whole story (Score:2)
Re:Might as well get the whole story (Score:2)
Corrected: Might as well get part of the story (Score:3, Informative)
Disclaimer: Pissed off conservative sick of the biased "bored again conservatives" making the rest of us REAL Conservatives look like bushbots.
Re:Corrected: Might as well get part of the story (Score:2)
Re:Corrected: Might as well get part of the story (Score:2)
Ann Cooter (or however you spell it) ads. Hannity, Moore, Franken, etc. We already have enough people going out of their way to shut off the sources of information they don't like whether it's useful or not. Not to mention people deliberately doing the strawman thing. Most of my friends think it's ok to "win at all costs"
Re:Corrected: Might as well get part of the story (Score:2)
Someone please clarify (Score:2)
Re:Someone please clarify (Score:2)
A question (Score:2, Interesting)
It's well known that the right wing is really good about distributing these talking points and hammering away on them in a consistent fashion. My question is: where is this particular point being coordinated from? Is it though a web site like Fr
Political Zealotry (Score:2, Insightful)
Whoever loses is going to have legions of bitter hardened zealots available to rally four years later.
Google search on voter fraud shows many examples. (Score:2)
Google search: voter fraud. [google.com]
Government data shows Democrat and Republican spending patterns. [hevanet.com]
Honestly. (Score:2, Interesting)
If you're too lazy to go a little out of your way to register to vote, should you really even be trusted with making an educated decision on who you are going to vote for?
Re:Honestly. (Score:2)
Re:What about DNC orders to claim voter intimidati (Score:5, Informative)
Re:What about DNC orders to claim voter intimidati (Score:2)
My point is that if the media is watching for voter intimidation it makes it hard to disenfranchise voters. I don't see how getting the media involved to help make voting fair and available to every body is a bad thing. Not wanting the media to watch for voter fraud is only the opinion of the people allowing/wanting the fraud to happen. Like you.
Re:What about DNC orders to claim voter intimidati (Score:2)
Sorry to jump down your throat btw.
Re:What about DNC orders to claim voter intimidati (Score:2)
I don't care who's doing it, if it was the Democrats doing it and the Republicans complaining, I STILL WANT TO KNOW. It still should be stopped.
Re:What about DNC orders to claim voter intimidati (Score:3, Insightful)
I do agree however on your point that we should know of shenanigans from both sides. Which is why I started this thread in the first place. There needs to be balance.
In general, I agree with a previous poster who stated that this is all part of a campaign to set the stage so that if the Democrats lose they can claim the e
Re:What about DNC orders to claim voter intimidati (Score:2)
I'd say they're equally bad. The end result (the destruction of acceptance of the electoral process) is the same. If anything, the latter destroys an election while the former destroys the electoral process itself.
Re:What about DNC orders to claim voter intimidati (Score:2)
Re:What about DNC orders to claim voter intimidati (Score:2)
Source? (Score:2)
drudgereport.com has a link to the story on its front page... which links back to the story you linked to!
Looking at drudgereport.com's "recent headlines" link, http://www.drudgereportarchives.com/dsp/links_rec a p.htm , it has three links to what I assume is the docum
No I did not, and that's a good point (Score:2)
I have noticed that another poster *did* submit the story subsequently. We'll see what happens. However, the real test is what happens the next time, and the time after that, etc.
Re:Tell me again that Slashdot isn't biased... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Tell me again that Slashdot isn't biased... (Score:3, Insightful)
Story 2 - Lone gunman
Story 3 - People paid on a "per voter registration card" basis have incentive to turn in forged voter registrations. No indication that these people actually intended to make use of these fake registrations for voting purposes.
Story 4 - Democrat governor wants his people to oversee elections. Republicans don't.
Story 5 - Only story nearly as newsworthy as the one Slashdot is reporting.
As for your final story about the Democratic playbook, discussing voter intimid